Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1679

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AF47243 - AF47281
JUL-DEC. 1977

AP47242 (con. I Cartlan(»: 1Jane9: lF<t72it2. (Beprint ed., pab. 1971. deposited)

AFi472it3. Love is danqerous. By Barbaca Cartiaad. Onited Kincidom. 191 p. Pre». pub. 1963. O on nev cover art t revisions; Barbara Cartland: 1Feb69: APU72I43.

AFI472ll<t. Lights of love. 87 Barbara Cartland. United Kinqdo*. 255 p. Prev. pub. 1958. on nev cover art & revisions: Barbara cartland; 1Feb69: JF472«it. IBeprint ed., pub. 1975, deposited}

AF1172«5. A Heart is broken. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdom. 285 p. Originally called Yet she follows written in 19il2. SB: abridqenents. re-paragraphing, revisions & additions. C Barbara Cartland; 20Sep72: AF«72il5. (Beprint ed. , pub. 1975. deposited)

AF«72»6. Dance on ay heart. By Barbara Cartland. onited Kingdom. 190 p. Barbara cartland: iaApr77: AFii72«6.

AFIt72U7. Elizabethan lover. By Barbara Cartland. Onited KinqdoB. 254 p. NH: abr idqeaents, re-paraqraphinq, revisions 6 additions. Barbara Cartland; 1Feb70: AF472U7. (Beprint ed. , pub. 1975, deposited)

AF472II8. Love at forty. By Barbara cartland. United Kingdoii. 203 p. O Barbara Cartland: 1Hay77; AP't7248.

AF1172U9. The Bitter winds of love. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdoa. 159 p. Barbara Cartland; 1Jul76: AF47249.

AF117250. The Little pretender. By Barbara cartland. Onited Kingdoa. 255 p. NH: cover art 6 additions. C Barbara Cartland; 1Apr68: AP47250. (Beprint ed. , pub, 1976, deposited)

AFlt7251. Love is Bine. By Barbara Cartland. United Kingdoa. 255 p. NH: cover art. abridgeaents, re- paragraphing, revisions & additions. Barbara Cartland; 1Jun70; AFit7251. (Beprint ed. , 1975, deposited)

AP1I7252. Love is an eaqle. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdoa. 255 p. NH: cover art, abridgeaents, re-pacagraphing, revisions & additions. Barbara Cartland; 8Aug69; AF47252. (Beprint ed. , 1975, deposited)

AF47253. A Shost in Honte Carlo. By Barbara Cartiaad. Onited Kingdoa. 255 p. NH: cover art & additions. Barbara cartland: 19JU165: AFit7253. (Beprint ed., 1976, deposited)

AP117254. The Scandalous life of King Carol; his loves and passions. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdoa. 203 p. NH: cover art C additions. C Barbara Cartland; 2Jan76 (in notice: 1957. Corgi ed. pub. 197i|) ; API4725*.

AFI1725S. The Enchanted waltz. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdoa. 190 p. NH: abridgeaents, re-paragraphing, revisions £ additions. C Barbara Cartland; 6Hay65: AP47255. (Beprint ed. , 1972, deposited)

AF117256. Love in hiding. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdoa. 191 p. O on new cover art fi revisions; Barbara Cartland; 1Hay67: APil7256.

AF47257. A Virgin in Hayfaxr. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdoa. 191 p. O Barbara Cartland; 3Hay76: AF47257.

AF47258. The Thief of love. By Barbara HcCorguodale, pseud, of Barbara Cartland. United Kinqdoa. 190 p. Barbara HcCorquodale, pseud, of Barbara Cartland; 27Sep57; AF47258. (Beprint ed. 1967, deposited)

AF47259. The Unpredictable bride. By Barbara cartland. Onited Kinqdoa. 191 p. Barbara Cartland; 7Dec64; AF47259. (Beprint ed. 1973, deposited)

AF47260. The Odious duke. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdoa. 253 p. O Barbara Cartland; 5Peb73; AF47260. (Beprint ed. 1974, deposited)

AF47261. The Bidden evil. By Barbara Cartland. United Kinqdoa. 191 p. O Barbara Cartland; 14Jan63; iP47261. (Beprint ed. 1968, deposited)

AP47262. The Audacious adventuress. By Barbara Cartland. United Kingdoa. 215 p. Barbara Cartland; 24Jan72 (in notice: 1971); AF't7262. (Beprint ed. 1973, deposited)

AF47263. Love is the eneay. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdoa. 255 p. NH: cover art 6 other new aatter. C Barbara Cartland; 1Hay63; AP47263.

AF47264. The Golden gondola. By Barbara Cartland. Onited KingdOB. 255 p. NH: revisions C other new aatter. Barbara Cartiaad; 1Sep70; AP47264. (Beprinted. 1977, deposited)

AP47265. The Smuggled heart. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdoa. 191 p. O on cover art, additions & revisions; Barbara Cartland; 13ilar67; AF47265.

AP47266. The Haqic of honey. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdoa. 140 p. O on revisions & other new matter; Barbara Cartland; 2Jan76; AF47266.

AF47267. Love in pity. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdoa. 207 p. Barbara Cartland: 1Peb77; AF47267.

AF47268. Love and Linda. By Barbara Cartland. United Kingdoa. 207 p. Barbara Cartland; 1Sep76; AF47268.

iF47269. A Baiubow to heaven. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdoa. 160 p. Barbara Cartland; 7Jun76; AF47269.

AF47270. The Complacent wife. By Barbaca Cartland. Onited Kingdom. 255 p. O Barbara Cartland; 11Dec72; AF47270. (Beprint ed. 1974, deposited)

AF47271. Stars in ay heart. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdom. 191 p. Barbara Cartland: 11Feb57: AP47271. (Beprint ed. 1976, deposited)

AF47272. Lost enchantment. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdom. 223 p. O Barbara Cartland: 3Jul72; Ar47272. (Beprint ed. 1975, deposited)

AF47273. The Defence of British trade, 1689-1815. By PatricJt Crowhurst. England. 281 p. O Patrick Crowhurst; 2asep77: AF47273.

AF47274. The 0olf children. By Charles fiaclean. Britain. 324 p. O Charles Haclean; 270ct77; AF47274.

AF47275. Sculpture: processes and principles. By Budolf Bittkower, foreword: Harqot Kittkower. Great Britain. 288 p. Harqot Bittkower; 25Auq77: AF47275.

AF47276. Solutions to the problems in Cheaical engineering, volume 1. By J. B. 3ac)Uiurst e J. H. Barker. Great Britain. 207 p. (Chemical engineering, vol. 4) O J. B. Backhurst J. H. Barker; 12Sep77; AF47276.

AF47277. Hosaic Baking techniques. By Belen Button. Onited Kingdom. 138 p. SB: 4 pages, 20 photos., 2 drawings & editorial revision. O Helen Button; 28»pr77; AF47277.

AP47278. Terhandlungsbericht der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Orologie; 28. Tagung vom 27. September bis 1. Oktober 1976 in Innsbruck. Tagungsleitung: H. Harberger, redigiert: K. P. Albrecht. Best Germany. 548 p. Appl. au: Springer-Verlag, employer for hire of H. Harberger. O Springer-Verlag; 20Jun77; AF47278.

AF47279. Beilsteins Handbucfa der organischen Cheaie; vierte Auflage. drittes und viertes Ergaenzungswerk: die Literatur von 1930 bis 1959 uafassend. Bd. 19, T. 4. Brsq. VOB Beilstein-Institut fuer Literatur der Organischen Chemie, bearb. von Hans-G. Boit, unter Hitwickung von Oskar Ueissbach 6 others. Best Geraany. p. 2491-3446. Appl. au: Beilstein Institut fuer Organischen Cheaie, eaployer for hire. NH: new material. Springer- Verlag: 27JU177; AF47279.

lP472e0. Beilsteins Handbnch der organischen Cheaie; vierte Auflage, drittes und viertes Ergaenzungswerk: die Literatur von 1930 bis 1959 uafassend. Bd. 19, T. 3. Hrsg. VOB Beilstein-Institut fuer Literatur der Organischen Cheaie, bearb. von Hans-G. Boit, unter Hitwirkung von oskar Beissbach 6 others. Best Geraany. p. 1555-2487. Appl. au: Beilstein Institut fuer Organischen Cheaie, eaployer for hire. NH: new material. Springer- Verlag; 15Jun77; AF47280.

AF47281. Bioaecanique de la hanche saine et pathologique: principes, technique et resuitats d*une therapeutique causaie; un atlas. By Priedrich Pauwels, traduit par Paul G. J. Haquet. Best Geraany. 276 p. Appl. au: Springer-Verlag, eaployer for hire. Translation of the Geraan ed., 1973: Atlas zur Biomechanik der gesunden und kranken Huefte: Prinzipien, Technik und Besultate einer kausalen Therapie, translation of the Geraan ed. to English, 1976: Biomechanics of the noraal and diseased hip: theoretical foundation, technique and results of treataent. NH; French translation of Geraan ed.

Springer-Verlag; 200ct77; AF47281.


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