Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/234

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JUL-DEC. 1977

4879678. Complete guide to employee benefit plans. By Ned A. Hiller. 2 t* 6 Ned A. Hiller; 15Jun77; A879678.

&B79679- Outei: space crea;:ures are on Eacth nou< By Chris Doulos, psead. of Joe N. Bucnett. 122 p. e Joe M- Burnett; 19Jun77; a879679.

A879680. Celebrating the life of Christ; contract lessons for the church school. No. J12A-J12F, junior. Editor: Anne Gilbert, art: Huriel Sanborn & Gene Page, writers; Jean Carr & Anne Gilbert, prepared by Dynanic Curriculun Company, a division of Service. Inc. 7 v. & cards. 6 Anne Gilbert; lDec75; A879680.

A879681. Questions: contract lessons for the church school. No, T12A-T12D, junior high. Editor: Anne Gilbert* art: Huciel Sanborn £ Gene Page, writers: Jean Carr & Anne Gilbert* prepared by Dynamic Curriculum Company, a division of Service, Inc. 5 V. Anne Gilbert; 1Dec75: A879681.

A879682. The Church is; contract lessons for the church school. No. H23A-I123F, middler. Editor: Anne Gilbert, art: Huriel Sanborn, writers: Lorrie Hartley, Jean Carr & Anne Gilbert, prepared by Dynamic Curriculum Company, a division of service. Inc. 7 v. & cards. Q Anne Gilbert; lHar75; A879682.

A879683. He love God; contract lessons for the church school. No. P12A-P12F, primary. Editor: Anne Gilbert, art: Gene Page, writers: Nargaret Douglass, Linda Sanborn, Jean Carr & Anne Gilbert, prepared by Dynamic Curriculum CompaDy, a division of Service, Inc. 39 p. & sheets. 6 Anne Gilbert; 1 Dec 75; A879683.

AB796a4. God's people through the ages; contract lessons for the church school. Ho. T23A-T23D, junior high. Editor: Anne Gilbert, art: Huriel Sanborn, writers: Jean Carr 6 Anne Gilbert, prepared by Dynamic Curriculum Company, a division of Service, Inc. 5 v. 3 Anne Gilbert; lHar75; A879684.

AB79685. Re respond to God; contract lessons for the church school- No. HIIA-HIIF, middler. Editor: Anne Gilbert, art: Muriel Sanborn 6 Gene Page, writers: Jean Carr & Anne Gilbert, prepared by Dynamic Curriculum company, a division of Service, Inc. 7 V. & cards. 3 Anne Gilbert; 1Sep75; A879685,

A879686. Discovering; contract lessons for the church school. No. M12A-H12F, middler. Editor: Anne Gilbert, art: Muriel Sanborn & Gene Page, writers: Jean Carr & Anne Gilbert, prepared by Dynamic Curriculum Company, a division of Service, Inc. 7 v. & cards. 3 Anne Gilbert; 1Dec75; A879686.

A879687. He worship God; contract lessons for the church school. No. P11A-P11F, primary. Editor: Anne Gilbert, art: Huriel Sanborn £ Gene Page, writers: flargaret Douglass, Jean Carr £ Anne Gilbert, prepared by Dynamic Curriculum Company, a division of Service, Inc. 36 p. £ sheets. 6 Anne Gilbert: lSep75; A879687,

A879688. The Prophets speak; contract lessons for the church school. No. J23A-J23F. Editor: Anne Gilbert, art: Huriel Sanborn, writers: Jean Carr £ Anne Gilbert, prepared by Dynamic Curriculum Company, a division of Service, Inc. 7 v. £ cards. 3 Anne Gilbert; lHar75; A879688.

A879689- He and my world; contract lessons for the church school. No. T11A-T11D. Editor: Anne Gilbert, art: Huriel Sanborn £ Gene Page, writers: Jean Carr £ Anne Gilbert, prepared by Dynamic Curriculum Company, a division of Service, Inc. 5 v. © Anne Gilbert; lSep75; A8796a9-

A879690- Our God is; contract lessons for the church school- No. J11A-J11F- Editor: Anne Gilbert, art: Huriel Sanborn £ Gene Page, writers: Jean Carr £ Anne Gilbert, prepared by Dynamic Curriculum Company, a division of Service, Inc. 7 v. £ cards, © Anne Gilbert; lSep75; A879690-

A879691. Adler and Sullivan's Auditorium building: architectural guidelines for its preservation and restoration for Boosevelt aniversity. Vol. 1 & 2 (illus.) Appl. au: John Vinci. NM: vol. 1: all text, 6 vol- 2: drawings on p. 39-57 6 photos, on p. 58-6**- 3 Boosevelt University; 23Hay77; A879691.

A879692- Your roots autobiography. By David G. Troncoso. 200 p. 3 David G. Troncoso; 16Hay77; A879692.

A879693- The Dynamics and critical analysis of the asymmetrical cerauic form. By Pamela Jenness Kirk- 78 p. 3 Pamela Jenness Kirk; 3Jun77; A879693.

A87969U. Predicting behavior in business from the dominant modality theory. By Gerry Lee & Virginia Newell. 121 p. 3 Virginia Newell fi Gerry Lee; 15Jul77; A879694.

A879695. This very day- By David F. Barr- 328 p. 3 Herald Press; 12Feb77; 4879695-

A879696. Bosalie. By Dorothy Hamilton, illustrated by Onada. 120 p. 3 Herald Press; 12Feb77; A879696.

A879597. Hetabolisu of volatile anesthetics: Implications for toxicity. By Ellis N. Cohen, fiussell A. Van Dyke, with a contribution by James B. Trudell. 248 p. 3 Addison-Uesley Publishing Company, Inc.; 1Jun77; A879697-

A879698. Hichigan statutes annotated. Current material highlights, statutes release no. 3, June 27, 1977; cross-reference tables £ temporary index to current material, release no. 1-3, June 27, 1977; current material, statutes release no. 3, June 27, 1977. By the editorial staff of Callaghan and Company- Folder (Up.) fi 2 v. 3 Callaghan and Company; 6Jul77; A879698.

A879699. Oniform commercial code reporting service- Looseleaf volume (uniform code, state correlation, code index) June 1977, release no. 97; looseleaf volume (cases, commentary, finding aids) vol. 21, June 1977, release no- 3; cumulative findex, vol. 21, releases 1-3. 3 v- £ sheets. Appl. au: Pike and Fischer, Inc. fi John U. Billis. 3 callaghan and Company; 18JU177; A879699.

A879700. The Trial lawyer's guide- 1977 index suppl-, for Trial lawyer's guide 1976 annual. By John J. Kennelly £ editorial staff of Callaghan and Company- Sheets (43 p.) 3 Callaghan and Company; 25JU177; A879700.

A879701. The Law of modern commercial practices, second edition. Cumulative suppl. , issued July 1977. By John B- Fonseca- 313 p. © The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company; 9Jal77; A879701.

A879702. 1977 midyear annotation service to Annotated laws of Hassachusetts. Issued June 1977. By the editorial staff of the Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company. 227 p- A companion service to A.L.H. advance legislative service- Appl. states copyright is claimed on entire work except on material taken from governmental sources. © The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company; 8Jul77; A879702.

A879703- Illinois evidence manual. Cumulative suppl., issued June 1977. By Spencer A. Gard. 313 p. © The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company £ Bancrof t-ihitney Company; 2lJun77; A879703.

A879704, Federal procedural forms; lawyers* ed. Vol. 4 (temporary ed.): bankruptcy. Pocket suppl., issued in June 1977. By the editorial staff of the Lawyers co-operative Publishing Company fi the Bancroft-Hhitney Company. 196 p. Appl- states copyright is not claimed in any material secured from official D.S. Govt, sources. 3 The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company £ Bancroft Whitney Company; 2lJun77; A879704.

A879705. Jones on evidence: civil and criminal, sixth edition. Vol. 1-4. Cumulative suppl., issued July 1977. By Spencer A. Gard. 3 The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company; 8Jul77; A879705.

A879706- Uest's Louisiana session law service, 1977. No. 1- 48 p- 3 Nest Publishing Company; 24Jun77; A879706.

A879707. Iowa legislative service; 1977 acts £ joint resolutions- No. 2- 109 p- 6 Best Publishing Company; 24Jun77; A 879707.

A879708. Nest's Hassachusetts legislative service. No. 3, 1977 regular session, chap. 101-212. 266 p. © Best Publishing Company; 23Jun77; AB79708.

A879709. Vernon's Texas statutes and codes annotated. June 1977 cumulative pamphlet, directly supplementing pocket parts for use in 1976-1977 fi Vernon's Texas rules annotated. 831 p. 3 Best Publishing company; 28Jun77 ; A879709.

A879710. California practice. Vol. 11-12; California state and local taxation. 1977 pocket parts. By Arthur K- Harshall. 3 Best Publishing Company; 23Jun77: A879710.

A879711. Mister Sketch colossal coloring book. 1 V. © Sanford Corporation; lAug77; A879711.


The Golden lands of Thomas Hobbes. By


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