Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/211

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4878756 - i878801
JUL-DEC. 1977

1878755 (con.) Brebic. 7il p. Robert B. Cahill 6 Herbert J. Hrebic; 22Jul77: i878755.

1878756. Cot the deck: a book concerned nith learninq how to write, Bv Hobert B- Cahill 6 Herbert J. Hrebic. 64 p. Portions prev. pub. 1976. UN: additions & revisions. Robert B. Cahill £ Herbert J. Hrebic; 22Jul77; »878756.

A878757. Hedia 3. <t v. NH: additional text e pictorial natter. Younq Innovators, Inc.; 22J0177: 4878757.

i87B758. Gardening with recycled naterials: a handbook and sourcebook o£ horticultural activities usinq recycled materials. By Danon R. Olszowy, illus. by Pegqy £. Haione. 42 p. Daaon R. olszowy; 25Jun77; 1878758.

A878759. idhesion tester (liqht duty) 2 p. (iith Adhesion tester (heavy duty)) zorico Electronics Corporatioo; 25JU177: A878759.

4878760. Adhesion tester (heavy duty) 2 p. (Hith Adhesion tester (liqht duty)) O Zormco Electronics Corporation; 25JU177: A8787ea.

4878761. Zorelco price list: effective July 1, 1977. 4 p. Zorelco, Ltd.; 1Jul77; A878761.

A878762. Elcoieter thickness qaqe. 2 p. Zorsco Electronics Corporation; 25JU177: A878762.

AB78763. Elcotector IIK-3 Coiiparator. Elcotector probe data. 2 p. Zoraco Electronics Corporation; 25Jul77; A878763.

A878764. Binitector ainor thickness qaqe. 2 p. O Zormco Electronics Corporation: 25JU177: A878764.

A878765. net fil» thickness qaqe; aodel 154. 2 p. (Bith iet £il» thickness qaqe, Bodel 115/1) Zornco Electronics corporation: 25JU177; A878765.

A878766. yet fiia thickness qaqe; aodel no. 115/1. 2 p. (»ith let fila thickness qaqe, aodel 154) Zoraco Electronics Corporation: 25Jul77: A878766.

A878767. 283 cotton stripper; technical manual Tll-1126- (Jul-771 26 p. Add. ti: John Deere 283 cotton stripper Tll-1126: Cotton stripper 283. Appl. au: John Deere Des Hoines Horks £ Deere and Coapany Service Publications Department. O Deere and Coapany; 6Jui77: 4878767.

A878768. Louis 16th: royal aartyr and victim. By Solanqe stronq Hertz. lip. Solanqe Stronq Hertz: 25Jul77: A878768.

A878769. Staap iournal directory. By H. Frank Hlavacek. 1 v. O Frank Blavacek; 22Jun77: 4878769.

A878770. Eppaainond as, an eatinq and drinking place. Folder. Eppaminondas at Zinfandel; 28Auq74; A878770.

A878771. Uendy's faaily fun album. Story by Susan creighton. 1 v. Appl. au: Cav-Hart, Inc. Cav-Sart, Inc.; 6Jul77; A878771.

A878772. Scout leader's program notebook, 1977-78. 96 p. Boy Scouts of America; 27Hay77; A878772.

A878773. The Adirondack life book of aniaal tracks; siqns of animals coaaon to the 4dirondack Hoods. Prepared by the editors of 4dirondack life, illustrated by Jia 4rnosky. 40 p. in envelope. on text; Adirondack Life; 17Dec76; A878773.

A878774. The Adirondack life book of aniaal tracks; siqns of aniaals coaaon to the Adirondack Roods. Prepared by the editors of Adirondack life, illustrated by Jia Arnosky (Jaaes E. Arnosky) 40 p. in envelope. on illus.; Jia Arnosky: 17Dec76; A878774.

A878775. Bitter-sweet. poeas by Charles Halker. 1 V. Charles Halker; 18Jul77; A878775.

A878777. The Incredible A. J. Foyt. Produced by Lyle Kenyon Engel, photography: Kenneth U. Coles 6 others. Rev. ed. , 1977. 187 p. Lyle Kenyon Engel; 17llay77; A878777.

Aa78778. Charles ialker's Profiles in verse. 1 V. Charles ialker; 18Jul77; A878778.

A878779. The Hopi people. By Robert C. Euler £ Henry F. Dobyns. 106 p. O Indian Tribal Series: 30Jul71: A878779.

A878780. The Aaica annual report, 1976. 55th ed. 28 p. Aaica Dutual Insurance Coapany: 17Hay77; A878780.

A878781. Astara's Book of life. 6th degree, lessons 3 £ 4. Enscribed by Earlyne C. chaney, emendated by Robert G. Chaney, illus. by Randy Garvin. 2 v. in 1. Astara. Inc.; 25«ay77; A878781.

A878782. 12 = 10 to eternity. By Aaaon S. Ba, pseud, of Frederick Lonnie Jerry. 56 p. Frederick Lonnie Jerry (in notice: Aaaon S. Ea) ; 230ct76; A878782.

A878783. A New look at motherhood. By Pegqy Ann Griffin. 4 p. The poea "Black woaan now with ease and elegance" is an arr. £ coapilation taken from Great Neqros past and present. VH: coapilation £ editing. Faith Programs, Inc.; 15Jan77: A878783.

A8787e4. aonster Insurance. 1 p. Appl. au: Bobert Louis Ayanian (Robert L. Ayanian) Robert L. Ayanian: 30llar77: A878784.

A878785. The aacon, 1933 0. S. Havy airship. Sheets (3 p. ) £ cutouts. Appl. au: John L. Hathaway. John L. Hathaway; 1Sep76: A878785.

4878786. 4n Ordinary girl who grew up on the Hest Side. By Alan J. Harcus a.k.a. John Saharan. 55 p. John Saharan (legal naae: Alan J. Marcus); 13Jul77; A878786.

A878787. How'dy, folks! Sheets (2 p.) Add. ti: To you an ol* sport sings. Appl. au: Henry A. Brown. Henry A. Brown; 23aay77; A878787.

A878788. Rules to Lost in the Everglades. Booklet inforaation to Lost in the Everglades. 2 v. Appl. au; Charles C. flakin. Charles c. aakin E Peter Guarisco; 19Apr77; A878788.

A878789. All Onited States citizens have an equal opportunity to acquire oil and gas lease- rights on public lands. 14 p. Appl. au: aicbael Jaaes Lyons. Energy Leasing Services; 30Dec76; A878789.

A878790. Energy Leasing Services: comment. Folder. Appl. au: Michael James Lyons. Q Energy Leasing Services; 30Dec76; A878790.

A878791. Hind correction angles and grouiidspeeds by calculator. 5 p. Appl. au: Lonnie M. McMillan. O L. M. McMillan; 20Mar77; 4878791.

4878792. A Multiple-grip ergonomic tennis racket handle. By George Ballog. 1 v. O George Ballog; 12May77; 4878792.

A878793. Middling odes. Vol. 2. Edited by Ruth of the Far North, pseud, of Ruth Berman. 24 p. Ruth Berman; 28May77; A878793.

A878794. Reasor learning style inventory. 4 p. O Marilynn Rhea Reasor; 1iaac75; A878794.

A878795. Addison Mizner: architect of dreams and realities. 1872-1933; an exhibition organized by the Norton Gallery of Art. Text by Christina orr. 64 p. Norton Gallery and School of Art; 4Mar77; A878795.

A878796. Bonning's, 1977-78. 48 p. Appl. au: Howard L. fionning. O Howard L. Ronning, d.b.a. Ronning's; 26Apr77 (in notice: 1977-78); A878796.

A878797. Functions of a psychiatric liaison nurse. 1 v. Appl. au: Carol Garant. O Carol Garant; 1Jun77: A878797.

A878798. Truckaate chroae plated buapers. Texas style/heavy duty, 16" high 3/16" steel manufactured to fit Ford. 2 p. Appl. au: Chemplate Corporation. chemplate Corporation d.b.a. Truckmate, division of chemplate Corporation; 6Apr77; A878798.

A878799. Truckmate chroae plated buapers. Texas style/heavy duty. 16" high 3/16" steel aanufactured to fit International Trucks. Folder. Appl. au: Cheaplate Corporation. O Cheaplate Corporation d.b.a. Truckaate, division of cheaplate corporation; 6Apr77; A878799.

A878800. Truckmate chroae plated buapers, Texas style/heavy duty, 16" high 3/16" steel aanufactured to fit Mack. Folder. Appl. au; Cheaplate Corporation. Cheaplate Corporation d.b.a. Truckaate, division of cheaplate Corporation; 6Apr77; A878800.


Truckaate chroae plated bumpers. Texas


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