Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/190

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A877906 - A877948
JUL-DEC. 1977

A877905 (con.) au: Ernest H. Cluett 2nd (Had) 6 Mary L. CluEtt. e Had 6 Mary Cloett; 21Jul77; 4877905.

t877906. Know your society. Bulletin no. 208, July 1977. By Charles B. Clark. p. 879-882. imerican Society of Bakery Enqineers; 15Jul77: A877906.

»877907. Ethicon price list, PD-36. 43 p. BB: updating & editorial revisions, e Ethicon. Inc.; 18Jul77: A877907.

A877908. Oio Caliente, a cooperative coaaunity in rural Sen aezico. By Hilliaa Allen LoHry, Jr. 52 p. e lilliaa Allen Loiiry, Jr. : 17Jun77: A877908.

A877909. ETH equipaent and tools. Catalog no. 77, issued July 1977. 359 p. O Eastern Tool yarebouse Corporation; 20Jul77; A877909.

A877910. Sears Craftssan 1977-78 power and hand tool catalog: Seattle. 135 p. Sears, Soebuck and Coapany; 29Jun77; A877910.

A877911. Sears Craftsman 1977-78 power and hand tool catalog: Chicaqo. Coluabus, Minneapolis and others. 135 p. 6 Sears, Boebuck and Coupany; 25Jun77: A877911.

A877912. Proposal for a preaius savings bond. By Guy Brooke. lip. S Suy Brooke: 16JaD77: A877912.

A877913. Insiders' tips on purposeful travel. 67 p. Appl. au: Howard J. H. Bestlake, Bicardo L. Larrabure & Sharon K. Horaiak. O Four Comers Group: 18Apr77; A877913.

Aa7791(l. How well does the handgun protect you and your family? Technical report: 2. By Matthew G. leager, with Joseph D. Alviani e Nancy Loving. U6 p. Appl. au: Dnited States Conference of Mayors. HH: compilation & additions. Dnited States Conference of Mayors; 21Jun7e: A877914.

A877915. Organizing for handgun control: a citizen's manual. By Nancy Loving, Stephen Holden, Joseph Alviani, Patricia Beaulieu, Michael Berkey. Judy Holnberg e Hugh Mields. 154 p. Appl. au: Dnited States conference of Mayors. 3 United States conference of Mayors; 1Apr77: A877915.

AB77916. Sharing the Christian message: a program manual for volunteer catechists, tenth grade. By Thomas Zanzig. 149 p. Saint Mary's College Press; 24Jun77: A877916.

A877917. Betail sales training manual. 40 p. Add. ti: Bed iing Shoes retail sales training manual. C Bed iing Shoe Company, Inc.; 26May77: A877917.

A877918. Hechizospells. Author: aicardo Sanchez, artist: ijillie Herron. 321 p. (Creative series, no. 4) Bicardo Sanchez: 24Jun76: A877918.

A877919. The Book. of presidents: leaders of organized dentistry. By Harvey Hebb, Jr. e Lloyd Cecil Shodcs. 1 v. Add. ti: Presidents (National Dental Association) 1913-1977: leaders of organized dentistry. e Harvey Hebb, Jr. e Lord (i.e. Lloyd) Cecil Shodes (in notice: Uebb e fihodes) ; 30JU177; A877919.

A877920. As we were: a random collection of nineteenth century photos, of Seneca Falls, 81. Compiled by the Publications Committee, Seneca Falls Historical Society, pref.: Elizabeth G. Delavan. 48 p. Appl. au: Edmund B. Demers B Frederick H. ainn. NM: cover design, compilation, text £ layout. The Seneca Falls Historical Society: 22JU177: A877920.

A877921. Index to Sweet peas and A Hhite bridge, by Elsa Kny Steinback. Prepared by Kathleen L. Smith. 1 v. Elsa Kny Steinback; 23May77; A877921.

A877922. Vanguard of direct love. 1 v. Appl. au: Howard Jacobson. S Truth Missio- naries' Chapter of Positive Accord (IMC*A) : 15Jul77; A877922.

A877923. Elements of engineering mechanics. By Gerald Alan Jones. 386 p. NH: com- pilation & abridgment. 3 Gerald A. Jones; 1Jul77: A877923.

A877924. A New "No-No!" it's the new pediatric arm restraint. 1 p. Add. ti: Flyer for a pediatric arm restraint. Appl. au: Edward J. Hill. 3 H and H Besearch, Inc. ; 7Jul77; A877924.

A877925. Mary and Marty, the mink children. By Nancy E. Gregg. 6 p. 3 Nancy E. Gregg; 22JU177; A877925.

A877926. Mother's Day with Matt and Millie House and their children, Ein, Zwei, Drei, Vier, Funf, Six, Sieben, Acht, Neun and ZehnI By Nancy E. Gregg. 21 p. 3 Nancy E. Gregg; 20Jal77; A877926.

A877927. Elementary education graduation day with the Bobcat Family. By Nancy E. Gregg. 40 p. 8 Nancy E. Gregg; 22Jul77: A877927.

A877928. An Introductory guide to alcohol use and abuse. Prepared for students & student advisors, by James M. Krafft, edited by Dianne Buyffelaere & Susan Green Crim. 32 p. 3 James M. Krafft; 12Jul77; A877928.

A877929. Meet the "All-Craft women." 1 v. Appl. au: Joyce Hartwell. 3 All-Craft Foundation, Inc.; 14Jun77; A877929.

A877930. APEC Fortran programming standards. 1 V. Automated Procedures for Engineering Consultants, Inc.: 15Jul77; A877930.

A877931. Basic market survey of the pig American audience. 32 p. O Hatt Publishing Company; 29Jun77; A877931.

A877932. Blizzard of '77 travel game. Kit. Appl. au: Charles P. Marina. Charles P. Marino: 2Jun77; A877932.

A877933. Canciones de Los Violines de Pego. ?LPS-80aja Becord jacket. 8 Violpe Becords, abbreviation of the name Los Violines de Pego Becords; 15Jul77; A877933.

A877934. Hasatch granite: a rock climbing guide. By David B. Smith, photos, by Alexis Kelner. 96 p. 8 Nasatch Publishers, Inc.: 26Jun77; A877934.

A877935. Voice of Pennsylvania ("V.O.P.") Inc. Vol. 2, book 3, May 1977. 28 p. 8 Voice of Pennsylvania (V.O.P.) Inc.; 9May77; A877935.

A877936. The O.S. cultural relations program with Latin America: the formative years. By Edward Gatewood Trueblood. 43 p. 3 Edward Gatewood Trueblood; 18Jun77: A877936.

A877937. Oxmoor House, fall 1977. 15 p. 3 Oxmoor Bouse, Inc.; 30May77: A877937.

Aa77938. Hath breakthrough; multi-purpose task cards. Folder & 36 cards. Appl. au: Jerry G. Bisk. 8 Teachers Exchange of San Francisco; 15Sep76; A877938.

A877939. The Visiting fireman, 1977. 23rd ed. 400 p. Appl. au: A. J. Burch, owner e publisher. 3 A. J. Burch; 11Jul77: A877939.

A877940. Clean Fuels From Biomass and Uastes, January 25-28, 1977 at Orlando, Florida; symposium papers. 521 p. 8 Institute of Gas Technology; 16Maj77; A877940.

A877941. Trains and Scotland. Picture story by John Gea. 31 p. 8 John Gea; 25Jul77: A877941.

A877942. Early times in a little world of copper and cattle: Globe, Arizona. By Clara T. ioody & Milton L. Schwartz, with an introd. by C. L. Sonnichsen. 262 p. Add. ti: Globe, Arizona: early times in a little world of copper and cattle. NM: text, compilation of illus. & maps. 8 The Arizona Historical Society; 17Jun77; A877942.

A877943. Brainerd, Nisswa, also includes alphabetical listings for Breezy Point, MN, and others telephone directory, June 1977. 8 Northwestern Bell Telephone company; 30Jun77: A877943.

A877944. New Sweden, Nicollet, Saint Peter, MN, and others telephone directory, July 1977. 3 Northwestern Bell Telephone Company: 3JU177: A877944.

A877945. Saint Paul street address telephone directory, June 1977. 8 Northwestern Bell Telephone Company; 1Jul77; A877945.

A877946. Beprint of newspaper course on basic library skills; preliminary ed. 35 p. Add. ti: Beginning and advanced library course; Beprints of newspaper course on basic library skills. Appl. au: Oniversity of Minnesota Libraries, Reference Division. Prev. pub. in Minnesota daily, winter 6 spring quarters, 1977. NM: new material £ editorial matter. 3 Begents of the Onivetsity of Minnesota: 3Jun77; A877946.

A877947. The Guitar now. Book 1. By Don Maher. 33 p. 3 Don Maher; 12Jul77; A877947.


Energy conservation and home improvement. By Anthony S. Bendrick. 74 p.


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