Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1440

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A928470 - A928513
JUL-DEC. 1977

A928469 (con.) Ipo loannov Halapane. 1 v. Greek. e John Halapanis; 15Hay77: 49281169-

i92Bll70. Technical infornation. Folder. Appl. aa: nrs. Kenneth E. Farmer. Genesis 2. Inc.: 9Dec77: 4928470.

4928471. Gray Matter, the cartoon Kith the brain. By B. J. Ernolovich. 119 p. B. J. Ermolovich; 1Dec77; 4928471.

4928472. How to trace your family. By Grover C. Dickey. 51 p. 6 Grover C. Dickey; 1Dec77: 4928472.

4928473. Treasures of love — beauty and truth, vol. 2. By Noma I. Beiiiien. 38 p. Norma I. Hemmen: 1Dec77; 4928473.

4928474. Health for the body temple. By Orval C. Keller. 84 p. © Orval C. Keller; 1Dec77: 4928474.

4928475. The Wind Bivec feud. By Hichael HcCloskey. 124 p. 6 Hichael McCloskey; 1Dec77; 4928475.

4928476. Follies and fantasies: stories for young and old. By Joseph P. Hc4uliffe. 70 p. e Joseph P. HcAuliffe; 1Dec77; 4928476.

4928477. Pray qently. By Nancy B. Kepler- 19 p. e Nancy E. Kepler: 16Dec77; 4928477.

4928478. Paraqon kiln model 4-55B; wiring diagram £ parts identification. 2 p. NH: editorial revision. Paragon Industries, Inc.; 20Dec77; 4928478.

4928479. Paragon kiln model 4-77B; wiring diagram & parts identification. 2 p. NH: editorial revision. Q Paragon Industries, Inc.; 20Dec77; 4928479.

4928480. Paragon kilns enameling instruction and service manual. 8 p. NH: editorial revision G pictorial matter. © Paragon Industries. Inc.; 19Dec77; 4928480.

4928481. Diddle Dee D; a musical story lesson. By Cula, pseud, of Cula Powers. 1 v. © Cula Powers; 9Dec77: 4928481.

4928482. Bother's hat; a musical story lesson- By cula, pseud, of Cula Powers. 1 v. e Cula Powers: 9Dec77 ; 4928482.

4928483. Eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth prosaics. By Vernon Edgar. 9 p. e Vernon Edgar; 22Dec77; 4928483.

4928484- Bag-a-muff ins. Vol. 2 By Bichard E. Ray e Janet Lee Bay. 1 v. © Church Bazaar Division, Helnik-Ray, Inc. ; 15JU177: 4928484.

4928485- Iron cloud; a Tandra adventure- By Hanther, pseud- of James Petty. 1 v. © James Petty d.b. a. Hanthercraft Publications: 1Dec77; 4928485.

4928486. Teacher-made materials: survival skills for reluctant learners in everyday life. By Frances B- Carter, prepared for National Council of Teachers of English. 32 p. e Frances B. Carter; 20Dec77; 4928486.

4928487- Encyclopedia of the unknown: what no man knows. By Edward Frederick Hoore- 5 p- NH: additional text on p. 4. © Edward Frederick Hoore; 10Jan77; 4928487-

4928488. Hotor freight directory, winter-spring 1978; Saint Louis ed. 26th ed. 488 p. Add. ti: Leonard's Guide motor freight directory for Saint Louis, winter-spring 1978. Appl- au: 41bert E. Ercolani. © G. B. Leonard and Company; 16Dec77; 4928488.

4928489. Freeman, Bosa and Arnold, the legal secretary: an office job simulation; employer's manual. By Harriett Hclntosh 6 Clyde Belter. 86 p. Add. ti: Employer's manual for Freeman, Rosa, and 4rnold, the legal secretary: an office job simulation. © south-Hestern Publishing Company; 30NOV77; 4928489.

4928490. Freeman, Bosa and 4rnold, the legal secretary: an office job simulation; employee handbook & office manual- By Harriett Hclntosh 6 Clyde Belter. 45 p. 4dd. ti: Employee handbook and office manual for Freeman, Bosa, and Arnold, the legal secretary: an office job simulation. © South-Bestern Publishing Company; 3NOV77; 4928490.

A928491. Accounting: principles and practices. Modules 1-3. By L. Paden Neeley 6 Frank J. Imke. 3 v. 4dd. ti: 4chievement tests for modules 1, 2, and 3 for 4ccounting: principles and practices. © South-iestern Publishing Company; 22Nov77; 4928491.

A928492. 4ccounting: principles and practices. Hodules 1-3. By L. Paden Neeley 6 Frank J. Imke. 3 V. © South-Restern Publishing Company: 190ct77; 4928492.

A928493- Accounting: principles and practices; manual. Modules 1-3. By L. Paden Neeley 6 Frank J. Imke. 3 v. South-Restern Publishing Company: 21Nov77i A928493.

A928494- Patient, family and community health education: design and management of hospital based programs; workbook. By Sue Eritchett. 84 p. © Pritchett and Hull Associates, Inc.; 1Dec77; 4928494.

4928495. Rilliam Paca: a biography. By Gregory 4. stiverson & Phebe B. Jacobsen.. 103 p. Maryland Historical Society; 5Sep76; 4928495.

4928496. The Citizen and rezoning: a citizen guide to the rezoning process in unincorporated Saint Louis County. Folder. © League of Bomen Voters of Metropolitan Saint Louis; 280ct77; 4928496.

4928497. Introducing the motivation index. 2 p. Appl. au: Kenneth L. 4dams (The 4dams Opinion) 9 The Adams Opinion; 19Dec77; 4928497.

A928498. Exploring the universe. Vol. 3, no- 1-28. 1 V. © 4stronomy Column Associates; 1Jun77; A928498.

A928499. Freight forwarders and air routing guide; Chicago ed. 2nd ed. 116 p. Add. ti: Leonard's Guide freight forwarders and air routing guide. Appl. au: 41bert £. Ercolani. © G. fi. Leonard and Company; 13Dec77; 4928499.

4928500. Optometric Extension Program, continuing education courses. Vol. 50, Jan. 1978. 1 V. © Optometric Extension Program Foundation, Inc.; 22Dec77; 4928500.

A928501. Ocular Pulse and Vascular Lab, Tucson Medical Center. Folder. 4ppl. au: Tucson Medical Center/Ocular Pulse-Vascular Laboratory. © Tucson Medical Center (in notice: Ocular Pulse and Vascular Lab, Tucson Medical Center) ; 2Nov77; A928501.

A928502. Christographia 1-32. Poems by Eugene Rarren. 1 v. NH: revisions & additions. © Eugene Warren; 5Sep77; A928502-

A92850 3. Cooking with love naturally. By Gretchen Kirsch £ Tracy Beaucoup, drawings by Dorcas. 37 p. O Part Time Press; 15Dec77: A928503.

A92850 4. Catholicism today. By Jerome A- Reich. 296 p. © Jerome A. Reich; SDec77; A928504.

A928505. Sonnets for the ill at ease from the browning of America: the political wit and wisdom of H- Ian Smith. 40 p- © H. Ian Smith; 15Dec77; A928505.

A928506. Sonnets for the ill at ease from the browning of America: the social wit and wisdom of H. Ian Smith. 40 p. © H. Ian Smith; 15Dec77; A928506.

A928507. Sonnets for the ill at ease from the browning of America: the historical wit and wisdom of B. Ian Smith. 40 p. © H. Ian Smith; 15Dec77; 4928507.

4928508. Sonnets for the ill at ease from the browning of America: the philosophical wit and wisdom of H. Ian Smith. 40 p. © H. Ian Smith; 15Dec77; 4928508.

A928509. Legal secretary's handbook. Compiled £ edited by The Alabama Association of Legal Secretaries. 298 p. NH: revisions 6 additions. © Alabama Association of Legal Secretaries; 15Dec77; A928509.

A928510. The Descendants of Perry-Peterson families. Compiled by Hax Perry. 93 p. © Max Perry; 1Aug77; A928510.

A928511. How to inherit money and win new friends. 33 p. (The Heritage club, report no. 200) Appl. au: Katharine Culberson. © Katharine Culberson; 8Dec77: A928511.

4928512. Lawrence County history study guide. By Geneva S. Hiser. 1 v. © Geneva S. Riser; 1NOV77; A928512.

A9 28 513. Stepping stones. Editor: Gloria okes Perkins 6 other editors. 36 p. Appl. au: Writers Workshop of Siloam Springs £ Siloam Springs Fine Arts Association. © Writers Workshop of siloam Springs G Siloam Springs Fine Arts Association;

22NOV77: A928513.


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