Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/251

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4880385 - 48801127
JUL-DEC. 1977

A880385. Books for Dew age children and youth. Edited by Catherine H. Clark e Florence Widutis. 1)7 p. Beautiful Day Books; lAuq77: AB80385.

A880386. Huniro eaqle. No. 8, suaaeir 1977. Editor: Anne Honroe orqan. 48 p. clan Hunro Association, D.S.A.; 1Auq77: AS80386.

A880387. The Silver nacket. 1976. 61st annual cevieu coapiled by Handy and Bacaan. 22 P. e Handy and Bacaan: 27Jan77: A880387.

A880383. The Sil»ei: aarket, 1975. 60th annual review coapiled by Bandy and Haraan. 22 p. Randy and Baraan; 28Jan77: A880 388.

A880389. Music for children's choirs: a selective and qraded listinq. Coapiled under the direction of the Boy and children's Choirs Standinq Coaaittee of the Aaerican Choral Directors Association, Donald H. aoach, prolect coordinator. 14 p. O ausic Educators National conference; 28Jul77; Ae80 389.

A880390. Froa soil to psyche; a total plan of natural livinq for the new aqe. By David A. Phillips. 220 p. David A. Phillips; 12Jnl77: A880390.

A880391. Analects. By Dennis Sweet. 66 p. Portions prey. pub. in Genesis, fall 1976 e sprinq 1977. NH: revisions e additions. Dennis Sweet; 19Jul77; A880391.

A880392. People power. By 0. A. Battista. 189 p. O. A. Battista: 8Jul77; A880392.

A880393. On the road with Andrae Crouch. By Al Hartley. 31 p. Crouch Husic Cor- poration: 27JU177; A880393.

A88039lt. Push and shove. By Is Said* pseud, of Charles Lyons. 31 p. O Lyons Produc- tions, Inc.; 3Auq77; A880394.

A8S0395. All toqether now: the Lafayette antholoqy. 198 p. Ralker County Board of Education: 30aay77; A880395.

A880396. Valuation quarterly. Sect..^u B, p. 89-116: index, p. 1-10, section S, p. 1-12, July 1977. sheets. Appl. au: Prank C. Swift. O Marshall and Swift Pub- lication Coapany; 18Jul77; A8a0396.

A880 397. CoBparative cost anltipliers: aachinery and equipaent by industry, buildinqs by city. July 1977. 28 p. Appl. au: Frank C. Swift. Marshall and Swift Pub- lication Coapany: SJul77; A880397.

A880398. Marshall valuation service. Section 12«  p. 9-18; section 98, p. 1-2, 5-6; section 99. p. 3, 5-8, July 1977. Sheets. Appl. au: Frank C. Swift. Marshall and Swift Publication Coapany; 8Jul77: A880398.

A880399. Cayard's, Inc. food service equipaent and supplies. 1 v. Add. ti: Suaait Cataloq Coapany: Cayard's, Inc. food service supplies and equipaent cataloq. Suaait Cataloq Coapany; 29Jul77; A880 399.

A880400. Strategy — sokker: an action qaae for two or aore; culebook. 5 p. Add. ti; Strategy — sokker rulebook. Appl. au; Erno S. Daniel. KM: additional text. Erno S. Daniel; 3Auq77: A880400.

A880401. The Papers of thirteen early Ohio political leaders; an inventory to the 1976-77 aicrofila editions. By Linda Elise Kalette. 2U0 p. Ohio Historical Society: 27Jul77; A880401.

A860402. Peter Kiewit Sons', Inc. Hestern Canada District policy aanual. 1 v. Peter Kiewit Sons'. Inc.; 1SJul77: A8801402.

A880403. At last, a convenient place to keep gasoline credit card receipts. 2 p. Appl. au: Bocke A. Uarren. O Uarren Marketing: 8Jul77; A880403.

A88404. Have aechanics and the law of con- servation of frequency and wave nuaber vector. By Baaesh Chandra. 23 p. Baaesh Chandra; 15Jul77: A880404.

A88405. Poetry by Anne. By Anne Pelto- 7 p. Anne Pelto; 1Jul77; ABSOUOS.

A880II06. Electricity and fire: the role of the investigator. By John Bicketts. 52 p. KM: coapilation. John Bicketts; 27JU177; A88ata6.

A880II07. Basic scientific theory derived froa still aore basic philosophic reasoning. By Herbert A. Bosch. 5 p. Herbert A. Bosch; 2Auq77: A880i«07.

ABBOUOS. Furniture aanuf acturing processes. By Anco L. Prak 6 Thoaas u. Myers. 1 v. O Oepartaent of Industrial Engineering, North Carolina state University; 29Jul77; A880U08.

i880l|09. Econoaics and the consuaer, E.T.C. units of study; a one-seaester interdisciplinary high school course. ESEA title «-C project of the Flint coaaunity schools. 1 V. O Board of Education. Flint. Michigan; 1Aug77: A880409.

Aseouio. Borlds to explore: Brownie and junior leaders' guide. Authors/contributors: Patricia Connally 6 others. 96 p. Appl. au: Girl Scouts of the a.S. A. Girl Scouts of the D.S.A. (in notice: Girl Scouts of the Dnited States of Aaerica) ; 11JU177; ABBOKIO.

AB80I111. The Liquor handbook, 1977. Editor: Clark Gavin, associate editor: Dan Hecht. 361 p. Add. ti: The More you know about your aarket, the better we look. Appl. au: Robert A. Aaato. Gavin-Jobson Associates, Inc.; 5Jul77; A880it11.

A880II12. Toads and diaaonds. By Betsey Harris. 93 p. Betsey Harris; 22Jul77; A880lt12.

A880413. Prograaaed learning aid for Fortran: a beginner's approach. By J. Daniel Couqer £ Loren E. Shannon, coordinating editor: Boqer H. Heraanson. 180 p. Add. ti: Self review in Fortran: a beginner's approach. NH: revisions t, updating. Learning Systeas Coapany; 5May77; A8801113.

A8804I4. The Prolix spirit writes again! By Uilbur Kattner, new aaterial is included froa Frank Chapaan, Lloyd Jones C John Snider. Mi p. NM: revisions 6 additions. Hilbur Kattner; 1Jul77; ASBOUIit.

A88ait15. Overlooked and underhanded! By Uilbur T. Kattner. S p. NH: coapilation, additions G revisions. O Uilbur Kattner; 3Jun77; ASSOUIS.

A8801I16. Innovative aagic. No. 3. Editor: Boger Saith. photos.: Boger Saith, foreword by Wilbur Kattner. p. 22-39. Soger Saith t Bilbur Kattner: 20Jun77; ABBOaU.

Ae80U17. Original songs. Michael Strader. Strader; 11Jul77; A880417.

A880I418. Poster projects. 1 v. Add. ti: Poster project. Soncraft Designs; 1Jun77; A880U18.

A88ait19. The Batten. Batten. Hudson and Swab seainar for secretaries and other office personnel. 59 p. Batten, Batten. Hudson and Swab. Inc.; 7Jan75: A880it19.

A380I420. Guide for quality assured fiberglass reinforced plastics structures. Technical £ research bulletin no. 2-23. Prepared by Panel BS-IO (Plastics) of the Hull structure Coaaittee. society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. 52 p. Appl. au: Thoaas B. lilson £ Alexander B. Stavov/. O The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers; iejul77; A8aOi420.

Ae80421. Altaan'E straight "A" looks for back-to-schoolers. 23 p. B. Altaau and coapany; 1Aug77; A880it21.

A880II22. Handbook on aainstreaaing for regular classrooa teachers. By Bert MacLeech, Pearl Haze MacLeech £ Jaaes B. Johnson. 62 p. Bert MacLeech. Pearl Maze MacLeech £ Jaaes E. Johnson; 23Jul77; A8B0 422.

A860lt23. Flagstaff Foodservice Coapany food service supplies and equipaent catalog. 1 V. Add. ti: Flagstaff Coapany; (Suaait Catalog Coapany) Flagstaff Foodservice Coapany food service supplies and equipaent cataloq. Suaait Catalog coapany: 29Jul77; A880ii23.

AB804211. Electrical trade book weekly news bulletin. ETB issue no. 77-27. July 6, 1977. Sheets (6 p. ) E.T. B. Coapany a.a.d.o. Trade Service Publications, Inc.; 6JU177; A8801l2<t.

A880425. Electrical trade book weekly news bulletin. ETB issue no. 77-29, July 20, 1977. Sheets. E.T. B. Coapany a.a.d.o. Trade Service Publications, Inc. ; 20JU177; A880425.

A880026. Electrical trade book weekly news bulletin. ETB issue no. 77-28. July 13. 197J. Sheets. O E.T.B. Coapany a.a.d.o. Trade Service Publications, Inc. ; 13JU177; A880»26.


songs of David. By Johnjoseph Pajor.


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