Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1406

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A927059 - A927097
JUL-DEC. 1977

»927058 (con.) the body for emergency aedical tech- DOloaists. By John H. Stanper, with special assistance & collaboration with Alfred a. feiqel. 1 ». Doiversity of Arkansas for Bedical Sciences, College of Health Belated Professions; 6Sep77; A927056.

A927059. Bock art: fifty^two record albuE covers- Edited by Dennis Saleh. 135 p. NH: coBpilation, editing, introd-, acknow- ledqnents, index £ bibliography. Dennis Saleh: 7IIOV77: A927059.

A9270e0. 3-SC/2i( prograBBing instructions for castoB CSC controls. I v. Add. ti: 3-SC programning instructions for custoB CNC controls. Appl. au: Bocald Scholtz. Q The Harner and Swasey Coapany; 15Aug77; A927060.

A927061. 2-SC/15 progranming instructions for custoi CNC controls. 1 ». Add. ti: 2-SC prograBBing instructions for custoa CNC controls. Appl. au: Bonald Scholtz. The Harner and Svasey Coapany; 8Aug77: A927061.

A927062. Before you lose it all! By David A. Horris. 128 p. David A. Horris; 1NQV77: A927062.

A927063. Pre-operative teaching booklet. By Lee Hirsch. 20 p. Lee Hirsch; 280ct77; A927063.

A927064. Schvinn lightweight bicycles: five- and ten-speed eodels; owners aanual. 34 p. NB: editorial revisions 6 updating. 6 Schvlnn Bicycle Company; 21Ilar77; A927064.

A927065. Schvinn adult tri-wheeler: Town and Country: owners aanual. 22 p. NH: editorial revisions & updating. 6 Schvinn Bicycle Coapany; 2611a y77; A927065.

A927Q66. Schwinn Deluxe Twinn tandea bicycle; owners aanual. 30 p. NM: editorial revisions E updating. © Schwinn Bicycle Coapany: 6Hay77: A927066.

A927067. Schwinn ten speed lightweight aodels; owners manual. 30 p. NH: editorial revisions £ updating, d Schwinn Bicycle Company; 21Har77: A927067.

A927068. Schvinn coaster brake bicycles; convertible and aixtie styling for boys and girls; owners manual. 22 p. NH: editorial revisions £ updating. Schwinn Bicycle company; 19Jan77; A927068.

A927069. Schvinn exercisers: model Xfi-1, model XB-5; owners manual. 10 p. MB: editorial revisions S updating. O Schwinn Bicycle Company; 18Jan77: A927069.

A927070. Schvinn lightweight-middleweight three-speed and coaster brake aodels; ovners aanual. 22 p. NB: editorial revisions £ updating. 6 Schvinn Bicycle Company: 25Jan77: A927070.

A927071. The Fabulous Keys; complete diving handbook to the Florida Keys. Editor: Bob Arnold, art director: Peqi Arnold. 1 v. Appl. au: Stan T. skees, Jr. O Dive Aaerica, Inc.; 15Jun77: A927071.

A927072. Shop drawings of Shaker furniture and woodenware. Vol. 3. Beasured drawings by Ejner P. Handberg, photos, by the author. 81 p. e Einer P. Handberg; 20oct77; A927072.

A927073. Ona, a collection of short stories. By Vytautas F. Beliajus, illus. by Gloria Ptacek Andersson. 100 p. Portions prev. pub. in Viltis. NB: 3 stories: Soap, Badaceh 6 Confession of Ignas Bacys. e Vytautas F. Eeliajus; 220ct77; A927073.

A927074. Intercepted signs and reincarnation. By Donald H. Tott, assisted by Anne Bogers. 55 p. (Astrology and reincarnation, vol. 2) C Donald yott; 8Bov77; A927074.

A927075. Angeligue. By John Uinchester Stuart. 118 p. e John linchester Stuart; 60ct77; A927075.

A927076. Never wrestle with pygmies; notes for a novel and assordid (sic) poems. By Fred Richards (Alfred L. Richards) 1 v. e Fred Richards; 250ct77; A927076.

4927077. It worked for me. 1 p. Appl. au: John Koenig. John Koenig; 19JU177; A927077.

A927078. The Occult: an informative summation of the findings of the Psychical Research Team. 20 p. Appl. au: Paul P. Eno. Appl. states all new except text from middle of p. 2 to middle of p. 10. The Psychical Research Team; 2Hov77; 4927078.

4927079. Order form for Christmas greetings, 1977. Folder, e Biles Kimball Coapany; 1«Oct77: A927079.

A927080. Christmas card order form. Folder. Add. ti: Order form for ,open Bible and personal message greeting, 1977. 6 Biles Kimball Company; 1itOct77; A927080.

A927081. Directory of security analyst societies, analyst splinter groups, stockbroker clubs, 1977-1978. 118 p. Appl. au: Burson-Barsteller, a division of Barsteller, Inc. © Burson-Barsteller; 270ct77; A927081.

A927082. The Buse of the violets. Poems by Benee Vivien, translated from the French by Bargaret Porter £ Catharine Krog«r. 79 p. Appl. au: The Naiad Press. Inc. NB: translation of poetry G introd. O Bargaret Porter, Catharine Kroger 6 The Naiad Press, Inc.; 15Sep77; A9270e2.

4927083. The Freedom of information act and the Privacy act. By Robert L. Gordon. 119 p. 16 p. prev. pub. in U.S. Govt, documents. NB: new material. 6 Robert L. Gordon; 1NOV77; 4927083.

4927081. The Bidniqht Indian ghost. By Grampa Fox, pseud, of H. Deming Fox. 27 p. C H. Deaing Fox; 250ct77; 4927081.

4927085. Little aiss Buffet designer's workbook; a sewing book for English smocking. Britten by Dianne R. Durand, edited: Kathy Buckingham, drawings by Stella Hiley, Baker Boorefield £ Dianne B. Durand, photography by Dennie Cody. 21 p. £ insert. © Little aiss Buffet; 27»ay77: 492708 5.

4927086. Star Warp. 1 p. £ sheets (2 p.) Appl. an: Jcuies D, Durham (Don Durham) James Don Durham; 8Dec77; A927086.

4927087. Paint your harpsichord soundboard in the French style. By Shirley 4nn Bathevs. 29 p. O Shirley 4nn Bathevs; 9Dec77; 4927087.

4927088. Rule t^ook for the gases Outpost, Lejou, Shooting stars. Treacherous triangles, 4moeba. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Hugh Carothers Brown (Hugh Brovn) © Hugh Brovn; 23Nov77: 4927088.

4927089. Piano-chording package. Pt. 4. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Betty Kessler. NB: new text. © Betty Kessler; lJul77; 4927089.

4927090. Court mandated citizen participation in school desegregation: monitoring commissions. By Lila N. Carol (Lila N. Carol Cunningham) , with the assistance of Robert Day. 29 p. Add. ti: Citizens' Council report: court mandated citizen participation in school desegregation; monitoring commissions. O Lila N. Carol, whose full name is Lila N. Carol Cunningham; 28Bay77; 4927090.

4927091. Perko, Inc., catalog number 230, 1978-1979. 1 V. © Perko, Inc.; 1cct77 (in notice: "Portions of this catalog previously copyrighted in 1936 thru 1976 inclusive."); A927091.

4927092. Bonorails. Compiled by 4pprenticeship and Training Department. Bev. 1977. 67 p. (Carpentry instructional material for the millwright, unit 3, pt. 1) Appl. au: James Tinkcoa fi Hilliam Konyha. O Qnited Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America; 1Jul77; A927092.

A927093. The Puzzle Factory. 12. p. £ 50 slides. © The Puzzle Factory, Inc.; 15Sep77; 49^7093.

4927091. fletric conversion for height, diameter, width, thickness, and their tolerances, excluding beer, milk, carbonated beverage and pressed ware. DBG no. C-202. 1 p. 4dd. ti: Betric conversion of height, diameter, width, thickness and their tolerances excluding beer, milk, carbonated beverage and pressed ware. Glass Packaging Institute (in notice: G.P.I.) ; 7Dec76; 4927091.

4927095. Betric conversion of capacity and capacity tolerances excluding beer, milk, carbonated beverage and pressed ware. DVG no, c-201. 1 p. © Glass Packaging Institute (in notice: G.P.I.) ; 7Dec76; A927095.

A927096. Betric conversion of weight and weight tolerances excluding beer, milk, carbonated beverage and pressed ware. DHG no. C-20C. 1 p. © Glass Packaging Institute (in notice: G.P.I.) ; 7Dec76; A927096.

A927097. Bichigan uniform traffic citation. State of Bichigan, county of Delta, City of Escanaba. 8 p. Appl.. au: Bonald Earl

Reger (B. E. geger) NB: coapilation & new


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