Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/195

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JUL-DEC. 1977

Aa78098. Ninth Iniiual offshore Techoology Conference, 1977; proccedinqs. Vol. 3. 609 p. Conference held in Houston, Bay 2-5, 1977. »ppl. au; Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIHE. C offshore Technology Conference on behalf of the Aaerican Institute of Hininq, Hetallurqical and Petroleua Engineers. Inc. (Society of Dining Enqineers, the Hetallurqical Society, and Society of Petroleua Enqineers), ABerican Association of Petroleua Geoloqists, Aserican Institute of Chemical Enqineers, American Society of Civil Enqineers, American Society of Mechanical Enqineers, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Enqineers, oceanic Enqineerinq Council, Harine Technoloqy Society, Society of Exploration Geophysicists & Society of Nayal Architects and Marine Enqiaeers; 2May77; A878098.

A878a99. Ninth Annual offshore Technoloqy Conference, 1977; ptoceedinqs. Vol. 4. 568 p. Conference held in Houston, May 2-5, 1977. Appl. au: Society of Petroleum Enqineers of AIME. Offshore Technoloqy Conference on behalf of the American Institute of Mininq. Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc. (Society of Mininq Engineers, the Metallurgical Society, and Society of Petroleum Engineers), American Association of Petroleum Geoloqists, American Institute of Chemical Enqineers, American Society of Civil Enqineers, American Society of Mechanical Enqineers, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Enqineers, Oceanic Enqineerinq Council, Marine Technoloqy Society, society of Exploration Geophysicists 6 Society of Naval Architects and Marine Enqineers; 2May77; A878099.

A878100. Little animal friends. Publishinq Company, Inc. Ae78iao. 8 p. lestern 7Jun77;

A878101. Micliey Mouse Club discovery day colorinq book. 1 V. Add. ti: Micliey Mouse Club coloring book: discovery day. O «alt Disney Productions: 12Jul77; AB78101.

A878I02. Mickey House Club shontime day coloring book. 1 V. Add. ti: Hickey House Club coloring book: shomtime day. Bait Disney Productions; 12Jul77: A878102.

A878103. Mickey House Club mouseketeer madcaps coloring book. 1 v. Add. ti: Mickey House Club coloring book: mouseketeer madcaps. O Rait Disney Productions: 12Jul77: A87d103.

A87810lt. Mickey Mouse Club let's qo day colorinq book. 1 V. Add. ti: Mickey House club colorinq book: let's qo day. O Halt Disney Productions: 6Jul77: A87810a.

A878105. Mickey House club Hho, Hhat, vhy, ahere, when and bow day coloring book. 1 v. Add. ti: Hickey House club coloring book: vho, vhat, vhy, where, when and hou day. O Halt Disney Productions; 28Jun77: A878105.

A878ia6. Pets and farm animals. By Stella ailliams Nathan, illustrated by loshi Miyake. 1 v. Appl. au: nestern Publishinq Company, Inc. employer for hire. Hestern Publishing company. Inc.: 1l*Jun77: A878106.

A878107. Professor uormbog* s gloomy Kerploppus; a book of great smells (and a heart-warming story, besides) By Hercer Hayer. 1 v. e Mercer Mayer; 21Jun77; A878107.

A878108. Jesus and Paul agree; you don't have to stay the way you are. By Knofel Staton. 112 p. Appl. au: The Standard Publishing Company. O The Standard Publishing Company; 20Jan76: A878108.

A878109. Struggle for freedom. By Knofel staton. 93 p. Appl. au: The Standard Publishing company. O The Standard Publishing Company: 10Jan77; A878109.

A878110. fieturn to identity. By yes Seagan. 96 p. Appl. au: The Standard Publishing company. O The Standard Publishing company; 10Jan77; A878110.

A878111. Heritage; an action/matching game on the life of Jesus. By Larry Bichards. Kit. Appl. au: The standard Publishinq Company, e The standard Publishing Company (in notice: The Standard Publishing Company, a division of Standex International Corporation); 26Aug76; A878111.

A878112. Enter in; an action/communication game about Bible people. By Larry Bichards. Kit. Appl. au: The Standard Publishinq Company. The Standard Publishing Company (in notice: The Standard Publishing Company, a division of Standex International Corporation); 8Jul77; A878112.

A878113. The Taming of the troops: social control in the United States Army. By Lawrence B. Sadine. 276 p. (Contributions in sociology, no. 22) Lawrence B. Badine; 15Mar77; A878113.

A87811t. The FLN in Algeria: party development in a revolutionary society. By Henry F. Jackson. 255 p. (Contributions in Afro-American and African studies, no. 30) e Henry r. Jackson; 2May77; A87811<t.

A878115. The Politics of the second front: American military planning and diplomacy in coalition warfare. 1941-1913. By Hark A. Stoler. 244 p. (Contributions in military history, no. 12) Mark A. Stoler; 2May77; A878115.

A878116. Bed over black: black slavery among the Cherokee Indians. By a. Halliburton. Jr. 218 p. (Contributions ia Afro-American and African studies, no. 27) B. Halliburton, Jr.; 5Apr77; A878116.

A878117. In the almost promised land: American Jews and blacks, 1915-1935. By Hasia E. Diner. 271 p. (Contributions in American history, no. 59) O Hasia B. Diner; 14Jun77; A878n7.

A878118. The American dream in the Great Depression. By Charles B. Hearn. 222 p. (Contributions in American studies, no. 28) O Charles a. Hearn; 26May77: A8781ie.

A878119. Public knowledge, private ignorance: toward a library and information policy. By Patrick Silson. 156 p. (Contributions in librarianship and information science.

A878 120. Several more lives to live: Thoreau's political reputation in America. By Michael Heyer. 216 p. (Contributions in American studies, no. 29) Michael Heyer; 16Jun77; A878120.

A878121. Supervision of applied training: a comparative review. By DeUayne J. Kurpius, Bonald D. Baker £ Irene D. Thomas, foreword by Allen E. Ivey. 279 p. DeUayne J. Kurpius. Bonald D. Baker & Irene D. Thomas; 1Jun77; A878121.

A878122. A Divided people. By Kenneth Schuyler Lynn. 113 p. (Contributions in American studies, no. 30) Kenneth S. Lynn; 18Apr77; A878122.

A873123. Books by mail: a handbook for libraries. By Choong Han Kim. 4 16 p. O Choong H. Kim; 28Apr77; A878123.

A878 124. Handbook of American aging programs. Edited by Lorin A. Baumhover 6 Joan Dechow Jones, foreword by Walter Flowers. 188 p. C Lorin A. Baumhover & Joan Dechow Jones; 1Jun77; A878124.

A878125. The Eucharist: the bread of life. By Ernest Lussier. 247 p. Appl. au: Society of saint Paul, employer for hire. O Society of Saint Paul; 16Jun77; A878125.

A878126. The Mystery of Christian hope. By Jean Galot, translated by M. Angeline Bouchard. 141 p. Appl. au: Society of Saint Paul, employer for hire. Translation of Le Hystere de I'esperance. NH: translation. Society of Saint Paul; 16Hay77; A878126.

A878127. God is love; according to Saint John. By Ernest Lussier. 207 p. Appl. au: Society of Saint Paul, employer for hire. Society of Saint Paul; 16Har77; A878127.

A87B128. iaiting for the Lord; meditation themes. By Hilliam Lodewick Doty. 170 p. Appl. au: Society of Saint Paul, employer for hire. Society of Saint Paul; 10Peb77; A878128.

A878129. Sources of construction information: an annotated guide to reports, books, periodicals, standards and codes. Vol. 1: books. By Jules B. Godel. 661 p. O Jules B. Godel; I2Jul77; A878129.

A878130. Index to periodical fiction in English, 1965-1969. Compiled 6 edited with an introd. by Douglas Messcrli S Howard N. Fox. 764 p. Douglas Hesserli £ Howard H. Fox; 1JU177; A878130.

A878131. William Everson: a descriptive bibliography, 1934-1976. By Lee Bartlett 6 Allan Campo. 119 p. Lee Bartlett 6 Allan Campo; 12JU177; A8781J1.

A878132. Index of model periodicals, 1971 through 1975. By Paul Cardwell, Jr. 764 p.

O Paul Cardwell. Jr.; 8Jul77; A878132.


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