Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1579

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JUL-DEC. 1977

1931*121 (con.) patterns of interpersonal response aaonq male student-physicians. By Xenia TonesJt. Hicrofilm. C Xeuia Tonesk; 1Dec77; »93ai21.

i93»122. The Politics of inter- Anerican economic integration: the Latin American Free Trade Association and Onited States foreign policy. By Edvard J. Panico. Nicrofila. Edvard J. Panico; 1Dec77 (in notice: 19761: A93I4122.

A93IH23. Purification of streptokinase by affinity chromatography. By Philip Cicnaoon Coap. Hicrofilm. "i Philip Cinnamon Comp; 1Dec77: A93't123.

A93U12it. Criminality and heart rate: a pros- pective study. By James Bobert Eisenberq. Microfilm. C James fiobert Eisenberq; 1Dec77; A93ltl2«.

A93U125. The Belationship between general sexual attitudes of licensed Oregon psycholoqists and their responses to individual child molesting cases. By Gerald Andrew Davenport. Hicrofilm. O Gerald Andrew Davenport; 1Dec77 (in notice: 1976); A93I1125.

A93lt126. A Noninvasive technique for monitoring response to chemotherapy in human acute leukemia. By Lynn Elizabeth Posey. Hicrofilm. Lynn Elizabeth PoseJ; 1Dec77; A9314126.

A931H27. A Discrete line domain approach to frequency trackinq on unstable siqnals. By Liona Bussell Boberts, Jr. Hicrofilm. e Liona Bussell Boberts, Jr.; 1Dec77; i934127.

A934128. L*Esthetique de Blaise Cendrars. By Jean-Francois Harie Thibault. Hicrofilm. e Jean-Francois Harie Thibault; 1Dec77 (in notice: 1976); A93it12e.

A93it129. Efficient activation of mammalian muscle units and its relationship to motoneuronal discharqe patterns durinq locomotion. By Joseph Ling Young. Hicrofilm. Joseph Ling Young; 1Dec77; A93I4129.

A93lt130. From urban industrialdom to ecotopia: the politics of an American transition. By Bichard Kendall gorthington. Hicrofilm. Richard Kendall Uorthington; 1Dec77: A93H130.

A93I1131. The Faithful mind: studies in literary structures. By Anthony Joseph Franzese. Hicrofilm. C Anthony Joseph Franzese; 1Dec77: A93lt131.

A93U132. The Dialectical anthropology of Jean-Jacques Rousseau: an interpretive essay. By Stephen Kinq Levine. Hicrofilm. Stephen King Levine; 1Dec77; A9311132.

A931I133. Changes in response rate as function of self-monitoring and performance ins- tructions. By Soger Allen Johnson. Hicrofilm. Boger Allen Johnson; lDec77: A931t133.

A9311134. This world and the next: social and religious ideologies in the romances of the Thornton manuscript. By Owen James

1934135. Hovemcnt, rest and encounter; a phenomenology of everyday environmental experience. By David Richard Seamon. Microfilm. O David Bichard Seamon; 1Dec77; A931135.

A934136. The Attributes of effective retrieval cures: a developmental study. By Sharon Louise Anderson Telleen. Hicrofilm. Q Sharon Louise Anderson Telleen; 1Dec77 (in notice: 1976); A93it136.

A93lt137. A Study of factors affecting the career development of black students in Haryland. By Velma Ruth Speight. Hicrofilm. ¥elma Buth Speight; 1Dec77: A93it137.

A934138. Der Radius des Halbkreises: the function of the train station in Heinrich Boell's early prose works. By Sabine Schroeder. Hicrofilm. © Sabine Schroeder; 1Dec77; A934138.

A934139. An Interdisciplinary approach to bilingual bicultural education: the Palomar College model. By Patricia Ernenwein Zevin. Microfilm. e Patricia Ernenwein Zevin; 1Dec77; A93ai39.

A93't1«0. Finnish-Soviet economic cooperation with a case study of the Saimaa Canal Project. By Maria-Liisa Kolhonen Lydon. nicrofila. Haria-Liisa Kolhonen Lydon; 1Dec77; Ags^ito.

A93't1«1. A Psychology of human possibility: the rationale for a psychospiritual approach to child development. By Stephen Douglas Arnold. Hicrofilm. Q Stephen Douglas Arnold; 1Dec77; A93U141.

A93«ia2. An Analysis of public school music in the State of Oregon for 1975-76. By Baiter Clark Bilson. Microfilm. 6 Baiter Clark Bilson; 1Dec77; A934142.

A931(1113. Computer applications in art education research. By Beverly Jean Koestner Jones. Hicrofilm. O Beverly Jean Koestner Jones; 1Dec77; A934143.

A934144. The Effects of praise and censure on the interpersonal skill training of schi- zophrenics. By Gerald Francis Paone. Hicrofilm. O Gerald Francis Paone; lDec77; A934144.

A9341l)5. The Triadic archetype in Keats* poetry. By Anne Poole Borthinqton. Microfilm, e Anne Poole Uorthinqton; 1Dec77 (in notice: 1976), A93"t1'J5.

A93i»1<t6. Kindergarten children's expression of a personal space preference in the classroom and their spacing behavior in classrooms of varying densities. By Jacguelyn Harie Vawter. Hicrofilm. O Jacguelyn Harie Vawter; 1Dec77; A9341116.

A93"11U7. Multiphonic trills and tremolos for clarinet. By Gerald James Farmer. Hicrofilm. O Gerald James Farmer; lDec77; A93lt1U7.

A93H148. Studies in the Bovo Buch and Bevis of Hampton. By Sheila Abbye Spector. Hicrofilm. O Sheila Abbye Spector; 1Dec77 (in notice: 1976); A93it1»8.

A93II1U9. Formation of Escherichia coli Hfr strains by integrative suppression with a pseudomonas B plasmid. By Ronald Bay Martin. Microfilm. O Ronald Bay Martin; 1Dec77; A93i(1«9.

A93U150. The Musical contributions and historical significance of Edward Bunting (1773- 1843) , a pioneer in the preservation of the heritage of Irish music. By Eileen H. Dolan. Microfilm. O Eileen M. Dolan; 1Dec77; A934150.

A934151. A Stock-flow analysis of copper markets. By Stephen Joel Staloff. Hicrofilm. e Stephen Joel Staloff; 1Dec77; A934151.

A934152. Intra-district resource variation and equality of educational opportunity. By Dennis Clarke Carey. Hicrofilm. Dennis Clarke Carey; 1Dec77; 1934152.

A934153. Education* the protagonist and the nature of knowledge in Helvilie and Twain. By Earl Victor Bobb. Microfilm. O Earl Victor Bobb; 1Dec77; A934153.

A934154. A Study of relationships between bureaucratic structure and organizational climate in schools as perceived by teachers in selected elementary schools. By James Michael Magee. Microfilm. e James Michael Magee; 1Dec77; A934154.

A9 3415 5. Salinity tolerance of marine bivalves: the role of divalent adenosine trip- hosphatase activity. By John Albert Batts. Microfilm. 6 John ilbert Batts; 1Dec77; 1934155.

193«156. Experimental study of ion dynamics in the Maryland fast theta pinch. By Ted Teh-hsien Chiang. Microfilm. O Ted Teh-hsien Chiang; 1Dec77; 1934 156.

A934157. The Bole of the Catholic layman in the church and American society as seen in the editorials of Commonweal magazine. By Martin James Bredeck. Hicrofilm. e Hartin James Bredeck; 1Dec77; A934157.

A934158. Entitlement and equality: a response to Bobert Nozick. By Deirdre Katren Golash. Hicrofilm. Deirdre Katren Golash; 1Dec77; 1931)158.

A934 159. Characterization of hormonal patterns in the postpartum anestrous beef cow. By Billiam Dee Humphrey. Microfilm. Billiam Dee Humphrey; 1Dec77; A934159.

A934 160. Descartes* idea of philosophy and the anthropology of error. By Baiter Soffer. Microfilm. Baiter Soffer; 1Dec77; A934160.

A934161. An Analysis of the family status dimension among the Indian population in Durban, South Africa: an experiment in urban factorial ecology. By Dhevarajh Sunderajh Bajah. Hicrofilm. O Dhevarajh Sunderajh Bajah; 1Dec77 (in notice: 1976); A934161.

A934 162. A Hethodology for airport investment

planning with application to the large air


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