Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/424

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4887402 - 4887440
JUL-DEC. 1977

S887a01 (con.) vocabulary- By Roselinde Konrad. 397 p- 3 Harper and Boh, Publishers, Inc.; 64pr77; S887401.

48871(02. Sexual scripts; the social construction of female sexuality. By Judith Long Laws & Pepper Schwartz. 243 p. Q The Dryden Press, a division of Holt, Binehart and Winston; 20Jun77; 4887402.

4887403. Crisis, absolutism, revolution: Europe, 1648-1789/91. By Bayaond Birn. 290 p. @ The Dryden Press, a division of Holt, Einehart and Hinston; 8Jun77; 4887403.

4887404. The Vulnerable years: the Onited States, 1896-1917. By Iruin Dnqer 6 Debi Onqer. 205 p. © The Dryden Press, a division of Holt, Binehart and Hinston, Publishers: 27May77: 4887404.

4887405. Modern comparative politics. By Peter H. Merkl. 2nd ed. 251 p. 8 The Dryden Press, a division of Holt, Binehart and Hinston; 27Hay77; 4887405.

4837406. Laboratory investigations in biology. By James B. Otto, 41bert Toille, H. David Otto 6 Hyra E. Hadniclc. 217 p. Portions prev. pub. in Biology investigations. NH: revisions. @ Holt, Binehart and Winston, Publishers; 6Say77; 4887406.

4887407. Bhymes and tales. By Eldonna L. Evertts, Bernard J. Neiss & Susan B. CruikshanJc. 64 p. MM: revisions & aev illus. e Holt. Binehart and Hinston, Publishers: 3Jan77: 4887407.

4887408. Beyond words. By Swaoi Satchidananda, edited by Lester 41exander with the drawings of Peter Max. 182 p. Bll: text. e Swami Satchidananda; 31Hay77: 4887408.

4887409. Beyond words. By Swami Satchidananda, edited by Lester Alexander with the drawings of Peter Hax. 182 p. © on illus.; Peter Max; 31llay77; 4887409.

AB8741D. Books and games, level 4; teacher's ed. By Eldonna L. Evertts, Bernard J. Heiss & Susan B. Cruikshank. 112 p. Portions prev. pub. as Books and games & Skills practice, duplicating masters for Bhymes and tales. Books and games. Pets and people, and Can you imagine? UHz revisions & additions. Q Holt, Binehart and Hinston, Publishers; 3Jan77; 4887410.

4887411. Moody's Industrial manual, 1977. Vol. 1-2. Editor-in-chief: Robert p. Hanson 6 other editors. © Moody's Investors Service, Inc.; 154ug77; 4887411.

4887412. 4 Dinosaur is too big. By Elizabeth Bram. 1 v. © Elizabeth Bram; 8Feb77: 4887412.

4887413. The Squeal man: the true story of Batt Bonora, suburban homicide detective. By Martin Flusser. 251 p. 6 Martin Flusser; 10Jun77; 4887413.

4887414. Meditation for young people. By Terry Lesh. 128 p. © Terry Lesh; 114pr77; 4887414.

4887415. The Endless dark: stories of underground adventure. Selected by Phyllis Beid Fenner, illustrated by Steve Marcfaesi. 192 p. Prev- pub. in The Saturday evening post & others. © on selection, Introd. & illus.; Phyllis E. Fenner; 14Jul77; 4887415.

4887416. I'm Deborah Sampson: a soldier in the War of the Bevolution. By Patricia Clapp. 176 p. © Patricia Clapp; 10Mar77; 4887416.

4887417. Sheriff Sally Gopher and the haunted dance hall. Story & pictures by Bobert M. Quackenbush. 64 p. © Bobert Quackenbush; 8Feb77; 4887417.

4887418. The Life and death of Martin Luther King, Jr. By James Haskins- 176 p- 6 on entire text; James Haskins; 11Apr77; 4887418-

4887419. Bamona and her father. By Beverly cleary, illustrated by 41an Tieqreen- 186 p- Chap- 7 prev- appeared in Family circle magazine- © on entire text G illus- excluding prev. pub. material; Beverly Cleary; 14Jul77: 4887419.

4887420. Benny. By Barbara Cohen. 154 p. © Barbara Cohen; 10Har77; A887420.

4887421. Dnder the rainbow: growing up gay. By Arnie Kantrowitz. 255 p. © on entire text & 8 photos- ; 4rnie Kantrowitz; 12May77; 4887421-

4887422- Liebers' Guide: how to organize and run a club- By Arthur Liebers- 203 p. © Arthur Liebers; 10Jun77; 4887422.

4887423. The People's almanac presents The Book of lists. By David Hallechinsky, Irving Wallace & 4my Ballace. 521 p. © on entire text excluding prev. pub. material; David Wallechittsky, Irving Ballace & 4my Wallace; 24Mar77; 4887423.

4887424. Carolina hurricane. By Marian Bumsey, illustrated by Ted Lewin. 157 p. © Marian Bumsey; 14Jul77; A887424.

4887425. The Man on the unicycle and other stories. By Elizabeth Bram. 55 p. © Elizabeth Bram; 10Mar77; 4887425.

4887426. Slapdash alterations: how to recycle your wardrobe. By Carol Barkin & Elizabeth James, illustrated by Bita Floden Leydon. 92 p. © Carol Barkin £ Elizabeth James; 11Apr77; 4887426.

4887427. Slab, coil and pinch: a beginner's pottery book. By 41ice Thompson Gilbreath, illustrated by Barbara Fiore. 64 p. © Alice Gilbreath; 10Bar77; 4887427.

4887428. Make your pet a present. By Eve Barwell, Illustrated by Giulio Maestro. 110 p. © Eve Barwell; 1 14pr77; 4887428.

4887429. The Benedict 4rnold connection. By Joseph DiMona. 275 p. © Joseph DiMona; 14JU177; A887429.

4887430. 4 Boat, a bat and a beanie: things to make from a newspaper. By Vivienne Eisner e 4delle Weiss, illustrated with drawings by Adelle Heiss £ photos, by Daniel Dorn, Jr. 92 p. 8 Vivienne Eisner & Adelle Heiss; 114pr77; 4887430.

4387431. Pea soup and sea serpents. Hritten £ illustrated by William E. Schroder. 1 v. © William E. Schroder; 10Mar77; 4887431.

4887432. HcTeague: a story of San Francisco- By Frank Norris, edited by Donald Pizer. 380 p. tJM: compilation, pref., editorial apparatus £ selected bibliography. 6 W. H. Morton and Company, Inc.; 25Jul77; 4887432.

4887433. The Decameron. By Giovanni Boccaccio, selected, translated & edited by Mark Musa S Peter E. Bondanella. 334 p. NM: translation, compilation, pref., editorial matter £ selected bibliography. © H. H. Morton and Company, Inc.; 25Jul77; 4887433.

4887434. The Gentle way. By Paul S. Delp. 171 p. © Philosophical Library, Inc.;- 29JU177; 4887434.

A887435. Living by choice: the theory and practice of self-determination. By Donald J. Tyrell. 143 p. 8 Philosophical Library, Inc.; 24ug77; 4887435.

4887436. The Impact of college on persisting and nonpersisting students. By Cash Kowalski. 106 p. 8 Philosophical Library, Inc.; 30Jun77; A887436.

4887437. 4nalytical calorimetry. Vol. 4. Edited by Roger Stephen Porter £ Julian Frank Johnson. 251 p. Based in part on papers presented before the -Division of 4nalytical Chemistry at the Fourth Symposium on 4nalytical chemistry, held at the 172nd national meeting of the American chemical Society, Aug. 29-Sep. 3, 1976. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any portion of this work written by a O.S. Govt, employee as part of his official duties. 8 Plenum Press, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation; 2Mar77; A887437.

A887438. Plasma physics: nonlinear theory and experiments. Edited by Hans wilhelmsson. 513 p. Proceedings of the Thirty-sixth Nobel Symposium on Nonlinear Effects in Plasmas, held at Aspenasgarden, Lerum, Sweden, June 11-17, 1976. 8 Plenum Press, a division of Plenum Publishing Cor- poration; 4Feb77; 4887438.

4887439. Cocaine and other stimulants. Edited by Everett H. Ellinwood, Jr. £ M. Marlyne Kilbey. 721 p. (4dvances in behavioral biology, vol- 21) Proceedings of a Conference on Contemporary Issues in Stimulant Research, held at Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, Nov. 10-12, 1975. 4ppl. states copyright not claimed in any portion of this work written by a O.S. Govt, employee as part of his official duties- O Plenum Press, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation; 10Jan77; 4887439.

4887440. Management in Japan and India with reference to the Onited states. By William 4. Long £ K. K. Seo. 293 p.

8 Praeger Publishers; 304ug77; A887440.


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