Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1575

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A933955 - A933994
JUL-DEC. 1977

»933954 (con.) studies »ith nitrofurans. By Daniel Robert Good»an. Microfiim. Daniel Bobert Goodman; 1Dec77: A933951.

J933955. Filed bed ceactocs foe sulfur dioxide oxidation. By suphan Koyenklioqlu. Siccofilii. e Suphan Kovenklioqlu; 1Dec77: A933955.

1933956. The Dynaaics of a popular revolt : a case study of Poland, 1956-1957. By Thomas ». Atkins. Hicrofili. O ThoQas V. Atkins; 1Dec77; A933956.

A933957. Cytoloqical localization of actin- related ONA sequences in Drosophila fflelanoqaster. By Sara Lee Tobin. Sicrofilm. e Saca Lee Tobin; 1Dec77; A933957.

A933958. A Level of care index: development and comparative evaluation of a computer-aided utilization revieii selector method. By Rebecca Fuhrer. nicrofilm. O Bebecca Fuhrer: 1Dec77; A933958.

A933959. The Strenqths and weaknesses of adult basic education as revealed by evaluative studies, 1965-197it, at the local, state and national levels. By L. P. Bob La*, Jr. Microfilm. L. P. Bob Law, Jr.; 1Dec77: A933959.

A933960. The Science-related problem-solvinq processes of visually impaired adoles- cents. By Elva Futh souqh. Bicrofilm. Elva Buth Gouqh; 1Dec77 (in notice: 1976) ; A933960.

A933961. Hetabolism and kinetics of spirolactones and aldosterone. By Amy Michaels Finn. Microfilm. Amy Michaels Finn; 1Dec77; A933961.

A933962. An Ex ante measurement of the Averch- Johnson effect in electric poiier qeneration. By Douqlas Lee Norland. Microfilm. C Douqlas Lee Norland; 1Dec77: A933962.

A933963. An Investiqation of the causal influence of trait and state anxiety upon the test performance of newly incarcerated adult inmates. By Gilbert Ray yorley. Microfilm. Gilbert Bay Horley: 1Dec77; A933963.

A933964. Optimum ordered hash tables. By Glenn Nichols Thomas. Microfilm. C Glenn Nichols Thomas; 1Dec77; A9J3964.

A933965. Children's ability to segment oral lanquaqe. By Ann Marie Kelly. Microfilm. O Ann Marie Kelly; 1Dec77: A933965.

A933966. Individual investments, ecoloqical variables and black-white relative economic status: a contextual analysis of status attainment for blacks and whites. By Toby Lee Parcel. Microfilm. O Toby lee Parcel: 1Dec77; A933956.

A933967. A Pharmaooloqical and electrophysio- loqical study of the effects of reserpine upon amyqdalar kindlinq in rats. By Douqlas Morqan Hilkison. Microfilm. Douqlas Morqan Hilkison: 1Dec77; A933967.

A933968. Toward a paradigmatic structure for the study of adult education as an academic discipline. By Cora Marie Dubitsky. Microfilm. S Cora Marie Dubitsky; 1Dec77; A93396B.

A933969. An Examination of the Emergency school aid act project in the Evansville- Tanderburqh School Corporation of Indiana. By Anthony Marquis Brooks. Microfilm, e Anthony Marquis Brooks; 1Dec77; A933969.

A933970. The Kelationship of locus of control, trust and situational control of daily activities to morale of the institu- tionalized aged. By Betty Lee Chang. Microfilm. 9 Betty Lee Chanq; 1Dec77; A933970.

A933971. The Relationship between selected paternal child-rearinq practices and the sex-role preferences of four-year-old nursery school children. By Delberta Hollaway Coonrod. Microfilm. O Delberta Hollaway Coonrod; 1Dec77; A933971.

A933972. An Analysis of legislation and court decisions affecting public school teachers and students in Kentucky. By James Earl Carver. Microfilm. O James Earl Carver; 1Dec77; A933972.

A933973. Radon transforms over the real and complex domain. By James Vincent Peters. Microfilm. 6 James Vincent Peters; 1Dec77; A933973.

A933974. Legal and political aspects of late medieval English drama. By Lynn Bahrych Sguires. Microfilm. O Lynn Bahrych Squires; 1Dec77; A933974.

A933975. A Song for Lya and other stories. By Georqe E. B. Martin. 208 p. Portions prev. pub. in Analog science fiction/fact. May 1973 6 others. on anthology; Georqe B. R. Martin; 20Feb76: A933975.

A933976. Study guide to accompany The Metric system or measurements. By Chuck Partridge. 27 p. Appl. au: Harper and Row, Publishers, Inc. O Harper and Row, Publishers, Inc.; 30Sep77; A933976.

A933977. Standard details for fire-resistive building construction. By Louis Przetak, editors: Jeremy Robinson 6 Joseph Hilliams. 365 p. Material based on the 1973 and 1976 editions of the Uniform Building Code of the International Conference of Building Officials. NM: compilation, new front matter, introd.. Section S, illus., appendix 6 indexes. O McGraw-Hill, Inc.; 50ct77; A933977.

A933978. Band McNally vacation and travel guide. 276 p. O Rand McNally and company; 20Apr77; A933978.

A933979. Investigating school mathematics, second edition; duplicator masters. By Bobert E. Eicholz, Phares G. O'Daffer 6 Charles B. Fleenor. Sheets (72 p.) NM: revision, additional text, metric. Addison-Uesley Publishing Company, Inc.; 2Jan76; A933979.

A933980. Confinement and flight: an essay on English literature of the eighteenth century. By H. B. Carnochan. 201 p. e The Regents of the University of California; 6May77; A933980.

A933981. A Selection of paintings, drawings and watercolors. 26 p. 6 microfiche. NM: text fi compilation of illus. e Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum; 5Aug77 (in notice: 1976) ; A933981.

A933982. Selections from the permanent col- lection. Uith an introd. by John 1. H. Baur. 26 p. Appl. au: Hhitney Museum of Art, employer for hire. NM: introd. 6 compilation. Whitney Museum of Art (in notice: Khitney Museum of American Art) ; 19Aug77 (in notice: 1976); A933982.

A9 3398 3. Green guide revision. Vol. 2: pile driving equipment, section J. Sept. 1977 revision. 78 p. O Equipment Guide-Book Company; 15Sep77; A933983.

A933984. Green guide revision. Vol 2: tower cranes, section B. Aug. 1977 revision. 142 p. O Equipment Guide-Book Company: 15Auq77; A933984.

A933985. Green guide revision. Vol. 2: sweepers and brooms, section M. Sept. 1977 revision. 58 p. Equipment Guide-Book Company; 15Sep77; A933985.

A9339B6. Cognitive-affective learning process, and other titles. U posters. Appl. au: Constancia Schnoebelen. Constancia Sohnoebelen; 27Aug77; A933986.

A933987. The Beischling Network, Ltd.; a business plan. By- Barry J. Beischling. 2 v. Appl. states copyright not claimed for letters £ copied material comprising appendix. O Barry J. Beischling; 2No»77; A9339B7.

A933988. Utah Heritage Foundation Guild quilt. Sheets (5 p.) Add. ti: Heritage quilt, 1977. Utah Heritage Foundation Guild; 310ct77; A93J988.

A933989. Designing oretensioned concrete beams with a programmable calculator. By Robert L. Blyth. 1 V. O Robert L. Blyth; 17Dec77; A933989.

A933990. Ontitled instructions for construction of a portable building. Drawn by Jolin S. Simmonds. 10 p. Appl. au: William C. Brewer. O yilliam C. Brewer; 6Dec77; A933990.

A933991. Blind beggar man: In the twilight years of my life. Card. Appl. au: Elizabeth P. Hillis-Cobb 6 John Pinkney. S Elizalieth F. Biilis-Cobb 6 John Pinkney; 20Jan77; A933991.

A933992. The storefront church. Card. Appl. au: Elizabeth P. Uillis-Cobb D John Pinkney. O Elizabeth P. Billis-Cobb 6 John Pinkney; 20Jan77; A93J992.

A933993. 1000 percent profit on investments. By Glenn Kum Hin Lum. 3 p. O Glenn K. H. Lum; 7Dec77; A933993.

A933991. Three to get ready; preparing for childbirth and parenting during the last

three months of pregnancy. By Arlene


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