Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1628

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A936066 - A936106
JUL-DEC. 1977

A936065 (con.) The A»€rican Plant Life Society; 2aaY77: 1936065.

A936066. Insiqhts on the minority elderly. Edited by Barbara L. Nensome, with special assistance by Jo Annette David. 35 p. 6 NCSA a.a.d.o. the National Center on Black iqed. Inc. S UDC a.a.d.o. Dni»ersity of the Dis-trict of Colnabia; 25Hay77: A936066.

A936067. Zest for quest, a Peace Corps expe- rience. By Beth Hitchcock (Harqaret E. Hitchcock) IWH p. e Beth Hitchcock, sole owner of Beth Hitchcock Publication; 15Dec77; A936067.

A936068. Color-desiqn-technoloqy; Society of Glass Decorators fourteenth annual seminar, Pittsburqh, Pennsylvania, October 17, 18. 19, 1977. Editor: Frank S. child. 62 p. O Society of Glass Decorators; 170ct77: A936068.

A936069. Answers to final examination for Boatinq skills and seamanship. 18 p. Appl. au: tl.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. Coast Guard Auxiliary National Board, Inc. (in notice: Dnited States Coast Guard Auxiliary National Board, Inc.): 20Auq77; A936069.

A936070. French. Pace 97-108. Pace 97 written 6 edited by Artiiur L. Farstad S Francoise Fromm, Pace 98-108 written S edited by Francoise Fromm. Bultiple volumes. Appl. au: Accelerated christian Education, Inc. C Accelerated christian Education, Inc.; 1Auq7l* (in notices: 1976 6 1977); A936070.

A936071. Christian maturity resources for senior hiqh youth. Editor: ai ke Bechtle, assistant editor: Frances Hcclunq. Kit. (Growth unlimited) Appl. au: Success with Youth Publications, Inc. 6 Success with Youth Publications, Inc. ; 2SNoy77; A936071.

A936072. Checkbook. 31 p. (Growth unlimited) Success with Youth Publications, Inc.; 25HOV77: A935072.

A936073. Pioneer families of colonial America. By John Hubert Doty. 2tit p. 8 John Hubert Doty; 6Nov77; A936073.

A936074. aelos. 1 V. Appl. au: leiqh Koepke Bovey. N8: text, compilation of prev. pub. material S additional pictorial matter. S Leiqh Koepke Hovey; 16Dec77; A936074.

4936075, Bobert Oliver and mercantile bookkeepinq in the early nineteenth century. By Stuart Seems Bruchey. 120 p. Stuart Bruchey; 28Hay76 (in notice: 1916); A936075.

i936076. Developinq structural analysis skills. Kit K, pt. 1. Filmstrips 6 sheets. Q Borq-Hamer Corporation; 31Dec75; A936076.

A936077. Developinq structural analysis skills. Kit K. pt. 2. Cards S sheets. Borq-aarner Corporation; 13Jan76; A936077.

A936078. Between two worlds. Edited by Leslie Alexis Harchaad. 282 p. (Byron's letters and journals, vol. 7) NH; compilation fi editinq, editorial note, chronology, appendix S index of proper names. e Leslie Alexis Marchand; 130ct77; A936078.

A936079. Between two worlds. Edited by Leslie Alexis Barchand. 282 p. (Byron's Letters and journals, vol. 7) BH: unpub. letters. John Hurray; 130ct77; A936079.

A936080. The Don't throw it, qrow it book of houseplants. By Hillicent Ellis Selsam S Deborah Peterson, illustrated by Graabs Miller. 11)2 p. Appl. au: Bandom House, Inc., employer for hire of Graabs Killer. O Hillicent Selsam 8 Deborah Peterson; 19Apr77; A9360S0.

A936081. Transportation- log is tics dictionary. 459 p. Appl. au: Hallace I. Little. 6 The Traffic Service Corporation; 25Auq77: A936081.

4936082. Story of the eye. By Lord Auch, pseud, of Georges Bataille, translated by Joachim Neugroschel. 120 p. Appl. an: Orizen Books, Inc. Prev. pub. abroad in 1928 as Histoire de I'oeil. on translation; Urizen Books, Inc.; 310ct77; A9360S2.

A936083. Society against the state. By Pierre clastres, translated by Bobert Burley, in collaboration with Abe Stein. 186 p. Appl. au: Orizen Books, Inc. Translation of La Societe contre I'etat. S on translation; Orizen Books, Inc.; 310ct77; A936083.

A936084. The OSSR versus Doctor Hikhail Stern: the only tape recording of a trial smuggled out of the Soviet Onion. Edited by August Stern, translated from the Bussian by Harco Carynnyk. 267 p. Appl. au: Orizen Books, Inc. Prev. pub. abroad in 1976 as On Proces ordinaire. © on translation: Orizen Books, Inc.; 310ct77; 4936081.

A936085. Panorama of the nineteenth century. By Dolf sternberger, introd. by Erich Heller, translated by Joachim Neugroschel. 212 p. Appl. au: Orizen Books, Inc. Translation of Panorama Oder Ansichten vom 19. Jahrhundert. 6 on translation; Orizen Books, Inc.; 310ct77; A936085,

4936086. Book of daily thoughts and prayers. By Swami Paramananda, compiled by Sister Devamata with new pref. by Srimata Gayatri Devi. 5th ed. 405 p. Prev. pub- abroad 1957. Vedanta Centre, Inc.; 15Dec77; 4936086.

4936087. Contained reading comprehension and fluency development series. Level F, lessons 21-30. System designer: Philip J. Solimene, editor: Dorothy M. Bogart. 67 p. Appl. au: A/y concepts corporation, d A/v Concepts Corporation; 12Dec77; 4936087.

A936088. Management style matrix. Exhibit 1. 1 p. Appl. au: Janes G. Brianas. Prev. pub. Aug. 1973. SH: revisions. b Institute of Hanagement and Human Behavior; 14Dec77; A936088.

A936089. The Bite of penance. 33 p. NH: translation. International Committee on English in the liturgy. Inc.; 20Dec74; A936089.

4936090. More than a little bit, Christmas 1977. By Sam F. Kibbey. lit p. Sam F. Kibbey; 19Dec77; A936090.

A936091. The Tigress and the rooster. By Dana Bosalie Bass, 1 p. O Dana Bass; 270ct76; 4936091.

4936092. The Soo. No. 1, Sept. 1977. 19 p. 4ppl. au: Guy N. Kiechkhefer, Gerald Hiller & Bichard Johnson. 6 The Soo Line Historical and Technical Society; 17Sep77; 4936092.

A936093. Band music notes. By Norman E. Smith & Albert stoutamire. 181 p. S Norman E. Smith 6 Albert Stoutamire; 19Nov77; 493609 3.

4936094. Book of poems. By Ijilliam Cohen. 1 v. e William Cohen; 15Dec77; A936094.

A93609 5. Hind food news. Vol. 1, no. 2, Aug. 1977. Editor: Al Dolin. 4 p. Al Dolin; 31Aug77; 4936095.

4936096. Paint set book for junior artists. No. 1046. 1 V, Add. ti: Paint set for junior artists. 6 James and Jonathan, Inc. ; 29Hay75; A936096.

A936097. Friendship coloring book. No. 3944, Pictures by Cindy. 1 v. Appl. au: James and Jonathan, Inc. 6 James and Jonathan, Inc.; 31Hay75; A936097.

A936098, Hagic pictures transform to full color. No. 1042. 1 V. James and Jonathan, Inc.; 29Hay75; A936098.

A936100. Paint set book for junior artists. No. 1045. 1 V. O James and Jonathan, Inc.; 29Hay75; A936100.

A936101. Hagic pictures transform to full color. No. 1041. 1 V. 6 James and Jonathan, Inc.; 29Hay75; A936101.

A936102. 1820 Federal census of Butler County, Kentucky. Compiled by Doris Ellen litter Bland. 18 p. SH: additional text 6 compilation. O Doris Ellen Bitter Bland; 60ct77; A936102.

A936103. 4. Henry Silver's character dial. Folder. Prev. pub. 4pr. 1971. NH: additions & revisions, O Aaron Henry Silver; 23Dec77; A936103.

4936 104. Crimped Fiber 40 rayon, 4Yril rayon 2. 20 p. NH: additions. © 4vtex Fibers, Inc.; 170ct77: A936104.

1936105. Atomic age and the philosophy of the Far Bast. By George Ohsawa, tr.: Fred Polver. 105 p. NH: translation. O George ohsawa Macrobiotic Foundation; 154ug77; 4936105.

A936106. Soodlot and ballot box: Harathon County in the twentieth century. By Howard B.

Kleuter 6 James J. Lorence. 414 p.


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