Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1430

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1928067 - S928111
JUL-DEC. 1977

1928066 (con.) Temporary Services, Inc.; 16Dec77: A928066.

4928067. Francis iilliaD Edmonds. Introd. & cataloque by Saybelle Mann. 6H p. Appl. au: International Exhibitions Foundation. © International Exhibitions Foundation; 28Auq75: i928067.

1928068. Sabbaqfa profilometer — "its use in the aid of rhinoplasties". 2 p. Kansas City Issemblaqe company. Inc. d. b.a. Padqett Instruments; 21Dec77: 1928068.

1928069. It last, a low cost electronic burglar and fire alarm system! Folder. Idd. ti: Electric burglar and fire alarm system. 6 Bampart Industries, Inc. ; 25Mar77; 1928069.

1928070. Patti-cake math: learning to count- -creative experiments in math. By Nina Howard. 19 p. 6 Children's learning Center, Inc.; 15No»77: &928070.

1928071. Goldfield: boom toBn of Sevada. By Stanley ailliam Paher. 17 p. © Stanley William Paher; 201ug77; 1928071.

1928072. Coal-derived materials: a health information booklet. 8 p. © Gulf Oil Corporation: 310ct77: 1928072.

1928073. Den year. 1978. By Daya Hata. 1 p. Ippl. au: Self-Bealization Fellowship. © Self-Bealization Fellowship; 19Dec77; 1928073.

49280711. Self-Bealization Fellowship: Sunday school teacher's bulletin. Issue no. 4. 5 p. O Self-Bealization Fellowship: 9NOV77: 1928074.

1928075. Local government versus centralized qovernment in the United States virgin Islands. By Bobert V. Vaughn. 1 v. © Bobert V. Vaughn; 21Dec77; 1928075.

1928076. OSHl — operations standards, chap. 3: personal protective and life saving eguipment. Mar. 1977 revision. Sheets (15 p.) C Equipment Suide-Book Coupany; 15Sar77: 4928076.

1928077. New products/new venture outline guide progress report and check list and status pending. 3 p. Ippl. aui Irnold Harvin bamsky. Haiketing and Herchandising issociates. Inc.; 3Nov77; 1928077.

4928078. De Laval new suspended free stall. 2 p. 4ppl. au: Thomas Greco. © The De Laval Separator Company; 26Jan77 (in notice; 1976): 1928078.

1928079. De Laval/Sahlstrom slurry spreader. 2 p. Ippl. au: Thomas Greco. © The De Laval Separator Company; 30Mar77; 1928079.

4928080. De Laval/Sahlstrom TG50 and EG 15 homoqenators. 2 p. Appl. au: Thomas Greco. 9 The De Laval Separator Company: 3011ar77; 1928080.

A928081. il COW breeding planner. 2 p. ippl. au: Frank Henton. © The De Laval Separator Company; 27Apr77; 1928081.

A928082. De Laval water bowl. 2 p. Appl. au: Prank Henton. 9 The De Laval Separator Company; 271pr77; 1928082.

A928083. New De Laval "AB" oval bulk tank washer. 2 p. Appl. au: Frank Henton. 9 The De Laval Separator Company; 4Jul75; A928Q83.

A928084. The De Laval stand-by alternators. 2 p. Ippl. au: Paul Tesoro. 9 The De Laval Separator Company; 28Sep77; 1928084.

1928085. New challenger feeding system. 2 p. Ippl. au: Thomas Greco. 9 The De Laval Separator Company; 27Apr77; 1928085.

A928086. Delta-matic 2 scraper. 2 p. Appl. au: Thomas Greco. The De Laval Separator Company; 25llay77; A928086.

4928087. Take charge of your milking operation. 1 V. 4ppl. au: Eichard Kellow. The De Laval separator Company; 25Feb76 (in notice: 1975); 4928087.

A928088. Accu-shot: the pocket professional and player's guide, Hailea, Maui, Hawaii. 1 V. Add. ti: "Accn-Shot" Railea. 9 Bestern Specialty Publications, Inc.; 20ct77; A928088.

A928089. Teaching professionals manual; official teaching manual of the United States Bowling Academy, Inc. 2nd ed. 1 v. Appl. au: John L. Edler & La Terne H. Edler. 9 John L. Edler 6 La Verne H. Edler; 29Nov77; A928089.

4928090. The Story of Shoo. By David Lemire, illus. by Neelie wotsok. 18 p. 9 David Lemire; 15Dec77: 4928090.

4928091. Surf fishing in Ventura. By Cliff Davies, illustrated by Lanee Jelletich. 49 p. Cliff Davies; 17Dec77; 4928091.

4928092. The Great dreamer: exploration of the God-self. By Katherine a. Beynolds. 18 p. 9 Katherine B. Beynolds; 17Har77; A928092.

4928093. The Only begotten: revelation of the mystery of the how of greater things. By Katherine H. Reynolds. 17 p. 9 Katherine B. Reynolds; 28tlay77; A928093.

A928094. Jews in distant lands; teacher's guide. By Samuel Grand 6 Tamar Grand. 63 p. © The Onion of American Hebrew Cong- regations; 120ct77; A928094.

A928095. Gates of understanding. Edited by Lawrence A. Hoffman, Notes to Shaarei tefillah by Chaim Stern 6 A. Stanley Dreyfus. 284 p. A companion volume to Shaarei tefillah: qates of prayer. O Central Conference of American Babbis 6 Union of American Hebrew Congregations; 3NOV77; 1928095.

A928096. Book of Jeremiah. 1 Commentary by Solomon Bennett Freehof. 295 p. (The Jewish commentary for Bible readers) Add. ti; Jeremiah, a commentary. © Onion of American Hebrew Congregations; 120ct77; A92809e.

A928097. Israel today. By Harry Essrig 6 Abraham Segal. 365 p. NM: additions & revisions. © The Onion of American Hebrew Cong- regations; 28Sep77; 1928097.

1928098. Covered bridges in Indiana. By Rayne H. Heber. 206 p. 9 Northwood Institute; 17NOV77; 1928098.

A928099. One kind of freedom: the economic conseguences of emancipation. By Boger L. BansoB e Eichard sutch. 409 p. 9 Cambridge University Press; 30Nov77; A928099.

A928100. The Theatre of Orson selles. By Eichard Prance. 212 p. © Associated University Presses, Inc.; 4Nov77; A928100.

A928101. The Betherills of the Hesa Verde: autobiography of Benjamin Alfred Wetherill. Edited 6 annotated by Maurine S. Fletcher. 333 p. MH: editing 6 annotating of prev. unpub. diaries, papers £ prev. pub. photos. @ Associated University Presses, Inc.; 11Nov77; A928101.

A928102. Political humor from Aristophanes to Sam Ervin. By Charles E. Schutz. 349 p. © Associated Dniversity Presses, Inc.; 28NOV77; A928102.

A928103. Patterns of antislavery among American Unitarians, 1831-1860. By Douglas C. Strange. 308 p. 9 Associated University Presses, Inc.; 17Nov77; A928103.

A928104. The Loyalists of revolutionary Delaware. By Harold Bell Hancock. 159 p. 9 Associated Dniversity Presses, Inc.; 4NOV77; 1928104.

1928105. Income tax organizer, 1977. 12 p. Appl. au: John J. Kenny. 9 Kenny and Carico; 22Dec77: A928105.

A928106. Energy and the foundry- 26 p. 9 American Poundrymen's Society, Inc.; 9Dec77; A928106.

A92B107. Nickel as an alloy i cast iron. 29 p. © American Foundrymen' Society, Inc.; 9Dec77; A928107.

A928ia8. Proclamation of success: power to abundant riches. By G. Dunbar Hoomav. 1 p. 9 G. Dunbar Moomaw; 20Dec77; 1928108.

A928109. Comtutor criteria phonics inventory. 4 p. Appl. au: Leon BenEzra. © Leon BenEzra; 281pr77; 1928109.

1928110. International aspects of accounting. 17 p. Appl. au; Bonald J. Huefner. 9 Ronald J. Huefner; 29Nov77; A928110.

A928 111. Helps break the vicious cycle that intensifies the pain. Polder. Appl. au: Editorial staff of Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, division of Sandoz, Inc. 9 Sandoz, Inc.;

28NOV77; A928111.


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