Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/292

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4882060 - 4882101
JUL-DEC. 1977

A882060. Teacher's quide for Juvenile justice; the legal rights of young people. By Mancy Boyarsky. 10 p. Appl. au: constitutional Bights Foundation. @ Benziger Bruce and Glencoe, Inc. ; 31Jan77: &882060.

AS82061. Don't talk to me Charles B. Hurrah. Hurrah; 1511ay77; about death. By 75 p. Charles B. A882061.

A8820e2. How to buy land cheap. By Edward Preston* pseud, of Edward Guess. 43 p. Boggle Publications; 18Jud77: A8820e2.

A882063. The First Epistle of John with special verses underscored and specially prepared helps for new christians. Arr. Ernest H. Childs. 23 p. Add. ti: I John that ye may know. e Ernest Childs: 1Jun75; A882063.

A88206lt. Blueprint for articles. By Marie O'Dea. 12 p. HS: editorial revision. Marie O'Dea: 20JU177: A88206i(.

A882a65. TV Time. Folder. 3 Onlted Publishing Coopany: 15Jan77; A882065.

A88206e. Response Center menstrual calendar. Q Besponse Center — Jewish coamunity Centers of Chicago; 20Jul77; A882066.

A882067. Access Horth Suburban Chicago. 103 p. Q League of Honen Voters of Illinois; 25Jun77; A882067.

A882068. 1st savings baby's book. 1 v. Appl. au; Jo TriB> Jones. 3 Jo Trims Jones; 28Jun77; A882068.

A882069. The New creation; an anthology. By Marcia A. Bowie, Margaret Hunt S Sandra Louise Beynolds. 33 p. Sandra Louise Beynolds* Marcia A. Bowie & Margaret Hunt: 220ct76 (in notice: 1975) ; A882069.

A882070. Three people chess. 7 p. Appl. au: Joan Brandenburg & Eriwn Bachrach. Joan Brandenburg: 1Apr77: A882070.

A882071. le walk in their footsteps: a Bicen- tennial booklet. Besearched by the Bicentennial Committee of the Sooerville Branch of the A. A. O.K. 23 p. NH: compilation. N. J. A. A. 0. H. , Somerville Branch a.a.d.o. American Association of Oniversity Somen, Somerville Branch; 211Apr77; A882071.

A882072. Lead line trolling depth calculator. Kit. Appl. au: Clarence A. LaBonte. e Clarence A. LaBonte; 5Hay77; 4882072.

A882073. Teacher-developed infused curriculum modules: career education in social studies, 7-12: teacher ideas. 125 p. BH: additions & revisions. Partners in Career Education: 1Jun77: A8a2073.

4882074. your own poets; an anthology of Christian poems. Editor: Phil Silva. 1 V. e Phil Silva d.b.a. Praise the Lord Press: 5May77: A88207ii.

A882075. Carter on the arts- Introduction by Joan Hondale, editor: Mancy Bush, conclusion by Michael Newton. 74 p. HM: introd., conclusion & material introducing reprinted quotations. Q Associated Councils of the Arts a.a.d. : ACA; 26May77; A882075.

A882076. Principios de operaciones bancarias. Por Bafael fiivera Emmanuelli. 256 p. Q Bafael fiivera Eamanuelli; 30Mar76; A882076.

4882077. Language of music for choirs and glee clubs: the simple basic rudiments for vocalists. 1 V. Appl. au: Odo i. Klein, a Udo a. Klein; 27Jun77; A882077.

4882078. Beality: an essay concerning the stars and relative things considered. By fiobert LePaqe. 158 p. Dawn Eden; 1Jun77; 4882078.

A882079. The Grizzly bear: the narrative of a hunter-naturalist. By iilliao Henry Hriqht, foreword by Frank C. Craighead, Jr. 274 p. Beprint of 1913 ed. on foreword: Oniversity of Nebraska Press; 15Jun77; A882079.

A882080. Poems. By Boscoe Solley. 2nd ed. 40 p. I am the great Onited States prev. pub. in The Progress, Clearfield, PA, July 3, 1976. O Hoscoe Solley: 22Jul77: 4882080.

4882081. The Phoenix. »ol. 1. spring 1977. 94 p. 4ppl. au: Delaware County Community College. The Phoenix: 9May77; 4882081.

4882062. Guidelines and leadership training. 74 p. Add. ti: Theos guidelines for chapter leaders and chaplains. Appl. au: Beatrice Decker. The Theos Foundation, Inc.; 150ct76: 4882082.

4882083. Hon autre lyre. By Janis L. Pallister. 2. ed., corrigee & augmentee. 48 p. French, English & Spanish. Some poems prev. pub. 1974 e others. Jan Pallister: 210ct74; A882083.

4882084. PCI presents Cementing PVC pipe; or. Installing PVC pressure pipe can be a sticky business! 1 v. PCI Industries, Inc.; 31May77; 4882084.

4882085. 4bsent healing prayers. By Ambrose Alexander Worrall. 20 p. Add. ti: A Selection of healing prayers. 6 Mrs. Ambrose A. lorrall a.k.a. Olga M. tiorrall; 30Jun77: A882085.

A882086. In Daddy's arms. By Jessie Sherwin. 180 p. Appl. au: Carlyle Communications, Inc. @ Carlyle Communications, Inc.; 15JU177; 4882086.

4882087. Drink mixing quide. Slide chart Corporation: 28Mar77; 4882087.

A882088. Official 1977 National Football League record manual, 58th season, compiled by the National, football League Public Belatioas Department 6 Seymour Siwoff, edited by Jim Booney, statistics by Ellas Sports Bureau, Inc. 399 p. Add. ti; National Football League record manual, 1977. Appl. au: National Football League. National Football League; 1SJul77: A882088.

A882089. Resource manual for a living revolution. By Virginia Coover, Ellen Deacon, Charles Esser & Christopher Moore. 343 p. 3 Virginia Coover, Ellen Deacon, Charles Esser & Christopher Moore; 1Jul77; A882089.

A882090. N* cookbook of sporting tastes. Co-editors: Ann Coppedge, Sandra Welsh & Bosemary Maersch, illus. by LeAnn Bauer. 257 p. Q Naval Academy Memorial Fund, Inc. ; 3Jun77; A882090.

4882091. Notable women. By Marci Hhitney. 59 p. 4ppl. au: Tribune Publishing Company. Prev. pub. in Tacoma news tribune, Jan. 18-4ug. 29, 1976. NM: compilation 6 additional text £ graphics. 3 Tribune Publishing Company; 1Mar77; A882091.

4882092. Circle Tennis: instructions. Folder. 4ppl. au: fiobert H. Hankins e Barry C. Pendleton, Jr. NH: additions & revisions. 6 U and P Becreation Company, a par- tnership of fiobert U. Hankins, Harry C. Pendleton, Jr. & Maynard L. Linngren; 23Mar76; 4882092.

A882093. Blackjack: as played in gamblinq casinos throuqhout the world. By Bert Vos. 51 p. Add. ti; Blackjack: how to play to win. NM: new text e drawings 6 compilation of text, e Bert Vos; 11Jul77; A882093.

A882094. The Double-check method of family planning. By Paul Thyma, pseud, of Jan Mucharski. 44 p. NM: additions. 3 Paul Thyma, pseud, of Jan Mucharski; 7Jun77; A882094.

A882095. Beview of research in social studies education, 1970-1975. Bulletin 49. By Francis P. Hunkins & others. 199 p. 3 National Council for the Social Studies; 20May77; 4882095.

4882096. The New state of the economy. By Fred C. Allvine 6 Fred A. Tarpley, Jr. 192 p. 8 Sinthrop Publishers, Inc.; 15Feb77; A882096.

A882097. The Hotivation process. By Susan Davidson Schaefer, photos, by Scott Brickner. 189 p. 3 Binthrop Publishers, Inc.; 15May77; A882097.

4862098. Speak with confidence: a practical guide. Speak with confidence: a practical guide, instructor's manual. By Albert J. Vasile e Barold K. Hintz, cartoons by Steve Hiles. 2 v. Hinthrop Publishers, Inc.; 15May77; 4882098.

4882099. Onderstanding the structure of English. By Joseph E. littlejohn. 178 p. e Hinthrop Publishers, Inc.; 11Apr77; 4882099.

4862100. Cognitive psychology. By Allan G. Beynolds 6 Paul H. Flagg. 457 p. NM: text. 3 Minthrop publishers. Inc.; 22Jun77; A882100.

4882101. Principles of social psycholoqy- Principles of social psychology, teacher's manual. By Kelly G. Shaver. 2 v. 3 Hinthrop Publishers, Inc.; 24Feb77;



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