Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/203

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S878423 - 48791166
JUL-DEC. 1977

i878422 (con.) Inc. Southern Connecticut state College Foundation, Inc. a.k.a. SCSC Foundation, Inc.: 29Jun77: A878U22.

4878423. Creative life-rebuilding: a positive approach to stroXe will enrich your life. Bv Virginia Wasscn, illustrated by Virginia Hasson. 28 p. d Virginia Hasson: 22Jul77; A878K23.

A8781I2U. Eternal searching. poeas by Alfred E. Gregor. 80 p. G Alfred E. Gregor; 25JU177: A878lt2«.

48781(25. Duke encounters. Edited by Elizabeth B. Locke. 93 p. Appl. au: Duke University. Duke University; 1Jul77: A878it25.

A878U26. The Bord of uisdoa, God*s nutritional plan. By Barbara Jean Saith Rilkinson. 353 p. Barbara Jean (Siith) rilkinson: 16JU177: 48781126.

4878«27. Official compilation codes, rules and regulations of the State of Ben york, Suppl. no. 1, 4pr. 1977. Sheets. 4ppl. au: Departaent of State, State of Hen lork. C Secretary of State, State of New York; 20JU177: 4878427.

4878428, Joy, 06/08/77, 70 001, and other titles. Microfiche. Appl. au; Richard H. Clark. O Purchase Control Systeas; 8Jun77; A878428.

A878429. Greater is He! By Clarence E- King. 49 p. lapact Books, Inc.; 15Jun77; A878429.

A878430. Hv love, »y life. By Evelyn Hanlin Shaw, illus. by the author. 195 p. O Evelyn Hanlin Shaw; 14Jun77; 4878430.

4878431. Petiscos da nossa terra. By Irene Vizi. 100 p. C Irene Vizi: 14Jun77; 4878431.

A878432. A History of Eudora, Arkansas, Chicot county. By Elbert Thoaas Cashion, Sr. 1 V. Appl. au: Dorothy Lee Cashion East. Portions prev. pub. 1936. NB: editing 6 pictorial section added. O Dorothy Lee Cashion East: 1Jul77: 4878432.

A378433. Our national heritage cookbook: Bicentennial issue. 155 p. Appl. au: Justin B. Beddoe. O B and O Publishers; 25Hay76; A878433.

A878434. The Twelve steps for everyone who really wants thea. 2nd ed. 129 p. Appl. au: Gerard A. Hirschfield. HI Productions: 25Bar77: A879434.

AB78435. Sing' with ioyi new and old choruses and songs. 1 V. Appl. au: Ellen K. Benninger. NH: coapilation. Ellen K. Benninger: 14Jul77: A878435.

A878436. The Trap collectors guide. By Ronald B. Frodelius 6 Richard E. Burt. 2nd rev. ed. 110 p. O Ronald B. Frodelius € Richard E. Burt; 21JU177; 4878436.

A878437. Arabic language for beginners. By Taysir Abu-3umayah. 134 p. O Taysir Abu-Suaavah: 28Jun77: 4878437.

A878438. Caraen with a shriap in her aouth. By Helen Fairfax Stephenson. 98 p. O Fairfax Stephenson: 21Jul77; 4878438.

4878439. Dredging for gold, the gold divers' handbook: an illustrated guide to the hobby of underwater gold prospecting. By Matthew R. Thornton. NH; revisions, additions, updating & 10 new photos. 239 p. O Batthew R. Thornton; 12Bay77; 4878439.

4878440. The Pipe saoker's tobacco book. By Robert P. winans. 80 p. Robert F. Hinans; 9Jul77: 4878440.

A878441. Property daaage. p. 3676-3685. (Special research reports in the continuing Jury Verdict Research project, no. 199) Jury Verdict Research, Inc.; 7Jul77; A878441.

A87B442. Tables of verdict expectancy values for strain — dorsal, thoracic and general back and oultiple strains. p. 111-135. (In-jury valuation reports in the continuing Jury Verdict Research project, no. 205) Jury Verdict Research, Inc.; 7JU177: A876442.

4878443. So yo'j want to writel here's bowl 23 p. 4ppl. au: Edgar E. Hulse. O Edgar E. Hulse; 22JU177; 4878443.

4878444. cheaoprophylactic patient education curriculua; preventive aedicine progcaa. Developed by Phyllis Morris- 126 p. Appl. au: Division of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Control. Division of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Control, Prince George's County Health Departaent; 30Jun77; 4878444.

4878445. Hyoaing National Corporation: research report. Bay 12, 1977. 4nalyst: John L. Obourn. 2 p. O Bosworth Sullivan and Coapany, Inc.; 12May77: A878445.

A87e446. Gold Dedal social standards planning and progress chart. 1 v. NH: revision 6 addition of text & pictorial aatter. Arthur Murray, Inc.; 20May77; 4878446.

A878447. Associate bronze aedal, social standards 1 and 2 planning and progress chart. 1 v. HM: revision 6 addition of text 6 pictorial aatter. Arthur Murray, Inc.; 21Mar76: 4878447.

4878448. 4ssociate silver aedal, social standards 1 and 2 planning and progress chart. 8 p. NM: revision 6 addition of text 6 pictorial aatter. O Arthur Hurray, Inc.; 21Har76; 4878448.

4878449. Bronze aedal, social standards 3 and 4 planning and progress chart. 8 p. NM: revision & addition of text & pictorial aatter. 4rthur Hurray, Inc.; 21Mar76; A878449.

A878450. The Arthur Hurray way. 8 p. NM: revision 6 addition of pictorial aatter. a Arthur Hurray, Inc.; 21Mar76: A879450.

A878451. Silver aedal, social standards 3 and 4 planning and progress chart. 8 p. NM: revision fi addition of text 6 pictorial

A878452. your knowledge is worth aoney. By John L. prow. 13 p. O John L. Prow; 5Apr77; A878452.

A878453. Paper and janitorial supply catalog. 200 p. S. Freedaan and Sons, Inc.; 22JU177: 4878453.

4878454. The Instant Inn. 26 p. Appl. au: Henry S. Bonner. O Instant Inns International, Ltd.; 27Jun77; 4878454.

4878455. Including ainds. 35 p. 4ppl. au: Jaaes T. Jenkins. O Jaaes T. Jenkins: 50ct75; A878455.

A878456. Flesh aachines. 34 p. Appl. au; Jaaes T. Jenkins. Jaaes T. Jenkins; 50ct75; A878456.

A878457. By people needs all the inspiration they can get. 1 v. Appl. au: flillie Robinson. O lillic Robinson; 27Jul77; 4878457. Horld Bar 3. 1 p. 4ppl. au: Jean Saaochwal. Jean Saaochwal; 12Feb77: 4878458.

4878459. 4 Preliminary report on the efficiency of the Pearsons' aethod of weight control. By Aaron B. Babinowitz. Sheets (219 p.) Aaron B. Babinowitz; 1lQct76; Ae784S9.

4878460. Depression 2; representative's guide. 11 p. (Uorkshop on aging) 4ppl. au: Editorial staff of Sandoz Pharaaceuticals, division of Sandoz, Inc. O Sandoz, Inc.; 5JU177; 4878460.

4878461. CoBO esta usted hoy? 1 p. Add. ti: Questionnaire. O Sandoz, Inc.; 19Jul77; A378461.

A87B462. Hydergine sublingual tablets: undup- licated in 23 years. 14 p. Appl. au: Editorial staff of Sandoz pharaaceuticals, division of Sandoz, Inc. Sandoz, Inc.; 5JU177; 4878462.

4878463. Nurse's guide to Hellaril (thioridazine) therapy. 15 p. Appl. au: Editorial staff of Sandoz Pharaaceuticals, division of Sandoz, Inc. Sandoz, Inc.; 5Jul77; A878463.

4878464. 4n Effective alternative to aaphetaaine and other phenethylaaines. Sheets (II p.) e transparency. 4ppl. au: Editorial staff of Sandoz Pharaaceuticals, division of Sandoz, Inc. Sandoz, Inc.; 20Jun77; A878464.

4878465. Realistic expectations and treataent goals in caring for the iapaired elderly. By Charles M. Gaitz, Roy V. Varner, Helton Calvert 6 Maurice E. Linden. 19 p. Charles M. Gaitz; 18Jun77; 4878465.

4878466. Nutrition and the elderly. 10 p. (Care, vol. 2, no. 4) Appl. au: Editorial staff of Sandoz Pharaaceuticals, division of Sandoz, Inc. Sandoz, Inc. ; 5Jul77:



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