Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/342

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A881H2II - A88U16t
JUL-DEC. 1977

4881(124. Ho» to build a coin collection. By Fred Seinfeld, revised by editor: Burton Hobson. 159 p. NM: updating o£ text. e Sterlinq Publishing CoBpany, Inc.; 8Jun77: iBStiat.

AB84125. The Halleluiah hole: the story of a frontier preacher. By Onen T. Day with Nancy C. Thomas. 174 p. 6 Judson Press; 10Auq76: A884125.

A88al26. Advocate for God: a lawyer's experience in personal evangelism. By Kenneth iilliams Linsley. 80 p. O Judson Press; aFeb77: A88it126.

A8811127. I'm divorced — are you listening. Lord? By Peggy S. Buck. 1 v. 6 Judson Press; 7Sep76: A881127.

4881128. James Seattle. By Everard B. King. 190 p. (Twayne's English authors series, 206) Appl. states all new except for prev. pub. 6 copyrighted material. G. K. Hall and company: 10Hay77; A8811128.

A884129. Bosalia De Castro. By Kathleen Kulp-Hill. 147 p. (Twayne's world authors series, 446) G. K. Hall and Company: 21Jun77; A884129.

A884130. Nicholas Bowe. By Annibel Jenkins. 167 p. (Twayne's English authors series, 200) Appl. states all new except for prev. pub. £ copyrighted material. 6 G. K. Hall and Company; 1011ay77; A884130.

A884131. Edward FitzGerald. By Iran B. Bassani Jewett. 173 p. (Twayne's English authors series, 205) Appl. states all new except for prev. pub. & copyrighted material, e G. K. Hall and Company: 10Hay77; A884131.

A884132. Edward Everett Hale. By John E. Adams. 144 p. (Twayne's Onited States authors series, 284) e G. K. Hall and Company; 21Jun77; 4884132.

A884133. Halter Pater. By Gerald Cornelius Monsman. 213 p. (Twayne's English authors series, 207) Appl. states all new except for prev. pub. 6 copyrighted material. 6 G. K. Hall and Company; 10Hay77; 4884133.

4884134. Seba Smith. By Milton Bickels 6 Patricia fiickels. 168 p. (Twayne's Dnited States authors series, 283) S G. K. Ball and Company: 21Jun77: A884134.

A884135. Charlotte Bronte. By Harqaret Howard Blom. 176 p. (Twayne's English authors series, 203) Appl. states all new except prev. pub. £ copyrighted material. O G. K. Hall and Company; 10(lay77; A884135.

A884136. Carlos Pellicer. By Edward J. Mullen. 173 p. (Twayne's world authors series, 451) e G. K. Hall and company; 22Juu77: A884136.

A884137. Diego De Saavedra Faiardo. By John Clarkson Dowling. 172 p. (Twayne's world authors series, 437) G. K. Hall and company; 21Jun77: A884137.

By Nathan K. Mao £ Liu Ts'un-yan. 173 p. (Twayne's world authors series, 447) ifl G. K. Hall and Company: 22Jun77; A884138.

Ae84139. Shapes of the voice; epic and lyric themes of a (Dutch) poet. By Bert Schierbeek, translated, edited, introduced by Charles McGeehan. 301 p. (The library of Netherlandic literature, vol. 9) SH: introd., compilation £ translation of poetry. 8 G. K. Hall and Company; 22Jun77; A884139.

A884140. Northome, Mizpah, Gemmell, Minnesota history, 1903-1977. Compiled by Lorraine Albrecht 6 Dolly Thomas. 204 p. Add. ti: Northome, Gemmell, Mizpah, 1903-1976. e Northome Bicentennial Book Committee; 29Sep76 (in notice: 1977); A884140.

A884141. The Intaglio prints of Albrecht Duerer: engravings, etchings and drypoints. Edited by Halter L. Strauss. 352 p. NM: editorial revisions 6 additional text. O Halter 1. Strauss; 28Jan77; A884141.

Aee4i42. Developmental English program. 139 p. Appl. au: Nancy Perkins 6 Doris Cella. e Nancy Perkins £ Doris Cella; 3Sep76; A884142.

A884143. Media 3 grapevine for young innovators, July 1, 1977. 6 V. Add. ti: Media 3/grapevine in 6 parts. O loung Innovators, Inc.; 1Jul77: A884143.

A884144. The American Indian Policy Review commission: a case study and analysis of an attempted large system change by a temporary organization- By Michael P. Doss. 166 p. Accompanied by Bureau of Indian Affairs management study committee print, e Michael P. Doss; 114pr77; A884144.

4884145. Hork; a literary anthology. Issue editor: 41ice Lotvin Birney, art-layout: Jane Knaus. 32 p. (LCPA newsletter, vol. 8, no. 4-5, Apr. -May 1977) 6 The Library of Congress professional Association a.a.d. for L.C.P.A. (in notice: L.C.P.A.); 26Apr77; A884145.

4884146. An objective method for tennis ranking. By Calvin 4. Lang. (In ;>entucky State Tennis Association bulletin, June 1976) e Calvin A. Lang; 1Jun76; A884146.

A884147. Four centuries of scenic invention: drawings from the collection of Donald Oenslager. Introd. £ catalogue by Donald Oenslager. 187 p. e International Exhibitions Foundation; 12Nov74: A884147.

A884148. Revelation — inspiration: a Seventh-day Adventist perspective. By Eaoul Dederen. 45 p. General Conference of seventh-day Adventists; 74ug77; 4884148.

A884149. The Responsibility of the Christian church to society. By B. B. Beach. 13 p. © General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists; 7Aug77; 4884149.

4884150. ' A Characterization of some approaches to theology and Biblical studies from the perspective of a Seventh-day Adventist. By E. Edward Zinke. 72 p. 6 General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists; 7Aug77; A884150.

A884151. Christ in us, the hope of glory, righteousness by faith in the three angels' messages of Revelation 14: interpretation principles of prophetic and apocalyptic eschatology. By Hans LaEondelle. 1 v. © General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists; 7Aug77; A884151.

A884 152. Allgemeine Principien de^ Bibelin- terpretation- By Gerhard F. Basel. 68 p. e General Conference of seventh-day Adventists; 25Jul77; A884152.

A884 153. Der Heilige Geist und die Kirche. Von Jan Paulsen. 15 p. C General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists; 25Jui77; 4884153.

A884154. The Holy Spirit and the church. By Jan Paulsen. lip. O General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists; 7Aug77; A884154.

A884 155. Offenbarung und Inspiration aus adventistischer Sicht. Von Haoul Dederen. 50 p. General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists; 25Jul77; A884155.

A884156. Der Einsigartige Charakter der siebenten-tags-adventistischen Escha- tologie. Von Bryan H. Ball. 1 v. 9 General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists; 25Jul77; A884156.

A884 157. Christus in uns — die Hoffnuug auf die Herrlichkeit, Gerechtigkeit durch den Glauben in den Dreiengeelsbotschaf ten von Offenbarung 14: Interpretationsprinzipien prophetischer und apokalyptischer Bschatologie. By Hans LaBondelle. 1 v. © General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists; 25Jul77; A884157.

A884158. Demythologizing of demythologizing. By Georges Steveny. 13 p. © General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists; 7Aug77; A884158.

4884 159. Charakterisierung einiger theologischer Hethoden und Bibelstudien aus der Sicht der Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten. Von E. Edward Zinke. 121 p. © General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists; 25JU177; A884159.

A884ie0. The Dnique character of Seventh-day Adventist eschatology. By Bryan H. Bail. 1 V. e General conference of Seventh-day Adventists; 7Aug77; A884160.

A884161. Die Hilfsmittel der biblischen Hermeneutik und ihre Beziehung zur auslegenden Predigt. Von Boy E. Graham. 1 V. O General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists; 25Jul77; A884161.

A884 162. Tools of Biblical hermeneutics and their relationship to expository preaching. By Boy E. Graham. 14 p. © General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists; 7Aug77; A884162.

4884163. Hermeneutische Probleme ueber das Verhaeltnis von Geschichtswissenschaft und Prophetie. By Hinfried Noack. 37 p. © General conference of Seventh-day 4dventists; 25Jul77; 4884163.

4884164. Die verantwortlichkeit der christlichen

Gemeinde in der Gesellschaft. Von B. B.


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