Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/318

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A883135 - A883170
JUL-DEC. 1977

4883134 (con.) Bhitney Company. Appl. states copyright not claimed on any material secured from official O.S. Govt- sources. 6 on additions 6 revisions; Jurisprudence Publishers, Inc.: 2ajun77; A88313a.

A883135. Goodrich Amram 2d procedural rules service with forms; suppl. Vol. 1-5. 5 V. 6 cards. (Standard Pennsylvania practice) Add. ti: 1977 supplements to Goodrich-Amram 2d procedural rules service with forms. Appl. states copyright not claimed on any material secured from official O.S. Govt, sources. © on additions 6 revisions; The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company: 6Jul77; A883135.

A883136. American jurisprudence* second edition, new topic service; cumulative suppl. & cumulative table of statutes £ rules cited. By the editorial staff of Jurisprudence Publishers, Inc. 58 p. 6 sheets (U p.) Appl. au: The Lawyers Co-operative publishing Company e Bancrof t-«hitney Company. Appl. states copyright not claimed on any material secured from official O.S. Govt, sources. © on additions 6 revisions; Jurisprudence Publishers, Inc.; 2«Jun77: A883136.

A883137. Hharton's Criminal procedure, 12th edition; cumulative suppl. Vol. 1-4. By Charles E. Torcia. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any material secured from official O.S. Govt, sources. © on additions 6 revisions; The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company; 14JU177; A883137.

A883138. Handling consumer credit cases; cumulative suppl. By Barkley Clark & John E. Fonseca. 193 p. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any material secured from official O.S. Govt, sources. e on additions £, revisions; The Lawyers co-operative Publishing Company; 27Jul77: A883138.

A883139. The Negligence case, res ipsa loquitur; cumulative suppl. Vol. 1-2. By Stuart H. Speiser. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any material secured from official O.S. Govt, sources. © on additions & revisions; The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company: 28Jul77; A883139.

A883140. No-fault divorce. 25 p. (American jurisprudence, second edition, new topic service) Appl. au: The Lawyers Co- operative Publishing Company 6 Bancroft- Whitney Company. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any material secured from official O.S. Govt, sources. © on additions & revisions; Jurisprudence Publishers, Inc.; 2i)Jun77: A883140.

A883im. Hichigan digest: Rest kej no. system. Vol. 1-16. 1977 cumulative annual pocket parts, for use in 1977-1978. Card 6 16 v. in 39. e Best Publishing Company; 7Jul77: &8831U1.

A88311t2. Hew Jersey session law service; 1977 laws, 197th New Jersey Legislature, second annual session. No. 3, 1977. p. 189-398. © Rest Publishing Company; 1Jul77; A8831112.

A8831i(3. Arizona legislative service, 1977; Thirty-Third Legislature, first regular session. No. 4, 1977. p. 669-870.

A8B3144. Illinois vehicle code, 1977. 268 p. Reprinted from Illinois revised statutes, 1975 6 1976 suppl. Rest Publishing Company; 20Jun77: 4883144.

A883145. Illinois law and practice; the modern encyclopedia of Illinois law. 1977 cumulative annual pocket parts, vol- 1-20 S 22-40. Folder, 44 V. 6 1 p. © Rest Publishing Company; 7Jun77: A883145.

4883146. The Sporting News' 1977 national football guide, including all-time pro records — NPL, 4FL, 44FC. Editors: Joe Harcin 6 Larry Rigge. 416 p- © The Sporting News Publishing company, a Times Mirror company; 8Aug77; 4883146-

A883147- How to sell sporting goods. 6th ed. 121 p. Appl. au: c. C. Johnson Spink. © The Sporting Goods publishing Company; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A883147.

A883148. Plant Engineering Directory And Specifications Catalog, 1977. Vol. 12- Editor: Leo Spector. 1 v. Appl. au: Technical Publishing Company. 3 Technical Publishing Company; 23flar77: A883148.

A883149. Federal estate and gift taxation, third edition, by Stephens, liaxfield £ Lind. 1977 cumulative suppl. no. 1. By Guy B. Uaxfield 6 Brian E. Comerford. Sheets. © Harreu, Gorham and Lamont, Inc.; 22JU177: A883149-

A883150- 1977 supplement to Cases and problems on domestic relations, second edition. By Homer H. Clark, Jr. 162 p. © Best Publishing Company: 7Jul77; A8831S0.

A883151. Selected Federal taxation statutes and regulations. Selected 6 edited by Michael D. Bose. 1977 ed. 1308 p. © Best Publishing company; 6Jul77; 4883151.

A883152. The Ernie and Bert book. By Norman Stiles, illustrated by Joe Hathieu. 1 v. Appl. au: Children's Television Borkshop, employer for hire. NM: art fi text other than auppet characters artwork. © Children's Television Borkshop: 26JU177; A883152.

A883153. The Ernie and Bert book. By Norman Stiles, illustrated by Joe Hathieu. 1 v. Appl. au: Muppets, Inc., employer for hire. NH: new Huppet characters artwork. a Huppets, Inc.; 26Jul77; A883153.

A883154. Oscar-the-Grouch's alphabet of trash. By Jeffrey Hoss, illustrated by Sal Hurdocca. 1 v. Appl. au: Children's Television Borkshop, employer for hire. Nd: art 6 text other than Huppet characters artwork. © Children's Television Borkshop; 26Jul77; A883154.

A883155. Oscar-the-Grouch's alphabet of trash. By Jeffrey Hoss, illustrated by Sal Hurdocca. J ,v. Appl. au: Huppets, Inc., employer for hire. NH: new Huppet characters artwork. © Huppets, Inc.; 26JU177; A883155.

A8831S6. Singer magic fusibles in fashion sewing. By Jessie Hutton, art direction: Claire F. Valentine. 88 p. Appl. au: The Singer Company. NH: text £ some new art. e The Singer Company; 20Jul77; 4883156.

A883157. Thermo' King GS 1250D undermount and nosemount maintenance manual. 33 p. Thermo King Corporation; 19Hay77; A883157.

A883158. Thermo King FB2 H6 and H7 maintenance manual. 19 p. © Thermo King Corporation; 19Hay77; A883158.

A883159. Ihermo King FB2 H6 and H7 parts manual. 74 p. Thermo King Corporation; 19Hay77; A883159.

A883160. Gillock student manuscript book. 1 v. Appl. au: Rilliam Gillock. © The Rillis Music company; 5Aug77; A883160.

A883161. 1977 social security benefits, including medicare, June 1, 1977. 32 p. © Commerce Clearing House, Inc.; 26Hay77; A883161.

A883162. Hore primary phonics; workbooks 6 phonetic story books for kindergarten through grade four. Set H2. By Barbara R. Hakar, illustrated by Anslie G. Philpot. 10 v. © Barbara R. Hakar; 20JU177; 4883162.

A883163. If mortgage banking isn't banking, what is it? It is the science of financing real estate transactions. 1 v. NH: updating. © Mortgage Bankers Association of America; 26JU177; A883163.

A883164. Quarterly tax letter. Vol. 6, no. 1, July 1977. Edited by Al Kushinsky. 7 p. © National Retail Merchants Association; 13JU177; A883164.

4883165. Suggested record retention checklist. 6 p. © National Retail Herchants Asso- ciation; 13Jul77: A883165.

A883166. Hothers of the South: portraiture of the white tenant farm woman. By flargaret Jarman Hagood, with a new introd. by Anne Firor Scott £ illustrated with photos, by Marion Post & Dorothea Lange. 252 p. Add. ti: Portraiture of the white tenant farm woman; mothers of the South. NH: introd. 6 compilation of illus. 8. R. Norton and Company, Inc.; 27Jun77: 4883166.

4883167. The Supreme court and the Constitution: readings in American constitutional history. Edited by Stanley I. Kutlec. 2nd ed. 717 p. © Stanley I. Kutler; 13Jun77; 4883167.

4883168. Carlton, OB, 1977/78. © Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company; 17May77; A883168.

4883169. The Achievement of excellence: the story of Eolls-Boyce. By Kenneth Keith, Stanley Booker 6 Samuel L. Higginbottom. 31 p. e Bolls-Boyce, Ltd.; 10Jun77; 4883169.

A883170. Public Otilities Reports (fourth series) Advance sheets, 18 P0E4th, no. 2, June 17, 1977. Editor-in-chief: Neil H. Duffy, p. 131-250. © Public Otilities Reports,

Inc.; 17Jun77: A883170.


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