Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1899

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R682858 - R682945
JUL-DEC. 1977

R682857 (con.)

© 17May50. Verlaq Chemie. G.M.B.H. (PCW) ; 16Dec77: R682857.

Chemische Berichte. Vol. 83. no. 4, July 1950. Editor: Clemens Schoepf. © 11May50; AF47301 Verlaq Chemie, G.M.B.H. (PCW): 16Dec77: R682658.

Chemische Berichte. Vol. 83. no. 5. Auq. 1950. Editor: Clemens Schoepf. © 30Aug50; AF47302. Verlaq Chemie, G.H.B.H. (PCB(: 16Dec77; R682859.

Chemische Berichte. Vol. 83, no. 6, Oct. 1950. Editor: Clemens Schoepf. © 11Oct50; AF17303. Verlaq Chemie, G.M.B.H. (PCW); 16Dec77; R682860.

The Official rules of card qames. 47th ed. © 5Jan50: AA138768. The United States Playinq Card Company (PWH) ; 6Sep77; R682865.

Poker, the nation's most fascinatinq card qame. NM: revisions. 27Feb50; AA143628. The United States Playinq Card Company (PWH): 6Sep77; B682866.

Fun with qames of rummy. © 27Feb50: AA143690. The United States Playing Card Company (PWH): 6Sep77: R682867.

Peyote music. By David p. McAllester. © 15Dec49; A39383. Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropoloqical Research, Inc. (PWH); 9Dec77: R682869.

Ethiopic docuaents: Guraqe. By Wolf Leslau. © 15Mar50; A42313. Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropoloqical Reseacch, Inc. (PWH): 9Dec77: R682870.

Paiute sorcery. By Beatrice Blyth Whitinq. © 25AuqS0: A47473. Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropoloqical Research, Inc. (PWH); 9Dec77: R682871.

The Common descent group in China and its functions. By Hsien chin Hu. (Viking Fund publications in anthropology, no. 10) © 22July: A25064. Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. Inc. (formerly the Vikinq Fund, Inc.) (PWH): 12May76: R682876.

Tepeipan nan. By Helaut De Terra, Javier Ramero & T. D. Stewart. (Viking Fund publications in anthropology, no. 11) © 1Mar49: A313118. Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc. (formerlv the Vikinq Fund, Inc.) (PWH) ; 12May76 ; R682877.

Savage flight. By Oliver LaFarge. (In This week magazine, Sunday Oregon journal ed.. Hay 22, 1949) © 20May49; B195176. John Pendaries LaFarge (C): 11Jun76: R682878.

United States patents quarterly. Vol. 83. © 5Apr50: AA148170. The Bureau of National Affairs. Inc. (PWH); 33Dec77; R682879.

The Decline and fall of practically everybody. By Bill Cuppy, editor: Fred Feldkamp. illustrator: William Steig. © 3Oct50; A148602. Fred Feldkaap (PPW of Bill Cuppy): 18Nov77: R682881.

Daffy. By Adda Mai Sharp. © 13sep50; A515S0. Hettie Jo Cummings (E): 12Dec77: R682884.

Gee Whillikins. By Adda Mai Sharp. © 13Nov50 ; A51758. Bettie Jo Cummings (E) ; 12Dec77 ; R682885.

Learning and writing English. Book 1. By (t. s. Bobertson. © 12Dec50: AA172764. Gwendolyn 8. Gaabie (C); 12Dec77; R682886.

Perfecting expression: a worktext. By Bennie Borks, Lillian Elizabeth Barclay & Dorothy Dee Bailey. NM: revisions. © 11sep50; A172771. Mary Ann Freeborn (E of Lillian Barclay) & Dorothy Dee Bailey (A) : 12Dec77: R682887.

Pippi Longstocking. By Astrid Lindgren, translated from the Swedish by Florence Lamborn, illustrated by Louis S. Glanzman. NM: translation 6 illus. © 16Oct50; A49290. Viking Penguin, Inc. (PWH) ; 7Nov77; R682897.

Religion and the intellectuals. By Dwight McDonald. (In Partisan review, May-June, 1950) © May50; B249394. Dwiqht HacDonald (A); 7Nov77; R682898.

Neurotic stars (painting) By Chesley Bonestell. (In The American weekly (New York journal-American), Oct. 15, 1950) © 150ct50; B269298. Chesley Bonestell (A) ; 17Nov77; R682899.

Agenda. By Philip Haaburger. (In New Yorker. Nov. 18, 1950) © 16Nov50; B273356. Philip Haaburger (A); 15Nov77; R682900.

Telepathy and the etheric vehicle. By Alice Ann Bailey. © 1Nov50: A49921. Lucis Trust (PPB) ; 28Nov77; R682905.

Glamour: a world problem. By Alice Ann Bailey. © 1Aug50: A46?15.. Lucis Trust (PPW); 28Nov77: R682906.

The Evening hour. By Charlotte Armstrong. (In Philadelphia inquirer, March 12. 1950) © 12Mar50 ; B236050. Jeremy B. Lewi (C) ; 27Dec77; R682907.

The Plot against Miss Poffroy. By Charolotte (i.e. Charlotte) Armstrong. (In Good housekeeping, Oct. 1950) © 20SepS0: B270633. Jeremy B. Lewi (C) ; 27Dec77 ; R682908.

Mischief. pt. 1. By Charlotte Arnstrong. (In Good housekeeping, Apr. 1950) © 22Mar50 ; R237833. Jeremy B. Lewi (C) ; 27Dec77; R682909.

A Forum on the public library inquiry: the conference at the University of Chicago Graduate Library School, August 8-13, 1949. By The University of Chicago, editor: Lester Asbeim. © 14Dec50; A50494. Columbia University Press (PWH) ; 19Dec77: R682910.

Teacher's manual for Concordia primary religion series. By William Albert Kramer & Frank Henry Colba. © 15Sep50; AA165232. Concordia Publishing House (PWH): 2Nov77: R682911.

Practical Christianity: a study guide for First Corinthians. By Erich Hugo Heintzen, editor: Oscar Eail Feucht. © 30Jun50; AA171692. Concordia Publishing House (PWH); 2Nov77; R682912.

Treasury of Christian literature. By William Albert Kramer & Alfred Schmieding. © 1Feb50; A46735. Concordia Publishing House (PWH) ; 2Nov77: R682913.

The American system of government. By John U. Ferguson & Dean E. McHenry. 2nd ed. © 29May50: A44802. John H. Ferguson & Dean E. McHenry (A) ; 4Nov77; R682915.

The American Federal Governaent. By John H. Ferguson & Dean E. McHenry. 2nd ed. © 29May50 ; A44801. John H. Ferguson & Dean E. McHenry (A) ; 4Nov77: R682916.

Elijah and the idol-worshipers Bible suede-graph: a Bible story for teaching children. By Lois E. LeBar, Mary E. LeBar & Bernice T. Cory. © 6Jun49 ; AA121076. Scripture Press Publications, Inc. (PWH) ; 4Mar77: R682920.

L'Eqypte; les guides bleus. By Marcelle Baud. © 24Aug50: AFO-3310. Marcelle Baud (A); 7Nov77; R682923.

Couche-la dans le auguet. By James Hadle; Chase, translation: Catherine Gregoire, pseud, of Jacqueline Baffegeaud & Henri Collard. pseud, of Minnie Danzas. NM: translation. © 1Aug50; AFO-2795. Catherine Gregoire, pseud, of Jacqueline Baffegeaud & U. collard, pseud, of Minnie Danzas (A); 7Nov77 ; R682924.

Fais pas ta rosiere. By Raymond Chandler, translation: Simone Jaccquenont & J. G. Harquet, pseud, of Jeannie Chauveau. NM : translation. © 20Aug50; AFO-2849. Simone Jacquemont & J. C. Marquet. pseud, of Jeannie Chauveau (A) ; 7nov77; R682925.

Reference to death. By Lavinia 8. Davis. © 28Dec50; A50924. Edward S. Davis (C) ; 29Dec77; R682941.

Skytip. By Eliot fieed, pseud, of Eric Ambler & Charles Bodda. © 28Dec50: A50986. Eric Ambler (A) ; 29Dec77 ; R682942.

It's only temporary. By Charles Mergendahl. Prev. pub. serially in McCall's, Dec. 195O-Jan. 1951. © on revisions 6 additions; 28Dec50; A50987. Danby Mergendahl (C) ; 29Dec77; R682943.

It's only temporary. By Charles Mergendahl. (In McCall's magazine, Dec. 1950) © 22Nov50; R277063. Danby Mergendahl (C) ; 29Dec77; R682944.


It's only temporary. By Charles Mergendahl. (In McCall's magazine, Jan. 1951) © 27Dec50; R281299. Danby Mergendahl (C); 29Dec77; R682945.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.