Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1582

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A934249 - A934291
JUL-DEC. 1977

4934248 (con.) Hunk, Publishers. 9 on text; Piatt and Hunk, Publishers: lreb77: 4934248.

4934249. Book of records. Illustrated by Jerry Zimmerman. It. 6 on illus.; Jerry Zimmerman: 1Feb77: 4934249.

4934250. The Biq book of thinqs to do. Compiled by Halvina Voqel. 448 p. Appl. au: Haldman Publisbinq Corporation. Material in this book oriqinally appeared in Fun and fact & others. NH: compilation & additional text, e Raldman Publishinq Corporation; 1Sep77: 4934250.

4934251. Fundamentals of library and information science: a syllabus, June 1977. 163 p. © Graduate School of Library Science, Drexel Oniversity: 1Jun77; 4934251.

4934252. U-ioints. Cataloq 77 B. 249 p. e HcQuay-Norris, Inc.: 20Jun77; 4934252.

4934253. The Voices of Hoccasin Creek. By Tate C. Paqe, illustrated by Chuck Crume. 42' P. e Tate C. Paqe; 15Feb72; 4934253.

4934254. Primary first aid kit; teacher's quide. 67 p. 4ppl. au: The 4merican National Red Cross. © The 4merican National fied Cross; 15Jan77: 4934254.

4934255. Primary first aid kit. Issued by The 4merican National Red Cross. The 4merican National Red Cross; 10Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 6934255.

4934256. 4 Medieval commentary on the Hass: Particulae 2-3 and 5-6 of the Oe missarum mysteriis (ca. 1195) of Cardinal lothar of Seqni (Pope Innocent 3rd) By David Frank Rciqht. aicrofilm. David Frank Hriqht; 1Dec77: 4934256.

4934257. The Open Door and the rise of Chinese nationalism: 4aerican policy and China, 1917-1928. By Brian Thomas Georqe. Hicrofilm. @ Brian Thomas Georqe; 1Dec77; 4934257.

4934258. The Impact of proposed inland uatemay user charqes on qrain transportation and marketinq: the case of the Illinois waterway. By Edwin Kirby Isely. Microfilm. Q Edwin Kirby Isely; 1Dec77: 4934258.

4934259. Multiple interactinq spheres of influence; a continqency model of school qovernance. By Edith Bryan McKenzie. Hicrofilm. C Edith Bryan HcKenzie; 1Dec77: 4934259.

4934260. Manipulative skills and educational personnel. By Eduardo 4ntonio 4humada. tUcrofilm. 6 Eduardo 4ntonio 4humada: 1Dec77: 4934260.

4934261. Kodaira bundles for 4belian varieties. By Richard Brooks Haqruder. Microfilm. © Richard Brooks Maqruder; 1Dec77; 4934261.

4934262. Kinship cateqories in a Hinanqkabau villaqe. By Lynn Louis Thomas. Microfilm. Lynn Louis Thomas; 1Dec77: 4934262.

4934263. Santob's debate between the pen and the scissors. By Clark Andrews Colahan. MicrofiliB. © Clark 4ndrews Colahan; lDec77; 4934263.

4934264. The Boundaries of choice; moral freedom in Milton's poetic universe. By Michael Robert collinqs. Hicrofilm. © Hichael Robert Collinqs; 1Dec77; 4934264.

4934265. The Poetry of Louise Bogan. By Jaqueline Cecilia Ridqeuay. Microfilm. © Jaqueline Cecilia Ridqeway; 1Dec77; 4934265.

4934266. Motion- induced learned taste aversions in rats and the role of the area postrema. By Philip Lee Hartley. Hicrofilm. © Philip Lee Hartley; 1Dec77; 4934266.

4934267. 4 Micropuncture study of electrolyte and water secretion by the rabbit pancreas. By Carlton Ruda Caflisch. Microfilm. © Carlton Ruda Caflisch; 1Dec77; 4934267.

4934268. 4utobioqraphy and art: aesthetic uses of the creative process in the autobioq- raphies of Henry 4dams, Mark Twain, and Henry James. By Lawrence Oscar Holmberq, Jr. Microfilm. © Lawrence Oscar HolBberq, Jr.; 1Dec77; 4934268.

4934269. Racine, 41fieri, and Schiller: a comparative study of heroines. By Bertilia Herrera. Microfilm. © Bertilia Herrera; 1Dec77; 4934269.

4934270. Social organization and culture in a low income black community. By Frederick Chesteen Patten. Hicrofilm. © Frederick Chesteen Patten; 1Dec77: 4934270.

4934271. Narrative strategies in the short stories of John Cheever. By Daniel 4aron Burr. Microfilm. 3 Daniel 4aron Burr; 1Dec77; 4934271.

4934272. Causal relations among types of formal and informal social participation; a test of the generalization, cumulative, and compensation hypotheses. By Hayne Hinoru iJsui. Microfilm. © Hayne Hinoru Osui; 1Dec77; 4934272.

4934273. Effects of sexual quilt on the sexual attitudes and sexual behavior of family physicians. By Peter Vincent DiVasto. Microfilm. © Peter Vincent DiVasto; 1Dec77; 4934273.

4934274. The Japanese in Riverside, 1890 to 1945: a special case in race relations. By Morrison Gideon Hong. Microfilm. 9 Morrison Gideon Honq; 1Dec77; 4934274.

4934275. Quaternary surficial deposits and their relationship to landforms in San Bernardino Valley. By 4nthony Orr Clarke. Hicrofilm. © 4nthony Orr Clarke; 1Dec77; 4934275.

4934276. Growth management policies in three California cities. By Phyllis Strong Green. Hicrofila. © Phyllis Strong Green; 1Dec77; 4934276.

4934277. Climbinq the cial mountain: the folk element in the works of three black writers. By Gordon Cuery Freeman. Hicrofilm. © Gordon Query Freeman; 1Dec77; 4934277.

4934 278. k'omen's roles in a man's world: appearance and reality in a lowland New Guinea village. By Leslie Conton. Hicrofilm. © Leslie Conton; 1Dec77; 4934278.

4934279. British influence in the modernization of Chile, 1860-1914. By Daniel Hilliam Zimmerman. Hicrofilm. © Daniel Hilliam Zimmerman; 1Dec77; 4934279.

4934280. The Old qods on the obverse of Codex Vindobonensis Hexicanus 1. By Jill Leslie Furst. Hicrofilm. © Jill Leslie Furst; 1Dec77; 4934280.

4934281. The Relative effectiveness of four combinations of instructional television and aspects of the educational environment in a seventh grade language study. By 4gnes Eubye Mackey Colley. Microfilm. © 4qnes Rubye Hackey Coll.ey; 1Dec77; 4934281.

4934282. 4 Quantitative analysis of Nunamiut Eskimo settlement dynamics: 1898 to 1969. By Charles Hynn 4msden. Microfilm. Charles Hynn 4lDSden; 1Dec77; 4934282.

4934283. The Subjunctive in Brazilian Portuguese. By Irene Marie Hherritt. Microfilm. © Irene Marie Hherritt; 1Dec77; 4934283.

4934284. The Otopia within: some psychological aspects of Edward Bellamy's early writing. By Betty Cobey Senescu. Hicrofilm. Betty Cobey Senescu; 1Dec77; 4934284.

4934285. Lessing's philosophy of art: a chapter in the history of aesthetics. By Thomas Joseph Gerald. Hicrofilm. © Thomas Joseph Gerald; 1Dec77; 4934285.

4934286. Thomas Paine; an interpretive study of the treatment of Paine by biographers, historians and critics. By Francina Kercheville Hail. Hicrofilm. 6 Francina Kercheville Hail; 1Dec77; 4934286.

4934287. The History of photography in Peru in the nineteenth century, 1839-1876. By Douglas Keith HcElroy. Hicrofilm. © Douglas Keith HcElroy; 1Dec77; 4934287.

4934288. Evaluation of 4merican foreign policy: a policy analysis approach. By Dean Robin Fetter. Microfilm. © Dean Robin Fetter; 1Dec77; 4934288.

4934289. The Leader behavior of the school principal in the operation of school- community advisory committees. By Jerry Hinford Kelley. Hicrofilm. Jerry Hinford Kelley; 1Dec77; 4934289.

4934290. Beethoven in Hestern literature. By Donna Ann Beckage. Microfilm. © Donna 4nn Beckage; 1Dec77; 4934290.

4934291. Creation and tradition in the novels of Maria De Zayas. By Nancy Bees Karr. Hicrofilm. © Nancy Rees Karr; 1Dec77;



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