Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1360

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S9252<t8 - A925291
JUL-DEC. 1977

A9252t8. Boulder, Coal Creek Canyoa, Lafayette, CO, and others telephone directory, NoTenbei: 1977. @ dountaln states Telephone and Telegraph CoBpany; 7Nov77; 4925248.

i9252119. Divorce in poetry. By Dorothy De Shon. 101 p. 9 Dorothy De Shon; 30Hov77; i9252t9,

1925250. Ox-devils and snake-spirits. By Man K. Tan. 106 p. Han K. Taai; 70ec77; 4925250.

&925251. Bobrick iashrooa Equipaent catalog. No. P-7B06, Jan. 1, 1978. 55 p. 9 Bobrick HashrooD Equipoent, Inc.; 7Dec77; 4925251.

4925252. Bobrick laminated plastic toilet compartnents. Catalog no. TP-7807, Jan. 1, 1978. 7 p. e Bobrick Bashroom Eqnipnent, Inc.; 7Dec77 ; A925252.

4925253. Solar energy books. By National Solar Energy Education Campaign, coopiled & edited by International Compendiua, Jerry fiobison, president; cover art 6 illus. by Ann Szymkoirica. 118 p. @ International ConpendiuB; 1<tDec77; 4925253.

4925254. The Goof-proof cookbook. By Jacqueline Eastnan. 25 p. Jacqueline Eastman; 9Dec77: 4925254.

4925255. Pilling properties of polyester/cotton circular knit fabrics; progress report. Compilation by West Point-Pepperell, Inc. 1 V. Portions of appendix 1 e 2 prev. pub. NH: compilation S additions. O Hest Point-Pepperell, Inc.; lJun77; 4925255.

4925256. College Today: Pennsylvania. Nev Jersey, 1977-78. Editor: Heyward Siddons, art director: Pat Cravens. 28 p. 4ppl. au: Hedia Direction. Inc. © Media Direction, Inc.; 25NOV77; A925256.

A925257. College Today: Tirqinia, Maryland, Bashinqton D.C., 1977-78. Editor: Heynard Siddons, art director: Pat Cravens. 24 p. Appl. au: Media Direction, Inc. e Media Direction, Inc.; 25Nov77; 4925257.

A925258. Colleqe Today: Georqia, Florida, 1977-78. Editor: Heyward Siddons, art director; Pat Cravens. 24 p. Appl. au: Media Direction, Inc. @ Media Direction, Inc.: 25MOV77: 4925258.

4925259. Technique of monodynamics. By Louis N. Zandes. 4 p. Louis N. Zandes; 12Dec77; 4925259.

4925260. Practical tips to raisinq governmental revenues. By Douglas i. Ayres. 6 p. e Douqlas ». Ayres; 301Iov77; 4925260.

4925261. Favorite cakes and cookies. By Lonnie Mock. 53 p. e Lonnie Mock: 12Dec77: 4925261.

4925262. Miracles of Jesus. Uritten by Edna Strang. 4 v. © Edna Strang: 1liov77; 4925262.

4925263. Bilingual syntax measure 2. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Inc., employer for hire of Marina K. Burt, Heidi C. Dulay & Eduardo Hernandez Ch^ © Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 14NOV77; 4925263.

4925264. Doris Mildred Plemmons* Poems, recitations and songs of love and devotion. Book 1. 52 p. © Doris Plemmons; 6Dec77; 4925264.

4925265. General math. Book 2. By Klenov J. Sovitzki. 1 v. e Klenow J. Novitzki; 22Sep76; 4925265.

A925266. General math. Book 1: basic math. By KlenOH J. Novitzki. 1 v. Klenoii J. Novitzki; 21NOV77; A925266.

A925267. Instruction and parts book for Tabor horizontal vibrating screens, model TR. Vol. 1, 6-77. 33 p. Add. ti: Tabor parts and instruction book. © Tabor Machine Company; 22Jul77; A925267.

4925268. Questionnaire. By Cheryl Alexander (Cheryl Hawkinson) 11 p. NM: revisions £ additions. O Cheryl Alexander: 22Jun77; 4925268.

4925269. Sears f loorcoverings, •78; Chicago, Columbus, Minneapolis 5 others. No. F7320. 35 p. © Sears, Roebuck and Company: 6Dec77; A925269.

4925270. The Family circus. Vol. 2, no. 12. By Bil Keane. 1 v. 4ppl. au: The Register and Tribune Syndicate, Inc. , employer for hire. © The Register and Tribune Syndicate, Inc.; 4Dec77; A925270.

4925271. Atlas of Griggs County, North Dakota. Compiled by Midland Atlas Company, Inc. 1 V. (In Atlas of Griggs and Steele County, North Dakota) Appl. states all new except some photos. G county highway map. © Midland Atlas Company, Inc.; 31Aug77; A925271.

A925272. Atlas of Steele County, North Dakota. Compiled by Midland Atlas Company, Inc. 1 V. (In Atlas of Griggs and Steele County, North Dakota) @ Midland Atlas Company, Inc.; 31Aug77; A925272.

A925273. Atlas of Hilkin County, Minnesota. Compiled by Midland Atlas Company, Inc. 1 V. 4ppl. states all new except some photos. & county highway map. © Midland 4tlas Company, Inc.; 5Dec77; 4925273.

4925274. 4tlas of Goodhue County, Minnesota. Compiled by the Midland Atlas Company, Inc. 1 V. Appl. states all new except some photos. S county highway map. Midland Atlas Company, Inc.; 17Nov77; 4925274.

4925275. 4tlas of Dodge county, Minnesota, compiled by the Midland Atlas Company, Inc. 1 V. Appl. states all new except some photos. & county highway map. e Midland Atlas Company, Inc.; 19Sep77; A925275.

A925276. The Gospel of God from the Book of Romans, the whole Bible in one book. Britten by Edna Strang. 4 v. © Edna Strang: 1Nov77; A925276.

4925277. A String of beads. By gilliam C. Strasser, Jr. 60 p. © Nilliam C. Strasser, Jr.; 19Dec77; A925277.

4925278. Chord reference for 3-string dulcimer. Vol. 1: The Ionian tuning G-G-C. By Jerry Rockwell. Sheets. © Jerry Rockwell; 8Dec77; 4925278.

4925279. Family life education; instructional outlines. By Lois 4nn Partak, Gregory P. Berner & Janis E. Stuckemeyer. 39 p. © Lois Partak 6 Gregory P. Berner; 7Dec77; 4925279.

4925280. Sentimental expressions. By Ozzie B. Glisson. 14 p. NM: additional text, poems 6 pictorial matter. © Ozzie B. Glisson; 29Nov77; 4925280.

A925281. A Carousel of color. 15 p. © Sponge Clean Products Company, Inc. ; 2Nov77; A925281.

A925282. Sounds of letters, consonant "tricks" and word endings. Book 1. By Ellen B. Wilson. 30 p. O E. B. Wilson; 15Dec77: A925282.

4925283. Metaphysics for the serviceman. 34 p. 4ppl. au: Carolyn H. Kurth. © Carolyn M. Kurth; 5NOV77; 4925283.

4925284. The 4rt of making stained and leaded glass. By 4delbert Erskine Leeman. 35 p. © 4delbert Erskine Leeman; 1Nov77; 4925284.

4925285. Clifton, Duncan, Morenci, 4Z» and others telephone directory, November 1977. © The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company: 9Nov77; 4925285.

4925286. Belen, Bosque Farms, Isleta, Los Lunas, HM, telephone directory, November 1977. © The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company; 18Nov77; 4925286.

A925287. Clovis, Portales, 4rch, NM, and others telephone directory, December 1977. © The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company; 5Dec77; 4925287.

4925288. Albuquerque, NM, metropolitan telephone directory, November 1977. Q The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company; 18NOV77; 4925288.

4925289. Generic electric rate structure investigation; final report. Case no. 76-P.a.M.D. -7, vol. 2, December 1977. Prepared by Helvin P. Bloom, Robert 4. Rosenthal 6 Walter F. Japak. 29 p. 4dd. ti: Generic rate structure investigation. Appl. au: Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission. © Pennsylvania Public Otility Commission; 15Dec77; 4925289.

4925290. The Wrong horse: the politics of intervention and the failure of American diplomacy. By Laurence Stern. 170 p. © Laurence Stern; 1Dec77; 4925290.

4925291. The New lork times encyclopedia of television. By Les Brown. 492 p. 6' Les

Brown; 12Dec77; 4925291.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.