Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1594

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A9347ll0 - A93lt77a
JUL-DEC. 1977

»9347lt0. k Kiss of silk. By Barbara Cactland. 203 p. NN: additions. Barbara McCorquodale, pseud, of Barbara Cartland; 15Dec71 (on copies; 1959, 1971, 1976) ; 493117110. (6th print., Nov. 197b, deposited)

A9347I11. The Enchanting evil. By Barbara Cartland. 138 p. NH: additions. Barbara Cartland; 15Nov69 (on copies: 1963, 1969, 1977) ; S93171t1. (8th print.. Mar. 1977, deposited)

»93l»7il2. Love is dangerous. By Barbara Cartland. 206 p. NM: additions. Barbara Cartland whose pseud- is Barbara McCorguodaie; 15Jan72 (on copies: 1963, 1969, 1972. 1977); 193U7I12. (7th print.. Bay 1977, deposited)

A93a7it3. An Innocent in Paris. By Barbara Cartland. 20i4 p. Original ti. : A virgin in Paris. NB: additions. Barbara Cartland; 15Jun71 (on copies: 1966. 1971, 1976); A93U7113. (6th print., Nov. 1976, deposited)

A93il7iti|. Theft of a heart. By Barbara Cartland. 221 p. NB: additions. Barbara Cartland whose pseud, is Barbara Mccorquodale; 15jun7i» (on copies: 1966. 1969, 19711, 1977): A93I17IH1. (Ith print., Apr. 1977, deposited)

A9347I1S. Love OD the run. By Barbara Cartland. 256 p. NH: additions. Barbara Cartland whose pseud, is Barbara Mccorquodale; 15JU173 (on copies: 1965, 1969, 1973, 1976): A93a7i45. (ilth print., June 1976, deposited)

A93117116. The Runaway heart. By Barbara Cartland. 221 p. NB: additions. C Barbara BcCorguodale, pseud, of Barbara Cartland; 15Auq7H (on copies: 1961, 1974, 1976); A93117H6. (2nd print., June 1976)

A93117117. The Secret fear. By Barlsara Cartland. 239 p. NB: additions. 6 Barbara Cartland: 15May71 (on copies: 1970, 1971, 1976): A93'17ii7. (10th print., June 1976, deposited)

493117118. A Light to the heart. By Barbara Cartland. 255 p. NM: additions- Barbara Cartland; 150ct73 (on copies: 1962, 1973, 1976): A931171I8. (5th print., Nov. 1976, deposited)

i93»750. Love is contraband. By Barbara Cartland. 191 p. NB: additions. Barbara Cartland; 15Auq70 (on copies: 1963, 1970, 1976); A9311750. (7th print., June 1976. deposited)

A93I1751, Love to the rescue. By Barbara Cartland. 190 p. NB: additions. C Barbara Cartland; 15Bay70 (on copies; 1967, 1970, 1977): A931I751. (9th print., Nov. 1977, deposited)

A93U752. Love holds the cards. By Barbara Cartland. 191 p. NB: additions. O Barbara Cartland: 15Jan70 (on copies: 1965, 1970, 19711); A93U752. (6th print., Nov. 197(1, deposited)

493U753. The Pretty horse-brealiers. By Barbara Cartland. 205 p. NB: additions. O Barbara Cartland: 1SApr72 (oj copies: 1971, 1972, 1977): 59311753. (8th print., Aug. 1977, deposited)

A93117511. Love in hiding- By Barbara Cartland. 175 p. NM; additions. Barbara Cartland; 150ct69 (on copies: 1959, 1969, 1977); A93il75il. (10th print., Aug. 1977, deposited)

A9311755. Sweet adventure. By Barbara Cartland. 192 p. NM: additions. Barbara Cartland; 15Nov70 (on copies: 1957, 1970. 1976); A931I755. (8th print., June 1976, deposited)

A9311756. Choice tidbits (a collection of writings) Editors: Andy Canhan S Keith McGavern. 58 p- O KflAC publicatiocs; 21NOV77; A93117S6.

A93«757. Dominee. By Cwest, pseud, of Catherine L. Sullivan. Poster. Catherine I. Sullivan a. It. a. Cwest; 23Nov77; A9311757.

A9311758. Beyond the copper bracelet; what you should know about arthritis. By Louis A. aealey, Kenneth S. Silske S Bob H. Hansen. 2nd ed. 155 p. C Louis A. Healey, Kenneth K. iiilske & Bob H. Bansen; 30Aug77; i93H758.

A93H759. The New Passover Baggadah for a nodern Pesach. it3 p. ippl. au: Alfred J. Lassers (Avrosn Lazer) NM; additions. Alfred J. Lassers (in notice: Avrois Lazer) ; 15aar77; A9311759.

A9311760. A Practical guide to preparing a Federal estate tax return. By Dennis A, Brown & D. Larry Cruubley. 1 v. Appl. states O.S. copyright not clained in any material taken from D. S. Govt, sources. NM: additional text 6 revisions. Lawyers and Judges Publishing Coiapany (in notice: Lawyers and Judges Publishing Coapany, a division of Connunication Skill Builders, Inc.); 260ct77; A931I760.

A93H761. Directory of executive recruiters, 1977. 1811 p. Appl. au; James H. Kennedy. Consultants News; 1Jan77: A93<l761.

A931I762. A Ouill pen, lightly dipped. By Paul chancellor. 1 v. O Audrey K. Chancellor; 9Dec77; A934762.

S93I1763. Ken Kelley cooks for entertaining- By Kenena MacKenzie Kelley, art work by Merrily B. Babcock. 206 p. Appl. au: Abbott Hospital Auxiliary of Abbott- Northwestern Hospitals, Inc. S Abbott Hospital Auxiliary of Abbott-Northwestern Hospitals, Inc.; 7Sep77; A93<1763.

A93117611. George Herbert' s pattern poeas: in their tradition. By Richard Carter Higgins. 79 p. NB: additions £ revisions. C Bichard C- Biggins; 80ct77; A93a76il.

A93a765. Everyone has sher favorite (his or hers) By Kichard Carter Higgins. 86 p. Portions prev. pub. in Ausgabe 6 others- NB: additions. O Bichard C. Higgins; 80ct77: A93't765.

A93I1766. Stock redeaptions. Prepared by the Continuing Professional Education Division, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc. Sheets. (Corporate planning — subchapter C series) Add. ti: AICPA continuing professional education. Appl. au: American Institute of CPAs. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any material taken from 0. S- Govt. sources. NM: revisions. Q American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Inc. ; 1Bar76; A9311766.

A9311767. First audit of a new client. Authored by Albert R. Bitchell 6 McGladrey. Hansen. Dunn and Coapany. Sheets. Add. ti: AICPA continuing professional education. Appl. au: American Institute of CPAs. NM: revisions & additional text. C American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Inc.; 1Jan76; A9311767.

A93I1768. Fiduciary income tax returns workshop. Prepared by the Continuing Professional Education Division. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc. Sheets. Add. ti: AICPA continuing professional education. Appl» au: American Institute of CPAs. Appl. states U. S. copyright not claimed in any material taken from U. S. Govt, sources. NM: revisions- © American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Inc. ; 1Apr76; A93lt768.

A93I1769. Local government auditing and reporting. Prepared by the Continuing Professional Education Division, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc. Sheets. Add. ti; AICPA continuing professional education. Appl- au: American Institute of CPAs. Appl. states 0. S. copyright not claimed in any material taken from D. S. Govt, sources. NM: revisions. O American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc.; 1Mar77; A931t769.

A9311770. a. S. taxation of foreign source income. By Paul Bodner- Sheets. Add. ti: AICPA continuing professional education. Appl. au: American Institute of CPAs. appl. states copyright not claimed in any material taken from O.S. Govt, sources. NM: revisions. S American Institute of certified Public Accountants. Inc.; 10ct75; A93U770.

A93I1771. Procedure and practice before tiie IRS. Prepared by the Continuing Professional Education Division, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc. 1 v. Add. ti: AICPA continuing professional education. Appl. au: American Institute of CPAs. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any material taken from O.S. Govt, sources. NB: revisions. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Inc.; tJan77; A9311771.

A934772. Corporate income tax returns workshop, Prepared by the Continuing Professional Education Division. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Inc. 1 v. Add. ti: AICPA continuing professional education. Appl. au: American Institute of CPAs. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any material taken from O.S- Inc. sources. NB: revision- © American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Inc.; 1JU176; A9311772.

A9311773. Elementary and pre-algebra mathematics. Levels A-E. Sheets. © Board of Education of Bontgomery County; 1Jul77; A93it773-

A9347711. The Healthifier. Vol. 2. no. 1. By Marsh Morrison. Folder (6 p.) in envelope. © Marsh Morrison; 30ct77;



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