Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1750

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6854707 - BB5U7lt3
JUL-DEC. 1977

BB5lt707. Sunset Id the East. By Sobert Vincent Ferraca. {A Sunday acrostic) (In Beacon (The Boston herald American) Hay 29, 1977, p. 22) e Sobect T. Fercara; 291lay77: BB54707.

BB511708. Cartoon fiqure appearing on page 1, upper left. (In Legal service news, vol. 1, no. 1 , p. 1) Appl. au: Timothy Sell (Tim) 3 Tim, pseud, of Timothy Sell; 15Har77 (in notice 1976); BB5it708.

BB54709. Cartoon fiqure appearing on page 1, loner right. (In Legal service news, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 1) Appl. au: Timothy Sell (Tim) Tim, pseud, of Timothy Sell; 15Har77 (in notice 1976); BB5t709.

BB54710. Cartoon figure appearing on page 2, center left. (In Legal service news, vol. 1. no. 1, p. 2) Appl. au: Timothy Sell (Tim) Q Tim, pseud, of Timothy Sell; 15Ilar77 (in notice 1976); 8854710-

BB54711. Cartoon figure appearing on page 2, lover left. (In Legal service news, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 2) Appl. au: Timothy Sell (Tim) 6 Tim. pseud, of Timothy Sell; 15Har77 (in notice 1976); BB54711.

BB54712. Cartoon fiqure appearing on page 3, lover left. (In Legal service nevs, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 3) Appl. au: Timothy sell (Tim) e Tim, pseud, of Timothy Sell; 15aar77 (in notice 1976); BB54712.

8B54713. The Chinese national minorities policy.. By Bichard s. Llata & Hario Barrera. (In Aztlan, international journal of Chicane studies research, fall 1975, p. 379-408) @ Bichard G. Llata & Hario Barrera: 1811ar77 (in notice: 1976); BB54713.

BB54714. International Socialist review, fiarch 1977; International iomen's Day, special issue. (In The Militant, Mar. 11, 1977, P. 11-22) e Militant Publishing Association; 3Mar77: B854714.

BB54715. Myths, realities of primaries sifted. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit nevs, Apr. 15, 1977, p. 6B) Appl. au: The Evening Nevs Association, Inc., employer for hire. Q The Evening Nevs Association, Inc. — Universal Press Syndicate; 15Apr77; B854715.

BB54716. Is Co&qress a Georqia leqislature? By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit nevs. Hay 4, 1977, p. 68) Appl. au: The Eveninq Nevs Association, Inc. , employer for hire. Q The Eveninq Nevs Association, Inc- -aniversal Press Syndicate; 4May77; BB54716.

BB54717. Competition qives CB'ers a price break. By Michael F. Hendland. (CB break) (In The Sunday nevs, Detroit, June 5, 1977, p. 8J) Appl. au: The Eveninq Nevs Asso- ciation, Inc., employer for hire. 3 The Eveninq News Association, Inc. — Oniversal Press syndicate. Inc.; 5Jon77; BB54717.

8B54718. Hho lost most in Sinqlaub firing? By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Sunday nevs, Detroit, Hay 29, 1977, p. 6E) Appl. au: The Evening Nevs Association* Inc., employer for hire. Q The Evening News Association, Inc. — Oniversal Press Syndicate; 29Hay77; BB54718.

BB54719. Soviet constitution parodies democracy. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Sunday nevs, Detroit, June 12, 1977, p. 6E) Appl. au: The Evening Nevs Association, Inc. , employer for hire. Q The Evening News Association, Inc. — Universal Press Syndicate: 12Jun77; BB54719.

BB54720. If your C6 gets Bali, blame it on sunspots. By Hichael F. Hendland. (CB break) (In The Sunday nevs, Detroit, June 12, 1977, p. 12F) Appl. au: The Evening Nevs Association, Inc., employer for hire. O The Evening Nevs Association, Inc- -Dniversal Press Syndicate, Inc.; 12JUJ177; BB54720.

8854721. America also revels in British Jubilee. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit nevs, June 10, 1977, p. 4B) Appl. au: The Evening Nevs Association, employer for hire. Q The Eveninq Nevs Association- -Oniversal Press Syndicate; 10Jun77; BB54721.

8854722. Energy plan to scorch "rural America*. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit news, June 8, 1977, p. 12B) Appl. au: The Eveninq News Association, Inc., employer for hire. O The Eveninq News Association, Inc. — Universal Press Syndicate; 8Jun77; BB54722.

8854723. Hashinqton media scored on coverage. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit news, June 6, 1977, p. 88) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. Q The Eveninq Nevs Association, Inc. — Oniversal Press Syndicate; 6Jun77; BB54723.

BB54724. •A New yeast" ferments in both parties. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Sunday news, Detroit, June 5, 1977, p. 6E) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc. , employer for hire. @ The Evening News Association, Inc. — Universal Press Syndicate: 5Jun77; 8854724.

BB54725. The Sea. (In Ventura County harbor news, Ventura, CA, July 1, 1977, p. 3) Appl. au: Emil Crovell. Emil Crovell; 1Jul77; BB54725.

BB54726. Comfort is a patchvork of memories. By Eleanor Preston Clarkson. (Goodbye, old house) (In The villaqe broadsider, Sandvich, HA, June 22, 1977, p. 6) e Eleanor Preston Clarkson: 22Jun77: BB54726.

BB54727. Silver halide camera film. By Harold H. Dorfman. (Shop talk) (In Microfilm techniques, May-June 1977, p. 13, etc.) 3 Harold H. Dorfman; 25Jun77; BB54727.

BB54728. Sunday's child. By Henry Kinq Ketcham. (Dennis the Menace) (In Field nevspaper syndicated releases, Apr. 18, 1976) 3 Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Nevspaper Syndicate; 8Mar76: BB54728.

BB54729. More than pretendinq. By Mary T. Pratt, art by Nancy Plummer. (In Story friends, June 19, 1977, p. 1, etc.) 6 Mary T. Pratt; 1Jun77; 8854729.

8B54730. Josephine from Mali Slatnik. By Irene H. odorizzi. (The Immigrant) (In Zarja — the davn. May 1977, p. 28-30) 3 Irene M. Odorizzi; 21May77; BB54730.

BB54731. Marica from Brinje, Lika. By Irene H. Odorizzi. (The Immigrant) (In Zarja — the davn, Apr. 1977, p. 14-16) 3 Irene B. Odorizzi; 15Apr77; BB54731.

BB54732. Anna. By Irene H. Odorizzi. (The Immigrant) (In Zarja — the dawn, Jan. 1977, p. 6-8) 8 Irene M. Odorizzi; 17Jan77; 8854732.

BB54733. Marie from fiecica. By Irene M. odorizzi. (The Immigrant) Basis of story taken from the book This is Slovenia. (In Zarja — the dawn, Dec. 1976, p. 12-16) NM: editing & additions. 3 Irene H. Odorizzi; 20Dec76; 8854733.

8854734. Ex parte line. By Paul H. Buchanan, Jr. (In Bes gestae, July 1977, p. 283) C Paul H. Buchanan, Jr.; 1Jul77; 8B54734.

BB54735. Ticket probe expands: detective responds. By Daniel J. Foley. (In Quad-city times, Davenport, lA, June 29, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: The Quad-City Times, employer for hire. 3 The Quad-City Times; 29Jun77; BB54735.

BB54736. Officers" tickets excused: city begins inquiry into possible fixing. By Daniel J. Foley. (In Quad-city times, Davenport, lA, June 28, 1977, p. 1) Appl. au: The Quad-City Times, employer for hire. 3 The Quad-City Times; 28Jun77; 8B54736.

BB54737. New questions arise in deputies" mileage. By Daniel J. Foley. (In Quad-city times, Davenport, lA, June 26, 1977, p. 1A-2A) Appl. au: The Quad-City Times, employer for hire. 3 The Quad-City Times; 26Jun77; BB54737.

BB54738. Samples of sharing and caring. Text by Thomas 8. Naglee, photos by Budd Springer. (In Salem County (MJ) sampler, June 6, 1977) Appl. au: Andrea J. Hogan. 8 Thomas B. Naglee; 8Jun77; BBS4738.

BB54739. Foyt to keep on racing. By A- J. Foyt. (In The Indianapolis nevs. Hay 27, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: Indianapolis Nevspapers, Inc. 3 The Indianapolis Nevs, solely ovned by Indianapolis Nevspapers, Inc. ; 27Hay77; 8B54739.

8854740. Bikini — the sacrifice made for a vorld that vasn't saved. Written by Hilliam H. Peck, illustrated by Bon Castro. (In Islander (The Sunday news, Agana, Guam) May 15, 1977, p. 8-15) 3 Hilliaa M. Peck; 15May77; BB54740.

BB54741. Anaheim bulletin: yesterday, the Bicentennial — tomorrow, a greater new erai (In Anaheim (CA) bulletin, Aug. 31, 1976, p. A1, etc.) Appl. au: Brice Horthington. 3 Brice Horthington; 31Aug76; BB54741.

BB54742. Liberal arts and work. By Howard B. Badest. (In Bamapo papers, Bamapo College of New Jersey, Mahwah, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 1-30) 3 Howard 8. Badest; 10ct76; 8854742.

8854743. Personal slants from James Holt McGavran. (In Ideas for better living, June 1977, p. 15) 3 James Holt HcGavran;

1Jun77; BBS4743.


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