Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1716

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AFO-89425 - AFO-89459
JUL-DEC. 1977

AF0-89424. (con.) 221 p. & SundoKDer Productions, Pty. Ltd.: 26Sep77; 4F0-89424.

AFO-89425. tleetinqs Kith Pasternak. A memoir by Alexander Gladkov, translated froii the Russian 6 edited uith notes 6 introd. by Max Hayvard. Fnqland. 223 p. Original ti.: Vstrechi s Pastecnakon. SH: English translation 6 p. 7-30, 185-223. O Silliao Collins Sons and company. Ltd- S Harcourt Brace Jovanowich, Inc.; 27Jan77; AFO-89425.

AF0-89426. A Dream of Hessex. By Christopher Priest. Onited Kingdom. 199 p. © Christopher Priest: 170ct77; AFO- 89426.

AFO-89427. Georq Lukacs. By George Henry Badcliffe Parkinson. England. 203 p. @ G. H. B. Parkinson: 15Sep77: AFO-89427.

AFO-89428. John Dewey reconsidered. Edited by Richard Stanley Peters. England. 128 p. (International library of the philosophy of education) 6 Boutledge and Kegan Paul, Ltd.; 15Sep77; AFO-89428.

AFO-89429. Venom. By Alan Scbolefleld. Great Britain. 231 p. Alan Scholefield; 12Sep77; AFO-89429.

AFO-89430. Hacie Stopes, a biography. By Buth Hall. England. 351 p. 8 Buth Hall; 8Sep77; APO-89430.

AFO-89431. A aodera theory of architecture. By Bruce Allsopp. England. 102 p. 9 Bruce Allsopp; 22Sep77: AFO-89431.

AFO-89432. Food from your garden: all you need to know to grow, cook and preserve your own fruit and vegetables. Edited by The Header's Digest Association, Ltd. Great Britain. 380 p. 6 The Reader's Digest Association, Ltd.; 20Sep77: AF0-89432.

AFO-89433. Die Letzten Geheimuisse unserer Kelt. Obersetzung aus dem Franzosischen von sybille A. Rott-Illfeld. iest Germany. 320 p. Add. ti; Horld's last mysteries. Appl. au: Verlag das Beste, G.H.B.H. Prev. pub. in France in 1976. NH; German translation. 6 Verlag das Beste, G.M.B.H.; 1«Sep77: AF0-89433.

AFO-89434. The National union catalog": pre- 1956 imprints: a cumulative author list representing Lil?racy of congress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries. Vol. 525-529. Compiled & edited with the cooperation of the Library of Congress 6 the National Onion Catalog Subcommittee of the Resources Committee of the Resources and Technical Services Division, American Library Association. United Kingdom. Appl. an: Hansell Information/Publishing, Ltd. Appl. states copyright not claimed in the original National union catalog, pre- 1956 imprints, as maintained in the Library of Congress in card form or in any publication of the 0.^. Govt, within the meaning of Title 17 U.S.C. 8. SM: final abridgment & editorial revisions of each entry, seguence 6 location coding & original prefatory materials. © Hansell Information/Publishing, Ltd.; 170ct77; AFO-89434.

nd Geschlechtlichkeit; medizinische, psychologische und soziale Aspekte. Herausgeber: Alfred Springer, Hitacbeiter: H. Burian, I. Demel, I. Koehler, R. Hader & A. Springer. Austria. 139 p. (Schriftenreihe des Ludwig Boltzmann-Institutes fuer Suchtforschung, Bd. 3) O Ludwig Boltzmann-lnstitut fuer Suchtforschung; 15Sep77; AFO-89435.

AFO-89436. Zubehoerartikel fuer den perfekten Husikgenuss: Lencoclean "L"« Lencolaop, Lencomatic, Lencofix. Switzerland. 2 p. 9 Lenco, A.G.; 1Aug77; AFO-89436.

AFO-89437. HiFi fflit Schweizer Praezision. Switzerland. Sheets (t p.) Add. ti: Hifi with Swiss precision. German & English. © Lenco, A.G. ; 1Auq77; AF0-89437.

AF0-89438. Lenco fi 50. © Lenco« A.G. ; ^witzerla 1Aug77;

AFO-89439. Lenco R25. Switzerland. 1 p. © Lenco, A.G.; 1Aug77; AFO-89439.

AFO-89440. Lenco A50, Lenco T30. Switzerland. 1 p. ©Lenco, A.G. ; 1Aug77; AFO-891440.

AFO-89441. Direktantrieb mit Schweizer Praezision. Switzerland. Sheets (H p.) Add. ti: Direct-drive with Swiss precision. German 6 English. © Lenco. A.G. ; 1Aug77; AFO-89441.

AFO-89442. Philosophy and practical education. By John Boyd Hilson. England. 130 p. a John Bilson; 15Sep77; AFO-89442.

AFO-89443. Invitation to madrigals. Vol. 11. For SSATB 6 SAIIB. By Orlando Gibbons. United Kingdom. UB p. Appl. au: Allen Percival. Selected from vol. 5 of The English madrigalists, edited by Edmund H. Fellowes, revised by Thurston Dart. NM: compilation, pref. & performing notes. © Stainer and Bell, Ltd.; 1Aug77; AFO-89443.

AFO-89444. Invitation to madrigals. Vol. 10. For SAT, SATB, SSATB 6 SSATTB. 6 madrigals by John Hilbye, compiler: Allen Percival. Onited Kingdom. UB p. Selected from volumes 6 & 7 of The English madrigalists. edited by Edmund H- Fellowes, revised by Thurston Dart. NH: compilation 6 performing notes. © Stainer and Bell. Ltd.; 1Aug77; AFO-89444.

AFO-89445. Canzonets to five and six voices (1597) By Thomas Morley. Onited Kingdom. 119 p. (The English madrigalists, vol. 3. Edited by Edmund H. Fellowes, revised by Sally Dunkley) NM: editorial revision of Fellowes' original ed- , with new introductory 6 editorial notes. © Stainer and Bell, Ltd.; 1Aug77; AFO-89445.

AFO-89446. Hume. By Barry Stroud. England. 280 p. (The Arguments of the philosophers, 5) © Barry Stroud; 18Aug77; AFO-89446.

AFO-89447. Great gardens of Britain. By Peter Coats. England. 185 p. 9 Peter Coats; 30ct77; AFO-89447.

AFO-89448. Consort music of six parts. By John Jenkins, transcribed & edited by Donald Peart. United Kingdom. 100 p. (Musica Britannica, vol. 39) NM: compilation, introd. & editorial notes, new tran- scriptions G editorial revision. © The Husica Britannica Trust; 1Aug77; AFO-89448.

AFO-89449. Agatha Christie: La Haison du peril. Poirot joue le jeu. Illus. originales de bevis Grebu. Switzerland. 297 p. 6 on illus.; Ed ito- Service, S. A. ; 2Sep77; AFO-89449.

AFO-89450. Living with capitalism: class relations and the modern factory. By William Alfred Theodore Nichols & Huw Beynon. England. 204 p. e Theo Nichols £ Huw Beynon; 25Aug77; APO-89450.

AFO-89451. Roentgen- Aufnahmetechnik. T. 1: Allgemeine Grundlagen 6 Einstellungen. By Robert Janker. 10. ueberarbeitete Aufl. von Annelies stangen S Dieter Guenther. Best Germany. 438 p. © Springer-Verlag; 1Jul77; AFO-89451.

AFO-89452. Agatba Christie: Destination inconnue. Neuf nouvelles. Illus. originales de Robert Nadler. Switzerland. 298 p. © on illus.; Edito-Scrvice, S.A. ; 8Aug77; AFO-89452.

AFO-89453. I tell of Greenland; an edited translation of the Saudarkrokur manus- cripts. By Francis Berry. England. 205 p. a Francis Berry; 1Sep77; AFO-89453.

AFO-89454. Orogenmissbrauch und Drogenabhaen- gigkeit; compendium fuer Aerzte. Juristen. Sozial- und Erzieherberufe. Von E. Christiani 6 Gerhard Stuebing. 3. ueberarbeitete £ erweiterte Aufl. West Germany. 140 p. © Deutscher Aerzte Verlag, G.B.B.H.; 270ct77; AFO-89454.

AFO-89455. Hikrochimica Acta. Supplementum 7. Bedacteur en chef: H. K. Zacherl. Austria. 596 p. Achtes Kolloguium ueber Hetallkundliche Analyse mit Besonderer Beruecksichtigung der Elektronenstrahl- und lonenstrahl-Hikroanalyse. Hien, 27-29 Okt. 1976. Appl. au: Silhelm Schwabl, employer for hire. © Springer-Verlag; 29Jun77; AFO-89455.

AF0-89456. Photometer fuer die aerztliche Praxis: Grundbegrif fe und Auswahlkriterien. By Bainer Haeckel £ Albert fiotzler, unter Mitarbeit von G. Brenner, K. Harm, H. Holstein. H. Kellner, R. Lange, G. V. Orth. F. H. Schwartz £ K. Tausch, Herausgeber: Zentralinstitut fuer die Kassenaerztliche Versorgung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Best Germany. 52 p. (Praxis-Technik, Bd. 1) © Deutscher Aerzte Verlag. G. H.B.H. ; 18JU177; AFO-89456.

AFO-89457. Arzt in freier Praxis. Von Juergen V. Troschks £ Bodo Kosanke, Betriebswirt: Rolf Liebold, Herausgeber: Zentralinstitut fuer die Kassenaerztliche Versorgung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. 2. ueberarbeitete Aufl. Best Germany. 32 p. (Niederlassungsservice, Bd. 1) © Deutscher Aerzte Verlag, G. H.B.H.; 29JU177; AFO-89457.

AFO-89453. Aus dem Leben der Bienen. Herausgeber: Karl Von Frisch. 9. neubearb. £ ergaenzte Aufl. Best Germany. 194 p. (Vers- taendliche Bissenschaf t, Bd. 1) © Springer-Verlag; 15Jul77; AFO-89458.


Russia in original photographs.


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