Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/447

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JUL-DEC. 1977

S888357 (con.) L. Enlov e Elaioe EdIoh. US p. S Harold L. S Elaine EnlOB; 19Auq77; A888357.

A38e3S8. Chicaqoland confidential survey of industrial iiaqe rates, July 1977. 20 p. Appl. au: C. David Burns & Gardiner Uhiton Powell. e The Eaployers' Association of Greater Chicaqo; 224uq77: i868358.

A888359. Punch and press toolinq. Soper ihitney catalog T. 67 p. C aoper Hhitney, Inc. ; 25Auq77: A888359.

A888360. The New netallurqy — challenqe and opportunity. By Robert aarinqer. 20 p. (Battelle technical inputs to planninq, report no. 1) Appl. au: Battelle Hemorial Institute. Battelle Henorial Institute; 22Auq77: A888360.

A888361. Spatial perspectives on school deseqreqation and businq. Resource papers for colleqe qeoqraphy no. 77-3. By J. Dennis Lord. 36 p. Associa'tion of American Geographers; 29JU177; A888361.

A888362. Landscape in literature. Resource papers for colleqe qeoqraphy no. 76-3. By Christopher L. Salter e Rillian J. Lloyd. 32 p. 6 Association of Afflericas Geoqraphers; 23Auq77: A888362.

A888363. Central Hardware's Pun in the sun suaoier sale; sale prices qood thru June 30th. 12 p. NH: additions & revisions. Q Central Hardware Company (in notice: Central Hardware): 21Jun77; A888363.

A88836i(. Central Hardware's Spectacular summer sale. 12 p. NM: additions 6 revisions. Central Hardware Company (in notice: Central Hardware) ; 19Jul77; A88836U.

A888365. Spinninq and weavinq with wool. By Paula Simmons. 221 p. Paula Simmons; 20JU177; A888365.

A88836e. Proqramoed learninq aid for Introductory socioloqy. By Paul B. Horton 6 Robert L. Horton, coordinatinq editor: Roger H. Hermanson. 138 p. Add. ti: Self review in Introductory socioloqy. Nfl: revisions C updatlnq. d Learninq Systems Company; 30Jun77: A888366.

A888367. Franic E. Fitzsimmons House concept and proqram manual; a comprehensive method for the treatment and prevention of drug abuse. 26 p. Appl. au: Robert B. Ensworth. O Fitzsimmons House Enter- prises. Inc.; 8Auq77; A888367.

AeB8368. Enerqy control center desiqn. 83 p. (IEEE tutorial course, 77 TOOO 10-9-PBR) Presented at the IEEE Power Engineering Society 1977 summer meeting. July 17-22, 1977, Mexico City, Melico. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.; 17Jul77; A888368.

AB88 369. Proceedinqs of the International Symposium on Computer Aided Seismic Analysis and Discrimination, June 9-10, 1977, Falmouth, Hassachusetts. 122 p. O Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.; 9Jun77; A8e8369.

A888370. Computers. Editor: H. H. Hamza. 2«il p. Symposium held Nov. 8-11, 1976, Toronto, Canada. Appl. au: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Enqineers, Inc. d The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. ; '4Apr77; A888370.

A888371. IEEE Power Engineering Society- -discussions and closures of abstracted papers from the winter meeting. Add. ti: IEEE 1976 PES winter meeting discussions and closures. O The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Enqineers, Inc.; 16Dec76; A888371.

A888372. Bord wonderings. Set 1: Gospel of Saint John. By Sister Rita Eraser, CSJ. 50 cards. © Sister Rita Francis Praser, C.S.J. ; 2l<4uq77; A888372.

A888373. Word wonderings. Set 3; Gospel of Saint Luke. By Sister Rita Fraser, C.S.J. 50 cards. O Sister Rita Francis Fraser, C.S.J. ; 2tAug77; A888373.

A88837a. A Fine Icettle o£ fish. By Vern Hacker. 64 p. Appl. au: State of Uisconsin, Department of Natural Resources. State of Uisconsin, Department of Natural Resources; 25Auq77; A8883711.

A888375. Smith-Corona owner's handbook, manual typewriters. 38 p. Add. ti: Owner's handbook for manual typewriters; Manuel de I'utilisateur machines a ecrire aanuelles; Bedienungsanweisunq fuer Schreibaaschinen; Manual para el propietario maquinas de escribir manuales. English, French, German £ Spanish. NH: editorial revisions of p. 9-11. O SCH corporation; 22Aag77; A888375.

A888376. Blessinq of a house. 12 p. Appl. au; Fenton J. Fitzpatrick. e Fenton J. Fitzpatrick; 25Aug77; A88a376.

A888377. The Stak-Marc project kits handbook. By Richard O. John. 12S p. Richard 0. John; 1Jun77; A888377.

A888378. Let's meet nature halfway. Editor: Virginia Gilbert. 96 p. Appl. au: Pioneer Girls, Inc. Q Pioneer Girls, Inc.; 19Auq77; A888378.

A888379. Let's plan a special event! Editor: Barbara Hendrickson, artists: Ethel Field £ Lori narshall, photographer: Judith Bryson. 96 p. Appl. au: Pioneer Girls, Inc. Pioneer Girls, Inc.; 19Aug77; A888379.

A888380. Create a craft. Editor: Roberta Clark. 96 p. Appl. au: Pioneer Girls, Inc. Pioneer Girls, Inc.; 19»ug77; A888380.

A888381. Code of ordinances, city of Smyrna, Georgia; adopted flay 7, 1977, effective July 7, 1977. 2302 p. O Municipal code Corporation; 25Jul77; A888381.

A888382. Growing herbs and plants for dyeing. By Betty E. H. Jacobs, illus. by Kathleen Gough. 126 p. 6 Betty £. M. Jacobs; 18Aug77; A888382.

A888383. Wonderful me! guide for teens (guys and gals) By Verna Swan Johnson, edited by

A88e38it. The Barrington book of treasured recipes. 285 p. Nfl: additions. O Barrington Uoman's Club; 1Jud77: A888381.

A888385. years plowed under. By Leo F. Voqel. 167 p. O Leo F. Vogel; 26Aug77; A8e838 5.

Ae88386. Unive^-sity of North Dakota pottery: the Cable years. By Margaret Libby Barr, Donald Miller £ Robert Barr. 51 p. d Margaret Libby Barr, Donald Miller & Robert Barr; 15iuq77: A888386.

A888387. Pharmaceutical and cosmetic chemicals. 21 p. PVO International, Inc.; 9May77i A888 387.

A888388. 1860 U.S. Census of Menard County, Illinois. Transcribed 8 indexed by Helen Bell De Perez Galvez. 1 v. O Helen Bell De Perez Galvez; 25Aug77; A888388.

A888389. Ohio — its development and its deve- lopers. By Koder M. Collison. 83 p. Koder M. Collison; 22AU977i A888389.

A888390. Guy guide to Los Angeles, 1978. Folder. Appl. au: Theodore Lewis Guyton. O Tad Enterprises; 2Aug77; A88839a.

A888391. Phenylalanine protein and calorie content of selected foods. Edited by Melanie H. Bunt. 39 p. Appl. au: The Children's Hospital Research Foundation. NM: additions. The Children's Hospital Research Foundation; 30Jun77; A88839 1.

A888392. Acupuncture: myth or medical treatment? By Theodore Berland. 28 p. e Public Affairs Committee, Inc.; 29Jul77; A888392.

A888393. Sex education: the parent's role. By Sol Gordon e Irving R. Oickman. 28 p. Public Affairs Committee, Inc.; 31JU177; 4888393.

A88839'4. Climbing chronicle. 1 v. Appl. au: Keith Drieberg. O Keith Drieberg; 16Aug77; A888391I.

4888395. Oz and the three witches. By Hugh Pendexter 3rd, illustrated by Patricia Ambrose. 36 p. Founded on & continuing the OZ stories by L. Frank Baum. O Hugh Pendexter 3rd; 23Aug77; A888395.

4888396. The Hater watcher's guidebook: tips on how to get by with less. 1 v. 4ppl. au: c. Robert Anderson d.b. a. Pacific Coast Publishing e E. Allen Hopkins d.b. a. Pacific coast Publishing. NM: revisions 6 additions. O Pacific Coast Publishing; 19Aug77; A888396.

A888397. Uordmaze: a new word puzzle game. 4 p. Appl. au: Nilliam Finegold. O Uilliam Pinegold; 25Aug77; 4888397.

4888398. In the winds rain. By Daniel Comfort. 42 p. e Daniel Comfort; 25May77;



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