Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1638

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A9361171 - A936505
JUL-DEC. 1977

A936470 (con.) solely owned b7 Grace Alvarez-&ltfflaD; 29JU17U: 1936470.

i936471. Metric recipes for cooking* art, cosnetics. fiecipe orqanizers: Hazel Coatsuortfa £ Esther ailne, art arrangers: Shirley Appleby 6 Deb Casey. 69 p. Appl. au; Tucson Onified School District Number One. Tucson Onified School District Nunber One (in notice; Tucson Unified District Number One); 100ct77; A936471.

A936lt72. Nocatta gold options. 11 p. Appl. au: Sosenthal and Company, employer for hire. NB: editorial revisions. Bosenthal and Company; 9Nov77; A936472.

A936I173. Handbook for pre-business students. 15 p. Appl. an: Susan Linda Bose. Susan Bose; 111NOV77; A936I173.

A936l»7l(. Tour retiremen Prepared by the American Associ National Hetired written by Carol editor: Hubert C Ian Ledgerwood. revisions £ upda American Assoc 6 National Betir 1Auq77 (in noti t consumer guide. editorial staff of tion of fietired Persons £ Teachers Association, Powers £ Valerie Kelly, Pryor, managing editors i»7 p. NS: editorial es of information, ation of Betired Pers ed Teachers Association;

1972) ; A936'47i(.

A936475. Supplementary review package, oat- hematics: S.A.T. prep course. 1 v. Appl. au: Sandra L. Haniqault. NH: additions. Sew Horizons Tutorial Service E Sandra L. Sanigault; 3Sep77; A936a75.

A936a76. S.A.T. prep coarse, practice in eguations. . Issued by New Horizons Tutorial Service. 2 p. Appl. au: Sandra L. Hanigault. New Horizons Tutorial Service: 10ct77; A936t76.

A936lt77. The Halsingham ecumenical hymnary. Composed by Carlisle Gordon Davidson. 1 V. Carlisle Gordon Davidson: 23Dec77; A9361t77.

A9361178. The college and university band; an anthology of papers from the conferences of the College Band Directors National Association, 19'»1-1975. Compiled by David ibitwell £ Acton Ostling, Jr. 291 p. NH: 36 of the 39 articles are new. Husic Educators National Conference; 190ct77; A936U78.

A936lt79. The Eurodollar market and D.S. monetary relationships: some short-tem obser- vations. By Howard E- Taylor. 1 v- Howard E. Taylor; 1Dec77; A936479.

A936l(8l). Focus: unexplored deviance. Editor: Charles H. Swanson. 2i|'l p. (Annual editions) Appl. au: The Dushkin Publishing Group, Inc. The Dushkin Publishing Group, Inc. ; 200ct77 (in notice: 1978); A9361180.

A936U81. Focus: urban society- Editor: Jacqueline Scherer. 243 p. (Annual editions) Appl. au: The Dushkin Publishing Group. Inc. The Dushkin Publishing Group, Inc.; 1Nov77 (in notice: 1978); A936it81.

A9361I82. Focas: aging. Editor: Harold Coi. 213 p. (Annual editions) Appl. au: The Dushkin Publishing Group, Inc. The Dushkin Publishing Group, Inc. ; 1Nov77 (in notice: 1978) ; A936')82.

A936a83. Readings in personality and adjustment 78/79. Editor; Gerri E. Schwartz. 209 p. (Annual editions) Appl. au: The Dushkin Publishing Group, Inc. NH: updating of table of contents, new pref. £ editorial revisions. 6 The Dushkin Publishing Group, Inc.; 100ct77 (in notice; 1978); A936it83.

A936484. Beadings in health 78/79. Editor: Helene Sloan. 239 p. (Annual editions) Appl. au: The Dushkin Publishing Group, Inc. NM: updating of table of contents, new pref, fi editorial 'revisions. Q The Dushkin Publishing Group, Inc.; 100ct77 (in notice: 1978) ; A936484.

A936485. Beadings in American history. Vol. 2: Beconstruction through the present. Editor: Robert James Haddoz. 4th ed. 241 p. (Annual editions) Appl. aU: The Dushkin Publishing Group, Inc. 4 The Dushkin Publishing Group, Inc.; 20Oct77 (in notice: 1978) ; A936485.

A936486. Teller Training Institutes, Inc. instruction manual. Sheets. NH: additions £ revisions. Q Teller Training Institutes, Inc. ; 240ct77; A936486.

A936487. Alamo Citycon, Inc.; Nov. 18-20, 1977. 34 p. Appl. au: Helen Padgett. 6 Alamo Citycon, Inc.; 18Nov77; A936487.

A936488. International Left Handers Society official member. By Thomas J. Gress, Sr. 1 p. C International Left Handers Society (in notice: I.L.H.S. j; 16Dec77; A936488.

A936489. Philosophy: its mission and its disciplines. By Hichael Landmann, translated by David J. Parent, with a foreword by Bichard Schacht. 228 p. (Illinois language and culture series, vol. 4) NM: translation £ foreword. 6 Bouvier Verlag Herbert Grundmann; 11HOV77; A936489.

A936490. Index to the figurative language of the tragedies of Shakespeare's chief seventeenth-century contemporaries: George Chapman, Thomas Heywood, Ben Jonson, John Barston, John Webster, Cyril Tourneur, Thomas Hiddleton. By Louis Charles Stagg. 520 p. NH: compilation £ additional text. Q Bemphis State Oniversity Press; 23Sep77; A936490.

A936491. Go down. Hoses: a concordance to the novel. Vol. 1: A-L £ vol. 2: a-Z. Edited by Jack Lee Capps, with an introd. by Hichael Hillgate. 2 v. (The Faulkner concordances, 2) NH: compilation £ additional text. @ Faulkner Concordance Advisory Board; 25Nov77; A936491.

A936492. Glimpses of God from the writings of J. Hash Hatts. Collected £ edited by John D. v. iatts, Hemorial by J. Hardee Kennedy. 217 p. Appl. au: J. Rash Hatts. e John D. H. Hatts; 30Npv77; A936492.

A936493. Our social security system: how can we make it sound, solvent and successful?* Editor: James J. Neitzel. 94 p. Appl. au: International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans. 6 International Foundation

A936494. Benefit plans disputes: arbitration case stories. By Horris Stone. 92 p. Appl. au: International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans. Reprinted from Pension world. i5 Tn'-^-.-itional Foundation of Employe^ i32rietit Plans, Inc.; 15Nov77 (in notice: 1976); A936494.

A93649S. Investments Institute proceedings, 1977; aay 8-11, 1977. New Orleans, Louisiana. Editor: James J. Neitzel. 211 p. Appl. au: International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans. 6 International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans, Inc.; 11Cct77; A936495.

A936496. Rith her own wings. By Joan Aschim, Candy Cooper, Kathy Craft, aindy Fradkin, Cy Harrod, Phyllis Kerns, Jane Leighton, Lois HcClellan, Lisa HcNary, Judy HcHhorter £ Hari O'Bourke, original photograph of swan by Roberto Bolognesi, portraits by Tony aolatore. 43 p. 6 Joan Aschim, Candy Cooper, Kathy Craft, aindy Fradkin, Cy Harrod. Phyllis Kerns, Jane Leighton, Lois acClellan, Lisa HcNary, Judy acBhorter, Roberto Bolognesi. aari O'Rourke £ Tony aolatore; 13Jul77; A936496.

A936497. The Elegant farmer. Folder- Appl. au; Thomas C. Lebamoff. Florio, Inc. £ Lincoln Printing Corporation. © Tom Ray Food Service, Inc.; 26Sep77; A936497.

A936498. aechanix illustrated CB radio journal. No. 2. Editor-in-chief: Frank Bowers fi other editors. 96 p. Appl. au: Fawcett Publications, Inc. © Fawcett Publi- cations, Inc.; 10aay77; A936498.

A936499. Roman's day hair style and beauty ideas. No. 18- By Sharon Gold, editor-in-chief: Frank Bowers, editor: Ellene Saunders, associate editor: Susan Ueinkrantz. 96 p. Appl. au: Fawcett Publications, Inc. d Fawcett Publications. Inc.; 3aay77; A936499.

A936500. Today's woman house plants. No. 4. Editor-in-chief: Frank Bowers £ other editors. 96 p.' Appl. au: Fawcett Publications. Inc. © Fawcett Publi- cations, Inc.; 14Apr77; A936500.

A936501. Facing history and ourselves: holocaust and human behavior. By aargot Stern Strom £ Rilliam S. Parsons. 410 p. 6 Hargot Stern Strom fi Rilliam S. Parsons; 30Sep77; A936501.

A936 502. Bide backward on the subway. By aargaret Price Crenshaw. 1 v. 6 aargaret P. Crenshaw; 22Dec77; A936502.

A936503. Telephone bill-paying: systems used, results achieved. 68 p. (Beport FTS, no. 5) 6 o.s. League of Savings Associations; 15Aug77; A936503.

A936 504. Little trolley books. By Joan Hade cole, Karen K. Helch, Thomas D. lawkey £ Floyd Sucher. Multiple volumes in box. Add. ti: Crossties little trolley books. © The Economy Company; 30Jun77; A936504.


Substance P. Edited by Dlf S. Von Euler


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