Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1630

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A9361H8 (con.) br George Leonard. 40 p. ippl. au: The Hunqer Prolect. 9 The Hunqer Proiect; 6Dec77: 49361H8.

&9361lt9. Silveraan's, the dental supply house of the Borld, 1978. 191 p. 6 Silveraan's a.a.d.o. L. Silverman Dental Supplies Company. Inc.; 7No»77 ; 4936149.

A936150. The Role of women in conflict and peace. Edited by Dorothy G. ScGuiqan, bibliog- raphy by Peqqy inn Kusnerz. 91 p. e Dniversity of aichiqan; 6Dec7 7; 4936150.

A936151. Seattle dilettante magazine. Executive editors: Diane Virginia summerhays S Tracy inn Smith. 24 p. 8 The Compote: 9Hov77: i936151.

i936152. Limited five year compressor warranty. 1 p. Prev. req. 4772805. NH: revisions, e Barranty Service Company; 310ct77; i936152.

i936153. four year extended compressor contract; form i. 1 p. Prev. req. 4772868. NM: revisions. 6 Sarranty Service Company: 310ct77: 4936153.

4936154. Four year extended compressor contract: form B. 1 p. Prev. req. 4772868. US: revisions. 6 Warranty Service Company ; 310ct77: 4936154.

4936155. Preparatory Latin. BooJc 1. By lilliam J. Buehner 6 John W. 4mbrose. 2nd ed. 179 p. e Independent School Press, Inc.; 12Sep77; 4936155.

4936156. Grapevine, June 3, 1977. Sheets. (Hedia 3 for younq innovators) 6 Young Innovators, Inc.; 3Jun77: 4936156-

4936157. Plight enqineer turbojet; a study guide. 119 p. 4ppl. au: Robert Bernard Bungarz. Robert B. Bunqarz; 16Nov77; 4936157.

4936158. The Hississippi catalog of competencies for public elementary and secondary physical education, September 1976. Directed by office of Planning and Evaluation, Mississippi State Department of Education. 208 p. 4ppl. au: Mississippi State Department of Education. © Hississippi State Department of Education: 1Sep76; 4936158.

4936159. How you can actually see the light! By Lewis H. De¥aui. 1 p. lewis H. DeVaux; 5Jun77: 4936159.

4936160. Back owner's manual: una guia para el cuidado de la parte baja de la espalda, edition espanola. Issued by Patient Information Library. 15 p. Spanish. 4ppl. au: Physicians 4rt Service, Inc. NH: translation. 6 Physicians 4rt Service, Inc.; 10Jlov77; 4936160.

4936161. Seeing again after cataract surgery. Written by Bobert J. Keefe, art 6 design by Fran Milner. 15 p. 4ppl. au: Physicians 4rt Service, Inc. e Physicians 4rt Service, Inc.; 6Dec77; 4936161.

4936162. Los Bichos de amor; hechos sobre la enfermedad venerea. Por David V. Carroll. 15 p. 4ppl. au: Physicians 4rt service. Inc. NM: translation of English ed. of The Love bugs, facts on venereal disease into Spanish. O Physicians 4rt Service, Inc.; 30Sep77: 4936162.

4936163. Back owner's manual: a guide to care of the low bacK. Issued by Patient Information Library. 15 p. 4ppl. au: Physicians 4rt Service, Inc. 6 Physicians 4rt Service, Inc.; 20Jul77; 4936163.

4936164. Customer confidence; 30 second TV commercial for store advertising use. 1 p. © Brand Names Foundation, Inci. ; 254pr77: 4936164.

4936165. Sock of the great mountain. By Byron C. Crowns. 1 p. e Wisconsin Earth Science Center; 84ug77; A936165.

4936166. Nosegay for Julie. Poems by flelen McGarry Molineux. 20 p. NM: 4 new poems. O Helen HcGarry Molineux; 7Nov77: 4936166.

4936167. Vaccination, the silent killer: a clear and present danger. By Ida Honorof 6 Eleanor McBean. 118 p. 9 Ida Honorof 6 Eleanor HcBean; 2Sep77; 4936167.

4936168. 4 Touch of wonder. By Bonnie Lee Reynolds, illustrated by Katherine Newman Krebs. 44 p. e Bonnie Lee Reynolds; 140ct77: 4936168.

4936169. What can churches and church people do in crime control? By Karl 4. Menninger. 17 p. e Karl 4. Menninger; 17May77; 4936169.

4936*70. 4nd this is grassy cove. Coopiled by Cora S. Stratton 6 Nettie a. Stratton, illus. from photos, by Hattie H. Stratton. 54 p. Appl. au: Mary B. Brookhart 6 Patricia B. Kirkeminde. NM: introd. 6 index. Patricia B. Kirkeminde fi Mary B. Brookhart d.b.a. BK Enterprises; 18Nov77; 4936170.

4936171. Guide Motor club's 4nnual emergency road service guide; Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester. 143 p. 4ppl. au: Joseph C. Fazio. © on text; Guide Motor Club; 1Sep77; 4936171.

4936172. Guide Motor Club's 4nnual emergency road service guide; Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester. 143 p. 4ppl. au: Joseph C. Fazio. on maps S illus.; Hagstrom Company, Inc.; 1Sep77: 4936172.

4936173. Dedicated to poetry lovers everywhere with love. 53 p. 4ppl. au: Virginia L. Phillips. HM: compilation 6 additional poems. © Virginia L. Phillips; 25Sep75 (in notice: 1976); 4936173.

4936174. Lyrics and poems. By John Marino. Folder, e John Marino; 8Nov77; 4936174.

4936175. Screaming. Poems by Lynne Marie Markstein. 75 p. © Lynne Marie Markstein; 22Dec77; ^936175.

A936173 Collected poems. By John Neville Peace. 23 p. e John Neville Peace; 19Dec77; 4936 176.

4936177. The Gift of years. By Fannie a. Noll. 68 p. © Fannie M. Noll; 16Dec77; 4936 177.

4936178. Eat me tonight! Grass cookbook. 19 p. 4ppl. au: Solange 41buguergue Turner, formerly Santos. © E. S. T. Enterprises solely owned by Solange 41buquerque Turner, formerly Santos; 140ct77; 4936178.

4936179. Secret doctrines of the Tibetan Books of the dead. By Detlef Ingo Lauf, translated by Graham Parkes. 254 p. 4ppl. au: Shambhala Publications, Inc., employer for hire. © on translation; shambhala Publications, Inc.; 30Jun77; 4936179.

4936180. The Torch of certainty. By Jamgon Kongtrul, translated from the Tibetan by Judith Hanson, foreword by Chogyam Trungpa. 161 p. NM: translation. © Shambhala Publications, Inc. 6 Judith Hanson; 1Jun77; 4936180.

4936181. Maitreya 6: order. Editor: Vincent G. Stuart. 103 p. NH: additional text 6 new pictorial matter. O shambhala Publi- cations, Inc.; 1Sep77: 4936181.

4936182. The Feminine, spacious as the sky. By Miriam 4rguelles 6 Jose 4rguelles. 152 p. Miriam 6 Jose 4rguelles; 1Dec77; 4936 182.

4936183. The Search for trollhaven. By Odd Valentino Bjerke 6 Meredith Motson, illustrated by Marvin Wood. 172 p. © odd Bjerke 6 Meredith Motson; 154ug77; 49 36183.

4936184. Profit: a competitive real estate game of investing and selling; rules and instructions. 2 p. 4dd. ti: Instruc- tions: Profit, a competitive game of real estate investing and selling. 4ppl. au: Ronald C. Blue. SM: additions. SBM Enterprises; 11Jun77; 4936184.

493618 5. Brokers blueprint. 1 p. 4ppl. au: John R. Nash. © John B. Nash; 6Dec77; 4936 185.

4936186. Shaw: an exhibit; a catalog. By Dan H. Laurence for an exhibit selected 6 prepared with Lois B. Garcia. 1 v. 4ppl. au: George Bernard Shaw. © on Shaw texts; Trustees of the British Museum, Royal 4cadeBy of Dramatic 4rt, Governors and Guardians of the National Gallery of Ireland, joint legatees 6 executors of Shaw Literary Estate; 9Sep77: 4936186.

4936187. Know Lawrence Township schools; a survey of Lawrence Township public schools. Prepared by the League of Women Voters of Lawrence Township, Hew Jersey. 60 p. 4ppl. au: Lynn Groer 6 Michelle Eosenthal on behalf of League of women Voters. e League of Women Voters; 27Sep77; 4936187.

4935188. Basic software library. Vol. 7: professional programs. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Roger «. Brown. © Scientific Research

Institute; 1Sep77; 4936188.


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