Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1618

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A935653 (con.) 6 additional teit. 6 The Experiment in International Livinq; 10ct77; A935653.

A93S654. Bow to start and run a profitable craft business. By Irchie ossin 6 BYrna Ossin. 77 p. e Archie 6 Hyrna Ossin d. b. a. Ossi Publications: 10ct77; A935654.

A935655. K. J. David precision catalog. 1 v. Appl. au: James E. Grieseaer. NH: accessory section 6 updated descriptions, e K. J. David and Company; 19Dec77; A935655.

A935656. Implosion 1. Collected aorks by Helanie Faith. Sheets. 8 Helanie Faith; 1Feb77; A935656.

A935657. Mother piq and babies. 2 p. Appl. au: Shirley Gorham. © Shirley Gorham; 20Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A935657.

A935658. Little paws. 1 p. Appl. au: Eat Glass 6 Amy 1. Jefferys (Amy Louise) 6 Pat Glass; 8Dec77; A9356S8.

A935659. Little hands. 1 p. Appl. au: Pat Glass 6 Amy L. Jefferys (Amy Louise) (S Pat Glass; 8Dec77; A935659.

A935660. Carousel of creative communication. By Haree aacon Blaclciiell 6 Isabelle Lovell Bilson. illus. by Isabelle Lovell Hilson. 87 p. e Haree Hacon Blaclcwell E Isabelle Lovell iilson; 17Har77 (in notice: 1976): 4935660.

A935661. Preservation directory; a quide to proqrams, orqanizations and agencies in New loTk State. 125 p. 8 Preservation Leaque of Hen Tork State, Inc.; 260ct77 ; A935661.

A935662. The Hoodburner's encyclopedia: an information source of theory, practice and equipment relatinq to Hood as energy. Section 1 by John Winthrop Shelton, section 2 E 3 by Andrew B. Shapiro, illus. by Vance Smith. 155 p. e on section 2 6 3: Andrew Shapiro: 15Dec76; A935662. (Hth print., Auq. 1977, deposited)

A935663. The Hoodburner's encyclopedia; an information source of theory, practice £ equipment relatinq to wood as energy- Section 1 by John Rinthrop Shelton, section 2 S 3 by Andrew B. Shapiro, illus. by Vance Smith. 155 p. on section 1; Andrew Shapiro; 15Dec76; A935663. (Hth print., Aug. 1977, deposited)

A935664. Biq Brothers' Engagement calendar of children's art, 1978. Big Brothers, Inc. of New lork City (in notice: Big Brothers of Hew York, Inc.); 30ct77; A935664.

A935665. Development work plan ambulatory care center. 1 v. © Eichart and Associates, Inc.; 29NOV77; A935665.

A935666. Capsule reviews. Vol. 1. Britten fi introd. by Lynne Holdom. 51 p. Joanne Burger; 18Nov77; A935666.

A935667. The Keogh plan frc Insurance. Polder, numerous copy revisi rm Bureau cover design 6 3 Dnited Farm Bureau Family Life Insurance Company; 170ct77: A935667.

A935668. Planning your family's financial security. Folder. NM: cover design S numerous copy revisions. © United Farm Bureau Family Life Insurance Company; 8NOV77: A935668.

A935669. The Apple barrel. Vol. 2. By Linda J. Kiska. 1 V. Linda J. Kiska; 1Jan77; A935669.

A935670. First Christian Church, 1902-1977. Compiled 6 edited by Virginia A. Boldes. 59 p. BH: editorial revisions, pictorial matter 6 church history. © Virginia A. Boldes; 25Sep77; A93567a.

A935671. How to sell radio; worklMok. Chap. 1-6. 6 folders. 9 Ad Adventures International, a partnership of Harvey B. Borlaug £ Bobert J. Asselin (in notice: Ad Ventures International); 22Feb77: A935671.

A935672. Libraries for small museums. By Harcia Collins fi Linda Anderson. 47 p. (Hiscellaneous publications in anth- ropology, no. 1) NH: editorial updating 6 revisions 6 new text. © The Curators of the University of Hissouri; 70ct77; A935672.

A935673. Dnbell people cakes. By Billie Frederick. Sheets in folder. © B. Frederick (Billie); 150ct77: A935673.

A935674. Onbell animal cakes. By Billie Frederick. Sheets in folder. B. Frederick (Billie); 150ct77: A935674.

A935675. A Hultisensory approach to multip- lication and division. By Thomas A. HcHenamin. 23 p. © Thomas A. HcMenamin; 17NOV77; A935675.

A935676. Get low and get out; a teacher's guide. 12 p. £ cutout. O Aetna Life and Casualty; 2Sep77; A93S676.

A935677. Ames Besearch Center (NASA) Conference on the Geometric Theory of Non-linear Raves, 1976. Edited by Bobert Hermann. 153 p. (Lie groups: history, frontiers and applications, vol. 6) Held June 16-23, 1976. © Robert Hermann; 1Sep77; A935677.

A935678. Eidolon. Vol. 7, spring 1977. Edited £ compiled by the student Publication Committee £ the Faculty Publication Committee. 41 p. Appl. au: English Department, Hount Vernon Nazarene College. © English Department, Mount Vernon Nazarene College; 210ct77; A935678.

A935679. Little dog lost. 1 p. Appl. au: Lorwin Cates. O Lorwin Cates; 7Dec77: A935679.

A935680. The Discerning donkey; a Christmas fantasy. By Charles Edward Lnnn. 10 p. © Charles E. Lunn; 7Dec77; A935680.

A935681. Regulation of the Luami Indians by governmental officials between 1900-1920. By Ann Nugent. 24 p. Appl. au: Lummi Indian Business Council. NH: editorial compilation £ new text. © Lummi Indian Business Council; 7Dec77: A9356ei.

A935682. Journal of the Midwest History of Education Society. Vol. 5, 1977. Edited by Edward Eutkowski. 154 p. 9 Midwest History of Education Society; 10ct77; A935682.

A935683. Psychological testing of children; a consumer's guide. By Stanley D. Klein, foreword by Dorothy Dean, illus. by Judith Lamb, Susan Perl £ Jerome Schuerger. 117 p. tJM: editorial revision £ new foreword. © The Exceptional Parent Press, a wholly owned subsidiary of Psy-Ed Corporation; 1NOV77: A935683.

A935684. Nr.ED almanac, 1978. 1 v. Appl. au: Baymond Aloysius Geiger. Prev. pub. under name of Farmer's almanac. NM: revision. 9 The Almanac Publishing Company; 1Dec77; A935684.

A935685. Hand on the helm. By Katherine Pollard Carter, foreword by Demos Shakarian. 212 p. NB: several chapters, compilation £ editorial revision. © Katherine Pollard Carter; 30Sep77; A935685.

A935686. The Greater Atlanta food finder. By Sylvia Laufe Johnson, illus. by Kathy H. Yancey. 187 p. © Sylvia Laufe Johnson; 16Dec77; A935686.

A935687. The Sixth Patriarch's Dharma jewel platform sutra. Hith the commentary of Iripitaka Master Hua, translated from the Chinese by the Buddhist Text Translation Society. 2nd ed. 344 p. Add. ti: Sixth Patriarch's sutra. Prev. pub. 1972. © Buddhist Text Translation Society, a division of the Sino-American Buddhist Association; 1Dec77; A935687.

A935688. Three steps, one bow. By Hung Ju £ Hung yo. 156 p. © Buddhist Text Translation Society, a division of the Sino-American Buddhist Association (in notice: Sino-American Buddhist Association) ; 150ct77; A935688.-

A935689. The Bonderful dharma lotus flower sutra. Vol. 1. Bith the commentary of Iripitaka Master Hua, translated into English by the Buddhist Text Translation Society. 66 p. Add. ti: The Dharma flower sutra. Buddhist Text Translation Society, a division of the Sino-American Buddhist Association; 10Dec77 (in notice: 1976); A935689.

A935690. A General explanation of The Buddha speaks, the sutra in forty-two sections. By Hsuan Hua, translated by Bhiksuni Heng Ch'ih, reviewed by Bhiksuni Heng Ch'ing, edited by Kuo Chou Bounds, certified by Bhiksuni Heng Yin. 94 p. Appl. au: Buddhist Text Translation Society. NH: translation fi additions. © Buddhist Text Translation Society, a division of the Sino-American Buddhist Association; 15NOV77; A935690.

A935691. Night rainbows; an afterword. By Milan Stitt. Accompanied by dramatic com- position, reg. DP10893. (In The Bunner stumbles, p, 103-119) © Milan Stitt; 1Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; A935691.

A935692. The Kauai Huseum presents Early Kauai hospitality; a family cookbook of receipts, 1820-1920. By Dora Jane

Isenberg Cole £ Juliet Bice Hichman. 118


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