Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1896

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R682181 - R682587
JUL-DEC. 1977

The Oxford American prayer book commentary. By Massey Hamilton Shepherd, Jr. © 12Oct50; A49024. Massey Hamilton Shepherd (A); 30Nov77; R682481.

Hitler directs his war. By Felix Gilbert. © 16Nov50; A49711. Felix Gilbert (A); 30Nov77; R682482.

War and civilization. By Arnold J. Toynbee & Albert V. Fowler. © 5Oct50; A48240. Veronica Toynbee (W); 30Nov77; R682483.

The Popular book: a history of America's literary taste. By James D. Hart. © 14Sep50; A47526. James D. Hart (A); 30Nov77; R682484.

Follow me down. By Shelby Foote. © 23Jun50; A45118. Shelby Foote (A); 16Dec77; R682491.

I'll be killing you. By Robert Martin. (In Dime detective magazine, Feb. 1950) © 4Jan50; B227738. Jill Dryfuse, Lee Martin & Barbara Feasel (C); 29Dec77; R682495.

The Saga of Black Wolf Creek. By Fred Harman. (The West that lives forever) (In Red Ryder comics, Dec. 1949) © 1Nov49; B5-12031. Shirley S. Lasswell & Patricia Slesinger (PWH); 31Oct77; R682507.

Moholy-Nagy: experiment in totality. By Sibyl Moholy-Nagy, introd.: Walter Gropius. © 24May50; A44322. Hattula Moholy-Nagy Hug (C); 2Dec77; R682508.

Canyon treasure. By Olive W. Burt, illustrated by Earl E. Mayan. © 11Sep50; A47353. Olive W. Burt (A); 3Nov77; R682509.

More lessons from nature. By Ruth Pennebaker Overholtzer. © 15Apr50; AA164398. Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc. (PWH); 22Dec77; R682510.

Learning to grow the Bible way. By Ruth Pennebaker Overholtzer. © 1Apr50; AA164399. Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc. (PWH); 22Dec77; R682511.

R682513. Old century's river. By Oliver LaFarge. (In The Atlantic monthly, Sept. 1950) © 11Aug50; B258902. John Pendaries LaFarge (C); 23Dec77; R682513.

I'll take care of you. By Oliver LaFarge. (In Fantasy fiction, May 1950) © 15Mar50; B236832. John Pendaries LaFarge (C); 23Dec77; R682514.

The Wit and wisdom of Albert Schweitzer. By Albert Schweitzer & Charles Rhind Joy. © 12Oct49; A37673. Rhena S. Miller (C of Albert Schweitzer) & Charles Rhind Joy (A); 26Sep77; R682519.

Murder at Arroways. By Helen Reilly. Greater part of book prev. pub. abroad as The Black ring, 24Dec49, AI-2603. © 27Mar50; A42472. Katherine Reilly (C); 27Dec77; R682524.

The Tourist. By Richard Martin Stern. (In Hearst's international--cosmopolitan, May 1950) © 28Apr50; B243214. Richard Martin Stern (A); 27Dec77; R682525.

The Social and biological challenge of our aging population. By New York Academy of Medicine. © 18Dec50; AA170734. Columbia University Press (PWH); 27Dec77; R682529.

A Maine man in the making. By Franklin Farrar Gould. Maine was never like that originally pub. in July 1949 issue of Harper's magazine & Uncle Levi appeared in Saturday evening post, 26Nov49. © 29Mar50; A42386. John Gould & Frank Gould (C); 14Nov77; R682532.

My Wonderful Uncle Levi. By Franklin F. Gould. (In The Saturday evening post, Nov. 26, 1949) © 23Nov49; B219777. John Gould & Frank Gould (C); 14Nov77; R682533.

Encounters. By Elizabeth Bowen. U.S. ed. pub. 14Dec50, A50732. © 28Oct49; AI-2808. Spencer Curtis Brown & Graham Angus Watson (E); 20Oct77; R682534. (Entered under British Proclamation of 10Mar44)

Thomas Heywood's The Rape of Lucrece. By Allan Gibson Holaday. NM: additions. © 24Apr50; A43556. Allan Gibson Holaday (A); 21Nov77; R682538.

Diderot's relations with Grimm. By Joseph Royall Smiley. © 17Jul50; A45728. Joseph Royall Smiley (A); 21Nov77; R682539.

Hollywood looks at its audience: a report of film audience research. By Leo A. Handel. © 27Jul50; A46332. Leo A. Handel (A); 21Nov77; R682540.

The Licensing of radio services in the United States, 1927 to 1947: a study in administrative formulation of policy. By Murray Edelman. © 1Aug50; A46535. Murray Edelman (A); 21Nov77; R682541.

Comic theory in the sixteenth century. By Marvin Theodore Herrick. © 28Aug50; A47091. Nigel H. Herrick (W) & Susan H. Bosworth (C); 21Nov77; R682542.

On the literary genetics of Shakespeare's poems and sonnets. By Thomas Whitfield Baldwin. © 31Oct50; A49276. Thomas Whitfield Baldwin (A); 21Nov77; R682543.

Tensions that cause wars: common statement and individual papers by a group of social scientists brought together by UNESCO. By Gordon W. Allport & others. © 10Apr50; A43555. The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois (PCW); 21Nov77; R682544.

Prize designs for modern furniture. By Edgar Kaufmann, Jr. © 16May50; A49381. The Museum of Modern Art (PWH); 2Dec77; R682557.

What is modern design? By Edgar Kaufmann, Jr. © 21Nov50; A50305. The Museum of Modern Art (PWH); 2Dec77; R682558.

Soutine. By Monroe Wheeler. © 31Oct50; A51267. The Museum of Modern Art (PWH); 2Dec77; R682559.

The Idea and practice of general education. By Frederick Champion Ward. © 20Oct50; A49329. Frederick Champion Ward (A); 14Dec77; R682569.

The House at Hyde Park, together with Sara Delano Roosevelt's Household book. By Clara Steeholm & Hardy Steeholm. © 10Nov50; A49697. Viking Penguin, Inc. (PWH); 2Dec77; R682570.

The Book of the poodle. By Thomas H. Tracy. Appl. states all new except 1st chapter. © 24Nov50; A50045. Margaret Ray Tracy (W); 2Dec77; R682571.

The Portable Coleridge. Edited & with an introd. by Ivan Armstrong Richards. NM: introd., notes, selection & compilation. © 20Nov50; A50369. Viking Penguin, Inc. (PWH); 2Dec77; R682572.

The Children's grandmother. By Sylvia Townsend Warner. (In The New Yorker, Nov. 25, 1950) © 22Nov50; B273942. Sylvia Townsend Warner (A); 2Dec77; R682573.

Short history of modern man. By Phyllis McGinley. (In The New Yorker, Nov. 25, 1950) © 22Nov50; B273942. Phyllis McGinley (A); 2Dec77; R682574.

The Unwilling guest: an urban dialogue. By Horace Gregory. (In Partisan review, Nov.-Dec., 1950) © 9Nov50; B274740. Horace Gregory (A); 2Dec77; R682575.

Song of the underprivileged child. By Phyllis McGinley. (In The New Yorker, Dec. 2, 1950) © 30Nov50; B275027. Phyllis McGinley (A); 2Dec77; R682576.

Mister Setty and Mister Tiffen. Pt. 1. By Rebecca West. (In The New Yorker, Dec. 2, 1950) © 30Nov50; B275027. Rebecca West (A); 2Dec77; R682577.

Under whatever sky. By Irwin Edman. (In American scholar, winter 1950-51) © 29Nov50; B277211. Meta Markel (E); 2Dec77; R682578.

A History of jazz. By Barry Ulanov. (In Metronome, Nov. 1950) © 1Oct50; B283951. Barry Ulanov (A); 2Dec77; R682579.

A History of jazz. By Barry Ulanov. (In Metronome, Dec. 1950) © 1Nov50; B283952. Barry Ulanov (A); 2Dec77; R682580.

Department of amplification. By John McNulty. (In The New Yorker, Nov. 11, 1950) © 9Nov50; B272342. Faith C. Martin (W) & John Joseph McNulty (C); 12Dec77; R682581.


Beat the dragon. By George Edward Rhodes. © 18Oct50; AA180594. George Edward Rhodes (A); 30Nov77; R682587.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.