Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/357

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A8817a2. & Hord couDt of the spoken Eoqlish of nexican- American kindecqarten children. Bv Lvdia Gloria Aros Harris. Hicrofila. e Lydia Gloria Aros Harris: 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); A884742.

A88'(7U3. An Analysis of Charles Pinot Duclos's art as a novelist. By Colette Gross Leyin. Microfila. O Colette Gross Levin: 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); A8817113.

A88U7UU. Tests of international interdependence in the Bonetary approach to the balance of paynents. By Komal Si vasubrahnanyan Sri Kuuar. aicrofilu. Koaal Sivasub- rahnanyan Sri Kumar; 15Jul77; A88it7itil.

A88U7a5. The Social origins of acadenic sociology: Durkhein. By Brian Jaaes Turner. Hicrofilm. <0 Brian Janes Turner: 15JU177: A8847lt5.

A881t7lt6. Novels of inpressions; Ford Hadox Ford's autobiographies. By Elaine Qua Lees. Hicrofilm. C Elaine Ona Lees: 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) : A88it7«6.

A88U7U7. Comparison of life satisfaction, morale and adiustment scales on an elderly population. By Hancy Louise Pew Lohmann. Hicrofilm. € Nancy Louise Peu Lohmann: 15JU177 (in notice: 1976) : A88it7«7.

A88lt7U8. National health insurance as an issue in political economy: the implications of The Kennedy health security act for developing a strategy to effect maior reorganization of health care delivery in America. By Susan B. Windham. Hicrofilm. O Susan E. Bindham; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); A88II7U8.

A88I47U9. Time, history and liturgy in George Herbert's The Temple. By Hartin Elsky. Hicrofilm. Hartin Elsky; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976): A8847it9.

A88II750. The Bite of confession in five plays by Eugene O'Neill. By Sister Christine Hihelich, I.H.H. Hicrofilm. O Sister Christine Hihelich, I.H.H. : 15Jul77: A88lt750.

A881t751. An Asymptotic treatment of the problem of the buckled cylindrical shell under axial compression. By Ambar Nath Hukhernee. Hicrofilm. O Ambar Nath Hukheriee: 15Jul77: A88U751.

A881t752. Henry David Thoreau: mystic. By Hichael Bobert Keller. Hicrofilm. Hichael Bobert Keller; 15Jul77; A884752.

Ae8ll753. Alternatives in extended medical care: a comparative study of post-acute treatment programs in the Veterans Administration. By Janet B. Hitchell. Hicrofilm. O Janet B. Hitchell: 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); A88it753.

A88l475a. Analysis of passenger congestion delays at a metropolitan airport: a system simulation approach. By James Thomas Low. Hicrofilm. James Thomas Low; 15Jul77; A88«7514.

A88lt755. The lost war on poverty: the dynamics of a Federal program in an urban political

A8811756. Ccoss-market efficiency and internationally traded stock: a theoretical and empirical study. By lehuda Atai. Hicrofilm. O Yehuda Atai; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; A884756.

A88I1757. Correlation of changes in serum chemistry levels with induced body temperature fluctuations. By Uilma Elizabeth Peterson. Hicrofilm. © Bilma Elizabeth Peterson; 15Jul77; A88«757.

A88«758. Conflict and communication slippage in an educational-exchange system. By Sean Alan Tate. Hicrofilm. O Sean Alan Tate; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976) ; A88U758.

4881759. Blasphemy in the works of Albert Camus. By Solange Bastelica Harrison. Hicrofilm. e Solange Bastelica Harrison; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; A884759.

A881I760. Uork, leisure and alienation among industrial workers. By Jeffrey Fielding Durgee. Hicrofilm. C Jeffrey Fielding Durqee; 15Jul77; A884760.

A88lt761. An Investigation of factors related to black students choosing a science career. By Donna u. Dalton Opoku-Agyeman. Microfilm. S Donna u. Dalton Qpoliu- Aqyeman; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); A88lt761.

4884762. A Limnological investigation of a retired stone quarry of east central Indiana. By Walter Eaiph Kalisz. Hicrofilm. Halter Balph Kalisz; 15JU177 (in notice: 1^76); 4884762.

4884763. Selected factors related to reading success in the first grade. By Annette Daleqowski Hoorehead. Hicrofilm. d Annette Dalegowski Hoorehead; 15Jul77; Ae84763.

4884764. Of glory obscur'd: beatific vision in the narratives of Jack Kerouac. By Vernon Francis Ball. Hicrofilm. e Vernon Francis Ball; 15Jul77; A884764.

A884765. Bilingual language development in preschool Hexican-American children. By Wendy Eloise Anderson Bedlinger. Hicrofilm. O Wendy Eloise Anderson Bedlinger; 15Jul77; A884765.

4884766. The Baia book 2; a complete new map-guide to today's Baja California. By Tom Hiller e Elmar Baiter, with a foreword by Bay Cannon, art director: Hike Glover, illus. : Charles Larson. 180 p. NH: editorial revision 6 additions. Tom Hiller S Elmar Baxter; 29Jun77; A884766.

A884767. Toward a theory of jazz drumming. Sheets. Appl. au: Lowell H. Schiff. 6 Lowell H. Schiff; 19Hay77: 4884767.

4884768. 4cademy of Hanagement; proceedings. Edited by Bobert L. Taylor 6 others. 508 p. 4dd. ti: Proceedings of the thirty- seventh annual meeting of the 4cademy of Hanagement. O Academy of Hanagement; 12Aug77: A884768.

4884769. B. A. health service administration curriculum; intersession (weeks 1-8) 1 v. O Institute for Professional Development; 1Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A884769.

A884770. The Four conditions of self esteem: a new approach for elementary classrooms. By Beynold Bean £ Harris Clemes. 121 p. 6 Beynold Bean 6 Harris Clemes; JJun77; A884770.

A884771. Bozaba: Taron-Bey's adventures "beyond Andromeda." Written 6 illustrated by David Uarrer. 1 v. Add. ti: Bozaba: a spiritual space quest. Appl. au : David Harrer/starsonq Graphics. 6 David Harrer/Starsong Graphics; 6Jun77; A884771.

A884772. Offer the new high style line for greater choice and higher profits. 2 p. O Teledyne Hater Pik; 16Hay77; A884772.

A834773. Over half the people who buy One Step At A Time want a little more time. 2 p. e Teledyne Hater Pik; 29Har77; A884773.

A884774. EDIT: a powerful text editor. Designed £ programmed by Christopher W. Hidgley. Sheets in 2 envelopes. O Christopher W. Hidgley; 25Apr77; A884774.

A884775. The Tulsa sampler. A presentation of Pilgrim Productions, ltd. 1 p. Pilgrim Productions. Ltd.; 7Jun77; A884775.

Aa84776. Three in a row at Atlantic City for cash. 2 p. Appl. au: fiolando oioses. <9 Bolando Dioses; 31Dec76: A884776.

A884777. How to make a electric chess board and have it play you in a game of chess — also, how to make a electric checker board that can play checkers; instruction manual. 1 V. Add. ti: Electric chess and checkers- -instruction manual. Appl. au: Gary J. Van Braght. C Gary J. Van Braght; 11Jul77; 4884777.

A884778. Billions of years in Hinnesota: the geological story of the state. By Edmund C. Bray. 102 p. Pt. 3 prev. pub. as A Billion years in Minnesota — the glacial story of the state, copyrighted 1962. NH: revision of pt. 3 £ new material. O Edmund c. Bray; 1Jul77: A884778.

A884779. Agricultural development in the Transamazon Highway. By Emilio P. Horan. 136 p. e Emilio F. Horan; 20Dec76; 4884779.

4884780. Adjustment; Psychology 533D. By Edgar A. Chenoweth, issued by the University of Wyoming, Correspondence Study Department. 67 p. Appl. au: The Oniversity of Wyoming. The Oniversity of Wyoming; 11JU177; A884780.

A884781. The Anti-Cruelty Society annual report 1975-1976. 1 V. O The Anti-Cruelty Society; 6Hay77; A884781.

A884782. Fleetcom 2 land mobile product line; Jetpac, Johnson educational training package. 15 p. Add. ti: Fleetcom 2 product line. O E. F. Johnson company

Technical Education Center (in notice: £.


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