Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/40

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A871941 (con.) NH: compilation. C Hal Leonard Pablishing Corporation; 13May77; ABTISUI.

A871942. Biq Al country book. For all organs, piano & guitar. U8 p. (E-Z Play Dusic) NM: compilation, guitar chord chart 6 chord speller chart. 6 Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation; 31May77: A8719a2.

A871943. Love hallads. For all organs, piano & guitar. 18 p. (E-Z Play music) NM: compilation. 6 Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation; 13aay77; A8719«3.

A871944, Kimball swinger organ course. Pt. 1. 2nd ed. 96 p. S Hal Leonard publishing corporation: 20May77; A87191IH.

A871945. Eicploring the sounds of Yamaha, model B-60. 1 8 p. Accompanied by sound recording. NB: tent, compilation 6 instructional material. 6 Hal- Leonard Publishing Corporation: 26Hay77; A871945.

A871946. Hans Kleiber: artist of the Big Horn Mountains. By Emmie D. Bygatt 6 Roberta Carkeek Cheney. 152 p. @ Caxton Printers, Ltd.; 11tDec75 ; A8719U6. (See also Hans Kleiber; artist of the Big Horn Mountains; ilPeb76 (in notice: 1975); A720269)

A871947. Christopher; The Show never ends. Producer 6 author of liner notes: Vyto B. a.k.a. Vytautas Beleska, cover designed by Planet Communications, a division of clay Pigeon International, photography: Alexas Orba, art direction 6 graphics: Vannides- Hlodock. Record iacket. Accompanied by lyric sheet. 6 Clay Pigeon International, solely oiined by Vytautas Beleska; 20Jun77; A8719«7.

A871948. American National standard requirements for photocraphic grade blotters. ANSI PH«. 10-1 977, revision of PH4. 10-1953 (R1970I Secretariat: National Association of Photographic Manufacturers, Inc. 2 p. NM: updating 6 revisions. American National Standards Institute; 27Apr77; A871948.

A871949. American National Standard tests for general office chairs. ANSI X5. 1-1977. 24 p. e American National Standards Institute, Inc.; 27May77; A8719it9.

A871950. Agricultural engineers yearbook, 1977. Managing editor: Joan F. Baxter, executive editor: Russell H. Hahn, Jr. 2'lth ed. 678 p. Appl. au: The American Society of Agricultural Engineers, e The American Society of Agricultural Engineers; 6Jun77: A871950.

A871951. Here's how 2 out of 5 people find housing. By Jackson Holt Gray. 150 p. Appl. au: Jackson Holt Gray d.b.a. Gray and Associates. NM: editorial revision 6 compilation, e Jackson Holt Gray d.b.a. Gray and Associates; 11May77; A871951.

A871952. Materials, compounding ingredients, and machinery for rubber. 1977 ed. 500 p. Add. ti: Blue book, 1977. Appl. au: Rubber World Magazine. Q Bill Commu- nications, Inc.; 23May77: A8719S2.

A871953. Rheumatic disease: occupational therapy and rehabilitation. By Jeanne L. Helvin, illustrated by Lois R. Barnes. 254 p. Q F. A. Davis Company; 17Jun77; A871953.

A871954. A Christian Science lecture entitled: Responding to the Word of God- No- 4. By Catherine H. Anuandter. Folder. Add. ti: A Lecture on Christian Science entitled Responding to the Word of God. Appl. au: The Christian Science Board of Directors, employer for hire. The Christian Science Board of Directors; 31May77j A871954.

A871955. A Christian Science lecture entitled: The Search for life. No. 2. By James a. McGrew. Folder. Add, ti: A Lecture on Christian Science entitled The Search for life. Appl. au: The Christian Science Board of Directors, employer for hire. e The Christian Science Board of Directors: 31May77; A871955.

A871956. Geography: map and atlas usage; duplicating masters. Author: Norman S. Warns, Jr. 24 p. (Social studies, code c and D, no. 3009) Appl. au: Ideal School Supply Company. 6 Ideal School Supply Company; 16May77; A871956.

A871957. Flat rate manual, 1977. Editorial supervision by John Lauwaert, art direction by Dave Godfrey. 79 p. Appl. au: The Irving-Cloud Publishing Company. The Irving-Cloud Publishing Company; 13May77; A871957.

A871958. Kokomo, also includes alphabetical lists of Amboy, Bunker Hill, IN. and others telephone directory, June 1977. © Indiana Bell Telephone Company, Inc.; 9May77; A871958.

A871959. The Essentials of American history to 1877, By Richard Nelson Current, T. Harry Williams, Prank Freidel 6 W. Elliot Brounlee. 2nd ed. 208 p. 6 Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.; 31Jan77; A871959.

A871960. The Essentials of American history since 1865. By Richard Nelson Current, T. Harry Williams, Frank Freidel 6 W. Elliot Brounlee. 2nd ed. 428 p. 6 Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.; 31Jan77; A871960,

A871961. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America; program of the 93rd meeting, J. Orvis Keller Conference Center, the Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, 6-10 June 1977. Vol. 61, suppl. no. 1, spring 1977. Editor-in-chief: 8. Bruce Lindsay 6 other editors. 99 p. e Acoustical Society of America; 6May77; A871961.

A871962. Medicine and society in Tanganyika, 1890-1930: a historical inquiry. By Ann Beck. 59 p. (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 67, pt. 3, 1977) O The American Philosophical Society; 29Apr77; A871962.

A871963. Physics and astronomy classification scheme — PACS, 1977. Editor: Samuel Schiminovich 6 other editors. 105 p. 6 American Institute of Physics; 19May77; A871963.

A871965. Earthmaker; the amazing revolving drum composter. Folder. © Gardening Naturally. Inc.; 18Apr77; A871965-

A871966. How to make nutrient-rich compost in your Earthmaker revolving drum composter from Gardening Naturally, Inc. Folder. Gardening Naturally, Inc.; 27May77; A871966.

A871967. Economics: a revieH of the recovery. 11 p. (Inquiry, Bay 3, 1977) 9 Lincoln First Bank of Rochester; 9May77; A871967.

A871968. Altair 660b KCACB documentation. Sheets (124 p.) e MITS. Inc.; 25Hay77; A871968.

A871969. Package 2 assembly language development system. Sheets (62 p.) 6 BITS, Inc.; 25Mar77; A871969.

A871970. Sports all stars, 1977: pro basketball. Edited by Allen John Hardy. 72 p. Appl. au: Maco Publishing Company, Inc. @ Haco Publishing Company, Inc.; 111Iov76; A871970.

A871971. The World of house plants. Vol. 1, 1976. Editor: Evelyn Fiore. art director: Robert Thornton, picture editor: Helena Levenstein. 72 p. Appl. au; Maco Publishing Company, Inc. Q Maco Publishing Company, Inc.; 14Dec76; A871971.

A871972. The Three Marys. By Ruth Rudolph Stephens. 34 p. 6 Ruth Rudolph Stephens; 10May77; A871972.

A871973. In search of the virgin. By Donald Allen Martin. 174 p. S Donald Allen Martin; 5May77; Ae71973.

A871974. A Flower that shines. By Marie Hazard Hoogan. 1 v. (Songpoems of love and life, vol. 1) C Marie Hazard Moogan; 5May77; A871974.

A871975. Instructor's manual to accompany Sociology: concepts and characteristics* third edition. By Judson R. Landis with the assistance of James T. Spencer. 124 p. NM: revisions 6 additions. e WadsHorth Publishing Company, Inc.; 13May77; A871975.

A871976. Ethnic encounters: identities and contexts. Edited by George L. Hicks 6 Philip E. Leis. 289 p. Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc.; 2May77; A871976.

A871977. Percussion manual. By F. Michael Combs. 160 p. e Wadsworth Publishing Company. Inc.; 11Bay77; A871977.

A871978, Brothers: pressbook. 15 p. Q Warner Brothers, Inc.; 28Apr77; A871978.

A871979. Instructor's manual to accompany Personnel management; a human resource systems approach. By Elmer H. Burack 6 Robert D. Smith. 84 p. © West Publishing Company; 4Apr77; A871979.


Thermo King XRWL; maintenance manual.


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