Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1757

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BB5a97lt - BB5501i»
JUL-DEC. 1977

BB5»973 (con.) 29. 1977, p. 10) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus e Ken BOHdeii. Jaclc Nicklaus & Kea BOBden: 29Jui77; 8854973.

BBSIt97U. Play better qolf — with Jack Hlcklaus. (In The Ithaca (NI) loucnal, Julr 6. 1977, p. 21) Appl. au: Jack Hlcklaus & Ken BOHden. Jack Hlcklaus e Ken Boiiden: 6Jul77: BB5'497l».

BB54975. Play bettei: qolf — vlth Jack Hlcklaus. (In Seadloq (PA) tiaes, July 27. 1977, p. 37) Appl. au: Jack Hlcklaus G Ken BoHden. Jack Hlcklaus £ Ken Bovden; 27Jul77: 8851975.

BB54976. Play better qolf — nith Jack Hlcklaus. (In Beadlnq (PA) tiaes, July 8, 1977, p. 23) Appl. au: Jack Hlcklaus £ Ken Bovdeo. Jack Hlcklaus e Ken Boadeo: 8Jul77: 8851976.

8851977. Play better qolf — aitb Jack Hlcklaus. (In Beadlnq (PA) tiaes, July 13, 1977, p. 38) Appl. au: Jack Hlcklaus £ Ken Boaden. O Jack Hlcklaus £ Ken Boaden: 13Jul77: 8B51977.

BB51978. Play better qolf — aith Jack Hlcklaus. (In Pottsville (PA) republican. July 15, 1977. p. 11) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Boaden. Jack Hlcklaus £ Ken Boaden: 15JU177; 8B51978.

BB51979. Play better qolf — aith Jack Hlcklaus. (In San Francisco exaalner. July 22, 1977. p. 57) Appl. au: Jack Hlcklaus £ Ken Boaden. C Jack Hlcklaus £ Ken Boaden; 22JU177; BB51979.

BB51980. Play better qolf — ait)i Jack Hlcklaus. (In Beadlnq (PA) tiaes. July 20, 1977. p. 36) Appl. au: Jack Hlcklaus £ Ken Boaden. Jack Hlcklaus £ Ken Boaden: 20Jul77: B851980.

BB51981. Play better qolf — aith Jack Hlcklaus. (In The Itliaca (HI) iournal, July 18. 1977, p. 16) Appl. au: Jack Hlcklaus £ Ken Boaden. Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Boaden; 18JU177: 8851981.

BBS1982. Play better qolf — aith Jack Nicklaus. (In Beadlnq (PA) tiaes, July 11. 1977, p. 15) Appl. au: Jack Hlcklaus £ Ken Boaden. O Jack Hlcklaus £ Ken Boaden; 11Jul77; B851982.

BB51983. Play better qolf — aith Jack Hlcklaus. (In San Francisco ezaainer, July 1. 1977, p. 16) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Boaden. Jack Hlcklaus £ Ken Boaden: 1Jul77: BB51983.

8851981. Tide of violent, aalor criainality in Arizona recedinq. By John L. Carpenter. (In The Phoenix qazette, July 6, 1977. p. A1, etc.) Appl. au: The Phoenix Gazette. The Phoenix Gazette; 6Jul77: BB51981.

BB51985. LeBlanc criticizes insurance officials. By Earl Golz. (In The Dallas aorninq neas, July 16, 1977, p. 6A) Appl. au: The Dallas Hornlnq Heas. The Dallas aorninq Neas; 18Jul77; BB51985.

BB51986. Oallasites stand behind U.S. control of canal. (Instapoll) (In The Dallas aorninq neas. July 18, 1977, p. 2A) The Dallas Horning Neas; 18JU177; BB51986.

BB51987. Enerqy concerns area residents: Texas* outlook. (Instapoll) (In The Dallas aorninq neas, Jul; 11. 1977. p. 2A) The Dallas Hornlnq Neas; 11 Jul 77; 6651987.

B651988. Besidents unhappy aith inflation. (Instapoll) (In The Dallas aorninq neas. July 1. 1977, p. 2A) O The Dallas Hornlnq Neas: 1JU177; BB51988.

BB51989. Dallasites opposed 1st site: nea count; "lail. (Instapoll) (In The Dallas aorninq neas, July 25, 1977, p. 1A) O The Dallas Hornlnq Neas; 25Jul77; BB519S9.

BB51990. Helpinq-hand chart, orangutan (Pongo pygaaeus) photo, by David E. Uard. (Instructor's Getting ready poster) Add. tl: Ah nuts, aoa forgot to pack ay bananas! (In Instructor. Aug. 1977. p. 89-96) Appl. au: The Instructor Publications. Inc.. eaployer for hire. Instructor, solel; owned b; The Instructor Publications. Inc.; 12Jul77; BB51990.

BB51991. Last ;ear. this was a "Saturday night special." (In The Anerican rifleaan. Feb. 1977. p. 12-13) e National Sifle Association Institute for Legislative Action (in notice: NBA Institute for Legislative Action) ; 1Feb77 (in notice: 1976); 8851991.

BB51992. Yankee drizzle dandy. By Bobert V. Ferrara. (A Sunday acrostic) (In Beacon (The Boston herald Aaerlcan) June 5, 1977. p. 26. etc.) NH: editorial revision £ additions. 6 Bobert V. Ferrara; 5Jun77; B651992.

8851993. Center cit; pylons to coae doan. By De H. Hiller. (In The Sunday Kansan, Kansas City, KS, June 5, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: The Kansas City Kansan. The Kansas Cit; Kansan; 5Jun77; BB51993.

B851991. Justice Departaent probing Shapp's caapaign. By Hoaard Sheldon Abraason £ Julia fiose. (In The Horning call, Allentoan. PA, June 16, 1977. p. 1, etc.) O States Heas Service; 16Jun77; BB51991.

6851995. Eock-a-b;e. 6y flicbael fance, pseud, of Hichael Lail, Hill Frank, pseud, of Jon Suter, £ Duane Sanson. (Crag. chap. 3) do The Advertiser, Ada, OK. Hay 5. 1977, p. 9) Hichael Lail; 5Hay77; 6B51995.

BB51996. fiock-a-bye. Story: Hichael ?ance. pseud, of Hichael Lail £ Hill Frank, pseud, of Jon Suter. art: Duane Hanson. (Crag, chap. 3) (In The Advertiser, Ada. OK. Hay 12. 1977. p. 6) Hichael Lail; 12Hay77; BB51996.

8851997. Chess nuts: checkaate the black king. Puzzle no. 26. (In The Verde independent. Cottonaood. AZ, July 6, 1977, p. 19) Appl. au: John B. Nelson. HH: revisions. O John E. Helson; 6Jul77; 8651997.

8651998. Business and the stock aarket. By Babson's Beports, Inc. (In Chelasford- Hestford-Tynqsboro (HA) newsaeekly, June 30. 1977, p. 2. etc.) Babson's Beports. Inc.; 30Jun77; BB51998.

BB51999. Business and the stock aarket. (In Seyaour (IH) daily tribune. June 3. 1977. p. 2) Babson's Beports. Inc.; 3Jun77; BB51999.

6B55000. 6usiness and the stock aarket. (In Seyaour (IH) dail; tribune, June 17, 1977, p. 2) Babson's Beports, Inc.; 17Jun77; 6B55000.

BB55001. Business and the stock aarket. (In Seyaour (IH) dail; tribune, June 21, 1977, p. 2) O Babson's Beports, Inc.; 21Jun77; 6655001.

BB55002. Business and the stock aarket. (In Se;aour (IH) dail; tribune, June 10, 1977, p. 2) O Babson's Beports, Inc.; 10Jun77; BB55002.

8655001. The loaan who aas sick and afraid ever; Honda; aorning. 8; Stella Terrill Hann. (Stories fron life) (In Onity, Sept. 1977, p. 16-52) O Stella Terrill Hann; 1Aug77: 6655001.

6655006. Ezeaptions and fair use in copyright: the "exclusive rights" tensions in the nea Copyright act; continued. 8; Leon E. Seltzer. (In Eulletin of the Copyright Societ; of the D.S.A., June 1977. p. 279-337) Appl. states cop;right is not claioed in material quoted fron any publication of the O.S. Govt. O Leon E. Seltzer; 11Jul77; 6655006.

6655007. Ezeaptions and fair use in copyright: the "exclusive rights" tensions in the new Copyright act. 6; Leon E. Seltzer. (In Bulletin of the Copyright Societ; of the O.S. A.. Apr. 1977, p. 215-277) Appl. states copyright is not claiaed in aaterial quoted froa an; publication of the U.S. Govt. O Leon E. Seltzer; 19Hay77; 8B55007.

BB55008. Shaalets. By John Bella. (In Chicago reviea, spring 1977, p. 11-55) John Bella; 7Aag77 (In notice: 1976); B655008.

BB55009. 6orn tall. B; Garnet K. Tien. (In Capper's weekly, lopeka. KS. July 26, 1977, p. 17-18) Garnet K. Tien; 26JU177; BB55009.

BB55010. Paulsen grand jury next: I'a planning on it, assistant attorne; general sa;s. 8; aick Jost. (In The Quad-City times, Davenport. lA, July 26, 1977, p. 1) Appl. au: The Quad-City Tiaes, eaployer for hire. O The Qnad-Cit; Tiaes; 26Jul77; 8855010.

8655011. Becord care: aore than aeets the eye. 6y Bartha Thoaas (flartha Thoaas Sheppard) (Soundings) (In BITF-FH prograa guide. Aug. 1977. p. 1, etc.) Bartha Thoaas Sheppard; 26Jul77; 6655011.

6655012. Ex parte line. (In Ses gestae. Aug. 1977. p.331) Appl. au: Paul H. Buchanan. Jr. O Paul H. Buchanan, Jr.; 2Aug77; 6655012.

BB55011. Spinninqtop. By Alvanico DeJulian. pseud, of Henry Lee Harvel. (In stuff, Neaark, NJ, July 21. 1977. p. 2) C Henry Lee Harvel. ahose pseud, is Alvanico

DeJulian: 20Jul77: BB55011.


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