Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/395

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S886222 - A886261
JUL-DEC. 1977

1886222. Top secret: Dational security and the rlqbt to tenon. By Hortoo B. HalperlD E Daniel N. Hoffnan. 158 p. O Nev Bepublic Books: 29Jui77; 4886222.

4886223. Ballyinq cries. Three plays by Eric Bussell Bentley. 235 p. NM : focevocd £ afterword. C Eric Bentley; 2itllay77; 1886223.

1386221. Uhite House vatch: the Ford years. By John Osborne, cartoons by Banan Lurie. U82 p. Portions appeared in the New republic between Sept. 197it-Jan. 1977. Na: introd. John Osbocne; 1Jul77: 1886220.

1886225. Hhat every nan should know about divorce. By Robert Cassidy, foreword by Hel Krantzler. 247 p. Haterial on p. 82-85 adapted from Trial aaqazine. Bobert Cassidy; 8Jul77; 1886225.

1886 226. Public Affairs Infornation Service foreiqn lanquaqe index. Vol. 6, 1976. Annual bound cumulation. Editor: Bobert S. lilson e other editors. 608 p. Idd. ti: PUS foreiqn lanquaqe index. French, Geraan, Italian G other lanquaqes. 6 Public Affairs Infornation Service, Inc.; 28JU177: 1886226.

1886227. Fundamentals of nanaqenent science. By Efrain Turban G Jack B. Beredith. 579 p. Business Publications, Inc.; 12Hay77; AB86227.

A886228. Instructor's manual to acconpany Basic nanaqenent: an experience-based approach. By Hyler J- Bracey G Aubrey Saoford. 12J p. Business Publications, Inc.; 12Hay77: 1886228.

1886229. Biofeedback: how to control your body, improve your health and increase your effectiveness. By Bobert H. Stern 6 Hillian J. Bay. 197 p. O Dow Jones- Irwin; 12Hay77: 1886229.

1886230. Housinq markets: the complete guide to analysis and strategy for builders, lenders and other investors. By Hichael Sunichrast G Haury Seldin. 504 p. Dow Jones-Irwin; 26May77; A886230.

1886231. Hinninq with noney: a quide for your future. By Beryl H. Sprinkel G Bobert J. Genetski. 2 56 p. O Dow Jones-Irwin; 12Hay77; AB86231.

A886232. Alienation: Harx's conception of nan in capitalist society. By Bertell Oilman. 2nd ed. 339 p. (Cambridqe studies in the history and theory of politics) C Cambridqe University Press; 26Jan77 (in notice: 1971, 1976); A886232.

A886233. The Locke reader: selections from the works of John Locke with a qeneral introduction and commentary. By John H. Yolton. 335 p. NH: pref. , introd., connentaries on Locke's writings, footnotes, conclusion, bibliography G index. Cambridge University Press; 25Feb77; 1886233.

1886234. The Process of spermatogenesis in animals. By Edward C. Boosen-Bunqe. 214 p. (Developmental and cell bioloqy series, 5) Cambridqe University Press; 29ipr77; 1886234.

1886235. The Political theory of Hontesquieu. By Helvin Blchter. 355 p. C Cambridge Oniversity Press; 29Apr77; A886235.

A886236. Van Uyck Brooks: in search of Anerican culture. By James Uoopes. 346 p. O The Oniversity of Hassachusetts Press; 3Har77; A886236.

A886237. From the ghetto: the fiction of Abraham Cahan. By Jules chametzky. 161 p. The University of Hassachusetts Press; 3Bar77; A886237.

A886238. The Bedeemed captive. By John Uillians, edited by Edward V. Clark. 137 p. BH: editorial revision. Q The Oniversity of Hassachusetts Press; iaDec76; 1686238.

1886239. The Politics of autonomy: a Kantian reading of Bousseau's Social contract. By Andrew Levine. 2 1 1 p. The University of Hassachusetts Press; 10Dec76; 1886239.

1886240. Tecumseh, HI, city directory, 1977. fiobinson Directories, Inc.; 12Aug77; A886240.

A886241. The Bustication of urban youth in china: a social experiment. Edited by Peter J. Seybolt, introd. by Thomas P. Bernstein. 200 p. (The China book project) Translation of Je-ch'ing kuan-huai hsia-hsiang chih-shih ch'inq-nien ti ch'eng cbang: tso-hao chih-shih ch'ing- uien shang-shan hsia-hsiang ti cbing-yen, translated as Have a warm concern for the growth of educated youths going down to the countryside: the experiences of doing a good iob at the work of educated youths going up to the mountains and down to the countryside, 1973; translation of most material prev. pub. in Chinese education. NH: introd. 6 p. 173-200. H. E. Sharpe, Inc.; 27Jun77; 1886241.

A886242. Warfare in the sokoto Caliphate: historical and sociological perspectives. By Joseph P. Smaldone. 228 p. (African studies series, 19) S Cambridge University Press; 25Har77; A886242.

1886243. Competition and coercion: blacks in the American economy, 1865-1914. By Bobert Hiqgs. 208 p. O Cambridge Oniversity Press; 25Feb77; A886243.

A886244. A Book of feelings. By Joseph H. Sollers. 133 p. Joseph a. Sollers; 17Auq77; A886244.

A886245. Sixty challenging problems with Basic solutions. By Donald D. Spencer. 80 p. Camelot Publishing Company, Inc.; 1Jul77; A8a6245.

A886246. Bunka Shi-Shu: Japanese cultural embroidery; a complete book of inst- ructions. By Budelia Buth Barnard, photography by Bob Banas. 1 v. O Budelia Buth Barnard; 28Jul77; A886246.

Aa86247. A Career with Dairy Queen — what's in it for me? Polder. Appl. au: John Douglas Holcomb. O Dairy Queen Stores, Inc.; 23JU177; A886247.

A886248. Piano by ear; or. The Fun way to learn music theory. By Hary Ann Polk. 116 p. Hary Ann Polk; 11Aug77; Ae86248.

A886249. The Baida Hide deluxe chalets and lodges: a new concept in modern living. 7 p. O Baida Hide, Inc.; 15Aug72; A886249.

A886250. Christmas ornament. No. 112. 2 p. Add. ti: "Christnas in cross-stitch" — bell and trees Christmas ornament. Appl. au: June J. Grigg. C June J. Grigg d.b.a. June Grigq/Designs; iaay77; A886250.

A886251. Christnas ornaoents. No. 110. 2 p. Add. ti: "Christmas in cross-stitch"- -Santa and wreath Christnas ornaments. Appl. au: June J. Grigg. O June J. Grigg d.b.a. June Grigg/Designs ; 1Hay77; A886251.

A886252. "Ouch" pincushion. No. 105. 2 p. Appl. au: June J. Grigg. O June J. Grigg d.b.a. June Grigg/Designs; 1Hay77; A886252.

A886253. For every season. No. 115. 1 p. Appl. au: June J. Grigg. June J. Grigg d.b.a. June Grigg/Designs; 1Hay77; AB86253.

A886254. Honthly datasheet of implicit market forecasts, July 29, 1977. 9 p. OH. C. Uainwright and Company; 17Aug77; A886254.

A886255. Economic and investment observations: change in Texaco's credit rating, August 17, 1977. 5 p. e a. C. lainwright and Company; 17Aug77; A88fc255.

1886256. Stopping power meters. By John Joseph Uilliams. 2nd ed. 8 p. 6 John J. Williams and Family (family includes G is limited to Laurencia Williams, wife, G children Laurie. Clifford E Helanre) ; 26JU177; A8B6256.

A886257. Conoley-Harrison projected self-concept inventory: use of results. Developed by Colleen Uyatt Conoley £ Helene Westbrook Harrison. 1 v. Colleen Wyatt Conoley G Uelene Westbrook Harrison (in notice: Conoley G Harrison); 15Jun77; A886257.

A8862S8. Conoley-Harrison projected self-concept inventory; instructions for administering. Developed by Colleen Wyatt Conoley E Helene Westbrook Harrison. 10 p. O Colleen Wyatt Conoley E Uelene Westbrook Harrison (in notice: Conoley G Harrison) ; 15Jun77; 1886258.

1886259. Besource recovery and energy systems. 15 p. O Combustion Engineering, Inc.; 31JU177; A886259.

A886 260. Stop! an adult card game for two people. 11 p. Ippl. au: Dorothy V. Strickland £ Wilburn L. Strickland. Dorothy V. Strickland; 15Aug77; A886260.

A886261. Cortez Peters championship typing drills for speed and accuracy development. Daily outline for speed and accuracy development class. Speed and accuracy development class. By Cortez W. Peters, Jr. 3 v. O Cortez w. Peters, Jr.; 18Aug77;



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