Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/256

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A880588 - A880625
JUL-DEC. 1977

i880588. Jealousy. By Todd Eundqren 6 John Hilcoz. On record sleeve for album entitled Ba. (Kith Communion »ith the sun 6 others) Earmark ausic. Inc. ; 1Feb77 (in notice: 1976); i88058B.

1880589. Eternal love. By Boqer Powell 6 Kasim Sulton. On record sleeve for album entitled Ha. (With Communion with the sun S others) EaraarJc Music, Inc. ; 1Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4880589.

1880590. Sunburst finish. Hiroshima. By Roger Powell 6 Todd Bundgren. On record sleeve for album entitled Ba. (lith Communion with the sun £ others) Earmark Husic, Inc.: 1Feb77 (in notice: 1976); &880590.

i8e0591. Singriog and the glass guitar; an electrified fairytale. By Boger Powell, Todd Bundgren, Kasim Sulton S John iilcoi. on record sleeve for album entitled Ba. (Bith Communion with the sun £ others) 9 Earmark Husic, Inc.; 1Feb77 (in notice: 1976): A880591.

£880592. A Bead and color book about Sharon. Art by Bozanne A. Anderson, text by Buth V. Ensworth. 1 v. e The Sharon Township Heritage Society; 16»pr77; A880592.

A880 593. Basic travel geography. 34 p. (Travel career training, lesson 3) 6 Southeastern Academy, Inc.; 17Jun77; A880593.

A88059lt. Easy access to the financial reporting system. Sheets. Appl. au: James H. Donovan. @ James H. Donovan; 3 1Ha777; A880594.

A880595. Vital signs: journal of interdiscip- linary sciences. Vol. 1, no. 1, Oct, 1976. 67 p. Appl. au: Paul C. Brown, Charles J. Gutierrez 6 James E. Trujillo. e Pre-Hedical Honor Society, Hillsborough Community college; 27Apr77 (in notice: 1976): A880595.

A880596. Sesame Street cardigan. 4 p. © Barbara H. DiGian d.b.a. Barbara Hae Originals; 26llay77: 4880596.

4880597. Volumeasure soil density tests. Folder. 4dd. ti: Volumeasure bulletin. NM: 15* new matter. 6 Soiltest, Inc.; 2Jun77; A880597.

A880 59B. Questionnaire for child growth and development in the day care home; a program of Children's Center of Evergreen, Inc. Prepared by Cornelia B. Farmer. 6 p. e Children's Center of Evergreen, Inc.; 274pr77: A880598.

4880599. Zodiac illustration dice; game. 1 v- Appl. au: Vincent J. Picataci. NH: revisions 6 additions. Vincent J. Picataci; 10(lay77; A880599.

ABBOeOO. Tom, emperor of the mountains. By John Car1a, illustrated by Bosemary Cordoso. 33 p. e Ion Carja, pseud. (John Carja, real name); 9Jun77; A880600.

A880601. Contes faciles et varies. By Eddie D. Cecil, drawings by Charlie Little. 55 p. O Eddie D. Cecil: 25Jul77: A880601.

4880602. Italian Fascist activities in the United States. By Gaetano Salvemini, edited with introd. by Philip V. Cannistraro. 267 p. 19 Center for Migration Studies of Hew york. Inc.; 30May77; 4880602.

A880603. Harriet Beecher Stowe: a reference guide. By Jean B. Ashton. 168 p. Jean W. Ashton; 15Jun77; 4880603.

4880604. Tarry Flynn; a novel. By Patrick Kavanagh. 256 p. 6 The Devin-4dair Company: 1Sep49; A880604.

A880605. Southwest Louisiana records: church and civil records. Vol. 6: 1855-1860. By Donald J. Hebert. 609 p. HH: compi- lation, e Donald J. Hebert; 12Apr77; ABSOeOS.

A880606. Borld who's who of Armenians. Editor: Anne Avakian-Bishop. 992 p. NU: additional text £ compilation, e Anne Avakian-Bishop; 21Jun77; 4880606.

4880607. Au Investigation of selected factors and their relationship to the performance expectations of new graduates as determined by nursing service adminis- trators. By Phyllis Joan Eaber. 90 p. O Phyllis Joan Haber; 9Jan77; A880607.

A880608. Bide 'em Cowboys! The story of wrestling's dynasty. By Doris Dellinger. 144 p. Cowboy Hrestling Club (of Oklahoma state Oniversity) 6 Doris Dellinger; 4Har77; A88060a.

A8e0609. Ohio in words and pictures. By Dennis B. Fradin, illus. by Eobert 01m. 47 p. Appl. au: Begensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc. , employer for hire of illustrator. Appl. states photos, not included under copyright of text. @ Begensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc.; 15Mar77: 4880609.

4880610. Easy or hard? That's a good guestion! By Tobi Tobias, illustrated by Gene Sharp. 32 p. 4ppl. an: Begensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc. , employer for hire of illustrator. Q Begensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc. ; 15Mar77; A880610.

A880611. Quiet or noisy? That's a good guestion! By Tobi Tobias, illustrated by Sharon Elzaurdia. 31 p. Appl. au: Begensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc., employer for hire of illustrator, e Begensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc.; 15Har77; AS80611.

A880612. The Blue angels. By Peter Hohu. 46 p. (Performers in uniform) Appl. states photos, not included under copyright of text. Begensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc.; 15Mar77; A880612.

A880613. Bice. By Franklin aatts, illus. by Sam Shiromani. 31 p. Appl. au: Begensteiner publishing Enterprises, Inc. , employer for hire of illustrator. Appl. states photos, not included under copyright of text 6 drawings. €L^egensteiner publishing Enterprises, Inc.; 15Mar77; A880613.

A880614. Hheat. By Franklin Batts, illus. by Sam Shiromani. 29 p. Appl. au: Begensteiner publishing Enterprises, Inc., employer for hire of illustrator. Appl. states photos. not included under copyright of text. Begensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc.; 15flar77; 4880614.

4880615. Algonguian Indians at summer camp. By June Behrens £ Pauline Brower, photos, compiled by Pauline Brower. 31 p. Appl. states photos, not included under copyright of text. 6 Begensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc.; 15flar77; A880615.

4880616. California in words and pictures. By Dennis B. Fradin, illus. by Robert 01m. 44 p. Appl. au: Begensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc., employer for hire of illustrator. Appl. states photos, not included under copyright of text, d Begensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc.; 15Mar77: A880616.

A880617. That's what a friend is. Britten fi illustrated by P. K. Hallinan. 28 p. Appl. au: Begensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc., employer for hire of illus. 3 Begensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc.; 15llar77; A880617.

4880618. Eliza Pinckney. By Susan Lee 6 John Lee, illustrated by Andy Aldridge. 47 p. (Heroes of the Bevolution) Appl. au: Begensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc., employer for hire of illustrator. Begensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc.; 15Bar77; A880618.

4880619. Frederic Bemington. By Donna Baker, consulting editor: Bernard B. Shapiro. 61 p. (Artists in our world) Appl. states photos, fi illus. not included under copyright of text. Begensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc.; 15Har77; A88a619.

A880620. Abigail Adams. By Susan Lee 8 John Lee, illustrated by George Dlrich. 47 p. (Heroes of the Bevolution) Appl. au: Begensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc., employer for hire of illustrator. e Begensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc.; 15Har77; A880620.

A880621. Blue Bug's surprise. By Virginia Maniglier-Poulet, illus. by Mary P. aaloney £ Stanley Fleming. 31 p. © on text; Virginia Maniglier-Poulet; 15Mar77; A880621.

A880622. Blue Bug's surprise. By Virginia Maniglier-Poulet, illus. by Mary P. Maloney fi Stanley Fleming. 31 p. Appl. au: Begensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc. , employer for hire of illustrator. on illus.; Begensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc.; 15Mar77; A880622.

A880623. Blue Bug finds a friend. By Virginia Maniglier-Poulet, illustrated by Mary P. aaloney fi Stanley Fleming. 31 p. on text; Virginia aaniglier-Poulet; 15Mar77; A880623.

A880624. Blue Bug finds a friend. By Virginia Maniglier-Poulet, illustrated by Mary P. Maloney £ Stanley Fleming. 31 p. Appl. au: Begensteiner publishing Enterprises, Inc., employer for hire of illustrator. O on illus. ; Begensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc.; 15aar77; 4880624.

A880625. Fables and folktales: comprehension

quo=Hons. 40 p. O School District


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