Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/258

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A880669. Explorations in aaoageneot; proceedings of the Eastern Academy of Hanageioent 14th annual neeting. Bay 12-14, 1977, Hartford, CT. Edited by Billias s. Allen e Fetec Heissenberq. 161 p. Add. ti: EAn proceedings, 1977. 6 Eastern Acadeay of Hanaqement, College of Business Admi- nistration, Oniversity of Rhode Island (in notice: Eastern Academy of Mana- gement) : 12May77: A880669.

A880670. American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1977 directory. 359 p. Appl. au: F. J. Van Antverpen. @ American Institute of Chemical Engineers: 7Jun77; AB80670.

A880671. Private higher education: third annual report on financial and educational trends in the private sector of American higher education. Hay 1977. By U. John Sinter 6 Howard B. Bouen. 77 p. Add. ti: Private higher education, 1977. 3 Association of American Colleges; 1Jun77: A880671.

A880672. American naval prints, from the Beverley B. Robinson Collection, U.S. Naval Academy Huseum, Annapolis, Maryland. Introd. by Boger B. Stein. 121 p. 3 International Exhibitions Foundation: 2Sep7e: A880672.

&880673. Tymshare and accounting. Folder. lymshare. Inc.; 20(lay77; A880673.

4880674. Telephone industry services- 7 p- e Tymshare, Inc.; 20(lay77: A880674.

A8 80675. Haior league baseball statistical formula for awards. 12 p. Appl. au; Cordon Carl King. S Gordon Carl King: 16Jun77; A880675.

A880676. ConsciousCeptlon. By Judith L. Hart 6 Kath Saberhaqen. 36 p. Judith L. Bart (Jude) e, Kath Saberhaqen; 30Jan77: A880676.

A880677. Moment of grandeur. By Barney Danchik. 6 p. e Barney Danchik; 15llay77: A880677.

A880678. The Ship. 1 p. Appl. au; Gary L. Lunceford. 8 Gary L. lunceford; 1Jul77; 4880678.

A880679. Carnival glass price guide, 1977-1978. By Marion T. Bartunq. 78 p. i9 Marlon T. Hartung; 15May77: A880679.

A880680. Allegheny County high school graduate: the fishy business of selecting a career; a Spindle Publishing Company publication, 1977. Managing editor; Naresh oeuan. 57 p. Appl. au; Spindle Publishing Company. Spindle Publishing Company: 6May77: A880680.

A880681. Standardized designs for Christian Science lecture promotions. Group C. Folder. Appl. au: Joan Rapaport. 6 Joan Bapaport, Graphic Design; 29Aug75; A880681.

AB80682. Standardized designs for christian Science lecture promotion. Group D. Folder. 6 Joan Bapaport, Graphic Design; 15Jun76 (in notice: 1975); A880682.

4880683. Standardized designs for Christian Science lecture promotions. Groups A £ B. By Joan Bapaport. 5 folders. Appl. au; Joan Bapaport, Graphic Design. 3 Joan Bapaport, Graphic Design: 4Apr75; A880683.

A880684. Reflections. By Anita Lyon Hheatcroft, illustrated by Dorothy Hinslett, art photos, by Len Neff. 48 p. NH: additional nev text. 3 Anita Lyon Hheatcroft; 23Dec76; A880684.

A880685. Illumine my uay. By Barbara Baines. 28 p. 8 Barbara Haines; 25May77; A8e0685.

A880686. Thoughts From Above. No. 137. Art: Karen Pieroni, thought; Hilliam Eugene Butler. Folder. 3 Thoughts From Above; 25Jun77; 4880686.

4880687. Proceedings of Conference of College Teachers of English of Texas, 1976. Vol. 41, Sept. 1976. Editor: Turner S. Kobler. 73 p. Add. ti; CCTE: Conference of College Teachers of English of Texas, proceedings. Appl. au: J. F. Kobler. d conference of College Teachers of English of Texas; 1Feb77; A880687.

4880688. The 4cadian exiles in the American colonies, 1755-1768. Compiled, translated & edited by Milton P. Rieder, Jr. 6 Norma Gaudet Bieder. 54 p. NM: compilation, additional text & editorial revision. O Milton P. Rieder, Jr. e Norma Gaudet Rieder: 1Jun77; A880688.

A88a689. The Ottawa people. By Joseph H. Cash e Gerald W. Holff, scientific editor; Henry F. Dobyns, general editor; John I. Griffin. 103 p. 3 Indian Tribal Series; 10Sep76; A880689.

4880690. The Otoe-Missouria people. By B. David Edmunds, scientific editor: Henry F. Dobyns, general editor; John I. Griffin. 102 p. 3 Indian Tribal Series; 10Sep76: 4880690.

A880691. To lesbians everywhere. Poems; Judy Greenspan. 64 p. portions prev. pub. in He are all lesbians, anthology & others. NM: additional poems. 3 Judy Greenspan: 14Apr76; A880691.

A880692. Dyke jacket. Poems & songs; Fran Hinant. 64 p. Portions prev. pub. in The Amazon guarterly 6 others. NM: additional poems e songs. Fran Hinant; 10Jan7e: A880692.

A880693. Orthopedic Systems, Inc. 15 p. 3 Orthopedic Systems, Inc.; 6Jun77; A880693.

A880694. Hebrews. By Ralph H. Neighbour, Sr. 23 p. (The Bible for everyday living) Add. ti; Hebrews for everyday living. 3 Ralph H. Neighbour, Sr. ; 26Jan77; 4880694.

A880695. First Peter for everyday living. By Balph H. Neighbour, Sr. 14 p. (The Bible for everyday Jj.'ying) C Salph H. Neighbour, Sr. ; 6Jun77; A880695.

A880696. Alexandar's (homonia) Best poems written by the poet 0. Kiro, pseud, of Kiro Obetkovski. 22 p. 3 Kiro Obet- kovski; 1Jun77; 4880696.

A8e0697. Steps in bidding; standard American bridge. By Harry H. Johnson 2nd. 12 p. O H. H. Johnson; 22Jul77; A880697.

A88a698. Advice for the home buyer and seller. By James B. Boykin 6 Alfred L. Blake. 22 p. 3 James H. Boykin; 18Jul77: A88a698.

A880699. Superior Motels. America's favorite "stop" sign; complimentary directory. 45 p. NM: editorial revision & additions. 3 Superior Motels, Inc.; 1Jun77; A880699.

A880700. Showermike: soap on a rope for singiu* in the shower; owner's manual. 1 v. 3 Rowe and Associates, Inc.; 10ct76; A880 700.

A880701. New book preview: a sampling of recent and forthcoming books from Bevell, fall 1977. Compilers; Fleming H. Bevell company. 158 p. Add. ti: New book preview from Bevell. Appl. au: Hilliam Simmers. 3 Fleming H. Bevell Company; 29Jun77; A880701.

4880702. Supernatural foods. By Julia Balme, translated by Elizabeth Garcia. 33 p. 3 Julia Balme; 15Jul77; A88a702.

A880703. Hho'll clean up this mess? 12 p. Appl. au; John Patrick Carroll. 3 John Patrick Carroll; 6Jul77; A880703.

A88a704. Exploring contemporary male/female roles: a facilitator's guide. Edited by Clarke G. Carney C Sarah Lynne McMahon. 276 p. Nil: introductory matter fi additions. 3 International Authors, B.V.; 30Mar77; A880704.

A880705. Collision course. By Del Storey, with Laura Hatson. 123 p. 3 Logos Inter- national; 3May77; A880705.

4880706. Mobilehome families; a potential for the church. By David A. Keller. 440 p. 8 David A. Keller; 1Jan77; A880706.

4880 707. Allyison and the mysterious Valley of Ode: a place of servitude. 200 p. Appl. au: Philip Grolinko Neuman. 8 Philip Grolinko Neuman; 8Jun77; 4880707.

A880708. The Northern Trust Company will and trust forms. 1 v. Appl. au: David L. Banson. MM: updating. 8 The Northern Trust Company: 9May77; A880708.

A880709. Schwinn 1977 parts and accessories catalog. 1 v. 6 Schwinn Bicycle Company: 7Feb77; A880709.

A880710. IBM 3790 reference summary, version 6. 45 p. 3 International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation); 15Apr77; 4880710.

A880711. IBM 3790 communication system control operator's guide. Version 5. 1 v. (IBM technical newsletter, no. GN31-0612) NM:

revisions & additions. 3 International


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