Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/249

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A880296 (con.) ed. 632 p. (Chenlcal analrsis, >ol. 5) John Riley and Sons, Inc.; 7Jal77: AB8029e.

A880297. Gas dynaiics. Tol. 2: Hultidiaensional flow. By Haurice Joseph Zucrou c Joe D. Hoffaan. 460 p. C John Hiley and Sons, Inc.; 7Jul77; A880297.

A680298. A Oser*s handbook of seniconductoc nenories. By Eugene B. Bnatek. 652 p. John Biiey and sons. Inc.; 27Jun77; A880298.

A880299. Fire-Dawn: a novel. By Virginia Coffnan. 241 p. Virginia Coffman 28JU177; A880299.

A880300. The Female Pentecost. By Lucia Sannella. 281 p. Lucia Sannella; 27JU176; A880300.

A8Ba301. Buth: a biography of the future. By Alan HinsloH. 333 p. O Alan Uinslov; 5Peb77; A880301.

A880302. Gecoan-Hunqarian relations and the Swabian problem: from Karolyi to Gofflbos, 1919-1936. By Thomas Spira. 382 p. East European Quarterly; 18Jul77; A880 302.

A880303. Bioinorqanic chemistry — 2; a symposium* New York, Apr. 7-9, 1976. Editor: Kenneth N. Bavmond. 448 p. (Advances in chemistry series, no. 162) Appl. states copyright is not claimed for any portion written by a O.S. Govt, employee as a part of his official duties. O American Chemical Society; 19Jol77; A880303.

A88a304. Uhere the bright lights shine. By Anne Nail Stallworth. 314 p. O Anne Nail StallMorth; 23Jun77; A880304.

A880305. Bunnell ainnesota digest. Vol. 9A. Originally compiled by Hark B. Ounnell f, revised by nason Publishing Company's editorial staff. 3rd ed., rev. 395 p. Add. tl; nason's Ounnell Minnesota digest. aason Publishing Company; 29Jul77; A880305.

A380306. Dwarf's legacy. By Tolly Kizilos. 365 p. Tolly Kizilos; 20Jun77: A880306.

A880307. Today, 1977/1978; a personal record and reference book. 200 p. Add. ti: Today, 77/78. Field Enterprises Educational Corporation: 25Jul77; A880307.

A880308. ay home in the hills. By Pearle Holfe Bockbee. 132 p. Pearle «olfe Bockbee; 30JU177; A8e0308.

AB80309. aa 1or-Hosk inq • s food-equip ment-supplies. 224 p. Add. ti: aa-jor-Hoskinq's food service supplies and equipment cataloq. C Summit Cataloq Co«nany: 29JU177; A880309.

A880310. Findlay Equipment Sales, Inc. food service eguipaent, supplies, refrige- ration. 224 p. Add. ti: Findlay Equipment sales. Inc. food service supplies and equipment cataloq. Summit Cataloq Company; 29Jal77; A880310.

A88a311. Backqround gas mixture penetration of underezpanded jets with application to isotope separation. By Terry Lee Deglow. 279 p. O Terry Lee Deglow; 3Jun77; A880311.

A8e0312. Student manual for learning and behavior disorders. By Hilliam E. Greenlee G Bobert a. Taylor. Sheets (158 p.) NB: editorial revision £ compilation. O William E. Greenlee £ Bobert G. Taylor (in notice: Greenlee 6 Taylor) ; 2Aug77; A880312.

A880313. Open item accounts receivable program, operators training manual. 1 v. O Southern Oreqon Computer Services, Inc.; 28Jttl77; A880313.

A880314. Otah code annotated; 1977 pocket supplements: replacement vol. 1-10, edited by aiiton E. Lefkoff 6 the Allen Smith Company editorial staff & replacement parallel tables volume, edited by the Allen Smith Company editorial staff. Otah uniform probate code, title 75, 1977 edition. Dtah criminal code, title 76, 1977 edition. aultiple volumes. O The Allen Smith Company; 28Jul77; A880314.

A880315. Street games. By Eddie Stone, pseud, of Carlton Hollander. 223 p. O Eddie Stone, pseud, of Carlton Hollander; 3Aug77; A8e0315.

A880316. The Last toke. By Amos Brooke, pseud. of Buqio F. vital!. 224 p. Amos Brooke, pseud, of Bugio F. Vitali; 3Auq77; A880316.

A880317. Kernels and husks. By Oarryl Nheat. 26 p. Legacy Publishing Company: 22Jul77; A880317.

A880318. Hilltop. By Emory Smith. 32 p. O Legacy Publishing Company; 14Jal77; A880318.

A880319. Early history of Klickitat County. 279 p. Appl. au: Jim Attwell. Jim Attwell; 1Jul77; A880319.

A8e0320. By mother's welcome home. By Bette Bamsey. 55 p. O Bette fiamsey ; 1Aug77; A880320.

A880321. A Guide to financial aid and careers. By Ekere Ekukinam (Enyiekere Ette Ekukinam) 31 p. Ekere Ekukinam; 15Jui77; A880321.

A880322. The Mystery of the missing fossil. By Bernard Palmer. 98 p. (The Bradley series) The Good News Broadcasting Association, Inc.; 30Jun77; A880322.

A880323. Black hands, hear me out! 24 p. Appl. au: Clifford Towns. O Clifford Towns; 2Aug77; A880323.

A880324. Alabama and the 1976 Presidential election. By Hilliam B. Stewart, Jr. 115 p. Add. ti: The Presidential election, 1976. O The University o£ Alabama; 28JU177; A88a324.

A880325. Let the ball roll! and other street safety tips. By Arthur Greenstone, illus. by Cheryl Thompson. 1 v. (Child's safety series, 2) O Arthur Greenstone; 2Auq77; A880325.

A860326. The Commodity option guide ground rules. 15 p. Appl. au: Gary E. ailler. Gary E. ailler; 2Aug77; A880326.

A880327. A Bicentenary salute to "the people in their time". By Hary Aileen Armstrong. 1 V. Bary Aileen Armstrong; 1Aug77: A880 327.

Aa80328. The Diatonic major and minor scales for guitar. Edited 6 fingered by Drew Thomason. 2nd ed. 1 v. Drew Thomasou; 1Auq77; A880328.

A880329. Bisk management study. Prepared for Consolidated Banuf acturinq Company by the staff of Bimco, Inc. 63 p. Bimco, Inc. ; 15JU177; A880329.

Ae80330. The BASFAA financial aid administrator: a characteristic study. 89 p. Appl. au: Harvey P. Grotrian. O Bidwest Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (in notice: aidwest Association of Financial Aid Administrators) ; 1Jul77; A880330.

A88a331. A Public relations handbook for early childhood organizations. By Joan First. 21 p. Appl. au: Southern Association on children under Six (SACOS) . Southern Association on Children under six; 14JU177; A880331.

A880332. Elevations. By Charles C. Campbell. Sheets (5 p.) O Charles c. Campbell; 6JU177; A880332.

A880333. Azimuth intersections. By Charles C. Campbell. Sheets (5 p.) O Charles C. Campbell; 6Jul77; A8H0333.

A880334. Horizontal street curves. By Charles C. Campbell. Sheets (4 p.) O Charles C. Campbell; 6Jul77; A880334.

A880335. Azimuth traverse/inverse and angles to azimuths. By Charles C. Campbell. Sheets (5 p.) Charles C. Campbell; 6Jul77: A880335.

A880336. Safety Town is community involvement. 8 p. 6 National Safety Town Center; 12Mar77: A880336.

A88a337. Energy production and consumption in the paper industry. Bibliographic ser. no. 259, Euppl. 1. By Jack Beiner. 171 p. O The Institute of Paper Chemistry; 25Jttl77; A880337.

A880338. Turbo hydra-matic 400. No. 88A-326. 2 p. Prev. reg. 17Jan77, A815820. SB: additions £ revisions. 6 AABCO Tran- smissions, Inc.; 29Jun77; A880338.

A880339. Turbo hydra-matic 400. No. 88A-325. 2 p. Prev. reg. 17Jan77, A815819 NB: additions £ revision. AABCO Tran- smissions, Inc.; 29Jun77; A880339.

A88a340. Turbo hydra-matic 400. No. e8A-321. 2

p. Prev. reg. 17Jan77, A815815. NB:


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