Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1503

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A9310UO - 4931079
JUL-DEC. 1977

4931039 (con.) Vreekeo d.b. a. Trust Besearch Institute, Ltd.; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); 4931039.

19310110. Aoifflal alphabet lace cards; teachers* instcuctioos. 2 p. Add. ti: S. P.A. aniaal alphabet lace cards. Appl. states new text, excluding references to the Dotated alphabet. 6 Beacon Enterprises* Inc.; 1Sep7il; A9310U0.

i9310qi. Aniaal babies; teacher's instructional booklet. Vol. 1-1*. eriters: Judith A. Harrah, Leola Bundall & Hazine A. Cohen* editor: Haxine A. Cohen. 73 p. Add. ti: Teacher's instructional booklet for Aniaal babies, volumes 1, 2, 3 and ^. Appl. au: Beacon Enterprises* Inc. Appl. states entire text £ illus. new, excluding references to the notated alphabet C iinqles. O Beacon Enterprises* Inc. ; 21Peb75; A931041.

A9310I12. S.P.A. hand puppet patterns. Br Sharon aorris* staff artist: Anne B. Bolt* editor: Haxine A. Cohen. Sheets. Appl. an: Beacon Enterprises* Inc. Appl. states text & drawn patterns new* excluding notated alphabet. Beacon Enterprises* Inc.; 29JU17U; A9310112.

A931043. Tax calendar for Rest Virginia, 1978. Folder (6 p.) Appl. au: Hargaret A. Poling. C Best Virginia Chanber of co«»erce: 31Dec77; A931043.

A931044. Portable Instapure portable vater treatnent system by Uater Pik: for safer, purer* better tasting vater Hhen traveling out of doors* out of toiin, out of the country. Polder. Add. ti: Portable Instapure by Hater Pik: for safer* purer* better tasting water when traveling out of doors, out of town, out of the country. Teledyne Bater Pik; 12Sep77; A931044.

A931045. Por safer, cleaner, better tasting water: Instapure water filter by Hater Pik- Polder. Add. ti: Por safer, clearer, better tasting water: Instapure by Bater Pik. Teledyne Rater Pik; 12Sep77: A931045.

A931046. Introducing the new Super Saver shower flassage by Hater Pik. 2 p. Teledyne Bater Pik; 7Sep77; A9310K6.

Agsiot?. Announcing a natural breakthrough: the Nurtury by Hater Pik: the first and only total infant feeding system for better infant nutrition. Polder. Teledyne Hater Pik; 20Jul77; A931047.

A93104B. Rhat to do while waiting. Britten by aarvin Carl Gentz. IDS p. Barvin c. Gentz; 8Dec77; A93101t8.

A9310U9. Perez: accent on the first "E. " Editor: David B. Lillard* writer: Balph Bacchio. 1 V. David R. Lillard d.b. a. Omnibus Publishing Company; 10Apr77: A9310U9.

A931050. Op your sales; seminar outline. By Alan H. Jacobson. SS p. Alan B. Jacobson; 1Dec77: A931050.

A931051. Andreas Gryphius: sein Lebensausblick und seine Haltung zu Gott. By Thomas Purayidom. Bicrofilm. O Thomas Purayidom; 1Dec77; A931051.

A931052. An Analysis of style and structure in contemporary magazine free-lance travel articles. By colleen Bae Emerson. Bicrofilm. Colleen Bae Emerson; 1Dec77; A931052.

A931053. The child in nineteenth century literature as seen by four representative authors: Hilliam Rordsworth, Charles Dickens* Bark Twain* and Henry James. By Victoria S. Stuchel. Hicrofilm. O Victoria S. Stuchel; 1Dec77 (in notice: 1976); A931053.

A931054. Transpiration and C02 exchange in two-year-old loblolly pines of two provenances under changing moisture conditions. By Rilliam Franklin Bose 3rd. Hicrofilm. Hilliam Franklin Bose 3rd; 1Dec77; A931054.

A931055. An Analysis of in-hospital based ambulatory short-stay surgical programs in the Northeast and aiddle Atlantic hospital regions. By Bobert Jean Bennie. Hicrofilo. Bobert Jean Bennie; lDec77; A931055.

A931056. A Study of the effects of a selected teaching unit in the humanities on students' self-esteem. By Jane Aileen Hatkins. Hicrofilm. O Jane Aileen Hatkins; 1Dec77; A931056.

A931057. A Survey of prescriptive language materials for the adolescent. By Carol Bershad Cole. Bicrofilm. Carol Bershad Cole; 1Dec77; A931057.

A931058. A History of Zionism in Houston* 1897-1975. By Gerald Salzman. Bicrofilm. O Gerald Salzman; 1Dec77 (in notice: 1976); A931058.

A931059. South African analogue to Absalom* Absalom. By Jerry Cain Blanton. Hicrofilm. Jerry Cain Blanton; 1Dec77; A931059.

A93ia6a. The Effect of heavy metal ions on the survival of marine and nan-marine bacteria in sea water. By Joseph Blair Kyle 3rd. Bicrofilm. C Joseph Blair Kyle 3rd: 1Dec77; A931060.

A931061. Co-op housing: Baghdad, Irag. By Besiffl Selin Hakim. Bicrofilm. 3 Besim Selim Hakim; 1Dec77 (in notice: 1973); A931061.

A931062. The Effectiveness of assertion training on internal/external locus of control. By Paul Owen Boredock. Bicrofilm. O Paul Owen Boredock: 10ec77; A931062.

A931063. The Effect of light on carotenoid synthesis in Corynebacter ium 7E1C. By George Baymond Endicott. Bicrofilm. O George Baymond Endicott; 1Dec77; A931063.

A931064. A Selected comparison of profit and non-profit organization accounting practices and procedures. By Bobert Claude LaGasse. Bicrofilm. O Bobert Claude LaGasse; 1Dec77: A931064.

A931065. Immanence and transc

endence ii

Chronicles of Narnia. By Cassai Northway Hancock. Bicrofilm. O Cassandra Northway Hancock; 1Dec77; A931065.

A93ia66. Proximity to death and physicians' attitudinal disposition toward patients and their families. By John Bobert Audette. Bicrofilm. 6 John Bobert Audette; 1Dec77; A931066.

A931067. A Survey of victimization. By Zae K. Hurphy. Bicrofilm. O Zae K. Burphy; 1Dec77; A931067.

A93106a. The Implementation of the Drama/theatre framework for California public schools with three selected groups of fourth and fifth-grade children in the Hemet Bnified School District. By Bonnie Anderson Bricker. Hicrofilm. Bonnie Anderson Bricker: 1Dec77; A931068.

A931069. Una Explicacion literaria de dos posturas politicas contradictorias en la obra de Bamon Del Vaile-Inclan. By Elivio 0. Serrano. Bicrofilm. O Elivio 0. Serrano: 1Dec77; A931069.

A931070. Bikhail Borodin: Soviet adviser to Sun Yat-sen. By Bruce Gibson Vanvleck. Bicrofilm. Bruce Gibson VanVleck; 1Dec77; A931070.

A931071. Directing others to fulness of life: the art of spiritual direction. By Sister Elizabeth Berrigan, C.S.J. Bicrofilm. e Sister Elizabeth Berrigan, C.S.J. ; 1Dec77; A931071.

A931072. Association of masculinity scores with five measures of adjustment at the Gainesville State School for Delinquent youths. By Howard Anthony Kurtz 2nd. Hicrofilm. Howard Anthony Kurtz 2nd; 1Dec77; A931072.

A931073. Environmental impact of waste water irrigation: heavy metals in soil water and groundwater. By Hark B. fiojas. Hicrofilm. e Hark B. Bojas; 1Dec77; A93I073.

A931074. Ethnicity maintenance; a possible function of a hand game within the contemporary Indian culture of southern California. By James John Ferguson* Jr. Bicrofilm. O James John Ferguson, Jr. ; 1Dec77; A931074.

A93107S. The Impact of automation technology on American daily newspapers and editorial division employees. By Billiam Leo Schreiber. Bicrofilm. C Hilliam Leo Schreiber; 1Dec77; A931075.

A931076. The Administration of Governor Leroy Collins: an opened door to a new Florida. By Thomas Bay Hagy. Bicrofilm. O Thomas Bay Hagy; 1Dec77; A931076.

A931077. Self-realization through spiritual living. By Hathew Zacharias chennilath. Bicrofilm. Hathew Zacharias Chennilath; 1Dec77: A931077.

A931078. Trace organics in water. By Charles Cooper Chapin. Hicrofilm. Charles Cooper Chapin; 1Dec77; A931078.


Fantasy-reality distinctions of four-


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