Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1411

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A927276 - A927322
JUL-DEC. 1977

1927275 (con.) p. (Saqa of the Phenvick woneo, do. 15) e John 11. KiBbro; 1ipr77; »927275.

A927276. The Satan stone. By Louise Osborne. 287 p. Louise Osborne: 1Feb77; A927276.

4927277. The Bustard seed. By Charles C. Hottley S Charles H. Bottley. 221 p. Charles C. Hottlev: 1Feb77: 4927277.

4927278. Death's dark ausic. By Harilyn Boss, pseud, of I. E. D. Boss. 288 p. (The Stewarts of Storihaven, 4) O H. E. 0. Boss; 1Feb77: 4927278.

4927279. The Devil's Gate. By 4rlene J. Fitzqerald. 256 p. S 4rlene J. Fitzqerald: 1Feb77; 4927279.

4927280. Ilene, the superstitious. By Katheryn Kiabrouqh, pseud, of John U. Kinbro. 256 p. (Saqa of the phennick vonen, no. 14) John M. Kimbro; 1Feb77; A927280.

4927281. The Casebook of Jules De Grandio. By Seaburv Qulnn. edited by Robert ieinberq, illus. by Steve Fabian, with an introd. by Bobert 4. . LoHDdes. 252 p. 4ppl. au: aarqaret c. Quinn, enployer for hire. NM: coipilation of prev. pub. stories. e aarqaret C. Quinn; 1Sep76; 4927281.

4927282. Medical advice for the traveler. By Kevin N. Cahill. 121 p. NS: additional material. O Kevin a. Cahill: 1Har77; 4927262.

4927283. The Face out front. By E. B. Irvine. 188 p. B. B. Irvine; 14pr77; 4927283.

1927284. Tennis vacations. By Helen Bosenbaun. 351 p. Na: compilation of articles, some of which were prev. pub. Helen Bosenbaum; 2aay77; 4927284.

4927285. Cauldron of evil. By Barilyn Boss, pseud, of . E. D. Boss. 255 p. (The Stewarts of Stornhaven, 5) O 8. E. D. Boss; 14pr77; 4927285.

4927286. The Flea market and qaraqe sale handbook. By Irene Copeland. 223 p. e Irene Copeland; 2aay77; 4927286.

4927287. The Two Princesses. By Connie Berman. 160 p. 4dd. ti: The Two princesses: Caroline Kennedy and Caroline of aonaco. Connie Berman; 14pr77: 1927287.

4927288. Bhisper down the Boon. By Catherine Darby. 240 p. (The aoon chalice quest, no. 1) O Catherine Darby; 2aay77; 4927288.

1927289. Cloud chamber. By Howard L. ayers, pseud, of Sarah C. ayers. 255 p. O Sarah C. ayers; 2aay77; 4927289.

4927290. The Idventures of Jules De Grandin. By Seabury Quinn, edited by Bobert Ueinberq«  illus. by Steve Fabian, with an introd. by Lin Carter. 224 p. 4ppl. au: Harqaret C. Quinn, employer for hire. Na: compilation of prev. pub. stories. O aarqaret C. Quinn; 24uq76; 4927290.

4927291. The Skeleton closet of Jules Oe Grandin. By Seabury Quinn, edited by Bobert Ueinburq (i.e. Heiuberq) , illus. by Steve Fabian, with an introd. by aanly Bade Bellman. 252 p. 4ppi. au: aarqaret C. Quinn, employer for hire. MM: compilation of prev. pub. stories. Harqaret c. Quinn; 10ct76: 1927291.

1927292. The Devil's bride. By Seabury Quinn, edited by Bobert Heinberq, illus. by Steve Fabian. 254 p. 4ppl. au: aarqaret C. Quinn, employer for hire. NH: compilation of prev. pub. stories. Q aarqaret C. Quinn; 1Nov76; 1927292.

4927293. The Hellfire files of Jules De Grandin. By Seabury Quinn, edited by Bobert Beinburq (i.e. Beinberq), illus. by Steve Fabian. 222 p. 4ppl. au: aarqaret C. Quinn, employer for hire. Na: compilation of prev. pub. stories. © Harqaret C. Quinn; 1Dec76; 1927293.

1927294. Bachael. By Sarah Nichols, pseud, of Lee Hays. 253 p. (The syndhaa saqa, no. 2) e Lee Hays; 1Har77; 1927294.

1927295. Barbara, the valiant. By Katheryn Kimbrouqh, pseud, of John a. Kimbro. 255 p. (Saqa of the Phenvick women, no. 16) O Kymko Issociates; 1Jun77: 1927295.

4927296. Hinstrel man. By Hichard Shapiro 6 Esther aayesh Shapiro. 189 p. 1 novel from the teleplay by aichard Shapiro and Esther Hayesh Shapiro. O Bichard Shapiro 6 Esther aayesh Shapiro; 1Feb77; 1927296.

4927297. The Portrait of Susan. By Gwynneth Davies, pseud, of Billiam Delliqan. 240 p. Billiam Delliqan; 1Feb77; 4927297.

1927298. The Siqn of the mute aedusa. By Ian Ballace. 255 p. 6 Ian Ballace; 3Jan77; 4927298.

4927299. Bork it out for yourself. By stevie Smith, with Thinkinq about Stevie, by Kay Dick 6 an afterword by aary Tauqhan. 224 p. Oriqinal ti.: Novel on yellow paper. on afterword; aary Vauqhan; 1Nov76; 4927299.

4927300. Crepes: how to make, freeze and serve then. By Fayal Greene. 126 p. Fayal Greene; 3Jan77; 1927300.

1927301. The Horror chambers of Jules De Grandin. By Seabury Quinn, edited by Bobert Beinberq, illus. by Steve Fabian. 224 p. 4ppl. au: aarqaret C. Quinn, employer for hire. NH; compilation of prev. pub. stories. O aarqaret C. Quinn; 1Feb77; 4927301.

4927302. Bow Street qentleman. By aarqaret seBastian, pseud, of 4rthur a. Gladstone. 268 p. e 4rthur H. Gladstone; 1Jun77: 4927302.

4927303. Dark threshold. By Grace Corren, pseud, of Bobert Hoskins. 352 p. Bobert Hoskins; 1Jun77; 4927303.

4927304. Draw a dark circle. By lona Charles, pseud, of Stanlee Hiller Coy. 221 p. Stanlee ailler Coy; 1Har77; 4927304.

4927305. The Finqer of providence (1857-1860) Edited by Bobert Hanson Hyers. 476 p. (The Children of pride: a true story of Georqia and the civil Bar, vol. 2) NH: additional material. O Robert Hanson Hyers; 1Jun77; A927305.

1927306. Hump's first case. By Balph Dennis. 189 p. (Hardman, no. 10) Balph Dennis; 1Har77; A927306.

A927307. Paragon Fairingay. By Niel Hancock. 349 p. (Circle of light, 2) Niel Hancock; 1Jun77; A927307.

A927308. Cape of Black Sands. By Billo Davis Boberts. 254 p. Billo Davis Soberts; 1Jun77; 4927308.

4927309. Sarah Nichols' Silsby. By Sarah Nichols, pseud, of Lee Hays. 256 p. (The Byndhaa saga, no. 1) 6 Lee Bays; 3Jan77; 4927 309.

4927310. Katheryn Kimbrouqh's Kate, the curious. By Katheryn Kimbrough, pseud, of John a. Kimbro. 254 p. (Saqa of the Phenwick women, no. 13) e John a. Kimbro: 1Dec76: 1927310.

4927311. The Emperor of the last days. By Bon Goulart. 189 p. e Bon Goulart; 14pr77; 1927311.

4927312. The Bravo line. By Alan Biefe. 221 p. Alan Biefe; 1Apr77; A927312.

A927313. The Third wife. By Jeanne Hines. 4 14 p. e Jeanne Bines; 1Jun77; A927313.

1927314. The Last of the irmaqeddon wars. By Balph Dennis. 176 p. (Hardman, no. 11) O Balph Dennis; 2Hay77; 1927314.

A927315. Calix Stay. By Niel Hancock. 253 p. (Circle of light, 3) e Niel Hancock; 1Auq77; A927315.

A927316. Catherine Darby's Frost on the aoon. 221 p. (The Hoon chalice quest, no. 2) © Catherine Darby; 1Jul77; A927316.

A927317. Love's wild desire. By Jennifer Blake, pseud, of Patricia Haxwell. 384 p. O Patricia aaxwell; 1Jun77; A927317.

A927318. The Harlan legacy. By Janet Conroy. pseud, of Joseph Chadwick. 253 p. a Joseph Chadwick; 1Apr77; 1927318.

A927319. Sarah Nichols' Fleur. By Sarah Nichols, pseud, of Lee Hays. 255 p. (The Byndhaa saga, no. 3) © Lee Hays; 2Hay77; A927319.

A927320. Greyfax Grimwald. By Niel Hancock. 352 p. (Circle of light, 1) C Niel Hancock; 11pr77; 1927320.

4927321. ay Lord Bakehell. By aargaret SeBastian, pseud, of 4rthur a. Gladstone. 288 p. 4rthur H. Gladstone; 14pr77;



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