Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1366

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i925502 - S9255I13
JUL-DEC. 1977

A925501 (con.) listinq. Version 60. Printout. e The Gates Bubber Conpany; 15Dec77; 4925501.

4925502. V-belt builder proqram listinq. Version 4. Printout. 6 The Gates Bubber Coapany: 15Dec77; 4925502.

4925503. Staten Island, NY, address telephone directory, Decenber 1977. Hen York Telephone Company: 7Dec77; 4925503.

4925504. Hontebello, C4, northeastern area telephone directory, January 1978. The Pacific Telephone and Teleqraph Company; 7Dec77; 4925501.

4925505. Culver City, C4, address telephone directory, Deceaber 1977. The Pacific Telephone and Teleqraph Company; 7Dec77; 4925505.

4925506. Great Soviet encyclopedia. Indei to vol. 1-10. 110 p. NM: Enqlish tran- slation. @ Hacmillan Educational Corporation: 31Bar77; 4925506.

4925507. Collier's encyclopedia, iiith biblioq- raphv and index. Vol. 1-21. Editor- in-chief: Louis Shores. 1977 ed. 4ppl. au: Hacmillan Educational Corporation, employer for hire. Q Bacmillan Edu- cational corporation; 21Feb77: 4925507.

4925508. flerit students encyclopedia. Vol. 1-20. Editorial director: Villlam D. Halsey. 1977 ed. 4ppl. au: Hacnillan Educational Corporation, employer for hire. Q flacmillan Educational Corporation; 16Har77; 4925508.

4925509. 1977 year book coverinq the year 1976; annual sappl. to Collier's encyclopedia and Herit students encyclopedia. Hanaqing editor: Hobert Famiqhetti. 612 p. 4dd. ti: Collier's year book covering the year 1976. 4ppl. au: Nacmillan Educational Corporation, employer for hire. Q nacmillan Educational Corporation; 8Dec76; 4925509.

4925510. hazardous materials traininq course. By Jerry Verbel. Kit. 4ppl. au: ONZ and Company, a division of Scott Printing Corporation. 4ppl. states copyriqht not claimed iiith respect to Government authored material. 3 ONZ and Company, a division of Scott Printinq Corporation; 2Saar77; 4925510.

4925511. Wildeblood's empire. By Brian H. Stableford. 192 p. Brian H. Stab- leford; 10ct77: 4925511.

4925512. Haven of darkness. By E. C. Tubb. 173 p. e E. C. Tubb; 3(lay77; 4925512.

4925513. Passinq for human. By Jody Scott (Jody Scott Wood) 191 p. 9 Jody Scott; 10ct77; 4925513.

4925511. Prison of niqht. By E. c. Tubb. 160 p. E. C. Tubb: 2Dec77; 4925511.

4925515. Krozair of Kreqan. By 41an Burt 4kers«  pseud, of H. Kenneth Bulaer, illustrated by Josh Kirby. 223 p. Dav Books. Inc.; 54pr77: 4925515.

4925516. The Seaims of Tartarus. By Brian B. stableford. 118 p. Pt. 1 prcv. pub. in England as a separate book, 1976. NM: 2nd 6 3rd sections. 6 Brian M. Stableford; 5Jul77: 4925516.

4925517. The 1977 annual world's best SF. Edited by Donald i. Hollheim with 4rthur U. Saha. 280 p. Add. ti: Donald A. Hoolheim presents The 1977 annual aorld's best SP. NH: compilation with editorial xntro- ductions. e Donald 4. Wollheim; 3Hay77; A925517.

A925518. The Year's best horror stories. Ser. 5. Edited by Gerald B. Page. 237 p. NM: compilation with editorial introductions & some stories not pr^v, pub. O Dav Books, Inc.; 5Jul77; 4925518.

4925519. The Barbarian of world's end. By Lin Carter. 188 p. 6 Lin Carter; 3Bay77; 4925519.

4925520. The Bane of the black sword- By Michael Moorcock. 157 p. Portions prev. pub. in The Stealer rf souls, 1967 8 in the Singing citadel, 1970. O on rev. 6 rearranged text; Michael Moorcock; 24ug77; 4925520.

4925521. Volkhavaar. By Tanith lee. 192 p. e Tanith Lee; 5Jul77; 4925521.

4925522. Stormbrint^er. By Michael Moorcock. 220 p. Prev. pub. in 1963, 1965 6 1967. NM: revisions & rearrangement. @ Michael Moorcock; 3Nov77; 4925522.

4925523. Earthchild. By Doris Piserchia- 201 p. O Doris Piserchia; 3May77; 4925523.

4925521. The Best of John Jakes. Edited 6 with an introd. by Martin Harry Greenberg 6 Joseph D. dander. 252 p. NM; com- pilation & introductions. O John Jakes; 7Jun77; 4925521.

4925525. The Forbidden tower. By Marion Zimmer Bradley (Marion Zimmer Bradley Breen) . 361 p. e Marion Zimmer Bradley; 6Sep77; 4925525.

4925526. The Mad god's amulet. By Michael Moorcock. 160 p. Prev. pub. in 1968. NM: revisions 6 rearrangements. 6 Michael Moorcock; 54pr77; 4925526.

4925527. The gildings of Hestron. By David J. Lake. 189 p. O David J. Lake; 7Jun77; 4925527.

4925528. Monday begins on Saturday. By 4rkaai Strugatski £ Boris Strugatski, translated by Leonid Renen, pseud, of Leonard Bennenkampf. 222 p. Prev. pub. in Russian in 1966. Q on translation; Daw Books, Inc.; 3Nov77; 4925528.

4925529. 41dair, master of ships. By Neal Barrett, Jr. 158 p. e Neal Barrett, Jr.; 6Sep77; 4925529.

4925530. The Sword of the dawn. By Michael Moorcock. 173 p. Prev. pub. 1968. NM: revisions & rearrangement. 6 Michael Moorcock; 5Jul77: 4925530.

4925531. The Year's best fantasy stories: 3. Edited by Lin Carter. 237 p. 4dd. ti: Lin Carter presents The Years best fantasy stories: 3. NM: compilation, introd. & commentaries. 6 Daw Books, Inc. ; 3Nov77; 4925531.

4925532. Secret Scorpio. By Alan Burt Akers, pseud, of H. Kenneth Bulmer, illustrated by Josh Kirby. 207 p. (Dray Prescot: 15) O Daw Books, Inc.; 2Dec77; 4925532.

4925 533. Cry Silver Bells. By Thomas Burnett Swann, illustrated by George Barr. 192 p. 3 Margaret Gaines Swann; 2Dec77; 4925533.

4925531. Dream chariots. By Manning Norvil, pseud, of H. Kenneth Bulmer. 192 p. 4dd. ti: Manning Norvil presents a hero of Conan stature in the days when the space gods ruled the world, Odan the half-god: Dream chariots. 6 Daw Books, Inc. ; 10ct77; 4925531.

4925535. The Gameplayers of Zan. By Michael 4. Foster. 115 p. 3 M. 4. Foster; 54pr77: 4925535.

4925536. The Bight hand of Dextra. By David J. Lake. 176 p. e David J. Lake; S4pr77; A925536.

4925537. The Hunestaff. Vol, 1. By Michael Moorcock. 158 p. Prev. pub. in 1969. 3 on rev. 6 rearranged text; Michael Moorcock; 6Sep77; 4925537.

4925538. Barlord of Ghandor. By Oelbert Jay DowDell. 253 p. 8 Del DowDell; 24ug77; 4925538.

4925539. The Grand wheel. By Earrington J. Bayley. 176 p. Barrington J. Bayley; 24ug77; 4925539.

4925510. 9100 duplicator principles of operation, 600P82016, November 1977. Prepared by Service Education, National Service and Distribution, Information Systems Group, Xerox Corporation. Sheets. 4ppl. au: Xerox Corporation. 8 Xerox Corporation: 22NOV77; 4925510.

4925511. Hork support manual, 600P81169, November 1977. Prepared by National Service Operations, National Service and Distribution, Information Systems Group, Xerox Corporation. Sheets. 4ppl. au: Xerox Corporation. 3 Xerox Corporation; 9Nov77; 4925511.

4925512. 1000/1500 service manual, 600P81265, December 1975. Prepared by Service Education, National Service and Dis- tribution, Information Systems Group, Xerox Corporation. Sheets. Appl. au: xerox Corporation. NM: editorial revision. 3 Xerox Corporation; 280ct77; 4925512.

4925513. 3100 installation procedure, 600P82065, December 1977. Prepared by Service Education, National Service and Dis- tribution, Information Systems Group, Xerox Corporation. 1 p. 4ppl. au: Xerox Corporation. 3 Xerox Corporation;

30NOV77; 4925513.


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