Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/179

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A877459 - 4877505
JUL-DEC. 1977

t877458 (coo.) O The Beqlstec aod Tribune Srndicate«  Inc.; 1HaT77; A87745B.

i877459. GahaA Hiisoa Suuday coaics. ?ol. 4, do. S. Bt Sahan Uilsoo. It. O Gahan yilson; 11lay77: i877i»59.

48771460. Profiles by Angelica: a designer's sketchbook. 1 t. Appl. au: Boy H. iohl. O Anqelica Corporation; 29Jud77; A877I160.

A877lt61. Tise and other birds. By Hary Shuaway with calliqraphT by Hargaret Biqq. 1 v. Poeas pcev. pub. in Cassiopeia t others. O Konqloaecati Press: 15aec76: A877461.

A8771I62. Bucied stone, poeas by Linda Jeanne Loveli, qraphics by Kiki Neuaann. 1 v. Linda J. LoveiX: 15Jul77; A877'I62.

A877«63. Aoqels eiqht and other poeas. By the aud flacine, pseud, of fiichacd V. Batkins. 22 p. eichard B. Batkins; 22Jul77; A877463.

Aa77l|64. The Tiae of ay life. By Cecil Leaon Child. 216 p. Cecil Leaon Child; 12Jal77: i87746«.

A87746S. Shantyboat: a river uay of life. By Barlan Hubbard, Kith illus. by the author e a foreword by Bendell Berry. 352 p. an: foreword. O The University Press of Kentucky: 1itJul77: A877465.

A877II66. Thinqs qone and things still here. By Paul Frederic Bowles. 89 p. Soae stories prev. pab. in Antaeus £ others. Nfl: coapilation. C Paul Bowles: 5Jul77; A877it66.

A877»67. Ten years after. By Gerard Halanga. 146 p. Soae poeas prev. pub. in Acid anthology C others. KB: 54 new poeas. Gerard Halaoga: 15Jul77: A877467.

A877468. White sail. By Gilbert Sorrentino. 59 P. Soae poeas prev. pub. in Equal tiae 6 others. MH: coapilation. O Gilbert Sorrentino: 5Jul77: A877468.

A877469. California toxic fungi. By Thoaas J. Duffy C Paul P. ferqeer. 29 p. IToxicology aonoqraph no. 1) Thoaas J. Duffy e Paul P. yerqeer; 12Jul77; A877469.

A877470. The Encichaeot triad aodel: a guide for developinq defensible proqraas for the qifted and talented. By Joseph S. Benzulli. 89 p. C Creative Learninq Press: lApr77; A877470.

A877471. Scales for rating the behavioral characteristics of superior students. By Joseph S. Benzulli, Linda H. Saith, Alan J. Ihite, Carolyn B. Callahan £ Bobert K. Bartaan. 30 p. G insert. Portions orxqinally appeared in Exceptional children. N8: new aaterial. O Creative Learning Press; 1Apr77 (in notice: 19761: A877471.

A877472. Japan and Aaerican English. 57 p. Appl. au: 0. G. Davis. D. G. Davis; 18JU177: A877472.

A677473. fiOH to aake yourself big shot success. By Bobert Edward Podesta. 60 p. O Bobert Podesta: 22Jul77: A877473.

A877474. Bis gentle voice; a tender story of a young girl's love. By Julie Bayner. 109 p. Appl. au; Aglow Publications. C Aglow Publications; 15Jun76: Aa77«7«.

A877475. The Juvenile court judge and learning disabilities. By Frank N. Jacobson. 16 p. O National Council of Juvenile Court Judqes; 20Dec76; A877475.

A877476. The Case of the aissinq Cincinnatian, featuring Coarade Dolgov of the KGB. By Noraan Edward Long, Jr. 37 p. O Bud Long a.k.a. Noraan Edward Long. Jr.; 19Jul77: A877476.

A877477. your faaily financial diary. 1 v. Add. ti: Personal estate diary of. Dow Theory Forecasts, Inc.; 15Jul77; A877477.

A877478. Heao to ay wife. 23 p. Appl. au: John G. latts. The Navigators; 27Jun77: A877478.

A877479. Handbook for radiologic technologist in the operating, rooa. Author: Toa BcCracken (Thoaas Nathaniel BcCracken) 48 p. Toa Hccracken; 14Jul77; A877479,

A877480. One thing at a tiae. Polder. O The Econoaics Press, Inc.; 10Jun77: A877480.

A877481. Enjoy your workl Folder. The Econoaics Press, Inc.; 10Jul77: A877481.

4877482. Don't rush yourself 1 Folder. O The Econoaics Press, Inc.; 10Hay77: A877482.

A877483. Ue are the children. Britten & illustrated by Taaara De Ford (Taaara De Ford Sanchez) , edited & coapiled by Bay A. Sanchez. 1 v. O Taaara De Ford; 21Jun77: A877483.

A877484. How to be a whole person. 10 p. NH: revisions 6 additions. O The Aubrey BcGann Evangelistic Association; 18Jul77; 4677484.

4877485. 4aerican directory of collection agencies and attorneys: 4DC4, 1977. 190 p. Add. tiz The ADCA: Aaerican directory of collection agencies and attorneys, 1977. Appl. au: B. Uaailton Borton, Jr. £ Jaaes fi. Billec, Jr. O The Service Publishing Coapany; I7jan77; Ae774S5.

A877486. Be-verse. No. 1. By Bick Billard Tanney. 36 p. Selections fcoa Night-sea crossing £ Love letters and other junk aail. Bick Billard Tanney; 14Jul77; 4877486.

4877487. Tapestry north. Editors: Sheila 4. Cory. Harold H. Haywood £ Sheila 4. BcQuillen. 116 p. Berlin 4rts 4ssociation, Inc.; 12Jul77: 4877487.

4877488. Transitional Services, Inc. 7 p. NB: revisions. O Transitional Services. Inc. ; 30llar77: A87748e.

A877489. The Clan lover's cookbook. By Nillxaa G. Flagg. 119 p. Nilliaa G. Flagg; 10Jun77; A877489.

A877490. A Doctor's book on saoking and how to quit. By Anthony Owen Colby. 196 p. O Anthony Owen Colby; 25Feb77; A877490.

A877491. Binning roller skating; figure and freestyle, ey Bandy Dayney with Joel H. Cohen, photos by Joe DeBaria. 184 p. O Bandy Dayney £ Joel H. Cohen; 21llar77 (in notice: 1976) ; A877491.

A877492. The Coaplete coin collector. Oy Fred Barton Seed. 330 p. Bort Beed; 25Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A877492.

A877493. A Boaan's guide to new careers in real estate. By Buth Sejnis. 196 p. Buth Bejnis; 22Apr77; A877493.

A877494. The High-fiber cookbook. By Babel Cavaiani. foreword by Joseph T. Crockett. 286 p. aabcl Cavaiani; 3aApr77; A877494.

A877495. Darling, you were wonderful. By Harvey Sabinson. 205 p. O Harvey Sabinson; 13Jun77; 4877495.

A877496. In the fullness of tiae: the pleasures and inconveniences of growing old. By Avis D. Carlson. 195 p. O Avis D. Carlson; 27nay77; A877496.

A877497. Borey Aasterdaa's Benny Cooker crock book for drinkers. 113 p. O Borey 4asterdaa; 2Har77; 4877497.

4877498. Huskie aania. By Bon Schara. 172 p. O Bod Schara; 12Hay77: 4877498.

4877499. Grinding it out: the aaking of HcDonald's. By Bay 4. Kroc. with Bobert 4nderson. 201 p. Bay A. Kroc; 10Hay77; A877499.

A877500. The Fighter's guide to divorce: a no-holds barred strategy for coaing out ahead. By Bobert Blackwell. 22 1 p. Bobert Blackwell; 14Har77; A877S00.

4877501. How to write songs that sell. By L. Perry Hilbur. 200 p. L. Perry Hilbur; 11Say77; A877501.

A877502. The Galley cookbook. By June Spiewak Both. 157 p. O June Both; 25Jan77; A877 502.

A877503. Binning bodybuilding. By Franco Coluabu with George Pels. 1 56 p. Franco Coluabu; 2Har77; A877503.

A877504. Ken Stabler's Binning offensive football. By Ken Stabler, with Toa LaHarre. introd. by Paul Bryant. 180 p. Ken Stabler: 30Nov76; A877504.

A877505. Taking stock: a woaan's guide to corporate success. By Sharie Crain. with Phillip T. Drotning. 196 p. Sharie Crain £ Phillip T. Drotning; 14Jun77;



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