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A935503 - A935531
JUL-DEC. 1977

S935502 (con.) systen transfers hiqh pour point crude oil. Paper no. SPE6797. By Balph S. avers, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of &IBE. 5 p. luerican Institute of Mining, aetallucgical and Pctroleun Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77; &935502.

&9 35503. The Theoretical and experimental bases for the "dual aater" model for the interpretation of shaly sands. Paper no. SPE6859. By C. Clavier, G. coates & J. Dumanoir, issued by Society of petroleum Engineers of AIBE. 18 p. C American Institute of Sining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77: A935503.

A93550«. A Logical approach to killing an offshore blonout west Cameron 16 5 Well Humber 3 — offshore Louisiana. Paper no. SPE6903. By Eichard D. Barnett, issued by society of Petroleum Engineers of AIBE. 1 p. e American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.: 90ct77: A935504.

A935505. Record setting year in deep water. Paper no. SPE6831. By Bichard A. Barri 6 David H. Shumway. issued by liociety Petroleum Engineers of AIME. U p- American Institute of Mining, Metal- lurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77: A935505.

A935506. The Influence of type and amount of alcohol on surfactant-oil-brine phase behavior and properties. Paper no. SPE68it3. By Stephen J. Salter, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. 6 p. e American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A935506.

A935507. Investigation of acoustic boundary waves and interface patterns as techniques for detecting fractures. Paper no. SPE6820. By E. A. Koerperich, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. 7 p. e American Institute of Mining, Metal- lurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77: A935507.

A93S50B. New generation of oilfield bits- -laboratory and field results. Paper no. SPE6712. By B. Feenstra, B. Juerqens 6 B. B. Salker. issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. 6 p. e American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A935508.

A935509. A Current challenge to the engineering professional; government regulations. Paper no. SPE67U1. By Donald G. Bussell, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. 1 p. American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers. Inc.; 90ct77; A935509.

A935510. numerical simulation model for thermal recovery processes. Paper no. SPE672'*. By E. B. Crookston, I. E. Culham £ H. H. Chen, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. 19 p. O American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A935510.

1935511. sand consolidation preflush dynamics. Paper no. SPEBBOt. By B- L. Penberthy, Jr., c. M. Shaughnessy, C. Gruesbeck £ B. M. Salathiel, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. 5 p. © American Institute of Mining, Metal- lurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77: A935511.

A935512. A New approacl for log analysis of the TDT-resistivity combination. By Boberto Aquilera. 7 p. O American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 300ct77; A935512.

A935513. comparison of calculated and observed pressure drops in geothermal wells producing steam-water mixtures. Paper no. SPE6766. By R. ». Opadhyay, H. D. Hartz, B. B. Tomkoria fi M. S. Gulati, issued by Society of petroleum Engineers of AIME. 7 p. e American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A935513.

A935514. A Method for extrapolation of "cut versus recovery" curves. Paper no. SPE6977. By Iraj Ershaghi. 2 p. a American Institute of Mining, Metal- lurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 10ct77: A935514.

A935515. Development of a pilot carbon dioxide flood in the Bock Creek-Big Injun Field, Boane County, Best Virginia. Paper no. SPE6626. By George P. sanFilippo 6 Larry G. Guckert, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. 6 p. 6 American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc. ; 270ct77; A935515.

A935516. Hydroretorting process for eastern shale. Paper no. SPE6528. By P. B. Tarman, H. L. Feldkirchner, S. A. Beil £ J. Janka, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. 3 p. 6 American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc. ; 270ct77; A935516.

A935517. Estimates of future potential supplies of natural gas in the United States. Paper no. SPE6630. By George C. Grow, Jr. , issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. '1 p. American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 270ct77; 4935517.

A935S18. Natural gas production from coal seams. Paper no. SPE6629. By Robert I. chase, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. 7 p. e American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 270ct77: A935518.

A935519. Besults and current activity of the COST well program, Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf. Paper no. SPE6631. By Boger ». Amato, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. Up. American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 270ct77; A935519.

A935520. Improvement of ultimate recovery of natural gas by realistic gas prices. Paper no. SPE6636. By Soel D. Bietman fi Robert D. Kidd, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. 5 p. e American Institute of Mining, Metal- lurgical and Petroleum Engineers. Inc.; 270ct77; A935520.

A935521. Application of a general multiphase, multicomponent chemical flood model to ternary, two-phase surfactant systems. Paper no. SPE6727. By Charles P. Thomas, Billiam K. Winter £ Paul D. Fleming 3rd, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. 12 p. American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A935521.

A935527 A Beta.- i oi design of graded viscosity banks. Paper no. SPE6818. By E. L. Claridge, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. 7 p. American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc. ; 90ct77; A935522.

A935523. Analysis of pressure fall-off data from wells penetrating highly dipping formations and their stimulation treatment design. Paper no. SPE6886. By B. K. Sinha E J. E. Schlittler, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. 7 p. O American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and petroleum Engineers, Inc. ; 90ct77; A935523.

A93552lt. synthetic polymer friction reducers can cause formation damage. Paper no. SPE6812. By Robert A. Boodroof, Jr. 6 Robert B. Anderson, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. 6 p. © American Institute of Mining, Metal- lurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A9355211.

A935525. An Analysis of production from geopressured geothermal aguifers. Paper no. SPE6825. By R. B. Knapp, 0. F. Isokrari, S. K. Garg fi J. B. Pritchett, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. lip. © American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A935525.

i935526. The Effect of producing time on type curve analysis. Paper no. SPE6997. By R. Baghavan. 26 p. O American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 13Dec77; A935526.

A935527. The Kiel process — reservoir stimulation by dendritic fracturing. Paper no. SPE6981. By othar M. Kiel. 29 p. O American Institute of Mining, Metal- lurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A935527.

A935528. International Symposium on Oilfield and Geothermal Chemistry, Oniversity of California at San Diego, June 27-29, 1977; proceedings. 245 p. Appl. au: Society of petroleum Engineers of AIME © on p. 5-152, 167-220 £ 229-248; American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and petroleum Engineers, Inc. ; 27Jun77 (in notices: 1976) ; A935528.

A935529. A Personal finance supplement to The O.S. Hews Bashington letter: How to start and manage a successful small business. Folder (4 p.) (The O.S. news Bashington letter (suppl.) Dec. 1977) O.S. News and Borld Report, Inc.; 16Dec77; A935529.

A935530. Signs, systems, and meanings: a contemporary semiotic reading of four Moliere plays. By Suzanne L. Relyea. 148 p. e Suzanne L. Relyea; 30Sep76;


A Navy maverick comes of age: 1939-1945.


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