Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/428

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A887564 - A887605
JUL-DEC. 1977

i88756a. Awake in the dark; an antholoqy of American filD criticism, 1915 to the present. Edited by David Denby. 395 p. @ on introd. « compilation & editing; David Denby; 911aT77; A88756'4.

A887565. The Crowned cannibals; uritinqs on repression in Iran- By fieza fiarafaeni, with an introd. by E. L. Doctorow. 279 p. Portions prev. pub. in Intercontinental press & others. @ on introd.; E. L. Doctorow; 23Bay77; A887565.

4887566. Instructor's manual for Social psychology. By James H. Vander Zanden. 125 p. e fiandom Rouse, Inc.; 2111ar77; A887566.

A887567. Design for a limited planet: living with natural energy. By Norma Skurka £ Jon Maar, photos, by Jon Haar, foreword by Jacques-yves Cousteau. 215 p. 3 on all new text & photos. ; Norma Skurka 6 Jon Naar; 12Jan77 (in notice: 1976); AB87567.

A887568. In-car instruction: methods and content; a manual for teachers of driver & traffic safety education. By iilliam G. Anderson. 2nd ed. 353 p. Appl. states all new except prev. pub. material. © Addison- Uesley Publishing Company, Inc.; 5Apr77; A887568.

A887569. Economics; an introduction to the world around you; alternate ed., student tutor. By Dennis J. ffeidenaar & Emanuel T. Seller. 1 v. NB: additional text 6 editorial revisions, © Addison- Hesley Publishing Company, Inc. ; 6Jul77; A887569.

A887570. Contact: situational supervision for banks. By John Hells. 1 v. Q Addison- Hesley Publishing Company, Inc.; 15Jul77; A887570.

A887571. Study aids for introductory materials courses. By Lawrence H. Van Vlack & C. John Osborn. 211 p. 6 Addison-Besley Publishing Company, Inc. ; 13Jun77; A887571.

A887572. Contact: situational supervision for business. By John Hells. 1 v. @ Addison*Hesley Publishing Company, Inc. ; 15JU177: A887572.

A887573. Basic education: reading; instructor's manual. Book 1. By B. Lee Benney. 12 p. Add. ti: BEB: Basic education: reading. NH: revisions. C B. Lee Henney; 13aay77; A887573.

A887574. Basic education: reading. Book 1. By B. Lee Benney. 127 p. Add. ti: BEB: Basic education: reading. NH: revisions. e B. Lee Henney: 131lay77; A88757II.

4887575. Bosefsky's Guide to financial security for the mature family. By Robert Bosefsky. 301 p. Speaking Dollar-Hise, Inc.; 1Apr77: A887575.

A887576. Finding work. Developed by HcVey and Associates, Inc. 64 p. (Follett coping skills series) O Follett Publishing Company (in notice: Follett Publishing Company, a division of Follett Corpo- ration) : 12flay77; A887576.

A887577. Budgeting. Developed by McVey and Associates, Inc. 63 p. (Follett coping skills series) @ Follett Publishing Company (in notice: Follett Publishing Company, a division of Follett Corpo- ration) ; 12Say77; A887577.

A887578. Solutions manual for Statistical analysis for decision making, second edition. By Norris Hamburg. 124 p. NH: revisions. O Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 25Apr77; A887578.

A887579. New ideas for decorating bedrooms and living rooms. No. 3. Editorial director: Carol Judith Plaine 6 other editors, art director: Barbara Costello. 112 p. Appl. au: Pyramid Publications, a subsidiary of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. © Pyramid Publications; 19Jul77; A887579.

A887580. Study guide to accompany flodern college accounting. By Vernon F. Linnans. 154 p. 3 Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 9Jun77; A887580.

A887581. The Best of hairdo ideas, 1977. Editorial director: Carol Judith Plaine, editor; Lauranne Gray, art director: Barbara Costello. 80 p. Appl. au: Pyramid Publications, a subsidiary of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. 6 Pyramid Publications; 10(lay77; A887581.

A887582. Study guide to accompany Thomas c. Emmel's Rorlds within worlds: an introduction to biology. By Harjorie Goldstein &'Hadeline Liff Simon. 296 p«  Add. ti: Study guide to accompany Emmel^s Horlds within worlds. Q Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 13Hay77; A887582.

A887583. SBC-310 high-speed mathematics unit hardware reference manual. 1 v. © Intel Corporation; 12Aug77; A887583.

A887584. HCS-4B and UPI-41 assembly language manual. 1 v. NM: OPI-41 language instructions & references. @ Intel Corporation; 29Jul77; A887584.

A887585. Joy rock drilling systems- 1 v. © Joy Manufacturing Company; 16Aug77; A887585.

A887586. Flexible hose and metal piping — the best of both. 1 p- © Joy Hanufacturing Company; 3Aug77; A887586.

A887587. fiemote cooler. 1 p. © Joy Manufac- turing Company; 3Aug77; A887587.

A8e7588. Heather hood versus shed roof. Shed roof. 1 p. © Joy Manufacturing Company; 3Aug77; 4887588.

i887589. "Apple-to-apple" price comparison: 40 thru 150 horse power Twistair. 1 p. © Joy Manufacturing Company; 3Aug77; A887589.

A887590. High ball tunnel project holes through on schedule. Folder. (Product infor- mation report, BEF 855030, June 1977) Joy Manufacturing Company; 2Aug77; A8a7590.

A887591. How to read an ECG: basic interpretation for nurses and other health workers. By Margaret G. Blowers G Boberta J. Smith. 51 p. NM: revisions 6 additions. © Litton Industries, Inc.; 8Aug77; A887591.

A887592. Bed book executive price service. 6 p. Appl. au: Medical Economics Company. NM: additional text, revisions & compilation. © Litton Industries, Inc.; 19Aug77; A887592.

i887593. Bed book executive price service. 6 p. Appl. au: Medical Economics Company. NM: additional text, revisions & compilation. e Litton Industries, Inc.; 28Jul77; A887593.

A887 594. NCB IMOS Cobol accelerated course student workbook. 86 p. © NCB Cor- poration; 3Aug77; A887594.

A887595. HCB Century Cobol 68 NCB IMOS Cobol language comparison. 61 p. © NCB Corporation; 3Aug77; A887595.

A887S96. NCS Century 8200 NCB IMOS Cobol language comparison. 45 p. © NCB Corporation; 3Aug77; A887596-

A887597- Cobol 74 student workbook- 2nd ed. 130 p. Prev. reg. no. 720769, 27Feb76. © NCB Corporation; 3Aug77; A887597.

A887598. NCR Cobol 74 programming self- instruction course. Course no. 484102. Vol. 1-4, monitor guide & handbook. 6 v. © NCR Corporation; 17Aug77; A887598.

A887599. Grants Pass, Bogue Biver, followed by listings for Murphy, Provolt, OH. 1977/78. O Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company; 12Jul77; A887599.

A887600. Portland, OR, street address telephone directory, August 1977. 3 Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company; 27JU177: A887600.

A887601. A Long way to go. By Barry Mann & Cynthia Heil. On record sleeve for album entitled Emotions: Bejoice. (Hith Best of my love £ others) Prev. reg. 4Mar71, E0237131. © Screen Gems-EMI Music, Inc.; 10Jun77; A887601.

A837602. Seven come. w £ m by Hoyt Axton. On record sleeve for album entitled Hoyt Axton. (Uith you're the hangnail in my life (and I can't bite you off) & others) Prev. reg. 16Dec68, EU90194. © Screen Gems-EMI Music, Inc.; 4Apr77; A887602.

A887603. Dun and Bradstreet reference book, September 1977. Vol. 529, area 1, sections 1-4. 4 v. © Dun and Bradstreet, Inc.; 17Aug77; A887603.

A8876a4. Hhat to do until the lawyer comes: an invitation to law. By Stephan Landsman, Donald McHherter E Alan Pfeffer. 222 p. © stephan Landsman, Donald McHherter £ Alan Pfeffer; 19Aug77; A887604.

A887605. Mirror mirror: images of women reflected in popular culture. By Kathryn Heibel. 256 p. 3 Kathryn P. Heibel; 19Aug77;



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