Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1555

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4933112 - A933151
JUL-DEC. 1977

4933111 (con.) School of Theoloqy, Anderson College; 1Dec77; 4933111.

4933112. Beliefs that quide us; study quide. By Gilbert H. Stafford. 135 p. (Basic in-serpice curriculum for pastors) O The Center for Pastoral Studies, Anderson School of Theology, 4ndersGn College; 1Dec77: 4933112.

4933113. Bell Systea practices, 4T and T Coapany standard. Section 760-100-070, issue 2, 4uqiist 1977. 2 p. e American Telephone and Teleqraph Coapany; 10oct77; A933113.

4933114. Bell system practices, 4T and T Coapany standard. Section 760-100-032, issue 1, Auqust 1977. 21 p. S American Telephone and Teleqraph Coapany: 100ct77; 4933111.

4933115. Bell System practices, 4T and T Coapany standard. Section 760-100-071, issue 1, June 1977. 3 p. C 4merican Telephone and Teleqraph Coapany; 10Oct77; 4933115.

4933116. Bell System practices, AT and T Coapany standard. Section 760-200-021, issue 1. Augast 1977. 7 p. American Telephone and Telegraph Coapany; 10Oct77; 4933116.

A933117. Bell Systea practices, AT and T Coapany standard. Section 760-850-001, issue 1, July 1977. 18 p. O American Telephone and Teleqraph Coapany; 100ct77: A933117.

4933118. Caaeron, Carlyss, Creole, LA, and others telephone directory, November 1977. Appl. au: Gronseth Directory Service, Inc. Cameron Telephone Coapany; BDec77; 4933118.

4933119. Oniversity 301 — independent study in the humanities: The Classical synthesis. 78 p. 4ppl. au: Thomas H. flatltins. O Uestern Illinois Oniversity; 18Nov77; 4933119.

4933120. History 313 — independent study: The American Best. By Bichard D. Poll. 57 p. Bestern Illinois Oniversity; 22Nov77: 4933120.

4933121. University 303--independent study in the natural sciences: Earth sciences and oceanoqraphy. 13 p. 4ppl. au: John S. Klasner 6 David F. Hess. e Western Illinois University; 25Not77; 4933121.

A933122. The nathematics of life insurance: a learning aid for HS 302, 1977/78. 1 v. The American College; mov77; A933122.

A933123. Honey in the toy shop. Britten by: Sammy Glenn (Saa B. Glenn) 6 Cathy Glenn (Catherine A. Glenn), illus. by: Eileen Poupard. 30 p. Sammy Glenn £ Cathy Glenn: 181iov77; A933123.

A93312U. Jesus: God and Man. By Larry E. Hullins. 116 p. Portions from £ based on The Orantia Book. NH: prose poem. Larry E. Bullins; 3Sep77; 4933121.

4933125. Coamunicatinq with the Spanish speakinq patient. By naria G. Bartinez K ozzie F. Diaz-Duque. issued by Departaent of Social Service, University of Io»a Hospitals and Clinics. Io»a City, lA. 200 p. The

A933126. Are restorative remedies proper qap-fillinq devices for problems of uncertainty in the supply contract setting? By Frank Tcoaas Siaeone. 173 p. e Franli Thomas Simeone; 7Jul77: A933126.

A933127. Professional real estate portfolio "P.E.E.P." 1 V. Appl. au: Charles Hinton Silver, Jr. 6 Gary Lee Watts. In- dependent Training Systems; 18Apr77; A933127.

A933128. The Life and teaching of Jesus the Hessiah. By Dennis E. Clark. 200 p. Add. ti; Sirat-ul-masih, isa, ibn Haryaa. NH: additions. Q Dove Publications; 10ct77: A933128.

A933129. Jesus Christ: his life and teaching. By Dennis E. Clark. 321 p. NH: additions. Dove Publications; 10ct77; A933129.

A933130. The Bible is your story. By Mildred Hann, editor: Leonebel Connaiiay. 80 p. O Society of Pragmatic Mysticism; 12Dec71; A933130.

4933131. Mind and consciousness. By Mildred Mann, editor: Leonebel Connauay. 126 p. e Society of Pragmatic Mysticism; 3May77; 4933131.

A933133. Church organization: a manual for effective local church administration. By James G. Pendorf & Helner C. Lundquist, with a foreword by Alexander D. Stewart. 125 p. Q Morehouse-Barlow Company, Inc.; 30Sep77; 4933133.

4933131. Study guide for The Daily office: proposed book of common prayer. By Clifford B. Atkinson. 110 p. HM: p. 1-33. O Horehouse-Barlow Company, Inc.; 10Oct77; A933131.

A933135. Symbols of church seasons and days. By John Bradner, illustrated by Betty Bolfe £ Kerry Dexter. 78 p. e Morehouse-Barlow Company, Inc.; 3 10ct77; A933135.

A933136. Travel master. Vol. 2, no. 2, fall/winter 1977/78. Editor: Cyrus Bernstein, associate editor: Frederic J. Kraver, assistant editor: Joyce Cicero. 711 p. Appl. au: Arthur I. Rabb £ Robert J. Males. United Technical Publi- cations. Inc.; 50ct77; A933136.

A933137. The Electronic distributors master catalog '78. 591 p. Appl. au: Arthur I. Babb £ Robert J. Males. O Onited Technical Publications, Inc.; 270ct77; A933137.

A933138. EEH: electronic engineers master catalog, 77-78. Vol. 1 £ 2. 20th ed. Appl. au: Arthur I. Babb £ Robert J. Hales. 6 Onited Technical Publications, Inc.; 27JU177; A933138.

A933139. Technical drafting: instructor's guide. By Clifford J. Joens. 71 p. £ 10 filastrips. Robert J. Brady Company; 60ct77; A933139.

A933110. The Days when the aniaals talked: black American folktales and how they came to be. By Billiam J. Faulkner, illus. by Troy Howell. 190 p. O on text; William J. Faulkner; 11Sep77; A933110.

A933I11. The Days when the aniaals talked: black Aaerican folktales and how they came to be. By Billiam J. Faulkner, illus. by Troy Howell. 190 p. O on illus.; Pollett Publishing Company, a division of Follett Corporation; 11Sep77; A933111.

4933 112. Exploring our world: the Americas. By Herbert H. Gross. 1 v. (Follett social studies unit tests) HM: editorial revision. Follett Publishing Company, a division of Follett Corporation; 22Aug77; A933112.

A933113. Exploring our world: Latin America and Canada. By Susan Dye Lee. 1 v. (Follett social studies unit tests) HM: editorial revision. Follett Publishing Coapany, a division of Follett Corporation; 22Aug77; A933113.

A933111. CLS: New York consolidated laws service; annotated statutes with forms. Vol. 11. By the editorial staff of The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company. 983 p. Add. ti: NY statutes with forms, 11. Appl. states copyright is not claimed in any material secured from official U.S. Govt, sources. 6 on additions £ revisions; The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company; 1Dec77; 4933111.

A933115. Ohio jurisprudence 3d. Vol. 2. 719 p. Appl. states copyright is not claiaed in any material secured from official U.S. Govt, sources. The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company; 1Dec77; 4933115.

4933116. 4merican jurisprudence: a modern comprehensive text statement of 4fflericaQ law. State and Federal; general index. Vol. 4-B £ C. By the editorial staff of The lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company £ Bancrof t-Bhitney Coapany. 2nd ed. 2 V. Appl. states copyright is not claiaed in any material secured from official U.S. Govt, sources. Juris- prudence Publishers, Inc. ; 5Dec77; 4933116.

4933117. John Bayne: 4merica, why I love her. Bith Billy Liebert £ John Mitchum. 113 p. 4ppl. au: Devere Music Corporation £ Batjac Music Company. HE: foreword, compilation of songs £ photos., additional supplementary text. 6 Devere Music Corporation £ Batjac Music Company; 310ct77; A933117.

A933118. In memory of Elvis: the brightest star. By Mr. T. , pseud, of Howard Thomas Kartrude. Folder. O Howard Thomas Kartrude whose pseud, is Mr. T. ; 19Nov77; 4933118.

4933119. Increase your business with incentive motivation: 1 step plan. 1 v. Ronald H. Badger d.b.a. Creative Impressions; 8Jun77; 4933 119.

4933150. Alvarez on Alvarez. 152 p. O Halter Clement Alvarez; 190ec77; A9331S0.

A933151. Pat-a-cake. By Elizabeth Knapp. 27 p.

Elizabeth Knapp; 2«Jul77; A933151.


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