Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1508

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A9312110 - A931282
JUL-DEC. 1977

A931240. Belated taxpayers — losses, expenses, interest. By Hilliam E. Jetter. 1 v. (Tar Manaqeaent portfolios, 102- 2nd) Appl. au: Tax management. Inc. Appl. states no copyright claimed on materials from U.S. Govt, sources. NH; additions, revisions & updating. O Tax Management, Inc., a division of The Bureau of National Affairs. Inc.; 22Nov77; A931240.

S931241. Deductibility of legal and accounting fees, bribes and illegal payments. By Robert c. Walthall. 1 ». (Tax Management portfolios, 342) Appl. au: Tax Mana- gement, Inc. Appl. states no copyright claimed on materials from U.S. Govt. sources. 6 Tax Manaqeaent* Inc. , a division of The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.; 22Nov77; A931241.

A931242. The Archies iron-on transfers. Designs by Larry Simmons. 8 p. Appl. au: The Archie company, employer for hire. The Archie company; 1Dec77; A931242.

A931243. The Complete optical-riddle book: opt-iddles. By Buth Heller. 80 p. Appl. au: Hestern Publishing Company, Inc.. employer for hire. Hestern Publishing Company, Inc.; 23Nov77; A931243.

A931244. A Color design book: chroma-schema. By Buth Heller- 1 v. Appl. au: Vestern Publishing Company, Inc., employer for hire. O Uestern Publishing Company, Inc.; 23NOV77; A931244.

A931245. Magic Liquid Chalk. Kit. NM: boxwrap 6 instructions. 3 Hestern Publishing company. Inc.; 26Sep77; A931245.

A931246. Legal checklists. 1977 cumulative suppl. By Beniamin M. Becker, Bernard Savin e David M. Becker. Sheets. e Callaghan and Company; 15Dec77; A931246.

A931247. Your tax savings guide: for business executives and professionals. 32 p. NM: updated. Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 10Nov77; A931247.

A931248. Questions and answers on business insurance. 11th ed. 96 p. C Prentice- Hall, Inc.; 310ct77: A931248.

A931249. Prentice-Hall Federal taxes, 1978. Vol. 9. 1 V. Add. ti: P-H Federal taxes, 1978. Appl. states copyright is not claimed on material reproduced from U.S. Govt, sources. 6 Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 30NOV77 (in notice: 1978); A931249.

A931250. Prentice-Hall Federal taxes. Vol. 2: estate and gift taxes. 1 v. Add. ti: P-H Federal taxes- Appl. states copyright is not claimed on material reproduced from U. S. Govt, sources. Prentice-Hall, Inc. ; 30NOV77 (in notice: 1978); A931250.

A931251. Logan's world. By Hilliam F. Nolan. 149 p. Hilliam F. Nolan: 14Nov77; A931251.

A931252. 9 modern short plays. Selected by David A. Sohn e Bichard H. Tyre. 267 p. on compilation; Bantam Books, Inc. ; 14NOV77: A931252. A931253. The Sign of love. By Barbara Cartland. 167 p. e Barbara Cartland; 14Nov77; A931253. A9J1254. The Latins had a word for it: advanced vocabulary for the college bound student; student ed. By Mary Casson. 151 p. O Mary Casson; 19Sep77; A931254. A931255. Office equipment exporter, 1977- Editor: Hilliam B. Schulhof, managing editor: James Gorman. 144 p. office Publications, Inc.; 7Dec77; A931255. A931256. Colfax, followed by sections for Endicott, Lacrosse, Saint John, HA, 1977/78. e Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone company; 14Sep77; A931256. A931257. Montana showdown. By Jake Logan a.k.a. Alan Eiefe. 174 p. O Playboy a.k.a. Playboy Enterprises, Inc. ; 20Dec77; A931257. A931258. Machinists' ready reference. Compiled by C. Heinqartner. 219 p. NM: revisions. e Prakken Publications, Inc.; 7Dec77; A931258. A931259. French politics today; the future of the Fifth Eepublic. By Neil Mclnnes. 71 p. (The Hashinqton papers, vol. 5, no- 51) Center for strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University; 25Nov77; A931259. A931260. Computopricer, M-Z, December 5, 1977. Microfiche. Add. ti: counter facts pricing service: Computopricer, H-Z, December 5, 1977. Howard H. Sams and company. Inc.; 5Dec77; A931260. A931261. Pro and amateur hockey guide, 1977-78- Compiled by Herb Elk, editors: Larry Higge e Joe Marcin. 288 p. O The Sporting News Publishing company; 12Dec77; A931261- A931262. Connecticut reports: cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Connecticut. Vol. 173, pt. 8. By Donald H. Dowling S Kathryn Miller. p. 525-577. NM: additions £ revisions. O Gloria Schaffer, Secretary of the State of Connecticut; 1Dec77; A931262. A931263. Connecticut reports: cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Connecticut- Vol- 173, pt. 7. By Donald H- Dowling & Kathryn Miller. p. 462-524. NM: additions 6 revisions- e Gloria Schaffer, Secretary of the State of Connecticut; 23Nov77; A931263- A931264- Facinq the Enerqy Department audit. By Bichard Levy with foreword by Gregg Potvin. sheets. Prev. pub. as Facing the FEA audit. NM: updating 6 revision- O Bichard Levy; 3Dec77 (in notice: 1976 (2nd update — Nov- 1977)); A931264. A931265. Facing the FEA audit. By Bichard Levy with foreword by Gregg Potvin- Sheets- Prev. reg. 30Aug76, A778563- NM: revisions. Richard Levy; 70ct76: A931265. A931266. Fist-Kebab skewer book. 1 v. O Linda Piper McDonald d.b.a. Ury Productions, Ltd.; 25JU177; A931266. A931267. An Introduction to medical editing. By Cathleen E. Swee- 50 p. Cathleen £. Swee; 30Nov77; A931267. A931268- Technigues for molding Udel polysulfone. 20 p. NM: updating £ revisions. Union Carbide corporation; 6Dec77; A931268. A931269. National brush digest. 1 v. NH: updating 6 revisions. 6 Union Carbide corporation; 31Aug77; A931269. A931270- Horld statistics in brief. 2nd ed. 251 p. United Nations/Nations Unies; 6Dec77; A931270. A931271. Southwest. By John Houghton Allen, illustrated by Paul Laune, introd. by Orlan Sawey. 220 p. e on introd.; The University of New Mexico Press; 7Dec77; A931271. A931272. Themes in fundamental moral theology. By Charles Edward Curran. 241 p- NM: introd. & additions. University of Notre Dame Press; 2No»77; A931272. A931273. Popular religion in restoration England. By Charles John Somaerville. 152 p. © The Board of Regents of the State of Florida; 23Sep77; A931273. A931274. Drug users and emergent organizations. By Harvey A. Moore. 131 p. S The Board of Regents of the State of Florida; 310ct77; A931274- A931275. Teacher's manual, prepared by Dee Mowry, for Biology; the foundations, by Stephen L. Holfe. 192 p. e Hadsworth Publishing Company, Inc.; 12Dec77; A931275. A931276. Bombers and firesetters- By John Marshall Macdonald. 252 p. O Charles C. Thomas, Publisher; 170ct77; A931276. A931277. Hostage; a police approach to a contemporary crisis. By George F. Maher. 90 p. O Charles C- Thomas, Publisher; 15NOV77; A931277. A931278. Behavior therapy in clinical practice: decision making, procedure and outcome. By Ernest G. Poser with a foreword by H- J- Eysenck. 171 p. e Charles C. Thomas, Publisher: 180ct77; A931278. A931279. College student personnel services- Edited by Hilliam T. Packwood, forewords by Theodore K. Miller 6 Clyde A. Parker. 530 p. Charles C. Thomas, Publisher; 10NOV77; A931279. A931280. Reflex epilepsy, behavioral therapy and conditional reflexes. By Francis M. Forster. 318 p. Charles C. Thomas, Publisher; 170ct77; A931280. A931281. American police handgun training. By Charles R. Skillen S Mason Hilliams. 200 p. e Charles C. Thomas, Publisher; 120ct77; A931281. A931282. Respiratory intensive care. Edited by Robert M. Rogers. 425 p. Charles C. Thomas, Publisher; 3Nov77: A931282- 3394 These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular

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These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.