Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1692

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JUL-DEC. 1977

AFO-98190 (con.) Itee. e Selection du Reader's Digest (Canada) Ltee. ; 27Jan77: AFQ-88490.

iFO-88U91. polen: Land. Volk, airtschaft in Stichworten. Von Stanisian Leszczyclti 6 Teofil Liienski. Austria. 160 p. e Verlaq Ferdinand Hirt, G.M.B. H. (in notice: Ferdinand Hirt, G.H.B.R.): 30Jun77: AF0-88<t91.

AFO-88192. Morals and politics: the ethics of revolution. By Billiam Franklin Ash. England. 170 p. Prev. pub. in 1964 as Marxism and moral concepts. NM: additions 6 revisions. 6 Silliam Ash; 19llay77: AFO-88492.

AFO-88lt93. Dichter zuischen den Zeiten. Hrsq. von Viktor Suchy. Austria. 535 p. © Hilhelm Braumueller, oniversitaets-Verlagsbuc- hhandlonq. G.H.B.H.: 29Apr77; APO-88a93.

AFO-88lt94. critical issues in organizations. Edited by steuart Roger Clegg 6 David Dunkerley. England. 108 p. 6 Eoutledqe and Kegan Paul Ltd.; 28Apr77: AFO-88il94.

AFO-88495. The Complete symphonic works of Muzio Clenenti. By Pietro Spada. Italy. i»5 p. O Edizioni suvini Zerboni. S.P.A.; 31Mar77: AF0-88H95.

AFO-88l(96. The Day the music stopped. By Ennio Morricone 6 Audrey Stainton. Italy. 1 v. © Ennio Morricone 6 Audrey Stainton: 10Jun77: AFO-88496.

AFO-88497. The Queen's Jubilee visit and other 'istorical incidents. By Gordon Kerr-Smith, illustrated by David Ferguson. England. 19 p. C Francis, Day and Hunter, Ltd.; 9Jun77: AFO-881197.

AF0-88lt9 8. A Golden vihale, and other poems. By George Hackay Brown. United Kingdom. (In Hesterlings, p. 1) © George (lackay Brown; 9Har77; APO-88U98.

AF0-88lt99. The Martian Inca. By Ian iatson. England. 207 p. © Ian Uatson; 10Feb77; AFO-88lt99.

RFO-88500. Le Meilleur des mondes. By AlJous Huilev, traduction de Jules Carticr, pref. de Pierre Versins, illus. originales de Lisbeth Kneen. Switzerland. 251 p- Illus. reg. KFO-191. © on pref.; Edito-Service. S.A.; 111iov76: AFO-88500.

AFO-88501. Fluid dynamics. Edited by R. Balian & J.-L. Peube. Malta. 677 p. (Les Houches. 1973A) Add. ti: Dynamique des fluides. © Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Ltd.; 17May77; AFO-88501.

AFO-88502. Language, education and social processes in a Gaelic community. By Kenneth HacAlpin MacKinnon, foreword by Basil Bernstein. England. 222 p. © Kenneth MacKinnon: 21Apr77: AFO-88502.

AFO-88503. Authors and authority: a study of English literary criticism and its relation. to culture, 1750-1900. By John Patrick Parrinder. England. 199 p. © Patrick Parrinder: 26May77; AFO-88503. schwierige Faelle. By Soger Anderson S Peter schenke. yest Germany. 131 p. Franz Ehrenwirth Verlag, G.H.B.B. £ Co., K.G.; 27Apr77; AFO-88504.

AFO-88505. Eveil et harmonie de la personnalite: culture physique et psychique par la methode arc-en-ciel. By Jacques De Coulon. Switzerland. 222 p. © Editions du Signal; 17May77: AFO-88505.

AFO-88506. Gymnastik fuer Muetter vor, nach und mit dem Baby. By Lilo Palm-Scheel, mit einem aerztlichen Vorwort von V. Scheele £ M. Kienitz. Best Germany. 73 p. © Franz Ehrenwirth Verlaq, G.M.B. a. 6 Co., K.G.; 23Feb77; AFO-88506.

AFO-88507. Musical appreciation in an infant school. By Eveline craddock. England. 45 p. © Oxford University Press; 31Mar77; APO-BBSC

iFO-88508. In the heart of the country. By J. M. Coetzee, English version prepared by the author. Great Britain. 138 p. Appl. states all new except sections 85-94 which have appeared in South Africa in the magazine standpunte 124, Aug. 1976. © J. M. coetzee; 13Jun77; APO-88508.

&FO-88509. Ireland in prehistory. By Michael Herity £ George Eogan. England. 302 p. MM: text £ arr. of prints £ drawings. © Michael Herity £ George Eogan; 20Jan77; &FO-88509.

AFO-88510. Poesie scelte, 1910-1975. By Diego Valeri, a cura di Carlo Delia Corte. Italy. 99 p. NM: introd. £ compilation of prev. pub. poems. © Arnoldo Mondadori Editore. S.P.A. ; 30Jan77; AFO-88510.

APO-88511. Poesie scelte, 1943-1975. By Nelo Bisi, a cura di Giovanni Raboni. Italy. 155 p. NM: introd. £ compilation of prev. pub. poems. © Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, S.P.A. ; 30Jan77; AFO-88511.

AFO-88512. Oltre I'eta dello spreco; quarto rapporto al Club di Soma. Di Dennis Gabor £ Omberto Colombo, con la collaborazione di Alexander King 6 Riccardo Galli, presentazione di Aurelio Peccei, traduzione a cura di Carla Sborgi. Italy. 238 p. Original ti: Beyond the age of waste. NM: Italian translation. © Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, S.P.A.; 30Dec76; AFO-88512.

AFO-88513. Heqe zur Enerqieversorgunq- Hrsq. von Karl- Joachim Euler £ Arthur Scharmann. West Germany. 359 p. Add. ti: Energy supply of the future. 9 Verlag Karl Thiemig, A.G. ; 25Apr77; AFO-88513.

APO-88514. Morphometry of the placental exchange area. By Rolf Baur. Best Germany. 65 p. (Advances in anatomy, embryology and cell biology, vol. 53, fascicle 1) © Springer- Verlag; 29Apr77; AFO-88514.

AFO-88515. Extreme games and their solutions. By Joachim Rosenmueller. Best (3ermany. 126 p. (Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems, vol. 145) e Springer-Verlag; 10May77; AFO-88515.

AFO-88516. An Analysis of economic size dist- ributions. By Bertil Naeslund. Best Germany. 100 p. (Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems, vol. 143) e Springer-Verlag; 26Apr77; AFO-88516.

AFO-88517. Introduction to materials of Western music. By Molly Sclater £ William G. Andrews. Canada. 244 p. NM: text £ compilation. © Gordon V. Thompson, Ltd.; 29Jun77; AFO-88517.

AFO-88518. Der Grosse Eisenbahnraub, and other titles. iest Germany. 510 p. (Reader's digest Auswahlbuecher) Add. ti: Der Grobe Eisenbahnraub. Prev. pub. in D.S. editions of Reader's Digest condensed books. MM: German translation of works £ additions. © Verlag Das Beste, G.M.B.H.; 9May77; AFO-88518.

AFO- 88519. Gisslan, and other titles. Sweden. 475 p. (Det Baestas bokval) Prev. pub. in U.S. editions of Reader's Digest condensed books. SH: Swedish translation fi additions. © Reader's Digest, A.B. ; 11May77; AFO-88519.

AFO-86520. The Sociology of secularisation; a critique of a concept. By Peter Egon Glasner. England. 137 p. (International library of sociology) © Peter E. Glasner; 5flay77; AFO-88520.

AFO-88521. The Sociology of power. By Roderick Martin. England. 203 p. (International library of sociology) © Roderick Martin; 5May77; AFO-88521.

AFO- 88 522. Secondary metabolism and cell dif- ferentiation. By Martin Luckner, Lutz Nover 6 Hartmut Boehm. West Germany. 130 p. (Molecular biology, biochemistry and biophysics, 23) © Springer-Verlag; 20Apr77; AFO-88522.

AFO-8e523. De Baby en het slagschip, and other titles. The Netherlands. 478 p. (Het Beste boek) Prev. pub. as The Baby and the battleship 6 others in U.S. editions of Reader's Digest condensed books. NM: Dutch translation £ additions. © uitgeversmaatschappij The Reader's Digest, N.V.; 1May77; AFO-88523.

APO-88524. Sulla poesia. By Eugenio Montale, a cura di Giorgio Zampa. Italy. 643 p. NM: introd. £ compilation of prev. pub. essays. © Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, S.P.A.; 30Sov76; AFO-88524.

AFO-88525. The World's last mysteries. Australia. 319 p. Prev. pub. in France in 1976. NH: English translation. Reader's Digest Services, Pty. Ltd.; 14Jun77; AFO-88525.

AFO-88526. Fichier safari. No 1033-1056. Switzerland. 24 cards fi folder. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberg, Philippe Duflon £ Andre Estoppey. © Editions Rencontre, S.A.; 18Feb77 (in notice on triptygue: 1976) ; AFO-8e526.

AFO-88527. Safari cards. No. 985-1008. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberg, Philippe Duflon fi Andre Estoppey. © on English translation; Editions Rencontre, S.A.; 11Mar77; AFO-88527.

AFO-88528. Safari cards. No. 1057-1080. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Paul

Schauenberg, Philippe Duflon £ Andre


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