Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1609

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A935302 (con.) 171 p. Byron Danrow ; 20Jul77; 4935302.

A935303. The Hiddle of the lourney. By Lionel Trillinq. 310 p. Prev. pub. abroad 1975, AI-15119. on introd.; The Estate of Lionel Trillinq; 20Feb76: A935303.

A935304. Challenqe to survival. By Leonard Uilliaas, foreword by C. H. Haddington. 170 p. Prev. pub. abroad 1971, AF46121. NH; additional tejct, revisions & changes. © Leonard Rilliais; 25IIay77: A935304.

A935305. Youth and ainority uaeDployoien t. By Baiter E. Rilliams. 44 p. NH: pcef.. index, 6 additions. O The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior Dniversity: 120ct77: A935305.

A935306. Refinery division training manual nuaber 4000, overvieu. Prepared by L. E. Anderson. 1 v. Appl. au: Corn Products. 6 Hanaqeoent and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 28llov77; A935306.

A935307. 11)796: translation alarm switch, models 210A/220A. Prepared by Antonio L. Hontes. 9 p. Appl. au: Manaqeneot and Traininq Systems for Industry, Inc. aanagement and Traininq Systems for Industry, Inc.; 28NOV77: A935307.

A935308. The Grovinq years; a study quide for the televised course. By Philip Kaushall & Kiki skaqen. 301 p. NH: new text, additions £ compilation of illus. e BcGraw-Hill, Inc., Dniversity of California, San Diego 6 Coast Community Colleqe District; 9Sep77; A935308.

A935309. The Politics of neqiect; urban aid from Model Cities to revenue sharinq. By Bernard J. Frieden 6 Marshall Kaplan, foreword by Robert Hood. 295 p. Chap. 11 oriqinally pub. in Toward new human rights: the social programs of the Kennedy and Johnson Administrations. Nfl: foreword £ additions. The Hassachusetts Institute of Technology 6 The President and Fellows of Harvard College; 24Jun77; A935309.

A935310. Christmas, 1975: The Huseum of Hodern Art, New York. 40 p. The Buseum of Bodern Art; 5Sep75; A935310.

A935311. Christmas, 1974: The Museum of Modern Art, New Tork. 40 p. O The Museum of Modern Art; 23Sep74: A935311.

A935312. Gifts, The Museum of Bodern Art, New York, 1976-77. 40 p. The Museum of Bodern Art; 9Aug76; A935312.

A935313. Gifts, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1977-78. 20 p. The Museum of Bodern Art; 22Aug77; A935313.

A935314. The fluseum of Bodern Art biennial report, 1974-76. 80 p. The Buseum of Modern Art; 10Nov76; A935314.

A935315. The Museum of Modern Art annual report, 1973-74. 47 p. e The Museum of Modern Art; 28Apr75 (in notice: 1974) ; A935315.

A935316. Radio journalism. By John B. Bittner £ Denise A. Bittner. 207 p. O Prentice- Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; A935315.

A935317. ERC action report — tax shelter opportunities in real estate. Vol. 1, no- 4, Dec. 1977. Folder (4 p.) £ sheets. Add. ti: ERC tax shelter opportunities in real estate. Executive Reports Corporation; 8Dec77; A935317.

A935318. Kuder preference record, personal form AH; examiner manual. Author: G. Frederic Kuder. IS p. NM: additional text £ revisions. S G. Frederic Kuder; 12Bov76; A935318.

A935319. Isaac Peterevitch; the story of Isaac Peterevitch, an officer in the Nicholas' soldiers, who fought bloodless battles- -and won. By Jack L. Abrams. 192 p. O Jack L. Abrams; 10ct77; A935319.

A935320. A Handbook on student rights and responsibilities with an emphasis on California law. Prepared by Boyer P. August. 80 p. NM: compilation. Center for the Protection of Human Rights in Education: 4Jul77: A935320.

A935321. Household hints for practical use. Compiled by Eva Arrington. 29 p. Eva Arrinqton; 24Nov77; A935321.

A935322. May we tell you about Gloria Stevens fiqure salons? 10 p. O National Health Companies, Inc. (in notice; National Health Companies, Inc. — George A. Douglas) ; 10Oct77; A935322.

A935323. Drapery masters introduces Carpetclene. Folder, e Bane-clene Corporation; 6Dec77; A935323.

A935324. A Woman's guide to marriage and divorce in New York with additions for 1975. By Nancy S. Erickson with an introd. by Emily Jane Goodman, editing by Emily Jane Goodman. 45 p. Nancy S. Erickson £ Emily Jane Goodman; 1Nov75; A935324.

A935325. A Woman's guide to marriage and divorce in New York. By Nancy s. Erickson with an introd. by Emily Jane Goodman, editing by Emily Jane Goodman. 42 p. 6 Nancy s. Erickson £ Emily Jane Goodman; lNov77; A935325.

A935326. Illusioning. By Jessica Frances Locklear £ others, edited by Clarinda Harriss Lott. 39 p. e Jessica Frances Locklear; 230ct77; A935326.

A935327. Inspired version study guide; a key to the significant changes. Compiled by Fredrick M. Edvalson, Jr. £ William V. Smith. 63 p. NM: compilation £ presentation. C Seventy's Bission Bookstore; 25Auq77; A935327.

A935328. Wallace Township: born of controversy in 1852. By the Wallace Township Historical Commission. 105 p. 6 Wallace Township Historical Commission; 140ct77; A935328.

A935329. Burpee seeds and everything for the garden, 1978. 183 p. Burpee Seed Company; 19Dec77; A935329.

A935331. Girls' yeshivas (de) liberation By Aviqdor Gambitt. pseud, of Bernard Fryshaaan. 12 p. O Bernard Fryshaman, whose pseud, is Avigdor Gambitt: 27oct77; A935331.

A935332. Christmas strophe. By Carol Gesner. illustrator £ calligrapher : Bildred Strickler. 1 p. O Bildred Strickler £ carol Gesner; 14Dec77; A935332.

A935333. Graphing pictures. By Robert G. Loper. 112 p. e Robert G. Loper; 15Nov77; A935333.

A935334. Instruction sheet (for looa) Folder. Appl. au: Beka, Inc. Beka Looms, Beka, Inc. (in notice: Beka, Inc.); 27Jun77; A935334.

A935335. For the audiophile who would rather listen to music than to equipment, the DCM Tine Window: listen through it not to it. Folder. Appl. au: Robert F. Waterstripe, Steven J. Eberbach £ Howard Krausse. NM: editorial revision. 6 R. Waterstripe, H. Krausse £ S. Eberbach; 2Sep77; A935335.

A935336. Craniology 1. 1 v. Appl. au: Bernard Anthony Kuennen. 6 B. A. Kuennen; 140ct77; A935336.

A935337. Craniology 2. 1 v. Appl. au: Bernard Anthony Kuennen. B. A. Kuennen; 18NOV77; A935337.

A935338. Anna Beasley's Coast and cactus cookbook; a recipe collection. By Anna Welhausen Beasley. 93 p. Mrs. John C. Beasley; 21Dec77; A935338.

A935339. Addbook one: experiments in digital ajid analog electronics. By Howard V. aalmstadt, Christie G. Enke £ Stanley R. Crouch. 1 V. NM: new material. e Howard V. Halnstadt, Christie G. Enke E Stanley R. Crouch; 12Sep77; A935339.

A935341. Understanding the purpose of life. 62 p. (Circulating file) Prev. reg. C25826. NM: editorial excerpting £ compilation. O Edgar Cayce Foundation; 23May77; A935341.

A935342. "World affairs" readings (3976 series) 113 p. (Circulating file) Prev. reg. C25826. NM: editorial excerpting £ compilation. Edgar Cayce Foundation; 6Jun77; A935342.

A935343. Religion: miscellaneous. 47 p. (Circulating file) Prev. reg. C25826. NB: editorial excerpting £ compilation. Edgar Cayce Foundation; 6Jun77; A935343.

A935344. Will: decisions. 11 p. (Circulating file) Prev. reg. C25826. NB: editorial excerpting £ compilation. Edgar Cayce Foundation; 270ct77; A935344.

A935345. Reincarnation. Pt. 6. 52 p. (Circulating file) Prev. reg. C25826. NB: editorial excerpting £ compilation. Edgar Cayce Foundation; 30Oct77; A935345.


Reincarnation. Pt. 4. 47 p.


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