Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/371

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1885232 - 1885270
JUL-DEC. 1977

^885231 (con.) Schuster division of Gulf and Bestern Corporation: 1Hay77; 18852J1.

&a85232. Capital qains. A Hold-Iour-Handboolt by Conrad Teitell. 14 p. Conrad Teitell; 12»uq77: i885232.

1885233. Nashville Babylon. By S. ft. Hartinez. 207 p. O S. A. Hartinez; 25Jul77: 1885233.

1885231). The Boubella shuttle. By Hilliaa Convertito (Bill Convertito) 6 Indrew J. Collins. 158 p. C Bill Convertito 6 1. J. Collins; 26JU177: 18852311.

1885235. Don't die on my shift. By Hilliaa F. Sayers. 237 p. Hilliaa F. Sayers; 27JU177: i885235.

1885236. MCa laos Coboi student text. 952 p. O NCB Corporation; 31uq77: 1885236.

1885237. NCB IHOS Cobol pocket reference. 39 p. NCB Corporation: 31uq77: 1885237.

1885238. The Legal process: aodelinq the systea. By Stuart s. Naqel C Harian Neef. 215 p. (Saqe library of social research, vol. 45| O Saqe Publications. Inc.: 151ug77: 1885238.

1885239. Conflict and power in aarriaqe: expectinq the first child. By Balph LaBossa, pref. by Hurray 1. Straus. 169 p. (Saqe library of social research, vol. 50) Saqe Publications, Inc.; 151uq77; 1885239.

1885240. Hanaqinq the huaan service organization: froB survival to achieveaent. By Hichacd steiner. 255 p. (Sourcebooks for lapEovinq huaan services, vol. 1) O Saqe Publications, Inc.; 15Jul77: 1885240.

1885241. Criae prevention throuqb envixonaental desiqn. By c. Bay Jeffery. 351 p. NH: coaplete revision of 1971 ed. 6 Saqe Publications, Inc.: 26Jul77: 1885241.

1885242. Jewish identity: a social psycholoqical perspective. By Siaon N. Heraan, foreword by Herbert C. Kelaan. 263 p. (Sage library of social research, vol. 48) Sage Publications, Inc.; 151uq77; 1885242.

1885243. Horowitz- Issued by The Classics Becord Library, an appreciation by Nathan Kroll, notes on the ausic by Joseph Braunstein. 1 V. Ippl. au: Book-of-the-Honth club. Inc. O Book-of-the-Bonth Club, Inc.; 19JU177: 1885243.

1885244. IHS: individualized aatheaatics systea. Level 1: pupil answer key, answers to skill-folder paqes. Sheets. Ippl. au; Educational Systeas, Inc. O Ginn and Coapanv (Xerox Corporation); 1Sep76: 1885244.

1885245. IHS: individualized aatheaatics systea. Level 1, practice book 1-3. 3 v. Ippl. au: Educational Systeas, Inc. Ginn and COBpany (Xerox Corporation): 1Sep76: 1885245.

1885246. INS: individualized aatheaatics systea. Level 1; pretests, post tests, cuaulative tests. Sheets £ 2 folders. Ippl. au: Educational Systeas, Inc. Ginn and Company (Xerox corporation): 1Sep76; 1885246.

1885247. IHS: individualized aatheaatics systea. Level 1: pre-algebra skill folder, aeasureaent skill folder, geoaetry skill folder, problea solving skill folder, coaputation skill folders, rational nuDbers skill folders, numeration skill folder. Sheets in folders. Ippl. au: Educational Systeas, Inc. O Ginn and Coapany (Xerox Corporation) : 1Sep76; 1885247.

1885248. Staten Island, NY, address telephone directory, lugust 2, 1977. New York Telephone Coapany; 21ug77: 1885248.

1885249. Brooklyn address telephone directory, July 22, 1977. 6 New York Telephone Coapany; 22Jul77; 1885249.

1885250. The Bronx, NY, address telephone directory, July 15, 1977. O New York Telephone Coapany; 15JU177; 1885250.

1885251. Songbird. By Christine HcVie. On folder in record jacket entitled Buaours. (Bith Second band news C others) 6 Gentoo Husic, Inc.; 10Feb77: 1885251.

188 5252. The Chain. By Lindsey Buckinghaa, Hick Fleetwood, Christine Hcyie, John HcVie (. Stevie Nicks. On folder in record jacket entitled Buaours. (With Second hand news & others) e Gentoo Husic, Inc., Now Sounds flusic & Helsh Bitch Husic; 10Feb77: 1885252.

1885253. You aake loving fun. By Christine HcVie. On folder in record jacket entitled Humours. (Uith Second hand news 6 others) Prev. req. 311ug76, £0713071. e Gentoo Husic, Inc.; 10Peb77; 1885253.

1885254. I don't want to know. By Stevie Nicks. On folder in record jacket entitled Buaours. (Hith Second hand news £ others) O Gentoo Husic, Inc. £ Helsh Hitch Husic; 10Feb77: 1S85254.

1885255. Gold dust woman. By stevie Nicks. On folder in record jacket entitled Buaours. (Bith Second hand news £ others) Prev. reg. 311ug76, £0713077. Gentoo Husic, Inc. C Belsh Hitch Husic; 10Feb77; 1885255.

A8852S6. Oh Daddy. By Christine HcVie. On folder in record jacket entitled Buaours. (Uith Second hand news £ others) Prev. reg. 311ug76, £07 13075. Gentoo Husic, Inc.; 10Feb77: 1885256.

1885257. Second hand news. By Lindsey Buc- kinghaa. On folder in record jacket entitled Buaours. (Hith Dreaas £ others) O Gentoo Husic, Inc. £ Now Sounds Husic; 10Feb77: 1885257.

1885258. Oreaas. By stevie Nicks. On folder in record jacket entitled Buaours. (Hith Second hand news £ others) O Gentoo Husic, Inc. £ Helsh Hitch Hosic: 10Feb77; 1885258.

1885259. Never going back again. By Lindsey Buckinghaa. On folder in record jacket entitled Buaours. (Hith Second hand news £ others) O Gentoo Husic, Inc. £ Now Sounds Husic; 10Feb77; 1885259.

1885260. Don't stop. By Christine HcVie. On folder in record jacket entitled Buaours. (Hith Second hand news £ others) Prev. reg. 311ug76, £0713074. O Gentoo Husic, Inc.; 10Peb77; 1885260.

1885261. Suaaary 1977: 17th Horld Service Conference, 11-lnon, Ipril 18-23, 1977. 39 p. Idd. ti: 11-lnon 17th Horid Service Conference, suaaary 1977. 11-lnon Faaily Group Headquarters, Inc. ; 51ug77; 1865261.

1885262. £1 Prurito reglaaentista. Por Zoltan Herszei. Folder (4 p.) (Executive advisory service, Spanish ed.) NH: translation. O Alexander Bamilton Institute, Inc.; 81og77; 1885262.

1885263. The Bequlatory itch. By Zoltan Herszei. Polder (4 p.) (Executive advisory service, English ed.) O llexander Hamilton Institute, Inc.; 8Aug77; A885263.

A885264. Apparel sales compensation. Prepared by the Imerican Ipparel Hanufact urers Issociation, Harketing Committee, compiled by Priestland Issociates. 25 p. Ippl. au: laerican Ipparel Hanufacturers Issociation. 6 laerican Ipparel Hanufacturers Association, Inc.; 19Jul77; A885264.

A885265. President-trustee relationships: meeting the challenge of leadership; a case approach to functional and dysfunctional assumptions and techniques. By Haxvell C. King £ Bobert L. Breuder. 66 p. O American Association of Community and Junior Colleges; lAug77: 1885265.

A885266. American National Standard for uniform recordkeeping for occupational injuries and illnesses. ANSI Z16. 4-1977. Secretariat: American Insurance Asso- ciation £ National Safety Council. 16 p. Imerican National standards Institute, Inc.; 28JU177: 1885266.

1885267. Hethods of forming metals; home study fi extension courses. Presented by the Imerican Society for Hetals, Hetals Engineering Institute, by Geoffrey E. Brock, edited by Balph E. Edelaan. JO p. Imerican Society for Hetals — Hetals Engineering Institute; 22Jun77; A885267.

A885268. New data base: Bureau of Labor Statistics consumer expenditure survey. 12 p. (Consumer products service) Data Besources, Inc.; 20Jun77; 1885268.

1885269. Sun Coapany; research bulletin, July 1977. By Kurt a. Rulff. 6 p. Ippl. au: Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette Securities Corporation. O Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette Securities Corporation; 29Jul77; 1885269.

A885270. Subject heading guide to engineering categories. 1 1 1 p. O Engineering Index,

Inc.; 11Aug77; Aa85270.


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