Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1622

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A935819 - A935858
JUL-DEC. 1977

4935818 (con.) the chevra Kevod Haaet, Medical Ethics Senlaar. 20 p. Adath Jeshuran Conqreaation: 1Hay76; A935818.

A935819. Transpack installation instructions for turbohydro HOO. 7 p. OB and S Autoaotive Products: 16IlaY77: A935819.

A935820. The Invasion of America: Indians, colonialisQ, and the cant of conquest. By Francis Jenninqs. 369 p. The University of North Carolina Press; 20Oct75: A935820. (2nd print., Sept. 1976, deposited)

A935S21. Han-nade disaster: the story of Saint Francis Daa; its place in southern California's water systei, its failure and the traqedy in the Santa Clara Biver Valley. Harch 12 and 13, 1928. By Charles F. Outland. 275 p. NM: additions £ revisions. C The Arthur H. Clark Company; 20Dec77: A935821.

4935822. Bon Appetit 1978 social planner. 1 v. Wilshire Harketinq Corporation; 30NOV77; A935822.

A935823. Haxillary implants: a dynamic approach to oral implantoloqy. By Leonard I. Linkow. 262 p. Appl. au: Glarus Publishinq of Connecticut, Inc. 9 Glarus Publishinq of Connecticut, Inc.; 10Oct77; A935823.

A935824. Guide to the instructor of Sentence power. Sheets (203 p.) in envelope. Appl. au: Anne DeCroes Obenchain. NH: editorial revisions. Anne DeCroes Obenchain: 1Dec77; A935824.

A935825. Sentence power. By Anne DeCroes Obenchain. 179 p. (Links to forceful writinq, pt. 1| NM: editorial revisions. O Anne DeCroes Obenchain: 1Sep77; 4935825.

A935326. A Perspective on phonics — a handbook for the elementary teacher. By Bernice V. Gunderson. 225 p. 6 Bernice V. Gunderson: 1iiDec77: A935826.

4935827. Diabetes education proqram. Pt. 1-2. By Loma Linda Oniversity aedical Center. 3rd ed. 2 v. Appl. au: Loma Linda Oniversity. 9 Loma Linda Dniversity; 1Jun77: A935827.

A935828. Equitable Life policy chart. Hall chart. Appl. au: Halter D. Caine, Jr. C Halter D. Caine, Jr.; 220ct77; A935828.

A935329. Hemorrhoids, a cure and preventative: the problem, personal treatment, medical treatment. By Robert Lawrence Holt, foreword £ addendum by Sanford Savin, illos. by Gail Spratt. 195 p. Robert L. Holt; 7Dec77; 4935829.

4935830. Alaska travel qaide, 1977. Editor: Larry lake. 17th annual ed. 5a» p. e Alaska Travel Guide; 1Apr77: 4935830.

4935831. 4cquirinq basic concepts and skills in lanquaqe arts; sample teacher's ed. 4ctivity book 1, By Theresa Gaffny Hurphy, Nancy Hurley Smith £ Hary Lou Shea. 29 p. e Theresa Gaffny Surphy, Nancy Hurley Smith G Hary Lou Shea (in notice: Murphy, Smith, Shea); 25Sep77; A935fl31.

4935832. Acquiring basic concepts and skills in lanquaqe arts. Activity book 1. By Theresa Gaffny Murphy, Nancy Hurley Smith E Mary Lou Shea. 90 p. Theresa Gaffny Murphy, Nancy Hurley Smith £ Mary Lou Shea (in notice: Murphy, Smith, Shea); 25Sep77; A935832.

A93S833. Dae doodles: easy eyes teaching aid. By Cleo Bookwalter. 1 p. 9 Cleo Bookiialter; 22Sep77: A935833.

A935834. Rords for the world of work. By Jerome Ivan Macconnell £ Anastasia McManus. 2 v. £ cards in box. 6 Jerome I. MacConnell £ 4nastasia McManus; 20Jul76; 4935831).

A935835. Perceptions of the spirit in 20th century American art. By Jane Dillen- berqer £ John Dillenberger. 177 p. 9 Indianapolis Museum of Art; 20Sep77; A935835.

A935836. Homebuyer's check list. 3 p. Appl. au; Norman Berkman 9 Norman Berkman d.b.a. Consumer Services; 7Nov77; A935a36.

A935837. Ms. Centimeter Horm presents Peg Brown's Third grade metric measurement training booklet. 28 p. 9 Peggy Ann Brown; 310ct77; 4935837.

4935838. Oniroyal conveyor belt selection guide. 55 p. 9 Oniroyal, Inc.; 1Jan71; 4935838.

4935839. Preventive health based on positive living: a guide to program development in small business and industry. By Patricia S. Crockett. 1 v. Add. ti: Preventive health through positive living. 9 Patricia S. Crockett; lDec77; 4935839.

4935840. Program for Lent, February 5, 1973. By Hugh J. O'Connell. Folder. Appl. au: Liguori Publications. 9 Liguori Publications; 23Nov77 (in notice: 1978); 4935840.

4935841. Hypertension: manual for patients. Britten by Laura-Lee Hollander, illus- trated by Silliam Saint George. 12 p. a Laura-Lee Hollander: 1itNov77; 49358«1.

4935842. Saf-T-Master/JoB-Master 41umiladder new 1977 line. 7 p. 4dd. ti: 1977 line Saf-I-Master/Job-Master Alumiladders. NB: revisions £ additions. 9 R. D. Werner Company, Inc.; 274pr77; 49358112.

4935843. Rerner Aldek aluminum scaffolds. 7 p. NM: revisions £ additional text. 9 K. D. Herner Company, Inc.; 254pr77; 4935843.

4935844. Guidelines for small business computer selection. Prepared for Hewlett-Packard Company by J. Daniel Couqer. 63 p. Appl. au: Hewlett-Packard Company, Fort Collins Division. 9 Hewlett-Packard a.a.d.o. Hewlett-Packard Company, Fort Collins Division £ J. Daniel Conger; 15Feb77: A935844.

A935845. Study guide for effective business writing. By, Rudolph P. Alsasy. 219 p. NN: revisions G additions. Rudolph P. Almasy; lAug77; 4935845.

4935846. H4F Officers 4ssociated for Friendship in Retirement roster of members, 1978. 1 V. O H4r Officers 4ssociated for Friendship in Retirement; 20Dec77; A935846.

A935847. Dieting, yogurt and common sense. Introd. by Claude H. Miller. 44 p. Appl. au; Marsteller, Inc. 9 Dannon Milk Products; 7Dec77; A935847.

4935848. How to save money on your utility bills: 100 ways to reduce costs and conserve energy. 17 p. 4ppl. au: Stella Goodwin (Stellar Publications) 9 Stella Goodwin d.b.a. Stellar Publications; 114ug77; 4935848.

4935849. Living: the moods and contemplations of Susan Laura Cline. Illustrated by Gloria Polleschultz Kious, Kevin R. O'Brien £ Stacey Buckersfeldt. 48 p. 9 Susan Laura Cline; 16Dec77; 4935849.

4935850. Car boy. By Barbara Fisher. 1 v. 9 B. Fisher; 14Dec77; 4935850.

4935851. Restigan review of poetry. Issue 11, vol. 3, no. 3. Editor: Donald LeBoy Stap £ other editors. 60 p. 9 Don Stap; lMay77; 4935851.

4935852. The Christmas house. By Jean Gully, 9 p. O Jean Gully; 15Jan74; 4935852.

4935853. Halter the dancing walrus. By Jean Gully, 7 p. 9 Jean Gully; 15Jan7<); 4935853.

4935854. The Jay: a tale. By Crackee. 1 t. Appl. au: Scott MacGregor Scott HacGregor; «Dec77; 4935854.

4935855. Dnited States Coast Guard Auxiliary final examination for boating skills and seamanship. 18 p. Appl. au : O.S. Coast Guard uxiliary 9 Coast Guard Auxiliary National Board, Inc. (in notice: Dnited States Coast Guard Auxiliary National Board, Inc.); 204ug77; 4935855.

4935856. Circle America declaration of prin- ciples. No. C4C 22. 1 p. 9 Circle 4merica Real Estate Corporation whose a.a.d. is Circle 4Berica; 22Nov75; 4935856.

A935857. Teacher opinion survey. 4 p. 4dd. ti: Eliminating sex bias in education: teacher opinion survey. Appl. au: Minneapolis Public Schools (Eliminating Sex Bias in Education Project) 9 Minneapolis Public Schools (Special School District Number 1) (in notice; Minneapolis Public Schools) ; lSep76; A935B57.

4935858. Student opinion poll for grades K-3. 2 p. Add. ti: Eliminating sex bias in education: student attitude survey (K-3) 4ppl. au: Minneapolis Public Schools (Eliminating Sex Bias in Education Project) 9 Minneapolis Public Schools (Special School District Number 1) (in notice: Minneapolxs Public Schools) ;

1Sep76: A935858.


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