Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1467

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JUL-DEC. 1977

4929576. Sensatioa and reaction. Issued by ADalytical Tracking Institute. 5 p. (Perception and cycle, lecture 1) Appl. au: Kevin Lanqdon. Kevin Lanqdon; 1Jun76; A929576.

A929577. Lanqdon adult intelliqence test. lu p. Appl. au: Kevin Lanqdon. Kevin Lanqdon; 21Sep77: A929577.

A929578. Three hundred Polack iokes. Compiled by Kevin Lanqdon. 18 p. Kevin Lanqdon; 9Jun77; A929578.

A929579. Shoppinq center leasing opportunities, 1978. 176 p. International Council of Shoppinq Centers; 16Dec77; A929579.

A929580. Shiqeo Takaqi's one cap routine. English instructions by Jeffrey Nillian Busby. 1 p. Jeff Busby; 270ct77; A929580.

A929581. Sinhalese donestic life in space and tiae. By Robert Duncan HacDouqall C Bonnie Graham HacDouqall. 181 p. & insert. Robert D. HacDouqall & Bonnie G. HacDouqall: 23Dec77; 492958 1.

A929582. Secondary school curriculum quide for Onited States history and American qovernment. 43 p. Add. ti: onited States history and American government, required instruction in the Peoria public schools. Board of Education, School District 150; 20Jun77; A929582.

A929583. Algebra through applications, with probability and statistics; student text. Ft. 1. 388 p. Appl. au: Zalman Osiskin. Oniversity of Chicaqo; 19Auq76; A929583.

A929584. Bon appetit; favorite recipes con- tributed by members and friends of the iesterly Hospital Aid Association. Editors: Barbara A. Chamberlain £ other editors. 285 p. NH: additions e editorial revisions. The Hesterly Hospital Aid Association; 170ct77; A929584.

A929585. Le Binq. Folder. Q Coinoloqy; 25IIOV77: A929585.

A929586. Inspiration, motivation, satisfaction. 1 V. Appl. au: Norma J. Sinqleton. e Norma J. Singleton; 1«Dec77; A929586.

A929587. A.H. and P.H. high tides, 1978. Calendar. George Dunlap, Ltd.; 21Dec77 (in notice: 1978); A929587.

A929588. First time out. By Chet Hanchester, pseud, of Harry stevart Hacfaester 3rd. 1 V. Chet Hanchester: 17Dec77: A929588.

A929589. Laun sprinkler systems. Folder. NH; revisions. Better Business Bureau of Hetropolitan Dallas, Inc.; 26Hay77: A929589.

A929590. Bebuilt auto motors. Folder. NH: revisions. Better Business Bureau of Metropolitan Dallas, Inc.; 26Bay77: A929590.

A929591. Hovinq and storage. Folder. NH: revisions. Better Business Bureau of Hetropolitan Dallas, Inc.; 22Sep77; A929591.

A929592. Scratch pad workbook for creative life/Kork planninq. By Robert B. Bishop, Jr. 123 p. NH: additional text. Bobert B. Bishop, Jr.; 16Jun77; A929592.

A929593. Bette S. Feinstein's Sketchbook for the non-artist. 1 v. Bette S. Felnstein; 27Dec77; A929593.

A929594. Direct reading shaft horsepower meter, indicating, recording, integrating system; instruction book. 1 v. Appl. au: Haiwell Ingram. Haxwell Ingram; 310ct77; A929594.

A929595. On chorea. By Patrick Owens. 153 p. O Patrick Owens; 1SDec77; A929595-

A929596. A Glossary of Sanskrit from the spiritual tradition of India. 24 p. Appl. au: Diana Thornton Horrison. Blue Hountain Center of Heditation; 16Sep70; A929596.

A929597. A Glossary of Sanskrit, from the spiritual tradition of India. By Diana Horrison. 38 p. NH: expanded introd. e Blue Hountain Center of Heditation: 11Dec77; A929597.

A929598. The Postage stamps of Hexico, 1856-1868. By Samuel Chapman. 376 p. Appl. au: James H. Beal & Quarterman Publications, Inc. Prev. pub. in 1926 as The Postage stamps of Hexico from the commencement in 1856, to the end of the provisional period in 1868 6 as Additions to "The Postage stamps of Hexico" a book by S. chapman. NH: compilation, foreword & illus. e Quarterman Publications, Inc.; 180ct76; A929598.

A929599. The Coinage of the first mint of the Americas at Hexico City, 1536-1572. By Bobert I. Nesmith. 169 p. Add. ti: Coinage at Hexico City. Appl. au: Clyde Hubbard. Prev. pub. as Numismatic notes and monographs, number 131, 1955. NH: additions £ illus. Q Quarterman Publications, Inc.; 25Nov77; A929599.

A929600. Cyclopedia of United States postmarks and postal history. Edited by Delf Norona. 405 p. Appl. au: Herman Herst, Jr. S Quarterman Publications, Inc. Prev. pub. vol. 1 in 1933 6 vol. 2 in 1935. NH: compilation & foreword. O Quarterman Publications, Inc.; 25Apr75; A929600.

A929601. The Postage stamps and postal history of Newfoundland, by Hinthrop S. Bogqs. Postage stamps of Newfoundland, by Bertram 1. H. Poole 6 Barry E. Uuber. 1 v. Appl. au: Quarterman Publications, Inc. Prev. pub. in 1942 6 1922. NH: compilation, foreword 6 illus. O Quarterman Pub- lications, Inc. ; 10ct75; A929601.

A9296a2. United States large cents, 1793-1857; an anthology. Edited by Narren A. Lapp & Herbert A. Silberman. 647 p. Appl. au: Quarterman Publications, Inc. Originally pub. between 1895 £ 1971 in The Numis- matist, NH: compilation £ additions.

A929 60 3. Gold rush steamers of the Pacific. By Ernest A. Viltsee. 421 p. Appl. au: Basil C. Pearce fi Quarterman Publications, Inc. originally pub. in 1938. NH: foreword £ illus. e Quarterman Pub- lications, Inc.; 18Hay76; A929603.

A929604. Haine postal history and postmarks. By sterling T. Dow. 235 p. Appl. au: Joseph F. Antizzo £ Quarterman Publications, Inc. Portions prev. pub. in The Chronicle of the U.S. classic postal issues, Nov. 1975 £ others. NH: compilation, foreword £ illus. Q Quarterman Publications, Inc.; 19Hay76; A929604.

A929605. American philatelic miscellany. Introduced £ arr. Susan H. HcDonald. 569 p. Appl. au: Quarterman Publications, Inc. Prev. pub. between 1939 £ 1948 in The Stamp specialist. NH: compilation £ foreword. Q Quarterman Publications, Inc.; 19NOV76; A929605.

A929606. Confederate postal history; an anthology from The Stamp specialist. Edited by Francis J. Crown, Jr. 313 p. Appl. au: Quarterman Publications, Inc. Originally pub. between 1939 £ 1948 in The Stamp specialist. NH: compilation, pref., introd., bibliography £ index. O Quarterman Publications, Inc.; 19Nov76; A929606.

A929607. Monographs on Varieties of United States large cents, 1793-1794. Edited by John U. Adams. 205 p. Appl. au: Denis W. Loring £ Quarterman Publications, Inc. Portions prev. pub. in Varieties of United States cents of the year 1794 described and illustrated, 1910. NH: compilation £ additions. Quarterman Publications, Inc.; 11Apr77 (in notice: 1976J; A929607.

A929608. The Postage stamps of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. By Nicholas Argenti. 223 p. Appl. au: Quarterman Publications, Inc. Originally pub. in 1962. NH: foreword, corrigenda £ addenda. Quarterman Publications, Inc.; 29Nov76; A929608.

A929609. Treasure box of my mind. 1 v. Appl. au: Emilie Swenson. Emilie Swenson; 17Dec77; A929609.

A929610. How to lose body fat. By Ellington Darden. 112 p. O Anna Publishing, Inc.; 20Jun77; A929610.

A929611. Against the grain: a carpentry manual for women. Hritten £ illustrated by Dale HcCormick. 258 p. O Dale HcCormick; 13Aug77; A929611.

A929612. Log structures in Uarren County, Kentucky. By Lyn Allison Yeager, photographer: Harshall Love, Jr. , sketches by Gaylen A. Yeager. 87 p. Appl. au: The Citizens National Bank of Bowling Green. The Citizens National Bank of Bowling Green £ Lyn Allison Yeager; 14Dec77; A929612.

A929613. Without tears or doubt and fears; verses. By Elinor Bowe DeVore. 73 p.

O Elinor Bowe DeVore; 19Dec77; A929613.


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