Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/325

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1883420 - A8831t56
JUL-DEC. 1977

1883419 (con.) the eiceptional child; 55th annoal CEC conventioB, Atlanta, Georgia. Apr. 11-15, 1977. By Jean Beqes Burn. 12 p. O Jean Heqes Burn: 11Apr77: A683419.

A883420. About toun: a nea look at Tale and New Haven: color drawings of the university 6 the city. By Tom Hendricks, pseud, of George Gregory Snart, & Hilliaa Goetzaann, introd. by prank Loque, 1 v. overland Press, Inc. <«illia« S. Beese d.b. a. Overland Press) ; 13l!ay77; A883II20.

A883421. Keniutsu sfaoden. By Fredrick J. Lovret, photographed by Scott Delaas. 160 p. O Fredrick J. Lovret: 12Jul77: A883421.

A883422. Alabaaa health and social Indicator systea, April 1977. Prolect director: Dana B. Todsen, project assistants; Jaaes T. Bobe, Davne M. Lucas 6 Carol A. Faison. 46 p. Appl. au: southern Health Foundation, Inc. Southern Health Foundation, Inc.; 10Jun77: A883422.

A883U23. Arkansas health and social indicator systea, April 1977. Project director; Dana E. Todsen, project assistants; Jaaes T. Bobe, Davne H. Lucas 6 Carol A. Faison. 48 p. Appl. au; Southern Health Foundation, Inc. C Southern Health Foundation, Inc.: 10Jun77; A883423.

A883424. Florida health and social indicator systea, April 1977. Project director: Dana B. Todsen, project assistants: Jaaes T. Bobe, Da«ne 8. Lucas 6 Carol A. Faison. 48 p. Appl. au: Southern Health Foundation, Inc. Southern Health Foundation, Inc.; 10Jun77; A8e3424.

A883425. Georgia health and social indicator system, April 1977. Project director: Dana E. Todsen, project assistants: Jaaes T. Bobe, DaHne B. Lucas £ Carol A. Faison. 48 p. Appl. au: Southern Health Foundation, Inc. C Southern Health Foundation, Inc.; 10Jun77; A883425.

A383426. Kentucky health and social indicator systea, April 1977. Project director: Dana B. Todsen, project assistants: Jaaes T. Bobe, Oawne H . Lucas 6 Carol A. Faison. 48 p. Appl. au: Southern Health Foundation, Inc. C Southern Health Foundation, Inc.; 10Jun77: A883426.

A883427. Louisiana health and social indicator systea, April 1977. Project director: Dana B. Todsen, project assistants: Jaaes T. Bobe, Davne H. Lucas 6 Carol A. Faison. 48 p. Appl. au: Southern Health Foundation, Inc. Southern Health Foundation, Inc.; 10Jun77; A883427.

A883428. Hississippi health and social indicator system, April 1977. Project director; Dana R. Todsen, project assistants: Jaaes T. Bobe, Davne H. Lucas 6 Carol A. Faison. 48 p. Appl. au: Southern Health Foundation, Inc. Southern Health Foundation, Inc.; 10Jun77; A883428.

A883429. Horth Carolina health and social indicator systea, April 1977. Project director: Dana B. Todsen, project assistants: Jaaes T. Bobe, Dawne H. Lucas 8 Carol A. Faison. 48 p. Appl. au: Southern Health Foundation, Inc. Southern Health Foundation, Inc.; 10Jun77: A883429.

AB83430. South Carolina health and social indicator systea, April 1977. Project director: Dana B. Todsen, project assistants: Jaaes T. Bobe, Daune H. Lucas 6 carol A. Faison. 48 p. Appl. au: Southern Health Foundation, Inc. O Southern Health Foundation. Inc.; 10Jun77: A883430.

A88343I. Tennessee health and social indicator systea, April 1977. Project director: Dana B. Todsen, project assistants: Jaaes T. Bobe, Daune M. Lucas 6 Carol A. Faison. 48 p. Appl. au: Southern Health Foundation, Inc. Southern Health Foundation, Inc.; 10Jun77; A883431.

A883432. Texas health and social indicator systea, April 1977. Project director; Dana B. Todsen, project assistants: Jaaes T. Bobe, Davne H. Lucas 6 Carol A. Faison. 48 p. Appl. au: southern Health Foundation, Inc. Southern Health Foundation, Inc.; 10Jun77; A883432.

A883433. Hest Virginia health and social indicator systea, April 1977. Project director: Dana B. Todsen, project assistants: James T. Bobe, Daune H. Lucas 6 Carol A. Faison. 48 p. Appl. au: Southern Health Foundation, Inc. southern Health Foundation, Inc.; 10Jun77; A883433.

A883434. Virginia health and social indicator system, April 1977. Project director: Dana B. Todsen, project assistants: James T. Bobe, Da»ne a. Lucas 6 Carol A. Faison. 48 p. Appl. au: Southern Health Foundation, Inc. e Southern Health Foundation, Inc.; 10Jun77: A883434.

A883435. Bight on! By John Armstrong Marshall. 136 p. O John Armstrong Marshall: 27May77: A883435.

A883436. Aaerican transcendental quarterly. No. 30, spring 1976. pt. 16 2. Editor: Kenneth Baiter Caaeron. 2 v. Appl. au: Benjaain Franklin Fisher 4th. O Kenneth ialter Caaeron; 16Sep76: A883436.

A883437. Aaerican transcendental quarterly. No. 32, fall 1976, pt. 1. By Kenneth Baiter Caaeron 6 others. 31 p. Kenneth Baiter Caaeron; 16Sep76; A8B3437.

A8e3438. Aaerrcan transcendental quarterly. No. 29, vinter 1976, pt. 16 2. By Lee J. Bichaond 6 others. 2 v. O Kenneth Baiter Cameron; 16Sep76; A883438.

A883439. American transcendental quarterly. No. 31, summer 1976, pt. 1 6 suppl. 1. By George Sebouhian 6 others. 2 v. Kenneth Baiter Cameron: 16Sep76; A883439.

A883440. Tonal miste-pac. By Sobert M. DeYarman. 30 p., cards 6 «ali chart. Appl. states all new except tonal pattern strips 6 master cards. O Eobert M. Delarman; 15NOV76; A883440.

A883441. Script for: Fundamentals of aanageaent. By Paul C. Green. 145 p. (Training and developaent resources) O Paul C. Green: 150ct76; A883441.

Theodore A. Bradford. 148 p. O Theodore A. Bradford d.b. a. T. A. Bradford and Coapany; 1Jun53; Ae83442.

A883443. Detroit address telephone directory, June 1977. O Michigan Bell Telephone Coapany; 15Jun77; A883443.

A883444. First aid for epilepsy. Card. Appl. au: Dniversity of Minnesota. NM: revisions £ additions. O Comprehensive Epilepsy Program, University of Minnesota (in notice: Dniversity of Minnesota); 1Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A883444.

A883445. Epilepsy: medical aspects. Folder. Appl. au: Dniversity of Minnesota. NM: adaptation 6 additions. O Comprehensive Epilepsy Program, Dniversity of Minnesota (in notice: Dniversity of Minnesota); 15Jan77; A883445.

A883446. The Lamp of Anbai. Britten by Carl J. Brauner, edited by Andrea Gereighty, narrated on cassette by George Douglas. 77 p. O Kaset College, Inc.; 27May77; A883446.

A883447. Nev metal press working product opportunities. 265 p. Add. ti: H105 new metal press working product opportunities. Frost and Sullivan, Inc.; 1Jui76; A883447.

A883448. The Case for polygamy. By Michael H. Brown. 71 p. e The Madison Coapany a.k. a. Madison Publishing Company; iaar76 (in notice: 1975) ; A883448.

A883449. Learning curves for a network of learning elements. By B. J. Lee. 86 p. O B. J. Lee; 30Jul77; A883449.

A883450. Experiences in music within the general classroom: handbook of supplemental activities 6 resources for upper elementary grades, prepared by Mary Louise Van Bysselberghe, issued by School District 4J, Lane County. 109 p. Mary L. Van Bysselberghe; 5Aug77; A883450.

A883451. Leonard's Guide phone chart for Saint Louis aotor freight carriers; summer-fall, 1977. 25th ed. Ball chart. Appl. au: Albert E. Ercolani. G. E. Leonard and Company; 8Aug77; A883451.

A883452. Individual reading inventory, IBI. 1 v. O Fayette County Board of Education; 6Aug77; A883452.

A883453. Con Edison Power Supply safety training manual for new employees. 45 p. Appl. au: Louis Del Toro. O Louis Del Toro 6 Con Edison Power Supply Safety; 2May77; A883453.

A883454. Orange County, a book for young paisanoE. Britten 6 illustrated by Mare Stephens (Mary Davis Stephens) 145 p. O Mare Davis Stephens; 7Mar77; A883454.

A883455. Tight lines. Vol. 1, no. 1, Mar. 1, 1977. By John L. Morris. 6 p. Bass Unlimited, Inc.; 1Har77; A883455.


Favorite poems for fairy foot prints. Selected 6 edited by Billie Stockton Bhisenhunt Pruett, illustrated by Maria


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