Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/246

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JUL-DEC. 1977

4880165 (con.) add. ti: Information systeos as services to citizens. iS Ocban and Begional Information systems association; 1Jal77; 4880165.

4880166. Dial-a-note. Sheets (3 p.) 4ppl. au: Sue Johnson. Sue Johnson: 21JU177: 4880166.

4880167. Enerqy management and systems control in existing buildings. 7 p. O Johnson Controls, Inc.; 22Jal77: 4880167.

4880168. Borking in rural Nev England, 1790-1810. By Sbomer Zwelling. 40 p. 4ppl. au: Old Sturbcidge, Inc. 6 Old Sturbridge, Inc. : 1Jun77: 4880168.

4880169. Seyen beauties; a fictional commentary on the Fascist-Nazi axis to create a master race, by the Italian director lina Hertmuller. By Helena Bedy Ehrlich. 2 p. e Helene Hedy Ehrlich; 14ug77: 4880169.

4880170. Conscious cookery. By Siri Ved Kaur Khalsa, pseud, of Corinne B. Hammer. 44 p. Siri yed Kaur Khalsa; 23Jul77: 4880170.

4880171. 4utomatic call analyzer P/B634903 operation manual. 1 v. 6 Mid-Continent Telephone Corporation: 30Sep76; 4880171.

4880172. Puppet people. 23 p. Harold Maugelsen and Sons, Inc. : 27Jul77: 4880172.

4880173. The New lona rules of appellate procedure, 1977: a comparison with hints for the practitioner. By Emil Trott, Jr. 191 p. NM: compilation 6 additional text. O Emil Irott, Jr.; 29Jul77; 4880173.

4880174. Spacefleet. By Helyin E. 4dams, illustrated by Judith Barrett. 44 p. e tlelvin H. 4daBS; 1 Jul77 ; 4880174.

4880175. Power trains. 3rd ed- 1 v. (Fundamentals of service) © Deere and company: 12Jul77: 4880175.

4880176. Berth optimization tables. By Carl H. Plumlee. 99 p. (Seaports planning data, pt. 21 4ppl. au: Carl H. Plumlee d.b.a. Public Works consultants. 6 Carl H. Plumlee: 22Jul77: 4880176.

4880177. Squariginals: kaleidoscope square, afghan pattern number 7701. Folder. 4dd. ti: Squariginals, number 7701, kalei- doscope square. 4ppl. au; Joan Harmon. e Joan UacBon; 14uq77: 4880177.

4880178. Squariginals; candleflame square, tabard pattern number 7702. Folder. Add. ti: Squariginals, number 7702, candleflame square. 4ppl. au; Joan Harmon. Q Joan Harmon; 14uq77: A880178.

4880179. New health; a kid's own guide. By Enzo Disiacomo 6 David F. Lipton. 153 p. Bariatric Publishing Company, Inc.: 5Jan77; 4880179.

A880180. Airframe mechanic. 48 p. Appl. au: Stephen B. Hartonak. 6 Acme School of 4econautics: 14uq77: 4880180.

4880181. They didn't blow in on the wind: sketches of Behunt family history. Compiled 6 written by Sita Hehunt Black. 25 p. Eita Uehunt Black; 11Jul77; A880181.

A880182. Peerless Pump axial flow, mixed flow, and radial flow pumps. Brochure B-148. 7 p. Peerless Pump; 29Jul77; A880182.

A880183. "Dave Davis and Company catalog for guitar training"; a listing of specially prepared music. sheets in folder (11 p.) Appl. au: David Franklin Davis (Dave Davis) NH: revision. David Franklin Davis; 3Aug77: 4880183.

A880184. Everede Tool Company catalog number G77. 39 p. Everede Tool Company, Inc.; 1Aug77; 4880184.

A880185. EPIC criterion- referenced test; basic pre-kinderqarten readiness skills, test A. Sheets. S Multi-Media Associates, Inc.; 1Jul77; A880185.

A8S0186. Think big. Written by Martha Syaonds, illustrated by Beverly Armstrong. 76 p. Appl. au: The Learning iorks. 6 The Learning iorks; 15Jul77; 4880186.

A880187. Stateside safari. Britten by D. H. Cave, illustrated by Beverly 4rmstrong. 75 p. 4ppl. au: The Learning Borks. e The Learning Borks; 15Jul77; 4880187.

4880188. Discovering forms and functions of energy with energy conservation emphasis. By 41ice Kimbler Hankla. 66 p. (Toward iearning-to-learn program, level 3) e 41ice Kimbler Hankla; 3Dec74: 4880188.

4880189. Observing color. By Alice Kimbler Hankla. 64 p. (Toward learning-to- learn program, level 1) O Alice Kimbler Hankla; 3Mar75: A880189.

A880190. Exploring color changes. By Alice Kimbler Hankla. 60 p. (Toward Iearning- to-learn program, level 2) e Alice Kimbler Hankla; 7May75: A880190.

A880191. Discovering color fun. By Alice Kimbler Hankla. 54 p. (Toward Iearning-to-learn program, level 3) 6 Alice Kimbler Hankla; 5May75: 4880191.

A880192. Discovering color functions. By Alice Kimbler Hankla. 49 p. (Toward Iearning- to-learn program, level 3) © 41ice Kimbler Hankla; 2May75; 4880192.

4880193. Transportation emergency action guide for hazardous materials incidents. Ball chart. 4ppl. au; Jeremiah J. o'Driscoll. NM; additions, compilation 6 revisions. © Jody, Inc.; 27Jul77; 4880193.

A880194. Logical design for digital computer and instrumentation systeos; supplemental notes for 1977. By Biliiam D. Becher, Baymond E. Jonassen, George B. McClure & John F. Biord'an. 1 v. (Engineering summer conferences, the University of Michigan) © Biliiam D. Becher; 18Jul77: 4880194.

4880195. Emerging issues in public policy: research reports and essays, 1973-1976; a collection of four years of Public affairs report, bulletin of the Institute of Governmental Studies. Editors: Harriet Nathan 6 Stanley Scott. 164 p. e Eegents of the oniversity of California; 24Jun77; 4880195.

4880196. The Forest book; southeast Alaska forest notebook: multilevel games, activities and studies. 112 p. Appl. au: Helen J. Ford. e Helen J. Ford; 15Jul77; A880196.

A880197. Automatic transmission replacement parts for Allison AAT-777. Catalog AAT-777, July 1977. lip. Lempco Industries, Inc., Automotive Division; 1Aug77; A880197.

A880198. Numerological chart forms with current year's patterns and interpretation. 9 p. Appl. au: Laura Beaujon Kohchi (Laura Beaujon) O Laura Beaujon; 25Jul77; 4880198.

A880199. Financial audit service; July 13, 1977 mailing. Sheets. © Conning and Company: 13JU177: A880199.

A88a200. Heaven has no walls. 1 v. Appl. au: Bruce David. Bruce David; 31Jul77: A88a200.

A880201. Typewriter keyboard memorization: student guide. By Donald J. Macksoud. 20 p. Add. ti: Typing keyboard memorization. Appl. au: Beinforcement Learning, Inc. Q Beinforcement Learning, Inc.; 1Apr77; A88a201.

A880 202. Typing; instructor's manual. 28 p. © Beinforcement Learning, Inc. ; 1Apc77; A880202.

A880203. Typing speed development; student guide. By Donald J. Macksoud. 20 p. Appl. au; Beinforcement Learning, Inc. Bein- forcement Learning, Inc.; 1Apr77; A880203.

A88a204. Beinforcement of Gregg symbols and theory; instructor's manual. By Donald J. Macksoud. 9 p. Appl. au: Beinforcement Learning, Inc. © Beinforcement Learning, Inc.; 14pr77; 4880204.

4880 205. Fun with rack jacks; CP-1. 2 p. Appl. au: Carolyn S. Pennington. © Carolyn S. Pennington; 17Jul77; A880205.

A880206. Fun with rack jacks; CP-2. 2 p. Appl. au: Carolyn S. Pennington. © Carolyn S. Pennington; 17Jul77; A880206.

A880 207. Fun with rack jacks; CP-3. 2 p. Appl. au; Carolyn S. Pennington. © Carolyn S. Pennington; 17Jul77; A880207.

A880208. Bover ain’t my wife. By Allen M. Ostrager. e Allen M. ostrager; 4Aug77; A880208.

A880209. The Fernpickers. Poems by Bill Foster. 72 p. © Bill Foster; 8Jul77; A880209.

A880210. Bonders from the heavens. By Buth Starr. 101 p. © Buth Starr; 22Jul77;



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